VS 2010 Insert And Run Exe File In GUI .net?

Apr 5, 2012

I want to run a exe file in GUI VB.Net. I have some game files(.exe) such as Mastermind,Memory game and tying master which need to run in a new GUI form from VB.Net.My question is how these files run in a new form without pop up a new window. I mean the files run as built-in window. It is the same as picture box showing pictures. Additionally, how can I make the program transfer data between exe files and the form since I need to input data the form and pass it to exe files(input name, level, point..)

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VS 2010 Insert The Code From The (.bat) File?

Jul 28, 2010

I want to ask how to make 1 button when they click on it to load the file "start.bat" or how to insert the code from the (.bat) file

ucp.exe + save

Couse i want to make Launcher for the game but the game cannot be run from ucp.exe, couse the game is old version so i need to make it thoud this code from .bat file. And if the file is missing "ucp.exe" to show error that is missing And if the file is missing "start.bat" to show error that is missing (if only that it cannot include the code from the bad inside the program)

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VS 2010 - Insert A Couple Of Fields Into A Csv Config File And Then Update All Other Rows

Dec 19, 2011

I'm trying to insert a couple of fields into a csv config file and then update all other rows in the file at the same index by copying the previous 2 entries. I'm reading through each row and converting the row into a list(of String) because it seems to be the most flexible way. Ine initial insert works fine, but the code below doesn't. The actual insert code is:


pcIndex is the list index value from elsewhere in the code at the insertion of the 1st of a pair of values into one row. I need to update that index point and pcIndex +1 in all other rows. However it's not doing anything. Tried using lstSteps.Insert, InsertRange, etc. Am I using this right? Is there a better way? It seems to be over-writing the entry rather than inserting a new column and moving the others up, so it appears the list capacity value isn't updating - so I'm left with the initial row with 4 more entries than the others sticking out of the file.

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VS 2010 : Insert The Value From Textfile?

Jun 29, 2011

I dont know what insert statement and otner codes will i put.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Configuration


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VS 2010 How To Insert An SQL Statement

Jan 3, 2012

How could i put an SQL statement in vb.net like the SQL injection is this possible??Im trying my system if someone can use the SQL injection in vb.net im using parameters and the other has no paramters if it is possible for them 2 insert the sql injection. . . .this is our project in our Major subj. and this is one of the req. how 2 prevent the adversary to delete the data. . . .my problem is i dont know how 2 try the SQL injection inserting it in my system but it doesnt work

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Asp.net - Insert Data In MSAcess 2010?

Aug 13, 2010

I need to insert the data into an MS Access database of (2010) with Asp.net (VS 2005) check the code below. When I run the code I get an Error on ExecuteNonQuery.

Operation must use an updateable query

Public Function InsertScheme(ByVal pScheme As Scheme) As Boolean
Dim a As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:AAAAA.accdb;" & _


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VS 2010 - How To Insert New Row Into SQL Server Table

May 8, 2012

I'm trying to insert a row into a SQL Server table.

Using this...
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable (firstname, lastname) VALUES (@firstname, @lastname)"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstname", "bob")
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastname", "jones")

I get an error saying:
ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Must declare the scalar variable "@firstname".

But if I use this...
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable (firstname, lastname) VALUES (?, ?)"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstname", "bob")
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastname", "jones")
...it works fine. What do I need to do to make the first example work? I don't understand what the error message is telling me. How do I declare a "scalar variable"?

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VS 2010 Bulk Insert In Database?

Aug 26, 2011

Am using Sql server 2008,

i have three columns in a table.. i need to insert 50 lak records.. do i want to run loop like below or any other way..

for i as integer = 1 to 500000
'insert query

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VS 2010 How To Insert Flash Banner From URL

Oct 15, 2010

I want to insert a flash banner in my software, that bannner come from a website so the application get this banner from an URL

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VS 2010 How To Insert Icon In Datagridview

May 12, 2012

how to insert icon in datagridview in first cell of any row, together with text.

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VS 2010 Insert INTO MySQL Table

Mar 27, 2012

I have a MySQL Table that I would like to insert stuff into using VB.NET.[code]

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VS 2010 Insert Text Where Pointer Is?

