VS 2010 : Overlap Two Images?

Mar 13, 2012

I need to overlap two images. When overlapped at the correct point, the overlapped portion of both images match exactly (or very closely).Now, I have tried to match the color of each pixel in the images, then move one image a bit and match them again until I get a high match rate, usually 95% or higher. The issue is, this is ridiculously slow. Also, I can't find a way to check the pixels if one I need to check a negative co-ordinate.

For y As Int32 = 0 To bmp2.Height Step 4
If y + StartPos.Y >= bmp1.Height Then Exit For
For x As Int32 = 0 To bmp2.Width Step 4
If x + StartPos.X >= bmp1.Width Then Exit For


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How To Overlap Two Images

Jul 7, 2010

I'm trying to overlap two images. I've got this part working, next I needed to make sure it wouldn't carry on overlapping one image. So I did this:

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
Dim ActualBrick1 As String = "admin_block.PNG"
If Minage.CurrentBlock.Contains("wire") Then
[Code] .....

There's the function. When the file name doesn't start with "wire" it says the correct file name. But if it has "wire" in the name it just makes a picture with the preset file ("admin_block.PNG"). Even if the block under it has been changed.

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VS 2010 :: Make An Application To Save Images [or Download Images] To Local Hard Disk

Aug 12, 2010

I was thinking to make an app to save images [or download images] to local hard disk. But to keep it easy, I want this app to create a small picturebox on form to show the thumbnail of downloaded image. Lets say a 5 pictureboxes has to be added with the thumbnails to show the recent downloads. A user can save the location where he wants to save the files on hard disk. A listbox or a dropdown menu will help in categorizing the images, like image1 in friends section, image2 in family section, image3 in others, etc... When the program restarts all the latest 5 thumbnails has to be loaded in pictureboxes and the directory that was chosen. Finally, a button that shows the downloaded images into original image file size one by one or a slide show. Is it possible to make such program?

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VS 2010 Use Images In The Resource Folder As Background Images?

Jan 20, 2011

can we use images in the resource folder as background images by setting the background image during run-time by coding?

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VS 2010 Set Of Images Of A Folder Names Images

Aug 4, 2010

I have a program that will get a hash of the image but the problem is that I have to do to manually.I have a set of images of a folder names images(C:/images/) and ill be choosing which of those images i want to upload to my database.So far I got my program to work with database and such, wat I need is, if its possible I but the folder path on OpenFileDialog and I was a image to show in Picturebox1, then if I press button1 it will go to next picture.

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VS 2010 Form With Images On Images?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm creating a form which is basically an image in a picture box that I use the graphics object to do drawstring's and drawimage's upon.I keep track of where I'm drawing these things so that I can click on them later and do various things (launch external apps - whatever).Is using a picturebox and the graphics object the best way to approach this.

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Application.doevents() Causing Some Sort Of Overlap?

Nov 9, 2009

I'm trying to automate the process of logging into twitterfeed.com, and filling in the information (the feed url and twitter username are pulled from textboxes). I had it mostly working the other day, even if it is a bit sloppy (the only way I could get one button to click is to send 50-some tabs). However, lately it seems to enter in a sort of loop. When I pause the program, Visual Studio indicates that it is the Application.DoEvents in the Private Sub "wait" that is still running even after it should be.

Public Class Form1
Private feed, username, temp As String
' Code stolen off of a website as an alternative to sleeping, or trying to do a timer + while combo like I had been doing


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IDE :: Debug & Release Builds Overlap In VS2010 SP1

Mar 16, 2011

It appears there is a major change in behavior with my projects now that I've installed SP1 for VS2010.


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VS 2008 Merge Strings And Remove Overlap

Jun 27, 2011

I have many strings in a two column text file. The first column is the start position, the second one is the string.


The second column contains 100 chars.Obviously these strings have overlapped, if a start position is given and the string length is given. How to merge them together? Ex, I want start point is 38781735, end point is 38781900. The string length is 38781900-38781735+1

View 7 Replies

Find Total Overlap Percent Of Multiple Rectangles ?

Jun 19, 2012

I've got a list of System.Drawing.RectangleF objects that all overlap the same RectangleF object.In my picture below, the 3 overlapping rectangles would be the pink, yellow, and red rectangles.My main rectangle in question is the light blue rectangle.

