VS 2010 Store An Integer Efficiently?

Nov 19, 2011

Basically I want to store an integer efficiently. At the moment I'm using Button1 Click' Or whatever I need it for Label1.text+0 But to do this I need to add in another Label and set it to visible.

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VS 2010 Way To Have Program Still Run Efficiently When Connecting To An Mysql Database?

Jun 20, 2010

Is there any way to have the program still run efficiently when connecting to an mysql database? Would System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() work anywhere?I have it connecting every 3 seconds on a timer and during that connection the program locks for a second.

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Store The Integer To An Array?

Feb 20, 2011

first i need to input the expression in textbox that will be store to CharArray and then substitute the variables to integer by using input boxes.. my problem is how can store the integer to an array and also store the operation..

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim arr() As Char = TextBox1.Text.ToCharArray


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Explicit Conversion - Convert The Variable D From Double Type To Integer Type And Store The Result As 132

Oct 22, 2009

I want to use explicit conversion (CType function in VB.NET) to convert the variable d from double type to integer type and store the result as 132.

Imports System.Console
Module Module1

Sub Main()


This is my code. But Visual Basic tells me an error: Error1Type 'i' is not defined.C:\Users\mihaispr\Desktop\Conversie explicita\Conversie explicita\Module1.vb1922Conversie explicita

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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How To Efficiently Use Weakreferences

Jul 24, 2011

I neeed to create a dictionary that holds objects with a large requirement in memory. Therefore i need to make them a weak reference.I created a dictionary with an ID and a weekerence that holds my object.The annoing thins is that as soon as i finished filling up my dictionary the garbage collector has already reclaimed all of them despite there is a large quantity of RAM avaible and I did not call the gc.collect.

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Communicate Between 2 Programs Efficiently?

Nov 30, 2010

What is an easy to implement way to communicate between 2 vb.net (3.5) form applications that are running on the same machine?

The current problem is that in each program a user needs to be logged into to use. If the user is logged into one, and clicks a button to launch another, it should pass who is logged in so they do not need to log in again in the second program.

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Set Positions Of Many Pictureboxes Efficiently?

May 23, 2011

I have 20 PictureBoxes named PictureBox2 through to PictureBox 21, where I need to conditionally set the positon of them. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to set their positions than to copy the code out 20 times. This is what I have so far:

For NextPos As Integer = 2 To 21
Select Case Direction
Case 1


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Trying To Find Substring Efficiently

Jan 5, 2011

It seems to work fine for a small text file but when I use files larger than 100MB it does not give me an accurate count.The program is pretty simple. It should return the number of occurences of a substring from within a text file. I look for a match to the first character of the substring and if found then my code should test to see if the whole substring exists.I have run several tests but for some reason I am not getting an accurate result. I used the windowsupdate.log file. My code trturned 34596 hits but when I used MS Word to find the number of occurences it returned 50096 [code]

View 3 Replies

Use A Gridview Efficiently In Asp.net By Using Only The Keyboard?

Jul 7, 2009

i need to use my gridview by using only the keyboard.My clients prefer keyboard rather than using mouse. How can i use my gridview like that?What all events should i use?

View 1 Replies

Adding A Range Of Numbers Efficiently?

Dec 16, 2009

I'm making a program as part of a college assignment that requires my to add up the contents of an array. Now the array has 20 places, and the only method I know of atm is:a + b + c + d + e etc...They are all different numbers so I can't just do a * 20, I need a more code efficient way of adding all these numbers up, is this possible?

View 10 Replies

Draw To 800*800 Pixel Box On Screen Efficiently?

Jul 25, 2009

I need to draw 100 lines between 100 semi-random points in a 800x800 pixel square on the screen.

I've been using the built-in drawlines & drawrecangles functions inside of .NET, but my drawing gets erased everytime the form paints.

So, I've been thinking about perhaps drawing to an in-memory bitmap, but I'm not sure if that's a good solution.

View 5 Replies

Efficiently Loading Sitemap From Database?