Nov 24, 2010

I would like when I click a button it inserts a string at the index where the mouse pointer is at that moment in the textbox.I now just used:TextBox3.Text.Insert(, "[NameIT]")but I don't know what to write before the ","... it should be the index where the pointer is at that moment, but how can I get this value?

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 Syntax Error In Insert Into

Mar 1, 2012

I have a program which runs with access database, I created a connection via code which I placed in a module. Now, I have this line of codes save a new record [code]But if I clicked the save button, I got an error, I used try catch and got the Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. I am sure that my database is properly connected. Hope someone helps me figure out what is wrong. By the way, I have a combo box and date & time picker, did I do it correct? I mean in my values code above, I used, cbSex.Text and dtpBday.Text. I found out that if I delete almost all those values and keep only student number, the data saves.

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VS 2010 Way To Insert Char Into String?

Feb 24, 2011

I have string that is equal to 112233. I need to insert "-" after every second char in string so i wrote the

Dim str1 As String = "112233"
Dim str2 As String = ""
Dim i As Integer


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Code To Insert A Row To A Table In Database In VB 2010?

Jun 5, 2011

code to insert a row to a table in database in visual basic 2010?

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Getting An Error When Try To Insert Data Into The Database In VS-2010?

Feb 24, 2011

Dim SQLconnect As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection()
Dim SQLcommand As SQLiteCommand
SQLconnect.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "Databasedb" & ";"
SQLconnect.Open() ' VS highlights this line


Is it because of the database extension ? I used sqlite Admin to create tables

Edit : I just tried it out in VS 2008, it works flawlessly. Why is it not working in VS 2010. Does it something have to do with app.config file ? or .net framework 4 ?This is what I added in the app.config file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">


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Insert A Booking And Viewing In A DataGridView 2010?

May 27, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010, I have Created A DataSet Called "GaryTPHDB. and from that, I have created A form Called "Booking Form" , And I have also created a "Daily Jobs Form" And on this DailyJobsForm there is a DataGridView1, and at the begining of the row I have inserted a button called "View Job" and when I click this Button I want to View the whole job in the Booking Form so a user can edit the booking.

And at the end of the DataGridView1 Row, I Have inserted Another Button called "Allocate" There Is also a ComboBox. that a user can select a driver and when a driver is selected. I want the user to click the Allocate Button to update the dataset/Database with the selected driver. then remove the row from the DataGridView1. the DataGridView1 should be refreshed each time a row is remove.

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Insert A Formula Into An Excel 2010 Worksheet?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net) and Open XML SDK 2.0. How do you insert a formula into an Excel 2010 worksheet? When I do this I also wish to set the CellValue property of the cell to a DBNull or EmptyString to force Excel to recalculate the cell when the user opens the workbok.

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Insert Row To SQL Server Using Visual Studio 2010 And ASP.NET

Mar 2, 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2010 with ASP.NET, VB, and using SQL Server as my database

I am creating a website using ASP.NET and I have a mailing list database, I have a add to mailing list page that takes in certain fields (Name, e-mail, phone number) that are TextBox and a sumbit button. When the submit button is clicked how to do I take the current values of those text fields and add them to the database.

I have done it using the DetailedView which works at adding to the database but I also want to redirect to a different page after inserting.

how to take the values from the TextBox and insert them into the database, or how to I redirect to a different page after inserting a new row with DetailedView.

Here is my code with for the .aspx file, it has both the TextBox's and the detailed view

<p class=whiteMail>
First Name: <asp:TextBox ID="FirstName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <br />
Last Name: <asp:TextBox ID="LastName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <br />


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VS 2010 - Automated Insert SQL Query Parameterized?

Jul 13, 2011

I wrote this little function to allow me to pass an ArrayList of Strings and then based on the table passed to pre-build a SQLCommand like so
INSERT INTO table` (`column`,`column`) VALUES (`value1`,`value2`);

The function for this is here:
Public Function _SQLInsertBuilder(ByVal values As ArrayList, ByVal Table As String) As String
Dim commandString As String
Dim columns As ArrayList = GetTables(Table)
commandString = "INSERT INTO `" & Table & "` ("
For Each column As String In columns
[Code] .....

