VS 2010 How To Detect Data Being Uploaded

Sep 21, 2011

how to detect data being uploaded ?

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Does Data In Sql Database Will Automatically Get Uploaded

May 10, 2012

if i modify a dataset's datatable, does the data in the sql database will automatically get updated?

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VS 2010 - How To Detect Field Level Data Change

Sep 26, 2011

I have a question about event handling. Is it possible to detect field level data change in vb.net? i don't want my codes to be dependent on the the bound control's event to detect the change on the field value. I'm thinking there must be a better way (coming from a Delphi background). For example: a change on the Qty field will automatically trigger the event to compute the invoice detail Amount - (pseudo-case sample: Amount = Qty * UnitPrice).
In Delphi, every field is treated as an object with its own properties and events. So it's very easy to associate an event with it.

procedure TfrmInvoice.qryInvDetQtyChange(Sender: TField);
qryInvDetAmount.value := qryInvDetQty.AsInteger * qryInvDetUnitPrice.AsCurrency;
How can I achieve the same using vb.net?

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Asp.net - How To Rename Uploaded File

Feb 26, 2012

I made a form in ASP.NET with VB background code.my problem is I want to make that the file which is been uploaded to by the form to change to "Resemey.doc" instead for example "012 MaraCSD.doc"did a bit of research and found out I need to add some code to my vb code.but couldn't find what, and where to put it.

this is my code:

'Add the namespace for the email-related classes
Imports System.Net.Mail
Partial Class SendAttachment


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How To Check Whether Uploaded File Is XML

Jun 30, 2011

I need a snippet to check file for validity (I'm allowing users to upload xml files). So I need to check whether uploaded file is XML. The best I can think of is just check if extension is ".xml". What if its replaced?

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Large Files Are Not Uploaded

Dec 20, 2011

If you were to upload a project to any site but are concerned about the large file size, what are the only files you need to zip up for your project to work for either VB 2008 or VB 2010? So far I know you don't need the exe's, the pdbs, and xml files.

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Asp.net - Zero Size Files Uploaded With FTP FileUpload?

Oct 12, 2011

I've been reading gobs of articles on FTP upload in ASP.NET recently and they all seem to make sense, but every time I've tried implementing them I either get an empty file uploaded, or no file at all. Here are some of the articles I've been reading:Managing FTP Transfers from an ASP.NET Web Page By John Peterson FileUpload Control Doesn't Give Full Path...How to: Upload Files with the FileUpload Web Server Control I know exactly what the problem is but I don't know how to fix it. I can pass the file name from the FileUpload control, but the path does not exist for security concerns. However, the StreamReader object requires the fully qualified path of the file to be uploaded, so how the heck do I get that? I'm at my wits end!Let's use the example by John Peterson that I linked above. Here's the code:

Protected Sub btnUploadFile_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim myFtpWebRequest As FtpWebRequest
Dim myFtpWebResponse As FtpWebResponse


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C# - Examine The File Content Being Uploaded?

Sep 6, 2010

I'd like to get both C# and VB.NET sugestion.

I have an ASP.NET FileUpload control, which allows only image type. I used RegularExpressionValidator like below.

<asp:FileUpload ID="fuPhoto" runat="server" TabIndex="40" />
&nbsp;<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator3"
runat="server" ControlToValidate="fuPhoto" Display="Dynamic"


This method will only verify the file's extension, not its actual type. Once I receive the file, I want to examine its contents to determine what it really is, in this case image only.

How do I examine the file content being uploaded?

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Create A Frame After An Image Is Uploaded?

Jun 11, 2010

i would like to create a fixed size frame for user photos uploaded.
I've tought: i, can create a fixed sized image (200 width x 600 height for example), with my personal frame (top, left, bottom, right element graphics) , and in the center a transparency.

Ok, but i don't know how to merge the photo into the frame and save the new photo format.

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Get Accurate Amount Uploaded With TCPClient

Jan 3, 2011

I'm using the code below to send large strings (500kB) to a server. I'd like to show the upload speed and in order to do that, I need to calculate the amount uploaded every second.

