WPF Clarification On Using Controls?

Jan 21, 2009

I am inclined to delve into it in the near future just to get a taste of it. I am looking into converting my single form Chat program to its WPF equivalent. The form that I am currently using have a RichTextbox control in it, I am not sure how WPF works but do I need to design a Richtextbox control using XAML/XML or just the specification on where it should be located?

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Clarification About Which Datatype To Use

Feb 2, 2011

I'm using SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 with .NET Framework 3.5. I'm teaching myself and this my first time posting a question here. And I was wondering if someone could clarify something for me.I've created a table called Classes. One of the columns is called Enrolled and is of data type tinyint (0 to 255) since the class will never have more than 50 students enrolled.In my application I created an object called ClassInfo and declared a private variable ..private _classAmt as byteMy question is this..What if someone wants a total of students enrolled for that year? Do I need to convert to a larger data type such as int32 or would it be better to set the data type as Integer in t

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Get Clarification About GetCurrentProcess In .NET?

Mar 16, 2012

When this grabs the current process, the "current" process is the one that called this function, right? I.E., the process that is requesting this information is the current process, correct? For example, if the process that is running this piece of code right now has a pid of 1, the Process object returned by this function will tell me it has a pid of 1, correct? I cannot possibly get any other process, correct?

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.net - ByRef Vs ByVal Clarification?

Dec 8, 2010

I've read a lot on this, but am having a hard time thinking through this tonight. (Maybe it's the hydrocodone... just had a root canal. i'm just starting on a class to handle client connections to a TCP server. Here is the code I've written thus far:


Now, on my Socket property, when setting the value, it is required to be ByVal. It is my understanding that the instance in memory is copied, and this new instance is passed to value, and my code sets _Socket to reference this instance in memory. Yes?

If this is true, then I can't see why I would want to use properties for anything but native types. I'd imagine there can be quite a performance hit if copying class instances with lots of members. Also, for this code in particular, I'd imagine a copied socket instance wouldn't really work, but I haven't tested it yet.

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Clarification For WithEvents Handlers

Feb 11, 2010

When you declare an object 'WithEvents' and then utilize the "Handles" clause at the end of your event methods, how does Visual Basic manage a reference change for the object? In other words, if the withevents var is set to ObjectA, then later I switch it to ObjectB (or nothing), does Visual Basic automatically both remove those handler methods from ObjectA, and attach them to ObjectB? Or do I still have a ObjectA's events being handled behind the scenes?

I ask this because if instead you use AddHandler for an object, and then switch your reference, unless you removed the handler before switching, your original object is still handled (at least I'm pretty sure that's how it works).

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Clarification On Form Process?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a button that when clicked, creates an instance of a new form and assigns a value to .tag. I have the following code:

Private Sub btnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNew.Click
If Me.Tag = "NBI" Then
Dim NBIForm As New frmNewNBI


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VS 2008 Syntax Clarification If Not (x And Y) =?

Sep 9, 2009

I would need some clarification on a syntax : could someone tell me why some people in their code use the following :

If Not (xxx And yyy) = 0 Then
End if

instead of

If xxx = true Then
End if

As an exemple : In a code I use for a listview Item Ownerdraw, it sure works like this :

If Not (e.State And ListViewItemStates.Selected) = 0 Then
' draw the listview item code
End If

but not like this :

If e.State = ListViewItemStates.Selected Then
End If

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Quick Clarification About When Have To Remove Handlers In .Net

Aug 6, 2010

If I have a class with a couple of event handlers inside of it which are attached to an object that is defined within the class, am I right in thinking that I don't need to implement IDisposable to remove said handlers, even if I explicitly added the handlers myself? Also, can anyone point me in the direction of an article that explains the scope of when it is needed to remove handlers to avoid memory leaks. (I've tried searching many times but I must be screwing up my search terms.)I have a collection; every time an object is added to that collection, I add a handler to a change event of the object.When I'm done with the collection, do I need to go through each item and remove the handler before setting the reference to null?

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"Creating Own File Type" Clarification?

Mar 13, 2012

Okay, I was doing a lot of research this morning and found what I hope to be a promising example (code and installation file in the zip folder I downloaded). Even though it is from 2005, and I am working with 2010.I had to update/upgrade the entire project to view the code, and... ok, I am just rambling.I know how to set the filters for SaveDialog and OpenDialog (took me a long while to understand, but I now understand it), but when I finish and build the project to host it on CNet Download or somewhere similar.

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Accessing The Click Event In Layered Controls Or When Multiple Controls Are Docked Within Each Other?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to know if anyone could tell me how to access the Click_event.I have a boarderles form with a panel control which has the Dock property set to fill and on the panel I have placed a Label also with the Dock property set to fill. I also have a timer running.How can I get code to execute in the Label1 click event.I've tried doing it by using the generic Click_event and also with two variations of the Click_event Handles parameters

'Alternativ 1:
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click


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Manage A Large Number Of Similar Controls In A User Interface (such As Button Or TextBox Controls)

Aug 23, 2011

There is newer code in a follow up post. I suggest using the code in the later post rather than the code in this one. You can still read this post though. When designing a user interface, one should be conscious of how many individual controls are required to implement the functionality. In some cases an initial design may begin with many buttons or textboxes (for example) but then further review of
the actual required functionality allows for a reduction in the number of unique controls.

