VS 2010 Return A Value From A Text?

Jul 5, 2011

I am on my first project and I am having trouble on the coding on a small application I am designing. I have to return a discount of either 0 or 10% depending on the number of rental days. the barrier being 5. For 5 or more rental days the discount of 10.00% applies otherwise 0.00. Rental days is entered manually whereas the Discount Percentage is to be written automatically by VB, the coding is here below

'Convert to Single Precision
Dim rlRentalRate As Single


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[VB 2010] Return Alert Message If SQL Query Return No Records

Dec 12, 2011

I use this code to return records in a DataGridView:


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Visual Studio 2010, Outlook 2010 And Windows Application, Return Emails?

Jan 5, 2011

At present I have wrote an application (in-house CRM, vb .net 2010) which allows me to send emails under the selected customer & I categorised these emails.As these are categorised I can return data to display email history in my program by using search criteria:

Dim oMail As Outlook.MAPIFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
Dim sSearch As String
sSearch = "[Categories] = '" + "[" + tAccount.Text.Trim + "]" + "(" + tShipTo.Text.Trim + ")'"
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items = oMail.Items.Restrict(sSearch)

However the limitation to the above is it only looks at sent items & no other folder.My ideal solution would be to display all email correspondence for a certain contact.

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Detecting Carriage Return In Text?

Dec 13, 2010

VBA 2008, Powerpoint office 2007. .NET.when i typed in a RichTextBox or Textbox. (sorry if it matters which text box i am using) maybe

" Hello, I am Russell!
i love you very much
that is all!"

maybe like this. and send this over to another device.when i received the message , i got " Hello, I am Russell!i love you very muchthat is all!"It did not read my CR or Enter. how do i implement this so that if there is any CR i can detect where it is and put it in accordingly?

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Return Text Of An Item From A List Box?

Aug 8, 2010

I wish to get the Text of item where I know its index! most of the codes I have founds Return the index number not the text it self!

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Search Text Box And Return Values Between X And Y

Apr 7, 2012

i am having a few problems with something i need to create. it firsts needs to get source code of a url i specify, after which i need to click a few buttons so it gets different parts (extract) of the data that i need from the source code and display it in a different text box if possile. (while leaving the original sorce code intact)


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VS 2010 C# Yield Return In VB?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm converting some C# code and I'm stuck at this line:c# while (iterator.MoveNext()) yield return iterator.Current;

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Preventing Carriage Return In Multiline Text Box?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a textbox, and it's set to multiline, so a user can enter a few sentences. The problem is, if the user hits the enter button while in the textbox, it's starting a new line. This data is being saved as a text file, and it's causing problems when the text file is loaded back into the app, causing load failures.

I'd like to completely make the enter key useless when the textbox has focus. Or, if they hit enter, it tabs over to another button.

Here is some code I used to make the enter button behave more like a tab-

Private Sub txtCallNotes_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
End If
End Sub

The problem is, the enter button still does a carriage return, causing a new line.

In the properties, Accept Return is False.

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Return A Variable To A Text Box Via Cursor Location?

Jun 10, 2010

I am building a GUI for a touchscreen panel using VB2008 and am trying to set up a password change screen. I have an on-screen keypad set up so the operator can use it to enter the new/old password. How do I return the value from the key pressed to where the cursor is located?

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Search Website And Return Text Of Another Webpage

Oct 24, 2009

I am making an application that will save all the names of the movies in my "movies" folder on my computer. I am able to make a list of all the names quite easily, but how would it be possible for me to search The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) for the title of the movie, click on the link of the name of the movie and grab information of the movie off the imdb database (Run time, rating, and plot?)

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Split Text But It Always Have A Return Char With It Array?

Aug 2, 2011

I try to split my text but it always have a return char with it array.

This is the code.

text_as_list = Split(ControlChars.CrLf & Trim(text))

How can i split on a new line and split on white space at the same time?

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VS 02/03 Encryption Text (return Diffrent Values)?

