Visiting A Site Every 1 Seconds And It Stops?

Sep 11, 2009

I have a trouble with the source code. I am visiting to the site page for every 1 seconds and it working for the last few mins but it stops.


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VS 2008 Application Stops Responding For 5-10 Seconds While Image Is Uploading

Dec 12, 2009

I'm uploading an image to url... etc. The trouble is my application stops responding for 5-10 seconds while the image is uploading. I want to use multi-threading to stop it doing that but I'm confused with the whole way to use controls with backgroundworker. [code] I guess its the textbox which is causing the problem.

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Site Not Loading Properly In IE 8 For First Few Seconds

Nov 4, 2009

I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and we are having a problem with our website

Also go to other links in the page if you dont see it on the home page.

When you open the site in IE 8 the top menu at first gets displayed like this.

And then the rest of the website loads. What can this be? Maybe a setting on the Server or in IIS?

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VS 2008 - App That Clicks A Button On A Site Link Called Say Every 5 Seconds

Mar 26, 2010

How can i make an app that clicks a button on a site link called say every 5 seconds ?

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VS 2010 Visiting Webpage Without Webbrowser

May 15, 2012

Is there a way to visit a webpage without using webbrowser. I know how to do this easily using a webbrowser, but what is another method to visit any page (like webbrowser.navigate)? I read that webrequest are very fast and stable, but I cannot get it to work! I am using, as it checks if the page is visited, as an example. That's the code I have now, and it's not recording a visit.


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Calculate The Hours, Minutes, And Seconds In A Number Of Seconds?

Jun 30, 2011

I want to convert seconds such as 254565443 seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds and thought if I could remove the decimal and the numbers behind it and not change the number in front of the decimal then it would work.

dim seconds = 254565443
dim Hour
dim minute


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Build An Application That Will Login To A Web Site, Navigate The Site And Download Files?

Mar 26, 2010

I am not sure if this is possiable but I am looking to build an application that will login to a web site, navigate the site and download files. I would like to do this all in code and able to run multiple instances of the program to get information from many different web sites. Is something like this possiable in

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VS 2008 - Threaded Ping - Click Another Site While Its Still Pinging Them It Doesn't Wait Before It Switches Site

Feb 9, 2010

Ive got an app that holds a list of site we have, At each site there are a few devices. The idea is when they click on a site all the details for the site are loaded and then a second thread sits and pings each device to see if its live. Im trying to do this in a seperate thread so if they click another site while its still pinging them it doesn't wait before it switches site. This all seems to be workling fine except if you click through the sites quickly, when you do that it will eventually come up with


{"Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute."}

The error flags up on the "Next" line in "ThreadedPing"

Thread stuff

Public Sub ThreadedPing(ByVal dt As DataTable)

Dim dr As DataRow


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User Can Change The Update Site With Out Building The Program Again With The New Site?

Oct 13, 2010

When i publish my program i choose to let the application check for updates via a website and if their is one update automatically when the program starts. Is their a way were on the main user form i can make it so that the user can change the update site with out me building the program again with the new site. I want to do this becuase the site i use goes down alot so when i changed the update url no one was able to download the update for the new update server.

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Internet Explorer - User Click A Command Button To Open IE To A Financial WEB Site And Download Informaion From The Site?

May 19, 2011

I'm deploying a VB.Net app (VS 2010 Pro) that requiers the user click a command button to open IE to a financial WEB site and download informaion from the site. The app works fine in every detail when installed on the development computer. But, on the target computer when the command button is clicked an unhandled exception occurs which says: System.IO. FileNotFoundException:File Not found.My code behind the button is Shell("C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe www,",AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

This works fine on the development computer. Do I need a way to code this as a relative path? If so,can you tell me how this is done?Throughout the app I have written relative paths to needed files using paths like (Open(Environment. GEtFolderPath (Environment. SpecialFoldder.Desktop) + "File Name). They all work fine when deployed.

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Converting Seconds To Hours Minutes And Seconds?

Jun 25, 2010

This is my function to goto a specific time in a movie or music, ... check it out..

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


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Label Staging Site To Prevent It From Being Used As If It Were The Production Site

May 18, 2012

I'm being asked to maintain several internal-only web apps for my company. For testing, after making my changes, I've created some staging sites which make use of separate databases. As such, if my users were to mistakenly use this site as if it were the production site, they may enter important data and wonder where it "disappeared" to thinking it was the production server.

I'd like to create a big banner of some sort across the top of the staging site (which ONLY appears on the staging site) to remind my users that they are on the test site. I'd like recommendations on the best way to do this, with the following considerations:

IDE: Visual Studio 2008
Server: Windows 2003 with IIS 6
Language: VB.NET 2.0

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Open Site When Click (Visit Site Button)

Jan 8, 2010

i want to know how can i code my button when i click it will open my site ... i Think i was clear.

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VS 2008 - Timer Set To 5000 (5 Seconds) And The Code In The Timer Takes Longer Than 5 Seconds?

Jun 14, 2012

Quick question - if I have a timer set to 5000 (5 seconds) and the code in the timer takes longer than 5 seconds to run because of sql stuff, will the timer wait until the code is done till it fires again?

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Login Directly From One Site Another Site?

Oct 21, 2010

when i am surfing in one site,i want to see the another URL...without going URL directly access the login......for example this is the login page url i want know automatic login to this page [URL]

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Gif Stops Working?

Jul 28, 2009

I have an animated gif in a picturebox that's loaded from the start.The problem is, whenever any application goes on top of the app the gif stops moving.Example : the app is open (gif is animating), I open notepad, I open the app (gif has stoppd animating)How do I keep it animated, even when the app is not visible?