Jan 13, 2010

i have a custom SiteMapProvider which I populate from a database. I also have a custom SiteMapNode which has to be constructed with a custom Page argument.[code]Should I return false in AuthorizeCore() to have everything work according to default authorization protocols? (What are these?) Or should I throw my exception.SiteMap.CurrentNode is Null / Nothing (in AuthorizeCore()) if the page which is requested is not accessible to the user (obviously). How should I change my implementation? I want to keep the functionality that the Page objects are only loaded once, so I need to store them somewhere.

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Reading Large Files Efficiently

Sep 12, 2010

I am writing a small tool that identifies digital scielence in non compressed PCM WAV files. Its purpose will be to scan files approximately 1 hour long, containing mostly scilence and spltting the periods of non scilence into files and discarding any digital silence which is encoded as null bytes.I am wondering what the most efficient way of scanning the files is. I am able to derive the number of bytes for each second from the file header (in my case 16000) so am considering reading into a buffer of this size then scanning byte for byte, if I identify a non-null byte I will start siphoning the data off to another file.My issue is with scanning large expanses of digital silence which could be many megabytes of data which would require examining each byte to determine wether or not its digital silence. Surely there is a more efficient way of skipping them as I am not interested in them.

View 7 Replies

Time-difference Computed Efficiently?

Mar 3, 2009

What is an efficient way (must be performed in a loop quite often) for getting the difference between two timestamps that come in form of DateTime-variables?

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Using Textbox To Deal With String More Efficiently?

Feb 23, 2009

I've been trying to improve the efficiency of my giant program and I know that using a textbox to deal with a string is terribly inefficient.
Function CollectionSplit(ByVal TheString As String, ByVal TheSeperator As String)
Dim tb As New TextBox
tb.Text = TheString.Replace(TheSeperator, Environment.NewLine)
Dim returnable As New Collection
For Each x As String In tb.Lines
If Not x.Length = 0 Then returnable.Add(x)
Return returnable
End Function
What it does is convert a string of "1,2,3" into a collection of the 3 separate items for use later on.

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Efficiently Load A Microsoft Access (Jet) Database Table?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm attempting to create and populate a table in a new Microsoft Access (Jet) database using VB.Net 2008 Express under Windows XP Pro SP3. The database and table are being created properly, but loading the table proceeds VERY slowly. When I am loading the table, no complicating factors that might impact performance, such as indexes or table relationships have been defined. The table to be loaded is made up of relatively short rows consisting of three single byte columns, and one (four byte) integer column. I am loading approximately 16 million rows, and this is literally taking hours, while the same data can be interactively imported into Microsoft Access from a .csv file in minutes. I am trying to batch load the rows, 64K rows at a time, in order to avoid the overhead of individually transacting/committing each row individually, but suspect that I must not be doing something right. Key code that I am using for this process is provided below.


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Efficiently Assign Cell Properties From An Excel Range To An Array

Jul 26, 2010

In VBA / VB.NET you can assign Excel range values to an array for faster access / manipulation. Is there a way to efficiently assign other cell properties (e.g., top, left, width, height) to an array? I.e., I'd like to do something like: Dim cellTops As Variant : cellTops = Application.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Top..The code is part of a routine to programmatically check whether an image overlaps cells that are used in a workbook. My current method of iterating over the cells in the UsedRange is slow since it requires repeatedly polling for the top / left / width / height of the cells.I'm going to go ahead an accept Doug's answer as it does indeed work faster than naive iteration. In the end, I found that a non-naive iteration works faster for my purposes of detecting controls that overlap content-filled cells. The steps are basically:

(1) Find the interesting set of rows in the used range by looking at the tops and heights of the first cell in each row (my understanding is that all the cells in the row must have the same top and height, but not left and width)

(2) Iterate over the cells in the interesting rows and perform overlap detection using only the left and right positions of the cells.[code]

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Efficiently Obtain A Two Dimensional Array Result From A SQL Server Query?

Jun 11, 2012

I'm attempting to make a generic query executer function. I want to be able to send it a query string and have it return a two-dimensional array containing the results. Below is my code for how to do it with a (9,x) array. How can I do it with an (y,x) sized array? Also, I feel like there must be a more efficient way to do this..