Nov 22, 2009

I need to encrypt a string (CPU ID). the result will be displayed in the textbox. But I want to display differents results for the same word. I tried some codes but it displays the same result for the same word.

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VS 2010 - Return To Applications Path?

Mar 21, 2012

I have one small problem on my app, here's the deal, when I run my app that have a button for "load playlist" and when I click on file>options my app is looking for settings.xml (created before by the same app) on the same folder from where I loaded my playlist. Load playlist button is on my Form1 and Form4, and settings is on my Form6, and this happend every time I load anything, open anything, so my app remembers last opened folder. Is there any way that I can return my path to apps path? I need to mention that this applies only to Windows XP, idk why, because on my win7 it works just fine.

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VS 2010 : Return A Row From Datagridview As Array?

Feb 23, 2011

I have been having major problems with Datagridviews and attempting to retrieve one row at a time and then assigning that row to an array , Which can be used in another function.I have tried numerous ways to achieve this but none of them seem to work. something like 'Start array of no values to be filled during the while.

dim myArray as Array
While myDataGrid has Rows
assign myArray the values held within the cells of the first row
send myArray to another function for processing

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VS 2010 : Return A Word When It's Clicked

May 7, 2010

how to return a word when it's clicked.Basically I have two RichTextBoxes. RTB1 has text, RTB2 doesn't.When a word is clicked inside RTB1 I want the same word displayed in RTB2.I've managed to do it with highlighted words and phrases, but not by clicking on them.

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VS 2010 Creating A Function But Have To Return A Value?

May 5, 2010

Alright so basically I have created a function so it can get the data and do the following things, etc

Public Function stats(ByVal texti As String, ByVal imageURL As String) As String

Label1.Text = weapontexti
MyImage.Image = imageURL
End Function

I basically want to do something like that ^ and then be able to enter things (instead of writing lots and lots of code):This is what I want the function to do when I click a button:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

weaponstats("Example Text", "images/etcimage.png")End Sub

Is there anyway (even if it requires something else rather than functions) to this without an error?

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VS 2010 How To Get 2 Return Values In One Function

Mar 26, 2012

i want to get two output values in one Function is't possible ?.i am just using String data type and split the values.but have any other easy way to get two output values

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VS 2010 How To Return A Value From A Modal Form

Jun 4, 2010

I have a parent form that can open a modal form which contains a populated listbox. In the parent form, I can use DialogResult to detect which item in the listbox the user chose in the modal form. But I also want the modal form to return a string that was generated in the modal form.

EDIT: Ok, I suppose some code is necessary? In I would like to return the "longPath" string variable(near bottom of second pic) to form1(first pic).

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VS 2010 LINQ Null Return?

Dec 2, 2011

I'm having trouble figuring out what to do with the bolded part, when there are no nodes to return.If there are no image tags inside the <images> tag, i get an "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object".I have been searching and searching for an answer but can't find one.

Dim orders = From o In xmlLinq.Descendants("order")
Select New With { _
.orderID = o.Attribute("id").Value, _


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VS 2010 Return Object From Class?

Jun 19, 2012

I have question about returning an object from a class. example of my codeclass ADDBUTTON:

Dim test As New Button
test.name ="NAME" (radom generated)


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VS 2010 Return XML Values Sorted?

May 28, 2012

I havew a smal xml file which looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<flv url="http://www.mysite1.com">Windows</flv>


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Carriage Return/Line Feed In The Text Of A Checkbox?

Mar 27, 2007

I'm using VB.Net and I am creating a mobile application. I have a checkbox that the text needs to be on more than one line. I've tried everything including setting the text property on the load screen function and using the vbCrLf and I just see the Line feed square but not multiple lines. I've also tried resizing the box and that didn't work either. how to make the text span multiple lines?

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How To Return Result Of HTTPHandler And Set To Text Property Of Label

Jun 9, 2011

I would like to be able to return the text generated from an httphandler and insert it into my web page during an onload event. There are examples that show how to return an image by setting the image source to the path of the handler. But how do you do this for just text as in the "hello world" basic template. I would like the text value of a label on my page to be set to "hello world", preferably withour using javascript.

