VS 2010 Pausing Execution In VB?

Oct 21, 2010

okay this may be a simple answer so I apologize if it is. What I'm trying to do is when button1 is clicked for a text box to display text. Then when that same button is clicked again, that text box will display different text. Then so fourth for about another 4 times. Now I know putting this all together will create one big execution, which I don't want. I just want the application to wait until the button is clicked again to display different text.

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Pausing A Sub's Execution?

Aug 6, 2011

I wish to get my VB 2010 program to wait a few seconds after executing a command, and then exit.

For example:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'wait a few seconds


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VS 2010 Pause Not Pausing?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a function that i send it a int like 3, and the function will pause for 3 seconds then move on..However... i cant seem to get the pause to work correctly, it just shoots right through the function.

'Function To Control Pause / Wait Time Selected
Private Sub Pause(ByVal seconds As Integer)
Dim returnTime As Date = Now.AddSeconds(seconds)


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VS 2010 Auto Update Application Via A File Location Path & Pausing Splash Screen?

Jan 8, 2011

1. Just looking for some general help on how to auto update my application via a file location path (e.g. I have a HTML file containing the current file version and the .exe file to download)

What I need is to read in the HTML file version - DONE Check file version vs HTML file stream input - DONE Replace current .exe file with new .exe file - HAVING ISSUES WITH THIS

I know I have to close the application and then replace the old exe file with the new exe file then restart the application but looking for the best/safest way this can be done

2. Basically what I want is during my Splash screen which runs for 5 seconds I want to check if a network drive is mapped.

if not, pause splash screen ask user for address of drive, map drive then un-pause splash screen and continue with load how do I check if a network drive is mapped? and how do I pause the splash screen?

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VS 2010 - Threading - Button To Stop Execution Of Code

Apr 22, 2011

I am working on an app and I am a bit confused w/ threading. I understand the point of threading but I am not getting when to use a background worker thread vs. a standard thread vs. a thread pool. Can someone shed some light on when to use which? Right now, I am trying code an app that does stuff initially in a sequential order and then eventually must thread (otherwise it takes forever). The problem I am having w/ the sequential stuff (and threading later) is that I need a button to be able to stop execution of code. [Code]

I did the background worker on this first sequential operation because when I tried w/ out it, the text box didn't update at all until the web page contents were retrieved. Basically, the text box change of "Starting." doesn't show up until the web page is finished processing even though the assignment to the text box happens before that code.

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VS 2010 Stop Button Code Execution At Some Point?

Feb 26, 2012

Is there any way to stop the execution of the code that's under a button if for example a certain condition is met?

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VS 2010 Thread To Check Main Program Execution

Apr 27, 2011

I feel like the answers I seek are rather obvious so I feel silly for having to ask, but I just can't seem to figure this out (I'm new to threads, and am really only comfortable using them in Java at the moment). I have an Excel Addin application created with VB.NET, and I've noticed that occasionally while it's running some code (it's no one specific block of code) the program execution will just stop. This is especially problematic when I've set ScreenUpdating to False for Excel because the users then have to completely close out of Excel to get ScreenUpdating to true.


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Visual Studio 2010 - Diagnose Program Crash During Execution?

Feb 15, 2011

My program keeps crashing every time I try to run it on another machine other than my own dev system. It runs just fine on mine but crashes on everybody else's when I install and run it. To make matters worse, it only gives me the generic "[name here] has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". So i never can find out why and where it is crashing!!!!


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VS 2010 - MessageBox.show - Maintain Execution And Display Status On Second Window / Form

Dec 2, 2011

I've created a form with several controls to specify the inputs to my program. They include TextBox, OpenFileDialog, Button and even a user control for numeric input. When the user clicks the 'GO' button, the program begins it work. Opening several files and processing a bunch of numerical data. This could take many minutes/hours with large datasets.

What I've been trying to do is have another window/form open up and send status information to it for the user to view. The info to be displayed is varied and constantly updated as the program crunches the numbers. Many many programs do just this type of activity.

I attempted to create a second form with a huge TextBox thinking I'd just write stuff to it. I called the .show method within the .click of the 'GO' button and of course the form is displayed but control of the program's execution doesn't return until the form is closed. How to I maintain execution and have a second window/form to display status?

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Pausing With A Timer

Feb 14, 2011

I need to know how to pause with a timer. Kind of like creating a slideshow.I know you can use sleep, but how would you do this with a timer?

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Pausing Application Using Stopwatch?

