WPF - App To Have The Same Responsiveness To Drawing And Manipulating Graphics As Had With Vb6 And The API

Apr 9, 2011

I have been having problems getting a vb.net app to have the same responsiveness to drawing and manipulating graphics as I had with vb6 and the API. In my journeys here at this forum and elsewhere, I understand that GDI+ is pretty much a gonner, and that other avenues should be explored. For instance, I have been doing my initial research into WPF and it seems that maybe it would be a more natural shift from GDI+ than moving to DirectX or OpenGL.

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Interface And Graphics :: System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString On Other Window?

Aug 14, 2009

drawing text on a window which is not the current form's window.I remember doing this in Win32 api with getwindowdc(handle) to obtain a DC for the Window, then textout() on the DC.

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Convert An Object Form System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image?

May 23, 2009

Is it possible to convert an object form System.Drawing.Graphics to System.Drawing.Image?

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Convert System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image

Jan 20, 2010

I have a System.Drawing.Graphics g, which draw something in a PictureBox. Now I want to export this pGraphics to a new System.DrawingImage pImage (or Bitmap). But how?

Dim pImage As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics
g = Graphics.FromImage(b)


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Convert System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image?

Mar 10, 2010

I have two graphics I'm trying to superimpose into one, then display in a DataGridViewImage cell...The Value property of a DataGridViewImage is an Image type.

Dim Image1 As System.Drawing.Image = imgl_Imagelist1.Images(0)
Dim Image2 As New Bitmap(imgl_ImageList2.Images(0))
Dim DualGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Image1)


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Drawing Spirals Using Graphics Object?

Feb 20, 2009

I have been trying to draw spirals in vb.net. Here's a link to the formula [URL]. here's what I was trying to do. The code below is just drawing points which I was later going to edit to connect from point to point as soon as i got the spiral function working.
Function Draw()
Dim iImageCenterPointH As Integer = pbOut.Height / 2
Dim iImageCenterPointW As Integer = pbOut.Width / 2
Dim iCircleSpace As Integer = 10
[Code] .....
I am not 100% the output is matching the formula here's what I am getting atm ...

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Graphics Drawing And Moving Controls?

Oct 21, 2010

I know this is probably not going to be simple, I tried searching around, but couldn't find anything. I am using some code to 'draw' text in a custom format to a panel with a custom bitmapped region (custom shape).Here is the code that writes the text inside a specified area:

g = LeftControlPanelV2.Panel1.CreateGraphics
Using fnt As New Font(New FontFamily("Arial"), 9, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)
Dim sf As StringFormat = StringFormat.GenericDefault
sf.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisWord


Obviously the text is not really located on the panel, but looks like it as it's drawn on top of the panel. So, when the panel or form that the panel is attached to moves, I lose the text. I though I could just call back to writing the text when the panel/form arrives at the correct place, while clunky, it works to a degree. I was hoping there was a better way of doing this, so that the text doesn't disappear when moving controls and I don't have to make repeated calls to the same drawing text over and over and over...

Edit: Should probably add that there will be 5 different panels each with their own custom drawn text, and all 5 need to move at the same time...

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Graphics Drawing Images Events

Aug 3, 2010

I have been researching for a while, and now am converting my project from using forms to do transparencies to just drawing the images. At first, I thought picturebox's could be used, but can't figure out how to do transparencies on those, so I settled for drawing images. Here is what I am using: [Code] Now, I know these are not controls, but is there any possible way to make these drawn images have a click-able event fire?

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System.Drawing.Graphics From Scratch?

Jul 15, 2010

Rather than create a Form and use Graphics generated via the CreateGraphics Method, how does a System.Drawing.Graphics Object get built?

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VS 2008 - Drawing ListView Using E.Graphics

Sep 13, 2009

I have been looking through the code bank and i cant find anything that is helping me with my problem what i have is a print button that when clicked it goes to my print preview page, then i can print the file. i have got all the other controls on my page to display correctly using this example

e.Graphics.DrawString(sType, New Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Underline), Brushes.Black, 110, 650)

but how can i get my ListView header and content to preview on the page as well. my listView has 5 columns and i am using the PrintDocument control.

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.net - Why Is Graphics.DrawLine Drawing A Wedge Shape

Nov 4, 2011

I am trying to draw a bus route as a simple sequence of lines. Nothing fancy. But instead of lines, I'm getting wedges. Initially I was fine with this, because the wedges sortof look like arrows and always face towards the second point. But now I want to improve the look, and the wedges are becoming a big problem.

My suspicion is some sort of floating-point issue due to the graphics transform (lat/lons are fed in and the transform turns them into x/y on the bitmap [assuming lat/lon is euclidean is accurate enough for my purposes], so the scaling is several orders of magnitude).


It actually kind of looks like the line was split into two triangles but only one of them was drawn.

