Visual Basic 2008 Search Network For Printers IP Addresses?

Jan 12, 2011

i am trying to find a code that will do a search and find the ip address of any printer on the network with a ip address?

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VB 2008 Search Network For Printers IP Addresses

Jun 12, 2011

i am trying to find a code that will do a search and find the ip address of any printer on the network with a ip address?

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Local Area Connections And Changing IP Addresses Using Visual Basic?

Jun 27, 2012

I need to be able t view the current local area connections and then click the one you want to change and then change the internal ipaddress as well as gateway and subnet mask using visual basic.

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Visual Basic 2008 File Search?

Nov 7, 2009

I need a file search for my Visual Basic 2008 program. Do you guys know a way to start off? I've heard that you need admin priveledge for some file searches, but I don't want any of those kind of things since it would be a bug to the user.

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Visual Basic 2008 Listbox Search/Select Item?

Feb 11, 2010

so basically, (pretty simple) I have this listbox, filled with items like

Billy Bob

Okay, how can I 'search' and listbox item containing 'Bob', like I click a button on a form with the listbox presented, and then it auto-selects the one that contains bob? HOW COULD I DO THAT?

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Run A Project Of Visual Basic 6.0 On Network?

Jun 19, 2010

telling that how can i run a project of visual basic 6.0 on network(LAN) databse will be on 1 system only...

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Visual Basic 10 - Mapping Network Drive

Oct 14, 2010

Currently I am trying to create a small application which will be used to map a common network drive on an offline computer. Currently my form has: Location Username Password Domain I have these all setup so that when I click to map the drive it will automatically grab the entered information and map it to the W drive. I tried the code below but it isn't working, stating a W32 exception.


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Local And Network Printers For ALL Users On A Remote Pc?

May 30, 2012

I have this partially working but only shows printers for one user, need all local and network printers mapped for ALL users on a remote pc so I can migrate them, I know I need to do some sort of for each method but not sure what will work


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Make Visual Basic 08 Search For A File On Computer?

Jan 22, 2009

I need to make VB 08 scan for a random file for example "something.txt, .exe ext." how can I make it scan for that something any were on the hard drive? And the I could declare its path in a variable correct? if I am not specific enough I still don't know every thing about VB.

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Search And Replace Text With System.IO (Visual Basic)?

Dec 1, 2009

What is the code to replace text in a document. For exaple if my document had the text "The Dog Jumped over the fence" how would i get it to change to "The Cat Jumped over the fence"

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Accessing Printers And Faxes Folder On A Network Machine In

Oct 8, 2009

From my code I am trying to set a printer name for the crystal reports printing

rpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName="johnKingHP LaserJet 2200 Series PCL"

But when I go to windows-->Start--> Run and enter JohnKing

It is showing me Printers and Faxes folder and Scheduled task folder. But when I open Printers and Faxes it will show the adderess as Printers and Faxes on JohnKing.

From my web application I want to sent the Printer name is the name shown above.

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Visual Basic Program To Search And Upload To A Form A Picture?

Oct 28, 2010

I need a Visual Basic Program to search and upload to a form a picture(of any format) saved in access database using a unique field(Verification Number). The access database(2003 version) has the following fields; 1. Picture 2. Verification Number 3. ID

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IP Addresses On A Network?

Apr 1, 2010

What I Want Is To Get All The IP Addresses On A Network And Put Them Into A List

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Start A Working Search Form In Visual Basic Express Using An Access DB?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm working on my first Visual basic program and I've hit a snag. I want to make a working search form that pulls data from an access database that i already have linked into my visual basic program.

Basically when they click search, i wan't it to check the textbox (lets say firstName.text box for now) for there name, then find all the entries in my database that have those names and display them in a grid.

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Ip Addresses Of All Hosts In A Network?

May 6, 2009

how we can enumerate or collect the ip addresses of all the hosts in a network. I am using VB.NET 2005. I tried using system.directoryservices but in vain.Would it be viable to find the subnet range and try pinging to every system within this range ? In this case how do we calculate the subnet range ?

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Showing Results Of A Search Query In Visual Basic 2010 Professional Edition?

Sep 24, 2011

I wanted to know how to write a query in data grid control. So far I've seen alot of forums but they are related to either 2008 vb or vb 6. how to write a query in the datagrid control which will search for an id in the database of access and present it.