Aug 28, 2009

I am writing a very basic memory match card game, and am trying to get the program to flip over the selected cards, wait 2 seconds so the user can see the values, then flip back over. The code I have to do this is:

Private Sub Label_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click, Label2.Click, Label3.Click, Label4.Click, Label5.Click, Label6.Click, Label7.Click, Label8.Click, Label9.Click, Label10.Click, Label11.Click, Label12.Click, Label13.Click, Label14.Click, Label15.Click, Label16.Click Dim message As String = "Label Clicked was Index" + sender.TabIndex.ToString


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Threading Pausing Not Using Sleep

May 20, 2009

I know there is always better ways of doing things. Normally when you create a thread and I want it to pause/sleep for a set amount of time I use the <Object>.Sleep(1000) but this is frowned upon in .Net2+.


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Timer As Pausing In Loop

Apr 12, 2011

using Timer in this code as it doesn't seems to work.[code]

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Pausing A Process In Midstream Using Timer?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a VB Windows App created using VS2K10. It produces pdf files from SQL data. The SQL data is refreshed every 10 minutes pulling from a DB2 (ERP) system via a Linked Server by a SQL DTS package being run by SQL Job Agent (SQL 2005). Because of OLEDB and security issues, the data download can only be performed by a specific Windows 2003 server. (It takes from 2-3.5 minutes to download the necessary data.)

Now, if the process of creating and printing the PDF files takes longer than 6 minutes then it's still running while the next data download is starting, the result of which is that several PDF files are created blank or absent any data. I tried to execute the DTS package on demand instead of on a timer, but cannot get past the OLEDB quirks related to our iSeries (IBM server) DB2 database system. The only answer seems to be to have the client application pause at a specific time interval and resume after @ 4 minutes, but I haven't a clue as to how to do that. Before you ask, using ODBC to pull specific data from the DB2 system directly into the client is too slow to be a viable option.

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Pausing An Application Until A Sub Routine Is Reached?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a problem with my application "getting ahead of itself" what the problem stems from is i am manipulating a file and then using the manipulated file further along in the program, the trouble is the program is getting to the second step before the file manipulation is complete so i receive a file not found exception. The program that is doing the manipulation has an OnEnd sub routine and i have been looking at event handlers to try and figure out how i can hold up the application until the On End routine is fired. But i have been trying this to no avail, is there an example i can have that waits for an event to be fired?

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MIDI Sound In After Pausing & Resuming, It Sounds Different?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to play a MIDI file in my VB.NET (VB 2010 Express) and things work well with the code from this other question here on Stack Overflow, which I translated from C to VB.However, I also need to PAUSE, while that code is only for open and stop. I edited the code like this:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.IO
''' <summary>


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Pausing An Application Until A File With A Certain Extension Has Been Created?

Oct 21, 2009

I would like some information on pausing my application until a file with a certain extension has been created. What hapens is, my application creates an input file that is sent to an external app that returns a file with a different file extension. In my application i then extract data from this new file.I was thinking i could use a timer to "hold up" my app, but then i started reading about event handlers and catchers. What i have tried is using an If FileExists loop but i get a file not found exception. How should i use the file create event? By looking in the folder and "waiting" for the file to be created?

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Playing A Wav File Then Pausing For A Few Seconds Loop

Mar 5, 2009

Is there a way to play a wav file and then pause for 10 seconds and then it will repeat? I know it will be a loop, but the part that gets me is pausing for 10 seconds before starting the loop again.

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Stop Pausing When I Scroll Or Move Windows?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm making... well, it's sort of like a game in VB.net (using VS2008, if it matters). Being sort of like a game, it's dependent on timing, but it also has a large area (have to scroll the window on pretty much any resolution).The problem I'm having is that whenever I scroll the window (or move any of the smaller, additional windows) the program pauses what it's doing, and doesn't start again until I stop scrolling (or moving windows, or whatever).So is there any way to stop it pausing when you scroll or move windows?

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Timer - .net Console App Pausing And Staying Open?

Mar 20, 2012

i am trying to understand how to keep my console app open even after it gathers data and sends it off. I am converting a GUI to the console app. It has a timer that fires the sub every 20 seconds. But it doesnt seem like it works in the console app since after it fires off the sub it closes the app without waiting.


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VS 2008 Pausing An Application Without Sleep Thread?

Jun 10, 2009

I'm looking for a way to pause my application while in a loop without affecting the users ability to control the application, the sleep thread method makes it seem that the app is frozen.