Relevant Code (note: drawing is done asynchronously, which is why I'm creating a bitmap):

'-- Creating the transform --'
Dim bitmap = New Bitmap(Math.Max(1, PictureBox1.Width), Math.Max(1, PictureBox1.Height))
Dim g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)


Using DrawLines instead of DrawLine solves the issue (but why?) Increasing the pen thickness makes the issue go away (but the lines are too thick) Zooming out (increasing lat/lon view window) makes the issue go away, eventually (but I want to zoom in!)

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Drawing Graphics - How To Clear Image In PictureBox

Nov 23, 2011

I have 1 image in picturebox. Now I draw some rectangles. I'm trying clear the image (only rectangles and left the image) without success.

Private Sub btnImageSelection_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnImageSelection.Click
Dim intImages As Integer = 0
Dim intImagesLine As Integer = 0
Dim intImagesColune As Integer = 0
picImage.Image = PictureBox1.Image
[Code] .....

The cycles for is for show the rectangules and works fine. but
The image is clear but the rectangles are showed and then unshowed.

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Floodfill With A System.Drawing.Graphics() Object

Jun 7, 2011

I need to make a basic drawing program in VB that can do three things:

"Draw" with a brush of some sort
Clear the screen
Perform a flood-fill (paintbucket action)

I decided to do the first two tasks first, and got them to work, but the third task completely eludes me. Every way I try seems to pile on exceptions, and every flood-fill algorithm I find seems to require a bitmap, rather than a Graphics() object. Is there any way to accomplish a flood-fill using a Graphics object, or must I restart the project using a bitmap?

Source code for reference:


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Increase Pixel Size In Drawing.Graphics

Dec 30, 2010

How can I increase the pixel size of a Graphics like in an image-editor?Goldfish64 - Please remember to mark any replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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Interface And Graphics :: DoubleBuffered And External Drawing?

Dec 18, 2011

I am drawing a bunch of shapes on a form and I want to relegate some of these to a subroutine other than Form1_Paint().The form has the DoubleBuffered property set to TRUE.All the shapes that are drawn by an external sub get overwritten:Code:


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Interface And Graphics :: Drawing A Point On A Particular Picbox

Feb 2, 2012

I have several picture boxes on a form (frmMain).My question is, how do I paint a point on a particular picture box at the location specified by the coordinates of the current mouse position? The snippet below shows defining some canvases and pens. But I'm not sure how to capture the mouse position when the mouse is over a particular picture box and how to paint the actual point at that location.[code]

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Interface And Graphics :: Performance Invalidating & Drawing A Lot

Jan 18, 2011

IGraphics and drawing and invalidating thing.I have improved, that I can tell. I won't explain everything, so here's the essential:Technically, my application will let you draw a rectangle on the form. You click, drag, and boom, a red rectangle is there. This rectangle will disappear when you start drawing another.I got that working.But my problem is performance. You see, obviously I have to update, invalidate and paint my rectangle every time the mouse moves while it is in "drawing mode". I do that every time the mouse's position changes.And that is quite a big deal. Every time the mouse's position changes? That's a lot of invalidations and redraws for a decently-sized rectangle!I thought of skipping some mouse movement, like only update every 5 coordinates moved or something. But that would render my goal quite inaccurate.I already invalidate only the regions necessary, that I can tell.

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Interface And Graphics :: Reinventing (and Drawing) The ComboBox?

Jul 25, 2009

I'm trying to make a custom combobox from scratch that multiple instances will share the listbox that holds the data on. I'm trying to draw the button face manually using GraphicsPaths and pens and brushes, but I'm having a few issues with it:

1. How do you draw that down arrow glyph in a way that doesn't look like a two-year-old sneezed on it? I'm having problems with the shape looking like the traditional one.

2. How do you position the listbox that contains the data in such a way that isn't bound by the containing form's render window?

3. I've tried to make the background look different when it has focus, but the OnPaint seems to think it always has focus and always makes the background the "focused control" background.

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Interface And Graphics :: Rubberband Drawing Using Controls?

Jul 17, 2008

Im using VB 2005 express edition. Im trying to draw rubber band lines and rectangles using controls like buttons in one form. My problem is, i did the rubberband lines and rectangles on diff forms.Here's the snippet code for rubberband rectangle:

Private Sub MyDrawReversibleRectangle(ByVal p1 As Point, ByVal p2 As Point, ByVal dashed As Boolean)


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Set A Systems.drawing.graphics Brush To A Variable?

Jun 4, 2009

I am coding a reversi game for my computer programming class and I need help with something. I have a list of all the systems.drawing.graphics brushes in a Combobox and I want the user to be able to pick their color. So I have the list of colors I just need to make it so I can set the color the user picks to the brush that is for his team I guess you would say.


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App Responsiveness During Loop?

Feb 16, 2011

I have designed an app in vb.net 2005 that at one point adds and loops over about 500k list in listbox about.