Second Image: I know that with RectangleF objects I can use the Intersect() method that will return me another RectangleF object representing the overlap. But as far as I can tell, this only really works when comparing two rectangles.

My question is: How could I determine the TOTAL area/percentage (i.e. the combined total overlap of the red, yellow, and pink rectangles when compared to the light blue rectangle - but it would need to be smart enough to not count the area in which the red and yellow overlaps twice, and same for the pink and yellow)?

NOTE: The green lines represent the area I'm looking for, just the total area of the blue rectangle that is not visible.

UPDATE: I've added a 2nd image to further demonstrate what I'm looking for. In the second image, the presence of the burgundy rectangle should have no affect on the total percent covered because that area is already covered by the yellow and green rectangles.

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Random Circle Size And Color , Without Overlap Or Intersect?

Jan 23, 2011

I write a code in vb.net 2005 as below :use a listbox and picturebox but the problem that circle is random.

Public Class tasfrms
Public color_circle As New Color
Public color_lines As New Color


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Class Hierarchy - Data Design In A RPG Game Where Classes Overlap?

Aug 19, 2010

This is a followup to the question I asked here:


I understand the answer in the post above, which is absolutely amazing, by the way. It's about implementing interfaces with a class. However, what if a class needs to share features with another class?Yes, that class can an Interface. However, let's use this sample definition.


Or, in other words:An equippable item can perform acts outside of its typical usage of a shield or weapon. But not all items can act as a sheid or weapon.I mean, I could create a class that implements IWeapon, IShield, IMagic, IUseableItem, etc. But there should be a better way than returning NULL when those interfaces are called.

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Checking For Date Overlap Across Multiple Date Range Objects?

Nov 7, 2011

I have several records in a database that have Start and End Dates

09/15/2011 - 09/30/2011
10/15/2011 - 10/22/2011
11/01/2011 - 11/15/2011

When user stores a record, I need to make sure dates don't overlap.My simple code checks date ranges within a specific record (e.g. user enters 9/16/2011 or 10/21/2011, I throw an exception.)But, on the slim chance a user gets creative (e.g. 10/14/2011 - 10/23/2011 or even 10/14/2011 to 11/16/2011), now they have circumvented my check.BTW, the user could enter 10/14/2011 to 10/23/2011 if they were editing the record that contained values 10/15/2011 - 10/22/2011.So, I'm trying to solve this riddle with a linq query. However, what I have isn't working exactly right.

UPDATE Nevermind about code not working. While trying to provide an example to expand on Miika's repsonse, I found my answer. So, giving credit to Miika for pointing me in the right direction and posting my working code below:

Here's my code:

Private Sub CheckForOverlap(myMonth As Messages.MyMonth)
Dim am As New MyMonth()
Dim amCollection As Messages.MyMonthCollection


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VS 2010 Add More Images To Imagelist?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a picture viewer with listbox,listview,picturebox. I used code snipets and modified them for about 3 weeks now. It works pretty good too i think. But when i add images as thumbnails to my imagelist from openfiledialog i can only add about 75 images any more and i will get a out of memory error. Or if I add say like 50 twice the second 50 added will have the right names but not the right image. My question is. Is there a way to load some images pause then load some more by code for about 250 images so that the loading could clean some memory? And or code where i could add aditional images to the imagelist? And i just cant stop trying to get this Picture viewer to work right.


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VS 2010 Combo Box Images?

Nov 29, 2009

I found this code :
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2010 - Datagridview - IMAGES ARE STORED AS A URL

Aug 7, 2011

I have a database (mysql) to which I connect, I have a column in the database (the images) that I view as a grid that is in the datagridview autoimplementa. BUT THE IMAGES ARE STORED AS A URL.

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VS 2010 - FTP Ripping Images Appart

Jan 6, 2011

I am using a FTP code found here on the forums (can't remember where), But i have a problem with it. When some images are uploaded they turn out weird. For example: Here But some other images turn out well.


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VS 2010 - How To Convert Images To AVI At 30fps

Sep 29, 2010

I have a sequence of images I'd like to convert to AVI at 30fps. How could I do that?

