VS 2008 Intellisense, Indexed Properties?

Sep 26, 2010

I've wondered this for a while, when I hover over an object's properties when the program is paused (from a breakpoint) I can see the values of each property but when it comes to a collection it wont list the objects in the collection unless I specify an index, how do I specify an index?Basically I have a form with a ToolStrip that has 12 items in it, I would like to see what the 12th item is but can't because it's an indexed property.

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Declare COM-visible Default Indexed Properties

Jul 27, 2009

how do you declare a default indexed property in VB.NET such that it is callable from VBScript?[code]

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Regarding Controls Properties And Intellisense?

Dec 9, 2010

1) How is the Name property hidden for controls for the Properties window yet it is shown in Intellisense?

2) For a System.Windows.Form.SplitterPanel the Name property is not shown in either but you can still Get or Set it.


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C# - Does IntelliSense Sometimes Miss-out On Some Framework Class Properties Or Methods

Nov 11, 2010

I came across a DbParameterCollection object, which should have an "Item" property inherited from IList, but IntelliSense does not show this object has the Item property.

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Sender As Object IntelliSense Only Lists 5 Methods And No Properties

Feb 3, 2012

When you type sender. IntelliSense lists 5 methods and yet if you type sender.Left or sender.top these will work. Why don't these properties show up as available for use via IntelliSense.

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Hide Methods/properties Of Class-library (dll) From Visual Studio's IntelliSense?

Mar 3, 2009

I am writing my first class-library in VB.NET. My idea is to distribute this library so others may use it in their applications.However, perhaps due to my lack of experience in writing and structuring the library and the classes therein, I noted that the methods/properties are ALL being shown in the IntelliSense of Visual Studio.

The thing is that many of them are only used within the library itself and should NOT be used by the developers (could create a disaster) when they incorporate my library in their application - only a few should be visibile i.e. the ones which are needed by the developer.Thus, my question is: is there a way to hide certain methods/properties of my library from Visual Studio's IntelliSense? Maybe something similar to REM?

EDIT: as mentioned - this is my first library and I now understand that my question could be intepreted in two ways:

1) how to hide something from IntelliSense

2) how to prevent a developer from using and calling certain methods/properties

Of course, the end-result that I want is that the developer is not able to access AT ALL certain methods/properties i.e. No. 2 above.

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VS 2008 - Structure Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Value

Mar 8, 2010

Structure EmployeeData
Dim EmployeeName As String
Dim JobTitle As String
Dim TaxRate As Single
End Structure
[Code] .....

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.Net 2008 IntelliSense Odd Behavior?

Jul 26, 2011

I am primarily a C# developer; however, I am currently working on a project for a client who preferred VB.net. I have managed to switch over fairly well, with one frustrating exception. When editing a C# file in Visual Studio pressing enter will select an item out of the IntelliSense window and keep the cursor at the end of the selected statement.

However, when editing a VB file, pressing enter selects the item out the IntelliSense popup AND moves the cursor to the next line. I realize that this is a small thing, but it drives me crazy, because it makes it really hard to switch between C# and VB projects.

I have searched for everything I can think of in Google and found nothing. Does anyone know of a way to change the IntelliSense selection behavior?

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VS 2008 Change Intellisense?

Apr 8, 2009

I don't know if it's possible, but i want to change some of the defaults intellisenses. For example when i write try and press enter, the IDE puts the catch ex as exception and the end try, but i want that the finally word it's added too.

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VS 2008 Intellisense Sensitive Comments For Enum?

Mar 28, 2010

I've found the ability to make meaningful Intellisense-enabled comments on my functions and sub routines absolutely priceless.

I'm wondering if I can do the same when an Enum is defined. I'd like for each Enum highlighted in the drop list to have some information associated with it. Can that be done?

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VS 2008 TableAdapter.Update Method, Not Available In IntelliSense?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a TableAdapter I created in the DataSet designer. It contains joined tables and I set it up to automatically generate Insert/Update/Delete commands. I understand that I have to write my own UpdateCommand. I did so, in the DataSet Designer, for this particular TableAdapter.

