VS 2010 One Handler For An Array Of Labels

Apr 6, 2012

I have a 2 dimensional array of labels that are created at runtime and I do not know how many labels will be created before running the program. How do I make one handler to change the background color of the label clicked. I already have for each label when created:


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Event Handler For Dynamic Controls - Add An Click Event To Labels

Oct 20, 2009

Below I create an array of labels. I would like to add an click event to my labels. Can someone point me in a direction?


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Array Of Controls With A Unique Handler?

Jun 4, 2012

I am not sure, but I have understood that, if I want an array of controls with only a method that handles a particular event, I have to define a custom control and add the handler. Is it possible that it does not work with an array of normal controls?

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Control Array Event Handler?

Jun 21, 2010

I create a dynamic number of PictureBox controls. I keep them inside a List. What I want now is to make them clickable: same event handler for all (opening of the image source file) with a parameter. The question is: how can I do it in practice? How I set the handler Sub for every picbox?

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VS 2005 Event Handler Within Array?

Dec 23, 2009

I have created the following array to handle multiple textboxes and want to learn how to handle the keypress event for each box in this array without having to write the code in each seperate

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Creating An Array Of Labels

Jun 4, 2010

I need to create an Array of Labels. I am using A With Code block to set the properties of the Labels as well as the Data Binding. I want to set the LabelIndex inside this block as well. How do I go aboute this?

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Program An Array Of Labels?

Jan 27, 2011

Is there a better way to program an array of Labels ?

( L(90) has already been declared as type Object )[code]...

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Creating And Editing An Array Of Labels?

Nov 18, 2008

i am attempting to create and then update data in Labels using VB2005.I create the label when the form is loaded using this for loop

For j As Integer = 1 To count
Dim name As String
Dim m As String
ReDim L(count)


This creates the labels and text boxes in the form. Later in the program I would like to change the text within both the T1310() and T1550() text boxes and I am attempting to do so with the following code.

For j = 1 To count
status = OP930_SelectModule(j - 1)
status = OP930_SetWavelength(1310)


I get errors on the Blue lines. Everything compiles fine, but when the software goes through the loop I get the error "NullReferenceException was unhandled"

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Array Of Labels - Converting String Into Object

Apr 2, 2012

So, I'm creating an array of labels. I have labels set up as:

I've declared the array as such:
Dim labelArray(5) As Label

Now, instead of assigning the labels one by one to the array (labelArray(0) = label1, labelArray(1) = label2, etc...), I was hoping to use a loop (there will be more than 5 labels). I have something like this, which obviously doesn't quite work:
For i = 0 To labelArray(i) = "label" & i Next
Is there a function that I can use to convert the labelName string to an object, or have vb.net see that as an object instead of a string?

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Checking If Array Of Labels Is Created Before Creating It?

Jun 21, 2010

How can I check if an array of labels is created before creating it?

The If Created dos not seem to work with an Array.

Hendri Bissolati noviceprogrammer@vodamail.co.za

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Loop Through Labels To Output Text From Array

Nov 22, 2009

I'm trying to loop through Labels that are named Label1 through Label16 and output integers from Array into the Text property of the labels. I think everything works except I can't figure out how to assign MyLabel the value of the current Label # in the loop. [code]

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VS 2005 Display The Contents Of An Array In Two Labels?

Apr 21, 2010

I need a program that will display the contents of an array in two labels. I'v been having problems. Does anybody know how to debug my code?


' displays the first and last names in label controls
Dim names() As String = {{"Mary", "Jones"}, _
{"Susan", "Washington"}, _


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VS 2008 Declaring A Array Of Labels Programmatically?

Jul 4, 2009

Is there a way in which I could declare an array of labels in VB 2008?

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Forms :: Saving Labels In Array And Display In Textboxes

Nov 22, 2010

I have two labels in my form with two integer values I need to save these labels in an array and when I load the form again I need the saved data appear in two textboxes.

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Game Programming :: Putting Labels (on My Form) In An Array?

Jun 7, 2010

How do I put all my labels in my form in an array???

I have labels on my board game squares and I need them to be in an array.

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Label Array - 10 Labels - Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4

Jun 17, 2011

I have 10 labels (Label1, Label2, Label3, Label4, etc...) in an Array and I need to change the Text property with a timer, I have the timer working well, but I don't know how to change one Label at the time( this second the label1, the next second label2, the next second label3...etc)... I'm using VB.NET with the .NET 4.0 Framework in Visual Studio.

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App. To Create An Control Array At Runtime That Will Consist Of Up To 50 Data Bound Labels

Mar 13, 2010

I need my app. to Create an Control Array at runtime that will consist of up to 50 Data Bound Labels. The app. will first be checking the 1st database field (Ing1) to see if there is data, if so then only create the 1st Data Bound Label (lblIng1) and then check the next field and so on.

The problem is that VB 2008 dos not seem to support Control Arrays. There must be another way to work around this.

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VS 2005 : Put Existing Labels Into An Array (to Loop Through And Change .text Property)?

Jun 23, 2011

I am writing an app to be a single button failover of a set of mirrored SQL servers. The app has to handle several other functions (enable/disable and start/stop of services, writing to local registry, copying files from server A to server B, initiating stored procedures, etc.)I have a collection of labels that indicate the status of 4 services on 2 servers, I wrote a function to check the services when passed the machine name, and the service name. Originally I just called the function 8 times (4 services, 2 machines) and populated the labels 'manually'. I have all of this within a timer so that the service status is refreshed every couple seconds. Id like to clean up the code to a single for/next loop that operates on 2 arrays (an array of service names, and an array of labels) such as:

'**Fetch_Status is the function that gets service status, it accepts 2 strings, machine name
'**and service name and returns status "running", "Stopped", as my_status
Dim Services() As String = {"Service1", "Service2", "Service3", etc.}


The only reason I want the control array is to be able to use the .Text and .BackColor properties of the labels in the loop. If I make an array of strings with the label names it doesnt seem to pick that up.

