I am loading an image on picturebox, then trying to paint some particular pixel but it does not work for the tif image that I have. I got the following error message "SetPixel is not supported for images with indexed pixel formats."
I was thinking to make an app to save images [or download images] to local hard disk. But to keep it easy, I want this app to create a small picturebox on form to show the thumbnail of downloaded image. Lets say a 5 pictureboxes has to be added with the thumbnails to show the recent downloads. A user can save the location where he wants to save the files on hard disk. A listbox or a dropdown menu will help in categorizing the images, like image1 in friends section, image2 in family section, image3 in others, etc... When the program restarts all the latest 5 thumbnails has to be loaded in pictureboxes and the directory that was chosen. Finally, a button that shows the downloaded images into original image file size one by one or a slide show. Is it possible to make such program?
I would.Error1The item "objDebugMerchGear.Form1.resources" was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter.MerchGear...How do i fix it.
I have a program that will get a hash of the image but the problem is that I have to do to manually.I have a set of images of a folder names images(C:/images/) and ill be choosing which of those images i want to upload to my database.So far I got my program to work with database and such, wat I need is, if its possible I but the folder path on OpenFileDialog and I was a image to show in Picturebox1, then if I press button1 it will go to next picture.
Error Message: "This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL 2005 are supported VB.NET" I am using VB.NET 2008 and attempting to connect to SQL Server 2008 with XP as the operating system. I have service pack 1 installed in Visual Studio but this error message presists. The articles I have read on this error said to install sp1 as a solution but I have done that and the error persists. FYI, the error does not occur when I am using code to connect to SQL Server but when I attempt to connect using one of the designer wizards this error occure.
I have a icon maker program. I have two pictureboxes pic1 and pic2 and a open image button. I need a code that will if the pic1.image color has any red in it, it will take that red and turn it into the desired color. I know you can use getpixel and setpixel but I don't know how to use these.
I worked in a role and functioning properly. The problem is that it is a bit slow for use in many images would be very slow. I read online that with stride and scan0 and working in memory with buffer can be made faster, but i donīt understand anything . Does anyone know how it works or how to make my code run faster?
I have been using Bitmap.SetPixel & copying the entire bitmap to a picture box after the entire graphic has been drawn. When running debug within the IDE, this takes less than 10 seconds, while DrawEllipse or Rectangle takes almost 4 minutes.I will be using the more time consuming method for my next application, since that application requires seeing points set in Picture Box as they are generated
its the first time im trying to use SetPixel , it doesn't seem to work at all, im trying to draw anywhere in the screen (where the mouse is), there must be something im doing wrong
I'm creating a form which is basically an image in a picture box that I use the graphics object to do drawstring's and drawimage's upon.I keep track of where I'm drawing these things so that I can click on them later and do various things (launch external apps - whatever).Is using a picturebox and the graphics object the best way to approach this.
I am trying to use GetPixel and SetPixel to copy the contents of one picture to another (I know there are other methods to do so, but there are reasons I want to try this ;D)Anyway, the pictures are .png images, so they include transparency settings.
But for some reason, it seems like when I use GetPixel & SetPixel to put one image over another, it seems the second image completely replaces the other one. I mean, it seems the transparency settings are not respected when I use GetPixel & SetPixel.Both images have the same size. Both have transparent areas.
I just installed VisualStudio 2010 Express and Windows phone SDK 7.1. I downloaded Phonegap 1.4 and added the PhoneGapStarter to the projectTemplates folder. When I hit new project I get the Phonegap icon. When I double click it to start a new project I get this error:
I have a listbox and I want to loop through each of the items to see if the string im looking for is inside. I know I could do .contains but that wouldnt look at substrings. The code im using looks like this:
While tempInt > Listbox.items.count then if searchString.contains(listbox(tempInt)) then end if tempInt+=1 end while
Everything in the loop is fine but VB gives an error on the listbox(tempInt) part. The error is "class windows.forms.listbox cannot be indexed because it has no default value". get around the default value crap? I tried putting in a blank string but no change.