The issue is that the Update Method is not showing up via IntelliSense, when I attempt to write code like this:

vb.net Dim x as Integer = Me.DPTableAdapter.Update(), IntelliSense does not show the Update Method with the parameters I set up.I created the same exact method with another TableAdapter, in the same manner, and it worked just fine.

I also call EndEdit on the BindingSource, I just did not put it in this post.

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Intellisense For Member Override In 2008 Express Edition

Sep 1, 2010

If I override a member (e.g AutoSize in the Button Class), then the intellisense no longer appears in the editor, forcing me to re-decorate the property. Is there an option somewhere that I need to check? ETA: Here's a code sample:


The intellisense explaining the AutoSize property doesn't appear.

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VS 2008 Subs/Functions Intellisense Listing Values To Parameters Upon Using It

May 30, 2010

I'm almost sure that I've seen this somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. Or maybe I'm imagining it, which would'nt be strange either.

When creating a sub or function and adding parameters used when calling it.

-Is it possible to list the parameters that I can enter when using it somewhere in my code?


Public Sub MessageMain(ByVal Message As String, ByVal MessageType As String (List of possible values for MessageType)) Same for example as when you have boolean values in a sub/function. As soon as you use that somewhere in your code intellisense will present you with True/False to select.

I'd like the same for parameters in subs or functions I create and calling them from somewhere in my code. Saves me the trouble of remembering which options are available for those parameters.

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VB Listbox Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Value?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a listbox and I want to loop through each of the items to see if the string im looking for is inside. I know I could do .contains but that wouldnt look at substrings. The code im using looks like this:

While tempInt > Listbox.items.count then
if searchString.contains(listbox(tempInt)) then
end if
end while

Everything in the loop is fine but VB gives an error on the listbox(tempInt) part. The error is "class windows.forms.listbox cannot be indexed because it has no default value". get around the default value crap? I tried putting in a blank string but no change.

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# Of Indices Is Less Than # Dimensions In Indexed Array?

Oct 11, 2009

Public Sub LoadFromFile()
Dim sr As New StreamReader("CoverageArea.dat")
Dim strAreaLine As String[code].....

I have a question about that strAreaInfo()...I left the () with no number in it so that it wouldn't have a set # of values, and then I tried to give it 3 values, but I get the error in the title. Am I doing something wrong when I declare it?

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.net List(of T) Not Returning Indexed Object?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm working on a small game that is based on a map of grid squares.I have a class (clsGrid) that stores a few properties for each grid square.The grid square objects are organized into a list(of clsGrid).A loop and stream reader are successfully reading properties from a text file, putting the properties into grid objects, and adding the grid objects to a my list of grids. When retrieving a grid from the list of grids, I'm getting unusual results. Regardless of the index I give the list, I always seem to get the last indexed grid in the list.The debugger seems to suggest that the right numbers are being read into the stream reader and they are being added to gridHolder. However, the message box at the end will always show me the LAST grid.id, regardless of the index I give it.

'A subroutine that generates a map (list of grids)
Sub GenerateMap()
Dim reader As StreamReader = File.OpenText("map1.txt")[code]....

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Assign An Image To The Indexed Item?

Jul 6, 2009

I have a form with a lot of PictureBoxes. I created an array of these by name, but when I index the array I cant assign an image to the indexed item. In fact all the indexes appear to be nothing. Is there a way to create an array of controls and access them from the array?

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Binding To Indexed Property With String Key?

Sep 14, 2009

Say I wanna bind to dictionary that TKey is string with XAML:<Label DataContext="{MyDictionary}" Content="{Binding Item("OK")}" />Doesn't work.How should I do it?

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Class Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property?

Apr 2, 2010

I am new to classes, and I am new to Visual Basic in general, but I am working on a multi class program. The code seems to be correct, but I am trying on instantiate a class oject with the code:

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Creating Dictionary Indexed By Strings

Oct 24, 2009

I'd like to create a Dictionary that is indexed by Strings: Dictionary(of String, ...). I'd like the Type after the comma to be an Array of MyObject's. If all I do is the following:
Dim D as new Dictionary(of String, Array)

I feel like I'm missing out on some performance very time I access a member:
Dim Object1 as MyObject = MyDictionary("Key1")(4)

Doesn't it have to perform some type of lookup to figure out what type of object the array is holding every time I access it in this manner?