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Take The Three Amounts From Three Text Boxes Entered By The User And Return?

Jul 24, 2011

the project here is to take the three amounts from three text boxes entered by the user and return a string in a label telling the user if the triangle is either a right triangle, equilateral triangle, or neither after clicking a button. The code I have must use a new Class named Triangle. No matter what is entered in the text boxes, the label always returns "You created a right triangle!"


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VS 2008 Font Size And Text Return To Default?

Nov 26, 2009

So i have this code that changes the size and the font of the text but my problem is that how can i make the font and the size of the font to return back to default after it runs this code.

ListView1.Items.Add("Found Files In C: ")

My code

Dim Font As Font
Font = ListView1.Font
ListView1.Font = New Font(Font.Name, 32, FontStyle.Bold)


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VS 2010 - Search Excel And Return Related Value

Aug 17, 2011

Essentially all I want to do is have a user form where you enter a reference number, hit enter and it searches an excel 2010 spreadsheet for that reference number. If the reference number is found it returns the associated name which is in the cell in the column on the right. (e.g. ref = A1 & name = B1).

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VS 2010 : Return Data From A Specific <div> Via A Web Request?

Feb 12, 2012

I am trying to search for a term on this site: [URL] and return the definition of the term to a RichTextBox. I can search for the term easily enough. My initial idea was to find a div class similar to every definition, and in the source returned from my WebRequest there is always the div class:

<div class="luna-Ent">

So for example, if you search the term "lol" and view the page source, the definition for that term is wrapped as follows:

<div class="luna-Ent">laughing out loud; laugh out loud: used as a response to something funny or as a follow-up to something said only as a joke.</div>

My problem is that I cannot split the string, which contains the entire text from this web response, leaving just the above. Which I would further split to leave just the definition.Every time I attempt to split the string I get a bogus result with randomly cut up words and nonsense. There is only one <div class="luna-Ent">, so I have no idea why this isn't working when it does with a simpler string such as "lol?55?44" which you would split using "?".Here is the code so far, please excuse the crappy variable names. I always structure my stuff like that when testing?

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
e.SuppressKeyPress = True


Instead of my method, is there any way to return only the data, from the web request, wrapped in that div class?

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VS 2010 Access Database + TableAdapters: Return Last ID?

Nov 15, 2010

I am using an Access database (mdb file) and for the first time ever I'm connecting to it using a bunch of TableAdapters created in a DataSet.xsd file.I added an Insert query to a TableAdapter, and now I need to retrieve the ID (autonumber) of the last inserted record. Usually, I would send a "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()" query and it would return the ID, but for some reason I cannot get this to work with the TableAdapter.

I tried two methods:1. Add the SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() query directly after the INSERT query in the TableAdapter. This method is described in every website I found by googling my problem. Suppose my INSERT query is this:

INSERT INTO Test VALUES("1", "2", "3")
then I should now modify it into
INSERT INTO Test VALUES("1", "2", "3");
I also changed the ExecuteMode to Scalar.

Ok, I run this code, but it doesn't work. It gives me an error saying Characters found after end of SQL statement.Is it because I am using Access and not SQL Server maybe? I dunno... But whatever I try it doesn't work. It's not a spelling error, and I did type the semicolon to separate the two queries so as far as I know it should work.2. Add a separate Select query (selected 'Select query that returns a single value' in the designer) that simply executes this:

SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()Then after using the Insert query I can simply call this query method and get the last Id. But unfortunately this doesn't work either. It doesn't even let me add this query in the designer, it says Unable to parse query text.

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VS 2010 Datagrid.rows.rowCount Always Return 1?

Jul 11, 2009

My datagridview.rows.rowcount always returns 1 no matter how many rows i have in myatagridview?The datagridview is populated by a loop in another function

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Move To Next Textbox.text By Pressing The Return Key In A Windows Form?

Jun 7, 2010

How do move to next textbox.text by pressing the return Key in a windows Form . I am using VB 2010 express edition?

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