I need to overlap two images. When overlapped at the correct point, the overlapped portion of both images match exactly (or very closely).Now, I have tried to match the color of each pixel in the images, then move one image a bit and match them again until I get a high match rate, usually 95% or higher. The issue is, this is ridiculously slow. Also, I can't find a way to check the pixels if one I need to check a negative co-ordinate.
For y As Int32 = 0 To bmp2.Height Step 4 If y + StartPos.Y >= bmp1.Height Then Exit For For x As Int32 = 0 To bmp2.Width Step 4 If x + StartPos.X >= bmp1.Width Then Exit For
I have a picture viewer with listbox,listview,picturebox. I used code snipets and modified them for about 3 weeks now. It works pretty good too i think. But when i add images as thumbnails to my imagelist from openfiledialog i can only add about 75 images any more and i will get a out of memory error. Or if I add say like 50 twice the second 50 added will have the right names but not the right image. My question is. Is there a way to load some images pause then load some more by code for about 250 images so that the loading could clean some memory? And or code where i could add aditional images to the imagelist? And i just cant stop trying to get this Picture viewer to work right.
Public Sub LoadFromFile() Dim sr As New StreamReader("CoverageArea.dat") Dim strAreaLine As String[code].....
I have a question about that strAreaInfo()...I left the () with no number in it so that it wouldn't have a set # of values, and then I tried to give it 3 values, but I get the error in the title. Am I doing something wrong when I declare it?
I'm working on a small game that is based on a map of grid squares.I have a class (clsGrid) that stores a few properties for each grid square.The grid square objects are organized into a list(of clsGrid).A loop and stream reader are successfully reading properties from a text file, putting the properties into grid objects, and adding the grid objects to a my list of grids. When retrieving a grid from the list of grids, I'm getting unusual results. Regardless of the index I give the list, I always seem to get the last indexed grid in the list.The debugger seems to suggest that the right numbers are being read into the stream reader and they are being added to gridHolder. However, the message box at the end will always show me the LAST grid.id, regardless of the index I give it.
'A subroutine that generates a map (list of grids) Sub GenerateMap() Dim reader As StreamReader = File.OpenText("map1.txt")[code]....
I have a form with a lot of PictureBoxes. I created an array of these by name, but when I index the array I cant assign an image to the indexed item. In fact all the indexes appear to be nothing. Is there a way to create an array of controls and access them from the array?
Say I wanna bind to dictionary that TKey is string with XAML:<Label DataContext="{MyDictionary}" Content="{Binding Item("OK")}" />Doesn't work.How should I do it?
I am new to classes, and I am new to Visual Basic in general, but I am working on a multi class program. The code seems to be correct, but I am trying on instantiate a class oject with the code:
I'd like to create a Dictionary that is indexed by Strings: Dictionary(of String, ...). I'd like the Type after the comma to be an Array of MyObject's. If all I do is the following: Dim D as new Dictionary(of String, Array)
I feel like I'm missing out on some performance very time I access a member: Dim Object1 as MyObject = MyDictionary("Key1")(4)
Doesn't it have to perform some type of lookup to figure out what type of object the array is holding every time I access it in this manner?
I would like to create a list of integers. The list will be items that I need to index by a key (string) or an index, which I set. For example I have items 1, 2, and 5. I would like to call Array(5) = 1. Where the the 5 is indexing a particular item 5, not the 5th item in the array. Using Array("5") = 1 could work as well. I tried using a List, but the only index is the ordered element of the list. I tried a Collection, but I kept getting errors that the items of the Collection are read only. How can I do this?
To be more specific, I have a simple game application which has a Player class. Each Player is trying to collect hits of say 3 fields {1,2,5}. I need to store how many times a player hits each of the 3 fields. So, I would like to read and write using logic like player(1).field(5) = 5. I want to add an object to the Player class which stores the number of times each of the 3 fields has been hit.
I've wondered this for a while, when I hover over an object's properties when the program is paused (from a breakpoint) I can see the values of each property but when it comes to a collection it wont list the objects in the collection unless I specify an index, how do I specify an index?Basically I have a form with a ToolStrip that has 12 items in it, I would like to see what the 12th item is but can't because it's an indexed property.