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List Of Integers Indexed By Key Or Index?

Jul 25, 2010

I would like to create a list of integers. The list will be items that I need to index by a key (string) or an index, which I set. For example I have items 1, 2, and 5. I would like to call Array(5) = 1. Where the the 5 is indexing a particular item 5, not the 5th item in the array. Using Array("5") = 1 could work as well. I tried using a List, but the only index is the ordered element of the list. I tried a Collection, but I kept getting errors that the items of the Collection are read only. How can I do this?

To be more specific, I have a simple game application which has a Player class. Each Player is trying to collect hits of say 3 fields {1,2,5}. I need to store how many times a player hits each of the 3 fields. So, I would like to read and write using logic like player(1).field(5) = 5. I want to add an object to the Player class which stores the number of times each of the 3 fields has been hit.

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Working With Indexed Color Palettes?

Sep 9, 2008

Can I have multiple 8 bpp Indexed Color Palettes and change them on the fly? And how would I refresh the image to the new colors? What I have is 8bppIndexed image, 256 colors.

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.net - Class 'clsGetHeaderValue' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property?

Oct 28, 2010

I am getting a strange error when I try to build my solution. The error occurs when I am calling the oGetHeaderValue function and passing the parameters.

Dim oGetHeaderValue As New clsGetHeaderValue
Dim returnString As String
returnString = oGetHeaderValue(strInvoiceNumber, strOrderNumber)

The error message is: Class 'clsGetHeaderValue' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.

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Input Box Cannot Be Indexed - No Default Property Error

Apr 26, 2012

I am newer in VB NET.

VB code:
Public Class InputBox
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim a, b, S, p
a = InputBox("Enter length")
b = InputBox("Enter width")
S = a * b
p = a + a + b + b
End Sub
End Class

In InputBox lines i get this error:
Class 'LearningVB.InputBox' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.

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Make Indexed-toolbox Components In Express?

Jul 18, 2010

In Visual Basic 6:

[var = ] Point(X,Y) would retrieve the Color in Long from an Individual Point on a Form or Picture Box.

Components(TextBox, etc) were indexable into an array under one name.

Is there any manner to do any of this in Visual Basic Express? (I have the 2005 Edition.)

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Structure Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property (WITH CLAUSE)

Nov 29, 2011

Am getting: "Structure cannot be indexed because it has no default property". What am I doing wrong?

With grid.Rows(10).Cells
Dim note As New Note With {.ID = "Blah", _
.Date = "1/1/2011", _
.Message = "AAA", _


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VB 2010 - SetPixel ID Not Supported For Indexed Images

Dec 1, 2011

Here's my
Public Class Form1
Dim imgImage As Bitmap
Dim clrOld As Color
Dim clrNew As Color
Dim blnChange
[Code] .....

I receive these error:
"SetPixel is not supported for images with indexed pixel formats."

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'System.data.datatable' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property

Jun 2, 2011

[code]This is my Code the error is Class 'System.data.datatable' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.. When i try this code in oledb it works but here it wont..

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Access File With One Of The Fields Indexed (NO Dupes Allowed)?

Nov 24, 2009

When writing to an Access file with one of the fields indexed (NO dupes allowed), I am getting the following message in the Immediate Window "A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll", when I enter a dupe.

I have put in a TRY, CATCH to catch the error and display a msgbox with the error. Is this message in the IMMEDIATE WINDOW just a warning message (generated by access), or is there something wrong with my actual program? My program does not actually crash, it seems to be working great.

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Enter The Duplicate Values.In The Database One Of The Column Is Indexed?

Feb 4, 2011

I am sending values from Combobox and Textbox to Access Database in VB.NET.I am phasing the problem when i enter the Duplicate values.In the database one of the column is Indexed.(Yes Duplicates not allow)That column i bind to Textbox("txtperson1").I used the TRY and Catche method to solve the Indexed Problem.when i run the application the value which i enter is not a duplicate that value save on the db. Once i enter the Duplicate value , the message box is showing "The Record alread saved".But After i enter the new value the same message is displaying, it is not saving on the db.


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