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VS 2010 Down And Up Arrow Key Handler?

Sep 23, 2010

The form is a dialog, with KeyPreview = True and AcceptButton = (none)Handling Me.KeyDown, and Me.KeyPress do not trigger when I press either the Up, Down, or Enter buttons. Me.KeyUp will fire on up and down, but not enter.I put a breakpoint on the procedure declaration and the first line of the procedure (the Me.KeyPress and Me.KeyDown event handler procedures), and they never fire.

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VS 2010 Add Handler For Each Control In Panel?

May 9, 2012

I try to add handle for each control in my panel (panel includes)in a few words I have a panel with other panels inside, the latter in turn contain other panel, here is a screen to learn more:

I try doing this, but it is not the result I want to achieve ... If you look at the picture you will easily understand my problem:vb

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls' in this case Me is my Form1AddHandler ctrl.MouseHover, AddressOf ctrl_MouseOverAddHandler ctrl.MouseLeave, AddressOf ctrl_MouseLeaveNext

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VS 2010 Change Control Handler?

Aug 7, 2011

In a program I am making I have a custom user interface. I have dozens of different panels each containing various controls. When the form opens, a text file which contains the positions of each of these panels (and whether or not they are on the form) is loaded and the panels are placed appropriately

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VS 2010 Event Handler In VB Versus C#?

May 21, 2012

I've been fiddling with this for ages and can't get it right. If you have this in C#:

videoSource1.NewFrame +=new NewFrameEventHandler(videoSource1_NewFrame);
void videoSource1_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
// stuff to do in here

How would write it in VB? My head is spinning with AddHandler and AddressOf and I can't seem to get it right.

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VS 2010 Remove Event Handler?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a Timers.Timer called COMTimeout, to which I add an event handler using:

AddHandler COMTimeout.Elapsed, AddressOf TimeoutEvent
however, the handler may also be:
AddHandler COMTimeout.Elapsed, AddressOf SecondTimeoutEvent

I now need to remove the handler, is there a way to do it without knowing the name or do I need to keep track of which handler as been assigned?

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VS 2010 Add Handler To Toolstripmenuitems That Have No Dropdown Items?

Oct 25, 2009

I'm making a program that uses recursion to transform the nodes in a treeview to the items in a contextmenustrip. The nodes will have tags within them that when I add a handler to the menuitem, it will run through a script from the tag to tell the program what to do, the only problem is that I don't need a tag or an even handler for any of the menuitems that have dropdown items. How could I do this?

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VS 2010 KeyDown Handler, Lost Typing?

Feb 12, 2011

Got a new one...

Private Sub Form3_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
e.SuppressKeyPress = True 'makes it quit dinging when press enter


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VS 2010 Program Launcher With Error Handler

May 12, 2011

i made a .exe launcher, i was able to launch a program named minecraft using the process.start. But this certain program generates error usually, so what i tried to do was get the window title of the minecraft and categorize if its an error or the actual game.

This is what i did:


So this transfers the window title of the launched program to a textbox then the "if statement" compares it and if its the error, it kills the error and relaunch the program. This is already a working program but i want to make the launching faster, the problem is if i hasten the interval of timer 2, it sometimes kill the non, error program that successfully launched. If anyone can help me, Hide the error or remove it please do help me. Im not yet an expert on vb.net but i want to learn from the best.

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Instruct VB To Save These Values In The Text Property Of The Labels So That The Next Time The Program Is Loaded The Labels?

Oct 21, 2008

I created a program that has serval labels on a form and a listview object. It has a button that when clicked reads a textfile and loads up values in the listview object. I then can click and drag text from the listview box to any label on the form and then the program removes the value from the listview box. Now, my question is how can I instruct VB to save these values in the text property of the labels so that the next time the program is loaded the labels will contain the values loaded during the last run time session?

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Labels (SHOW/HIDE) Place The Labels Ontop Of Eachother

Jun 1, 2012

Well im currently developing an application for public use, I have a login screen in which the user enter's their registered credential's and the progressbar loads by increments of 3, now i placed 6 labels ontop of eachother and where the progressbar coding is i put:

If Progressbar.Value >= 1 Then
If Progressbar.Value >= 20 Then

And so on up until Label8 Show at 100%,

Now the problem is... As i have placed the labels ontop of eachother i need them hidden until they are called to show, i have tried adding a background worker to do this but have had no luck, all i see is the labels overlapping eachother when i run my application when i want them hidden untill Label3.Show() is called, and then to display them as they are called and hide them when another one is called to show...

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VS 2010 : Copy This Array To A Temp Array So That The Temp Array Has All The Same Values As The Original Custom Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an array of people stored in a custom structure array... how can i copy this array to a temp array so that the temp array has all the same values as the original custom array?

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VS 2010 : Event Handler For Dynamically Created Controls?

Sep 14, 2011

I have to create controls for inputting info to create people objects in the program, because I don't know how many people they are going to input, I have a button that they can press to add more fields.

I need to add a doubleclick event for these dynamic controls (text boxes), how can I create an event for them if they haven't been created yet. Also, as far as I know you cant make a variable part of an object name while declaring it. I need to do something like

Dim dynamicText & (Append variable counter each time a box is made)As New TextBox
dynamicText &variable counter. Name = "TimeTextBox"
dynamicText.Text = "SdgsdG"
dynamicText.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(100, 100)


Also is there a way to like copy and paste a group of controls via code instead of having to code each individual one like if I had to do a text box along with a combo box and a lable all at once, can I throw it into something so I only have to recreate the container?

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