In a Timer that fires every second I get the BytesUploaded, divide it by 1024 in order to get KiloBytes (kB/s) and show it to the user. Then I set BytesUploaded to 0 and one second later do the same process.

The uploading is done asynchronously and the size of the data is added to BytesUploaded at once. This means that BytesUploaded is not being updated in a constant flow and has a totally different value almost every second.



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Insert Uploaded Images Into A Database?

Feb 11, 2011

I want to insert uploaded image in root directory images folder and its path to image column in database.

I am using the following code. It inserts the path to images in the database column, but not the filename[code]...

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Retrieve Image Uploaded From Page?

Jul 29, 2010

I've got an ASP.NET upload form on one page, where the user can upload an image.[code]...

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Save Uploaded Images To The Database?

Aug 9, 2011

how to store the uploaded images to the database using VB 2005?

Attached image(s)

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Zip (Compress) A Folder That Contains Uploaded Documents (VB ASP.NET 3.5)?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a web application using VB ASP.NET 3.5 that along with many things allows users to upload documents into a directory on the web server. I would like to know how I can zip a folder on a webserver and download it to the client machine via a submit button.Currently, I have the files displayed as URLs so that the users can right-click and "Save Target As." But I think just having everything zipped in one file would make it alot easier for the users.

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Detect New Data In Database?

May 17, 2012

I'm developing a VB.NET application that is going to be checking if a table has been changed and if it has get the data and send it off to another application.

I was looking into ways for an application to know that there has been new data added to the database (Insert/update) or removed from the database (delete). There are only two methods that I found the first is querying the database constantly but this isn't very scalable and would probably take down our sever. The second approach is via a Query Notification but it seems that this is only do able with SQL Server 2005 and we use DB2 here.

My question is what is an efficient scalable method of checking for new data in a database that can be implemented using a DB2 database and VB.NET?

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Asp.net - Can't Handle An Uploaded File Exceeding Maxrequestlength

Mar 21, 2012

I'm trying to get a specific error message posted when a user tries to upload a file that exceeds the maxrequestlength of 10MB for my asp:fileupload object. However, adding the onError attribute to my fileupload object, the user does not get the error I want displayed; the page just crashes. Setting customerrors mode to on and setting up a redirect page doesn't work either; the page still crashes. How am I supposed to get the page to display a specific error without crashing?

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Cannot Reach File That Was Uploaded To A Remote Location

Sep 30, 2011

I am developing an application that will do 2 things:

- connect to a webservice

- Upload/download files through WebDAV.

Seems to work fine, but I am having an issue with debugging. Since WebDAV is installed on the server, i have to publish the webservices there aswell, as the webservice is going to access the file locally (serverside) after upload to the server. This makes it impossible for me to debug the webservices. When i switch to the local services for debug, they cannot reach the file that was uploaded to a remote location (the server). Is it possible to install a local WebDAV server, even if i do not have IIS set up? Just for testing purposes?

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Clear The Memory After Each Servers File Is Uploaded To The FTP?

Mar 26, 2010

I am writing a code that downloads alot of information from different servers. Puts the information in an excel spreadsheet, saves the sheet, and uploads it to an FTP page for each server. The code is running into an OutOfMemoryException. Is there a way to clear the memory after each servers file is uploaded to the FTP?Or is there another way to fix the problem with out adding memory to the server the code is running on?

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Control Size Of Picture Uploaded By User?

Aug 1, 2009

Normally when user upload a picture, how do u control the size of the picture uploaded by the user?

is there a way to change the size picture (scale the image according my size 300 x 150). Let say an user upload an image with (500 x 300), using picturebox, can i scale the image (500 x 300) to my picturebox size so that it can looks perfectly nice?

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How To Retrieve Full Path Of File Uploaded

Aug 24, 2009

I am having the problem of retrieving the fullpath of the file uploaded in the file upload option is there any syntax for the retrieval..

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Send Email Once File Been Uploaded / Downloaded?