Now I know that much like mysql_real_escape_string() VB.NET has a Parameter ability to make querys safer. How could I parameterize the values during the build of the string.

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VS 2010 - Splitting String To Insert Into DGV Table?

Jun 17, 2012

I need to split a string into parts to insert into a table (Data Grid View).

The string is as follows
map: mp_shipment
num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate
--- ----- ---- -------------------------------- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
0 0 7 719f826a9a7ee795ed3c43********** Not Yourself^7 0 30793 25000

As you can see its for a game (Cod4) I am making a rcon tool. It is all going well apart from splitting the string. What I need is putting the (num, GUID, Name and address) for each person (I am showing only one) into a DGV.

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VS 2010 - Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement

Aug 3, 2011

rs = conn.Execute("INSERT INTO scrape (scrapeddata) VALUES ('" & regexholder &" ' ")
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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VS 2010 : Insert A <br> & </br> For A New Line Within A String Variable?

Nov 28, 2011

I am developing an app which allows a user to send emails.I am using a multiline text box for the user to capture data, but when I convert it to a string it does not pick up a new paragraph.How would I insert a <br> & </br> for a new line within a string variable?

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VS 2010 : Using Oracle INSERT Statement With TO_DATE?

Feb 25, 2011

In my code I have an Oracle command that contains an INSERT statement. Here's a snippet from my SQL:

"'," & "To_Date('" & Format$(dtDateTime_Stamp, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & _

The value of strDateTime_Stamp is #1/19/2011 9:42:22 AM# I'm getting an error ( "ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string") because I don't know how to correctly assign the AM/PM tag on the end -- you'll notice it just says "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" in my code. I've tried a bunch of different things but nothing works. I also find it odd that if I change the "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" to "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" (little m for month) it gives me a 42 for the month value, not a 1. The capital M's fix that but I'm curious to know why.how to I get it to show the AMPM on the end?

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VS 2010 Browse A Picture And Insert In Into Mysql?

Jan 28, 2012

What should i use when i want to add a picture in my form i want the user to browse a picture and save it into the database and after it inserted in the datbase the user will want to retrieve the picture or view its picture. I really nid elp and its one of of the requirmnts of the user anyone knows??.

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VS 2010 Insert Data To Access Database?

Jul 12, 2010

After i learned how to search in database i will try to update it with more data.I managed to succeed with one form, but with multiple forms i dont.

Public Class laggtill
Private OleDbInsertCommand1 As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
Private OleDbConnection1 As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection


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VS 2010 Insert Into ListBox Above Or Below Current Record?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a ListBox populated with records and an insert button that activates an InputBox which prompts for the record name. What I would like is instead of an OK or Cancel button, I'd like a Insert Above, Insert Below, or Cancel button. My current workaround is using a second InputBox so after receiving the record name, this box asks to place it above or below. It would be much easier for the user having a single InputBox that takes the record number and having the three options, above, below or cancel.

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VS 2010 Insert PictureBox1.Image Into Sql Server?

Apr 30, 2012

how could i insert PictureBox1.Image into sql server i built the database

table name is"prodect"
column is "pimg"

i tried this code

class1.cmd = #"insert into prodect #pimg# values #'" & PictureBox1.Image & "'#"#

but it is give me this error

Error2Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and 'System.Drawing.Image'.C:Usersprodocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsaccountingaccountingForm1.vb8823accounting

i deleted this & also i got error

Error3')' expected.C:Usersprodocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsaccountingaccountingForm1.vb8863accounting

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VS 2010 Insert Statement (DataGridView To Database)

Aug 2, 2011

How will I insert the output of my DataGridView to another table in the database? I have 4 Columns. The First and Second Columns are Check Boxes. The Third is The Stockholder Code. The Forth is The Stockholder Name. What I want to happen is, my selected records(The Stockholder Code, The Stockholder Name ) via check boxes will be inserted in my database.

Here's what I've done so far:

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
Dim cell As DataGridViewCheckBoxCell = CType(row.Cells("checkboxchild"), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)


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VS 2010 Read From Textbox And Insert A Query?

Oct 13, 2010

I am trying to read from textbox and insert a query But seems like it does not read from my textbox.


TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""


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