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What Difference Is Between Pausing / Resuming And Stopping / Starting A Service

Aug 25, 2010

I am developing a Windows Service in VB2008 and am in the testing stage. What I have noticed is that if I Pause it while it is busy doing something and then resume it, the process generates an error. While I am debugging this I wanted to determine exactly what the difference is between Pausing/Resuming and Stopping/Starting a service.I searched, but most results simply told me how to Stop/Start/Pause and Resume a service, a hurdle that I jumped over many years ago. Does any one know of any resources that go into detail what happens when a service is stopped vs when it is paused?From some experimentation, it seems that if I do not place any code in the OnPause and OnContinue events the Pause/Resume commands have no effect.

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Forms :: Pausing A Running While Loop And Wait For Certain Button Until The Looping Resumes?

May 17, 2010

I'd like to make a simple program where my form consists of a textbox and a button. Here's the ide in a nutshell:in form1_load I invoke the sub:

private Sub LoopingLesson()
dim i as integer=1
while true


what I want is when i hits certain value, like let's just say i is divisible by 365, then the 'while' looping will stop, and a message box saying "target reached" appear. then after I click button1, the looping will resume until it reaches the next number divisible by 365, and so on.

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Suppress "No Source Available" Page When Pausing?

May 26, 2010

VS2010 VB.Net

When I Pause the code execution in VB.Net a "No Source Available" dialog page pops up which doesn't have any apparent us in VB. When I dismiss the page the IDE is paused on the source for the line being executed next.

How do I get rid of this useless message?

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Controls "pausing" Each Other?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a "wallboard" type application, which contains a number of visual components clock, RSS feeds, call queue information, custom message ticker and a handful of other labels that update when certain conditions are met). There are no user controls.Most of these are either custom controls, or just labels that get updated under certain conditions (triggered by events running on timers).However, my problem is this: when any visual data change is triggered, the RSS feeds refreshed, labels values changed etc, all the other visual aspects momentarily pause. This would be fine if it was a rare event, but my timers that trigger the data refreshactivate every few seconds.Mostly, the data retrieval itself runs on backgroundworker components, triggered from timers, it's purely the updating of the values that appears to cause the freezing of all the other controls (most noticable on the custom control RSS feed ticker - whichitself causes problems with other controls when it tries to refresh itself also). All these components function perfectly when isolated from all the other controls.

So my question is this, what is the best way for me to stop this freezing/pausing behaviour? I've looked into threading, background workers, mutex's, monitors but all the information I've found seems to relate more to running complex data analysis in thebackground than updating a display.

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Pausing One Form While Another Form Runs

Feb 29, 2012

I am making an application that asks a series of multiple choice questions. I have created an array of forms for my questions and I want to open one at a time, once the question is answered, that form closes and the next one in the array is opened. What i want to know is how to open just one at a time, i have a loop that opens the forms, but instead of one at a time, it opens the forms all at once. here is my code.


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Compilation And Execution

Nov 12, 2011

read the COMPLETE email before giving me instructions.I say that because it seams like who ever is responding is only reading part of the email and responding.I have followed your instrutions and I still can not get myhello.vb to compile.

Both vbc.exe and mylello.vb is in the same folder c:program files

"C:Program Filesvbc.exe myhello.vb"

You stated that I should run command prompt as administrator and tye the same command as you do. what (as administrator) is. Please walk me through the complete process. Please do not tell me to run the command prompt as administrator because I do not know what that mean.I can not speak to my administrator. Also I attempting to compile a sample VB that came with the software, so using Visual Studio is not the solution.

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Deferred Execution In .NET?

Jan 26, 2011

Private Sub LoadData(Of T)(ByVal query As ObjectQuery(Of T),
ByRef result As IEnumerable(Of T))
If Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
result = query.ToArray
AddHandler Connection.StateChange,


In the above code I am trying to recurse the LoadData function when the connection is unavailable, I want to defer the loading to when it becomes available. The problem is the above code leads to a compiler error, since a ByRef param cannot be used in lambda expressions.

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DOS Command Execution Within .NET?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a simple dos command, I use to stop a java service which I am trying to execute within VB.NET, however it doesn't seem to stop my service.My DOS command which works is as follows:

NET STOP "Java Quick Starter"

My VB.NET attempt is as follows but it doesn't work:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Visible = False


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Execution Of The Program?

Jul 21, 2011

I like to clarify the doubt regarding vb.net programming. my question is as follows.1. While executing the vb.net program, whether it takes RAM space or Hard disk space.

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