Jun 11, 2011

I have recently programmed a site that enables a user to upload and download files to and from an FTP site.

I now wish to take it further by having an email sent out to a specific email account (Outlook 2010) confirming that a file has been uploaded or downloaded along with the file name.[code]...

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Data Repeater - Detect When The Tab Key Is Pressed?

Aug 10, 2010

Is there a way to detect when the Tab key is pressed?

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Detect That Data Has Changed On Database?

Oct 28, 2010

'm developing multi user systems where for example I could have a form with a list of users on it. If a user on another system adds a user then I would ideally like for the new user to show up on my list reasonably soon. While that could be done by getting refreshing the list every couple of seconds I would prefer to be able to identify that a change has happened and then be able to decide what to do from there (whether that be actually refresh the list or inform the user that a change has happened and ask them what to do).

The only way that I can think of doing this is to store the information that was originally retrieved and then every x number of seconds requery the database and then compare the two sets of data, if there are differences then raise an event.

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VS 2010 - How To Detect Installed OS

Aug 26, 2011

I have created an app using Visual Studio 2010. This app wont work with Win XP or earlier. So how to detect the installed OS?

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VS 2010 Detect Mouse Down From UC?

Dec 12, 2011

I want to detect if the mouse is down on the non-client area of a usercontrols parentform, from the usercontrol.

My first thought is to subclass, But how does a usercontrol get its parentforms window messages?

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C# - Show Preview Of Image Being Uploaded Before Actually Sending It To Server

Jan 11, 2012

I have a FileUpload control in my aspx page and I want to display the image selected before postback so that user confirms the image to upload.

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Cutting And Adjusting A Picture Size When It Is Uploaded Through Picturebox?

Jun 17, 2009

Does anyone has a sample code or idea for cutting and adjusting a picture size when it is uploaded thru picturebox?

For example..

1. Picturebox size on winform = 150*150

2. A picture size = 1024 *800

3. I want to be able to cut 150*150 out of 1024 *800 and upload it. I wish the cutting and adjusting size is possible thru winform.

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Get The Updater To Check A Text File Uploaded Onto Server?

Jun 2, 2010

Having no real experience with updater-style applications, basically I want a secondary EXE to be bundled with my application which will update the program file. Its a one file application - so its a simple process. Its just for the PC's inside the business.Currently, I think it will be easiest to get the updater to check a text file uploaded onto our server, and determine whether the running version number is above or below that. The new application will then be downloaded from a simple http link.

-I have an interface designed, so that will be attached to my request.

-Is it possible for the updater to update itself? How could I request that?

-Is there any way I can ask that the link which the updated file will be downloaded from is definitely hidden from the user?

-Will the developer incorporate error handling for if the program is running when the updater runs? How do I ask for that?

Is there a better way for the updating process to run? What other things should I ask the developer to include?

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Uploaded HTML Modified Document To Website's Files

May 15, 2011

So, in this program I added 2 necessary login codes let's say, first a code that I will provide and then the username and password from my website. I implemented both ways, the first one worked perfectly, however, the second one is giving me some problems, my idea for that control was not using a database of users, that was going to be too complicated for a 14 year old guy, so I decided to take the source code for my website and I took a fragment, the boxes for the login, username, password, forgot your password, remember me and some other boxes, great, that worked perfectly, I uploaded the HTML modified document to my website's files and linked it to the URL of the webbrowser control in one new form, good, it's working, but I wanted a simple condition that works for this function "When the webbrowser loads the success website, hide me and show the past login form, when this one shows the failed login, popup a messagebox that says the error.". I have been looking for that simple condition for a long time. I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition.

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VS 2008 Upload File With Bytes Uploaded And Multithreading?

May 10, 2011

Dim length As Integer
Dim intOffset As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _


What I'm trying to do is get the bytes already uploaded. I cannot seem to do this.Another problem: When uploading, the form will not move or change Label1.text. When pbUpload.value == 100, THEN it changes to a different number than label3.text.

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