But other times, there isn't a better way (which will still make sense to the user of the application) then to have a series of many repeated controls. So in the cases where one can be certain that the best UI implementation for an application will require the use of multiple copies of a given control, then it often becomes necessary to maintain some method of managing all of those controls at various points
throughout the application. Doing so typically requires that one build up some collection of controls which can then be accessed by index in order to work with any given control; but this can lead to a lot of clutter in the code file which handles these control's events. For instance there will be some kind of collection declaration, some recursive routine to find all of the controls of interest, and then any number of event handler methods with long lists of Handles clauses, or additional code loops to wire up the event handling for each control.

Purpose Since most of this functionality could be considered a requirement regardless of the type of control being managed, or its required functionality, it may make sense to wrap all of the control management functionality into a single class. And since our first requirement is a collection of controls, then a base collection class could be the perfect starting point for our control manager. There are a number of existing thread around this topic, with some recent (at the time of this writing) ones being:[URL]..In this, and related, threads I have posted examples of a simple TextBoxManager and ButtonManager control. But again, with so much similar functionality required regardless of the control being managed, it would be technically possible to create a generic ControlManager(Of T As Control) class which can manage any type of control.


So in summary, one can facilitate managing a large number of user interface controls by building a "control manager" class which both encapsulates the list of control instances, and deals with adding and removing defined event handlers for every control it manages. The generic control manager class itself can be inherited and extended into a more specific class on a per-application basis in order to provide more application-specific functionality. Reed Kimble - "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

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Accessing Controls Inside ASP.NET View Controls (Event Handling)?

Nov 8, 2011

If I have the following ListView, how can I attach a SelectedIndexChanged event listener to the DropDownList so I can perform a command on the respective object? Imagine I have a list of new users and I want to add them to a usergroup by selecting the group from the DropDownList.

<asp:ListView ID="NewUsers" runat="server" DataSourceID="NewUsersSDS" DataKeyNames="ID">


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Control Recommendations - Controls At The Top Of It And A Large DataGridView Is Docked Below All The Controls

Nov 10, 2011

I have a maximized form that has controls at the top of it and a large DataGridView that is docked below all the controls. Its kind of like the Ribbon in MS Office. The controls cover about 1/4 of the screen at the top. I would like a way for the user to click a button to hide all the controls then automatically expand into the place the controls were so the user can view more data in the DataGridView and visa versa. For example, in MS Office Excel you can hide the ribbon by clicking a tiny button that has "^" on it.

I'm not very familiar with all the controls in Visual Studio so I would like to hear some recommendations. Is this situation ideal for a SplitContainer or ToolStripContainer or am I way off base here?

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NumericUpDown Controls - Update Some Variables Each Time One Of These NumUD Controls Changes Value

Nov 20, 2011

I've got a couple of these NumericUpDown controls I put on a form. Without describing too much about the form I basically want to update some variables each time one of these NumUD controls changes value. So for each NumUD I have a call to a Recalculate subroutine within their "changedValue" event.

There are actually two problems. First, if I initialize the "Value" property to something other than zero in VB2010 at DESIGN TIME it won't even open the form when I hit RUN. It gives me a "No Source Available. No symbols loaded for any call stack frame" error. The error box says "InvalidOperationException" was not handled. So if I try to set the initial value of the Value property to anything but zero of either I get this error.


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Container Controls Access Controls At Design Time?

May 13, 2009

I've been building controls for many years professionally and personally, but even back in VB6 days I just could not work this out. After all this time I remembered about it again.If I create a usercontrol/containercontrol and add one or more controls to the controls surface, I just cannot figure out how to access the controls at design time.

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Draw A Rectangle Over Some Controls So That The Controls Are Partly Obscured

May 18, 2010

I want to draw a rectangle over some controls so that the controls are partly obscured.

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Forms :: Dynamic Controls Disposal - Only 50% Of Controls Removed?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a query about dynamically added controls to a form. I have a series of buttons which are created and added at run time. I have a two drop down lists and two buttons which are created at design time. Button 1 creates a series of buttons called "Test 1.x" based upon the selection of the two drop down lists. This works fine and am happy with the logic.However.... Button two should remove all the dynamically created buttons from the form.This does not happen. What does happen is that 50% of the buttons are removed starting with the first one. WHen checking the loop it only enters the loop half the amount of times that there are buttons. Very strange. When the loop is run repeatability it will remove all controls. Why will my logic not remove all the dynamically created controls at once? What is wrong with my logic?

I attach two code snippets and the .net file for your consideration.Button method which creates the dynamically created buttons from the two drop down lists and adds to form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Count As Integer
Dim MaxHours As Integer


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Looping Controls / Migrating Among Controls In Control Array

Jun 19, 2009

i have created control array , now i wann to loop around as well wann to find which control has triggered the respective event my code :


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Remember All Controls - Object Browser In VS Contains Many Controls And Properties

Jun 10, 2011

The object browser in visual studio contains many controls and properties ....so is it possible to remember in mind all these controls. Whenever i am programming in vb 2008 and for reference i look at the examples on internet i always find some new controls,properties etc which makes me confuse.So i was wondering If by any means there is a way to remember all these controls

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Setting A 'default' Value To Controls (textbox) (loop Controls)?