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ProgressBar Disappears When Updated Via Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2008 Standard)?

Jan 17, 2011

In a while loop, I am writing a progressively increasing integer value (between 0 and 100) to the Value attribute of a ProgressBar control, when it disappears from the window in which it resides. I have verified at the time that it disappears that the Min is 0, Max is 100, and Value is a valid integer in range.

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Disabling The Visual Basic Background Compiler In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 20, 2009

How do I disable the background compiler for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008?

For my sins, I have to work on a large VB.NET project and it often locks up for 20 seconds at a time whilst doing the very helpful background compilation

I'd rather work blind between compiles and be able to do some work.

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Make A Console Program In Visual Basic On Visual Studio 2008?

Jan 22, 2010

I am trying to make a console program in Visual Basic on Visual Studio 2008. I want to ask the user of the program if he wants the premium version or the standard version. If he chooses the premium version, then I want it to say premium in his "receipt" later on and if he chooses standard, then standard in the receipt.


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Send An Application To The System Tray With Visual Basic In Visual Studio 2008 Professional?

Sep 26, 2009

I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional and I'm trying to make it so I can click a button to send the application to the System Tray and then click the icon in the System Tray to make the application come back.

Can anyone provide me a method or sample code to do this?

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Can't See Visual Basic Project Option In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 13, 2012

I am very new to Visual Studio Application Development. I'm mostly a DB guy. I used Visual Studio as a Report Designer, not much of an .Net guy though I can understand it. I am now asked to create a .net application and I'm trying to create a "Hello World" starter app. I opened my Visual Studio, click File-New Project and all I see is Business Intelligence Projects and Other Project Types. My step-by-step guide says choose Visual Basic, Windows Forms Application. But I can't see it as an option.

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MS Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition, Visual Basic?

May 22, 2012

I recently loaded my copy of MS Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition, with Visual Basic, on to my new laptop, one with a Windows 7 operating system. This version of Visual Studio had been on my other laptop, a Windows Vista machine. When I attempt to run any of my Visual Basic applications which has a MSFlexGrid container on it, I get this error message "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application... The error is: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG). Also,

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Visual Studio 2008 (visual Basic) Error Id Bc32400

Dec 19, 2009

whilst trying to debug a sample program, get error code bc 32400. Also error code Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created system error &H80040154&

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Add 3D Space In Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual Basic?

Aug 22, 2011

I have been working on a game development program for a few days now. And have come to a halt on one part, and thats adding a 3D space in the program. I do not know the code for this, would some one please provide something i could use for adding 3D space in my project? for example, i have a panel set up to be the view port in to the 3D space. Now i need to figure out how to program it so you can see a 3D space, click on the mouse and drag and the grid will follow the mouse.Likecreate a grid, i wish to give it a grid of 150 x 150 grid pixles.

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Extracting Visual Basic Source Code From Visual Basic EXE?

Jan 24, 2011

How do you extract source code from a VB.NET .EXE file?

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Vbscript - Remove Old Printers - Add New Printers

Sep 23, 2009

Trying to write a Vbscript. Actually, I'm trying to modify an existing script that I found on the internet. I basically need the script to run on workstations, delete printers from our old print server (master), and install the corresponding printer from our new print server (dc01). I should also mention that the printer names have changes slightly. So far, the script does a great job of deleting printers from Master, but none of the corresponding dc01 printers are installed.

Here's the code:


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Send A Message To Another Computer Screen In Network Using Visual Studio 2008?

Jun 11, 2011

how to send a message to another computer in my companys network using visual studio 2008...I would like to be able to list all the computer names on the network and select certain ones and send them a message that would pop up on their screen

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Caller ID In Visual Basic 2008?

Jul 21, 2011

I want to create a Windows Forms Application in Visual Basic 2008. I have created my form already, now I just need to add Caller ID capability. how to do this? Will I need any extra components? If so, where can I get them?

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Converted Into Visual Basic 2008 .net?

Jan 12, 2009

The code below is from Visual Basic 6.0. I need it converted into Visual Basic 2008 .net

I know VB.Net 2008 has the option to convert the code but im still having trouble with this:


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Listview In Visual Basic 2008?

Jun 9, 2011

I got one listview, and several items, and several picture box. And i want to make a relationship between picture box and listview.Like select the third item, and the picture box 3 show, select the second item and the picture box 2 show. All this in the same form.

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