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C# - ReSharper Stops Working?

Aug 13, 2010

Running solution with VB.NET & C#, ASP.NET, VS 2008 with ReSharper 5 Most of the time, ReSharper is working (redundant code grayed out, squiggles, etc.)Sometimes, on the same code where it was working, nothing is highlighted to show ReSharper is enabled.I haven't done anything except modify code and debug.

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Does For..Next Stops The Loading Form

May 5, 2011

In my form3 i have this code

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim vs As Integer


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For Loop With Random Never Stops?

Mar 1, 2009

I am using the following code to create a dummy file of a specific size. RemSpace declared as a Long value and is returned in bytes from a separate function in my applciation. I have verified that it returns the correct # in bytes. However, when I execute the following routine, the dummyfile is created, but it never stops the loop. I have to kill it from task manager or it would fill up the HDD. The line:

For i As Integer = 1 To RemSpace

should tell the For loop to stop when it reaches the value of RemSpace, which is a long value in bytes. Here is my complete code.

Public Sub Create_DummyFile()
Dim RandomClass As New Random()
Dim RandomNumber As Integer


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VB Program Stops After Loop

Jun 12, 2011

I am using VB 2101 express, I am try to right this program but it will not go past the end of my loop, does anyone know why?

If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(root + "setting")) Then
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(root + "setting")
End If


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VS 2008 Two Timers One Stops?

Jul 4, 2010

I have a timer in one app which is basically the clock of Windows displayed in a textbox.If I run two apps at the same time I notice that one timer after a while, stops

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Service Starts Then Stops Automatically

Jul 22, 2011

I have a solution that has three projects. One is a service, one is a form, and one is a class library. I use the form for debugging, my logic is complete now I would like to just call.


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Application Form Stops Updating Once Alt-tab Away?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a windows Forms app that displays data as it scans.Once you alt-tab or remove "focus" from the app and doing something else (open word) it stops updating. In otherwords it looks like the app has locked up.But it will finish the scanning as normal.But any updates from the scans being shown on the app window are not shown, that is until the app is finished and catches up.


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Control Stops In AddHandler Subroutine

Nov 22, 2010

My requirement is getting output from command window asynchonously in form, I am doing this with system diagnostic process and using addhandler. My problem is, I have separate class to execute process, after process start when control goes to a addhandler sub routine, it stops there only after it's execution(in addhandler subroutine), and never comes back where I am capturing output. Control should come to the line in below code - addInput = outputExe.ToString() so that I can captureoutput and go back to code behind.

code is as below

Public Class RunExe
Private Function ExecuteProcess()
procInfo = New ProcessStartInfo
procInfo.FileName = ExeFile


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Control Stops In AddHandler Subroutine?

Nov 22, 2010

My problem is, I have separate class to execute process, after process start when control goes to a addhandler sub routine, it stops there only after it's execution(in addhandler subroutine), and never comes back where I am capturing output. Control should come to the line in below code - addInput = outputExe.ToString() so that I can captureoutput and go back to code behind. I know something is wrong but not sure what it is.

code is as below
Public Class RunExe


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DataSet Designer Stops Drawing Itself

Feb 24, 2011

The DataSet designer will stop refreshing itself every now and then in VS2008. This means I cannot work with my DataSets until I restart VS. There is a more detailed explanations in

this thread, but it was incorrectly marked as answered. This issue is taking more and more of my time though, so I'd like to get another answer now.

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DLL Stops Working After SA Account Disabled

Nov 4, 2009

I've written approx 4 projects that utilize a central DLL for database access. The DLL was written in VB.NET using the .NET 3.1 framework. All the code works great. Recently, I went through all the code and updated the connection strings to use a new username and password since they were using the SA account on SQL Server 2005. After recompiling and uploading the DLL to the web server, I disabled the SA account. All of a sudden, the DLL stopped working. It just stopped. I know that the code is ok because I copied it into a aspx file and it worked. I had to re-enable the SA account in order to get things back to normal, but I really would like to eventually disable it.

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Movement Stops Once Collision Detected?

Jun 11, 2010

So, I am just trying to get the snake to move after it collides with the picture box. Right now, the snake is moved by using the arrow keys. However, once it collides with "the food", it won't move.

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Graphics


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Process.Start() Immediately Stops?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm having a strange problem with the following code, I'm writing a game launcher in VB.NET:

Dim gameProcess As Process = New Process()
gameProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
gameProcess.StartInfo.FileName = TextBox2.Text


I see the game running for a split second in the task manager, but it immediately closes! Does anyone know why? When I run the game from Windows, it works fine.

I've also tried with Shell, same problem.

And I've tried with cmd.exe and the /C argument, same problem (note that when I type cmd.exe /C path_to_game_exe in the Windows Run Dialog, the game also starts fine), it's only when I launch it from the VB.NET app that it gives problems.

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Program Stops Windows XP From Shutting Down

May 7, 2009

I was in correspondence with someone using my program and he verified that on his system, XP won't shutdown/restart either if my program is running.

Basically what happens is when XP gets to my program in the shutdown process to terminate it, the whole shutdown/restart just stops. I have to exit my program, then start the shutdown again.

The person sent me an image of some threads that were still running after the shutdown process halted and I was curious if anyone might be able to shed some light on this info and what to do about these threads.

These are the threads that are running and what they do: mscoree.dll - a module containing the .NET Framework functions. mscorwks.dll - Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime gdiplus.dll - contains libraries for the GDI graphics interface.

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