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VS 2010 - Program Launcher With Images

Sep 6, 2010

I'm in the middle of making a program launcher. I've been able to make a version of it before, but now I want to add more options for viewing the shortcuts. The 2 main views I'm trying to get are: Icon only and Icon with the name.

Here is my original code for only the name:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Start bottom right of screen
Dim working_area As Rectangle = _
[Code] .....

I have switched over to a listview because I assume that's what i will need in order to show images. So I guess my first question will be how do I get only the icon from each file and then show it in the listview.

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VS 2010 : Code Is Displaying 2 Images Instead Of 1

May 4, 2012

I've written some code to get an image file from a OpenFileDialog, and then offset the X position of the image by -50, and then display that offset image in a panel. But for some reason, it is displaying the image twice inside that panel. Could someone please tell me how to get it to only display the offset image in the panel? I'm sure it's something simple, but I'm wracking my brain with this one.

If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim Bitmap As New Bitmap(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim Graphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Bitmap)


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VS 2010 :: Showing Only Images In WebBrowser?

Aug 13, 2010

Is it possible to search for images ONLY in WebBrowser? For example, my keyword in textbox1 is 'clouds' and when the button is clicked WebBrowser must show only images of that keyword.

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VS 2010 Adding Images To A Textbox

Sep 22, 2010

I was wondering if this is the correct way to do this:

Private Function AddImagetoTextbox(ByVal Tb As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, ByVal ImageIndex As Integer) As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
Dim Pb As New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox


how to find the cursor's position so as to give the rectangle's X and Y.

EDIT: After debugging I found out that the text is still being written behind it so I m not so sure what to do now..

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VS 2010 Comparing 2 Images - [BOOL]?

Jul 27, 2010

I have been searching many ways to compare 2 images and still I havent got anything usefull.

I was wondering how can I compare 2 images and either return TRUE or FALSE

is there like a DLL and I send 2 images and either return TRUE or FALSE?

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VS 2010 Images Not Showing In WebBrowser1

Dec 26, 2011

So I'm making a program that involves going online and entering a captcha, but the captcha doesn't show up. It just shows the outline of the image and then the name. How do I make it so the browser displays all images. I'd also like to know if there's a way to display the captcha in the main box.

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VS 2010 Rotating An Images, No Rotateflip?

Jan 29, 2012

I need to rotate a picture box with about 35 degrees. now I tried this

PictureBox1.CreateGraphics.TranslateTransform(64.0F, 64.0F)
PictureBox1.CreateGraphics.DrawImage(sword, (-sword.Width 2), -sword.Height 2)

But it doesn't seem to work Does someone know how to do this

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VS 2010 Save Images In An App Or Database?

Apr 10, 2012

I am having a record of a specific company, I have saved all the details however, now for each company, there are like 3 + (Can get up to 6 or 7) business cards which I want to save.I want it something like, when I press Add button, a forms pops up and there is a picturebox, textbox and browse button. (And "+" button which will create these controls for next card in second line.)

When I press browse, and locate my image. It should show the image in picture box and save it in database or my app or excel file etc.So When i go to viewing section, I can see all the business cards which I have saved for that specific company.

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VB 2010 - SetPixel ID Not Supported For Indexed Images

Dec 1, 2011

Here's my
Public Class Form1
Dim imgImage As Bitmap
Dim clrOld As Color
Dim clrNew As Color
Dim blnChange
[Code] .....

I receive these error:
"SetPixel is not supported for images with indexed pixel formats."

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VB 2010 Made Gif Images In Photoshop And Apply It In VB?

Dec 22, 2011

The title says it all, I made a .GIF in Photoshop, how do I apply it in VB? It is very detailed .GIF, made from 152 frames, I worked hard to make it and I need to use it in my program. My code can't be shorter than it is now:

PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.GifProject

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VS 2010 : Display Images In A Picturebox Using For Loop?

Oct 5, 2010

How can i display images in a picturebox using For Loop. Actually i've tried it before but only one image displays x times. What should i do so that all images will display?

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VS 2010 : Display Random Images From A Web Folder?

Feb 6, 2012

What I want is when the program Loads, it would display random images from a folder on a website to a picturebox, like: [URL]thats a random pic but, [URL] is the folder of the image?

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