Nov 11, 2009

I have aspx form with several textboxes.They are populated with values from a table via retrieval of a dataview.If the row count for the dataview is 0, then I'd like to reset the values in all textboxes. How can I loop through all the textboxes and set a default value?I've tried the following, but no sucess.

For Each ctrl As Control In Page.Form.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is WebControls.TextBox Then
CType(ctrl, WebControls.TextBox).Text = ""
End If

My first For Loop was using Page.Controls but it returned only 1 count.The textboxes are inside a tabpanel (ajax), so do I have to locate the tabpage and then find all it's controls (for each tabpage)?

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Add Controls To A Form In Code And Set The Properties Of The Controls?

May 24, 2009

How can I add controls to a form in code and set the properties of the controls using the With statement?Also I would like to know how to add a container control and then add a control to that container.

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Controls Not Return All The Child Controls For The Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a slight problem With an enumaration of child controls on a form. The following code will not get but about have the controls that are on the form. The controls show that the count is correct but when it goes through the loop it skips over some of the controls. If you run it through the enumeration two or three times it will get all the controls a few at a time. The solution uses two forms, one that has the controls and the other that labels are made and displayed on. The Tx is just a index to add a number to the label.name and rename the label. So each label is identified seperately. This works for all the the controls that are seen in the for each loop.

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Pass Usercontrol Controls Or Form Controls?

May 11, 2009

I created a class that can take either usercontrol.controls or form.controls as a parameter,how can i pass either to that class? as a property or how?

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VS 2008 Loop Through Controls Doesn't Get All Controls?

Jan 21, 2011

I am rather irritated at this. I have no clue why looping through controls on a form and in groupboxes leaves out 75% of the controls.

Here's the code I have:

Dim settings As String = ""
Dim gbControl As Control
Dim gbbox As Control


I want to have setting save all settings to an ini file, and not have to reprogram the saving routine when I add a group box or control. At random times, any number of controls can be disabled, checkboxes can be checked and unchecked, radiobuttons can be checked and unchecked. Regardless of the state of the control, I want the control to show up in the loop. But they don't. Only controls that are enabled and only checkboxes that are checked, every other control state is ignored. That's crap, and is definitely not what is needed by any programmer of any type. We're capable of determining if a control is enabled, hidden, checked, visible, and otherwise.

How do I get the controls to be included in the loop regardless of their state?

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Addressing A Textual Array Of Controls - Controls("FuelBoxMin_" & IntLoop.ToString & .Text)?

Aug 20, 2011

I cannot work out the correct formatting of the above type addressing for a textbox in a (sort of) array of textboxes such as


The controls are on Tabs but I don't think I need to include the Tab as a container control, just refer directly to the textbox on the form, but I cannot work out how this is done in VB .NET format. In VB6 it was relatively straightforward but VB .NEt seems it is different. Can anyone help me with the correct way to formulate


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Accessing Controls Within Controls On A Form

May 26, 2012

I have a module level sub that I use to clear text fields etc on my forms:


The problem I have is in the last few lines of code as I'm not really sure how to access the text boxes contained within the tab controls (of which there are many tabs and many text boxes).

This is the closest I've got but I am getting an "option strict on disallows late binding" error on the tabCtl in the following line.

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For Each...In Panel1.Controls Is Skipping Controls?

Jun 22, 2010

I wanted to delete all of the TextBoxes that I put on a form that start with "tbx". The below code only deleted some of them.

For Each ctl As Control In Panel1.Controls
If ctl.Name.StartsWith("tbx") Then
End If

So, I took it a step further in testing...Now I'm really confused about the .controls collection. When I try to delete controls from Panel1 with the below code, it only deletes every other control instead of all controls.

For Each ctl As Control In Panel1.Controls

It looks like it deletes item(0) which moves everything back one step but then advances the pointer to the next step. For example, if the following controls exist on the form...


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Manage Controls If There Are Many Many Controls Placed On The Forms?

Dec 10, 2006

I would like to know how do .net developers manage a large window application with a large number of controls, such as textbox , button, groupbox? I have seen a number of people do it this way : declare the controls as an array and initialize them one by one at run time . In this way it is easy to manage those controls because they can be accessed by array index; but this solution seems to require very good understanding of control's attribute such as its location, font etc. This could be a difficult task if the project is passed on to a less experienced developer and add changes to it.How do you deal with it?

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VS 2008 Controls Vs User Controls

Dec 2, 2009

How many controls can I have before I should start looking at user defind controls because of too many controls making my program go slow?

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VS 2008 Missing Controls From Me.Controls()?

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to cycle throught the lables on my form but it would appear that I am missing quite a few labels... I have a total of 69 lables on my form and I only get 5 hits on the msgbox.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is Label Then


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