When adding these items to the listbox, the app freezes for about 5-10 minutes, then when looping over the items, processing them, the app also freezes for the same time. Am loading the data from a text file

How can I make my application responsive during loops? should I use a queue to process the list? what is the messagequeue control for?

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After Drawing To Graphics Object, Results Won't Paint Properly?

May 29, 2009

This little experiment was a test prompted by a previous thread to learn to work in a graphics object, then paint everything later to a picturebox (later, will be looking at building own custom control for the display), and save out the bitmap to a file on the HD.But weird things happen here. Nothing will display in the picturebox, and the saved bitmap is just a black box.The only partial success I had was replacing: e.Graphics.DrawImage(MyBitmap, 0, 0)

PictureBox1.image = MyBitmap

inside the paint event handler, but that caused infinite recursion of the paint event. But at least I could see parts of the graphic for a fraction of a second before it was wiped clean, every time I clicked the "Go_cmd" button. But what is weird is that this partial success showed that the graphics object was copying successfully over to the bitmap image (because I could briefly see parts of it in the picturebox, but the saved file would still come out black, even though it was based on the same bitmap!The code is as follows.Above the form1 class

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
The single declaration:

Public MyBitmap As Bitmap
The form_load procedure:[ code].....

The code in the version shown above would not even show a brief moment of the graphics in the picturebox, and the saved .bmp file is just a filled black box.

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Graphics Drawing UserControl - Resize Images During Runtime

May 17, 2010

I have a Form1 where i can add usercontrols during runtime. I draw their appereance in the OnPaint event using the GDI+ engine. The greate part is that i want to be able to resize these images during runtime wich goes pretty well now cause i draw points in percentage of the control. Unfortunetly it is very difficult to draw nice images/drawings ect with the GDI+ engine. Is there any other way in doing this?


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Interface And Graphics :: Drawing / Painting Imgs To Background.

Feb 9, 2009

Well im just upgrading from VB6 and i was able to paint images to the background of a form. The same method does not seem to work in VB 2008. Is there a way i can draw/paint images to the background of my form?

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Interface And Graphics :: Drawing A Rectangle Or A Point On A Form?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm just getting started, and it's as simple as that: I need guidance to draw a rectangle or place a dot or a point on Form1, in VB 2008 Express. I knew how in VB6 -- let's build on that.

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Interface And Graphics :: Drawing Equilateral Triangle In Circle?

Jan 14, 2012

I am drawing a circle, of let's say 300 pixels diameter. I want to draw a triangle, with the top of it being at New Point(diameter / 2, 0). How could I get the other 2 points of the triangle? If possible, how could i get the 3 points of a triangle rotated by x degrees?

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Interface And Graphics :: VB2010: Picturebox Drawing Disappears?

May 26, 2012

Problem1: I have a picturebox on a form. I have also managed to draw several PNG files with transparency onto the picturebox (see below). However, If I move the form outside the border and move it back, the image is gone. My source so far:

Dim k1 As New Bitmap(My.Resources.image1)
Dim k2 As New Bitmap(My.Resources.image2)
Dim drawMe As Graphics = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics
Dim bgcolor As Color = Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128)


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VS 2010 System.Drawing.Drawing2d.Graphics Refreshing

Apr 28, 2010

So basically I created Dim gr As System.Drawing.Graphics on my picturebox and I am drawing on it.

Each time I cover my window with anything or move it away from the screen whatever was covered/invisible becomes missing.

As I understand I can do:


But I just can't figure out when should I call restore().

Tried on:


When should I restore?

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Windows - Drawing Digits/graphics Directly To The Screen?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm putting together a small program in Visual Basic Express 2010, and part of it is to take a delayed screen shot.

I've got the main code working, I've got Visual Basic delaying taking the screen shot with System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Sleep(5000), but what I'm looking for is a way to draw directly to the screen the number of seconds remaining.

You know how in Windows, in the Display Properties under Settings, when you click on Identify you get a huge number displayed on each monitor?

I'm trying to recreate that, with the number counting down until the screen shot is taken, giving the user plenty of notification to get their required applications in focus for the screen shot.

Is it possible to do this? Or is it something that will take a heck of a lot of coding?

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Avoiding Flicker When Drawing Multiple Bitmaps With Graphics.DrawImage

Mar 15, 2011

I need to draw a bitmap background with one or more moving bitmaps in the foreground; something like a chessboard where pieces move across it. I use a timer-tick event to redraw the background and then draw the relocated foreground image like the code below. But I get flicker, even though I set the form to use double-buffering. The culprit seems to be redrawing the background to refresh where the foreground images used to be; no flicker if I replace the background DrawImage with a simple Graphics.Clear. I think what I want to do is draw the background, and the foreground bitmap(s), in memory and then render it all. I used to do this with double-buffering, BitBlt, and .Refresh in VB6 but I haven't found the equivalent in VB2010. This must be a pretty common graphics requirement; what's the trick to it?

Dim Gfx As Graphics
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)
Dim rectBrd As Rectangle 'use as clipping region for drawing


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