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VS 2010 - How To Get Two Digit Integer Always

Nov 7, 2010

I'm populating a checkedlistbox with this loop.
Dim week As Integer
For week = 1 To 51 Step 2
And get this result 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 etc.
This is how I want it 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 etc.

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VS 2010 Can't Parse 'h1' To Integer?

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to parse several strings to integers where I both tried cINT(string) and Integer.Parse(string) but it seemed to fail at the string 'h1', I think I need to use substring for this, but as the input can be different decided by the user, it is kinda impossbile to use substring, as I do not know how to locate the integer in the string..

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VS 2010 Integer With Members?

Jun 21, 2012

For my ToDo list I have these data: Activity, date, start time, end time.I have 2 listboxes. The first listbox stores the activity and date.The 2nd listbox stores activity,date, start time and end time.With a button I can hide/show the 2nd listbox.

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Disable/Change Visibility Of Large Number Of Text Boxes Quickly And Efficiently On Form

Aug 6, 2009

I have a form which contains a large number of textboxes covering numerous panels/tab controls and I would like to have the user only have one text box visible at a given time and when the user clicks on the screen to another label with a corresponding text box I would like that to appear and the other currently open to disappear. Currently I have the following loop that goes through and changes the visibility of the appropriate controls unless it is the name of the control I am looking for:

'This is used to iterate through all the controls in the form and ensure the visibility of all other controls
' than the active control is set to false.


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VS 2010 - What Is An Integer And A String - Code An Own Sub

Mar 8, 2012

Just started programming with visual basic 2010 after programming a lot with vbs (Visual Basic script) it looks a lot like each other but there are a couple of differnces so here are a couple of questions.

1. What is a integer and what is a string?

2. Can i code an own sub? so it works at all times and not only when i " do something" (press a button or something like that)

for example: if progressbar1.value = 10 then msgbox " well done" now i can only add this line when i connect it to a button or something but i want to connect it to all the lines.

3. whats wrong with this line?: WebBrowser1.Navigate [URL]

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VS 2010 : Convert The C Value / Hex Or Integer Value Of 0x00000000L?

Jan 21, 2010

convert this C value for me?

Value : 0x00000000L

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VS 2010 : Display Error If Not Integer?

Apr 19, 2012

I am taking a business application development class right now and am learning Visual Basic. One of my homework assignments is to calculate the grade needed on the final exam to get an A in the class depending on the midterm score entered by the user. My question is how do I display an error if the value entered is a letter instead of an integer?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim intMidterm, intFinal As Integer
intMidterm = CInt(TextBox1.Text)


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VS 2010 Get ImageList Image As Integer?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to get the integer of an image which is located in an imagelist. Dim _blue As Integer = CInt(frm_main.Imagelist1.Images.Item(1)), but image can't be converted to integer.

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VS 2010 Integer Condition Check?

Dec 1, 2011

i'm starting to learn VB, i've wrote a few little programs following the books and internet resources, so far so good until now, i have to check a range of double integers(e.g. 170-50) if the left integer is == 170 and the right integer is == to 50 then you profit.i have to do this about 200 times but i just need a litow to get started, i've searched for about 4 hrs and read for about 5 and still nothing.

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VS 2010 Search Datagridview Using Integer?

Mar 11, 2011

Dim table As DataTable = par.Tables(0)table.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("Patient_Number = '{0}'", txtPatientID.Text) txtPatientID.DataBindings.Clear()txtPatientID.DataBindings.Add("Integer", table, "Patient_Number") DataGridView1.DataSource = table

However I get an error:Cannot bind to the property 'Integer' on the target control.Parameter name:PropertyName

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VS 2010 Stadium Calculator Integer?

Sep 25, 2011

This is one of my first forms so I'm sure there is quite a bit wrong with it. It works to a good degree but my issue is, Although I'm asking and checking for an int. If I put say 1.1 in a field it still lets it go. I'm sure I'm missing something very easy but I've been messing with it for hours.

Public Class frmStadiumSeatingCalculator
Private Sub frmStadiumSeatingCalculator_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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