What Is A Boolean Flag

Oct 3, 2011

I'm taking a course in Visual Basic 2010 and I'm trying to get a grasp on this new term called a flag. I kind of understand that it has something to do with a boolean condition. I don't quite understand what a flag is. I see references to it using the term flag. I understand it has something to do when a boolean, a condition triggers a flag. But what is the flag.

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VS 2010 - Picture Viewer Should Show A Flag And The Students Must Type What The Flag Is In A Text Box

Mar 26, 2012

with a college assignment. We are to make a program for a school class. It is on Flags of Europe. A Picture Viewer should show a flag and the students must type what the flag is in a text box. If it is correct it must say so in a label and display the next flag. I want it to add the correct answers the student got out of 10 flags.

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VS 2008 What To Name Boolean Data Member And Boolean Method

Nov 17, 2009

From what I read it is a good convention to name a method that returns a boolean value with the prefix of "is" or "has". So in keeping with this convention I am trying to name a method in my program with this prefix but I am running Specifically I have a class called Day. It is a simple class with a few data members and one method that returns a boolean value of true or false. The name of the boolean variable is isSpecialDay. This class has a method called isSpecialDay which takes the date of the day, applies some criteria to the date and then sets the variable isSpecialDay to true or false. My problem is that the boolean variable is named isSpecialDay and so it the method. What should I do?

Public Class Day
Private TheDate as String
Private DayName as String


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Make Boolean Column Editable (asp.net VB GridView Filled By DataTable That Has Boolean Column) ?

Oct 27, 2011

After Filling a DataTable in GridView's DataSource . A column with check box Type appears but it created as read only column and I can't enable it or make it editable... even i tried .readonly = false and still can't be edited

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Difference Between Boolean And [Boolean]?

Mar 5, 2010

I ran some code through an automatic translator for C# to VB, and it translated some code like this:Public Property Title As [String]How is this different to Public Property Title As String

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Create Flag With 2 Value?

Oct 6, 2009

normal when coding, create flag with 2 value : true or false

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Set Flag When Textbox Contains Value

Mar 22, 2009

Whats the syntax for 'Not Null' or for when a field contains a value? I'm trying to make a flag be set when a textbox contains a value, but I don't know how to write the code to do this.

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What Flag To Use To End Loop

Dec 12, 2010

I am working with a bowling scores program that displays a high score, a low score, and an average. I need to know what flag to use to end the loop. If I use a number, that messes up the values I need.

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C# - Use Flag-based .NET Enums From Lua?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm using LuaInterface for .NET to create Windows Forms objects. This works pretty good except for one thing:I want to use the Anchor property of Control to make them resize automatically. If I only set one of the Anchors (e.g. only AnchorStyles.Top), it works, but this doesn't really make sense. I have to set more than one Anchor, which is done by combining them with "bit-wise or" (or by just adding them numerically).

In VB.Net both works:
Dim myLabel As New Label()
myLabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top[code]....

which is in a sense correct as "LuaInterface treats enumeration values as fields of the corresponding enumeration typ" (says LuaInterface: Scripting the .NET CLR with Lua).It is also not possible to assign the value as a number:

myLabel.Anchor = 15 -- 15 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = Top+Left+Right+Bottom

This time, the error message is rather unspecific:

LuaInterface.LuaException: function

Is there a possibility to typecast the number to the correct enumeration type in Lua?

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Creating A Flag Viewer?

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to create a flag viewer in vb and just cant get it.

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Get Flag Icon To A Ip Adress?

Jan 2, 2011

How to get the flag icon to a ip adress ? For example, you add a textbox, a button and a picturebox, and the textbox should contain a website[url]... And when you press the button, a function getts the ip adress of the url, and setts the picturebox image to the contry flag icon.

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How To Set Flag When DataBound Called

Jun 10, 2009

I'm trying to use lambdas in some VB.Net code, essentially I'm trying to set a flag when databound is called.

Simplified it looks like this:
Dim dropdownlist As New DropDownList()
dropdownlist.DataSource = New String() {"one", "two"}
Dim databoundCalled As Boolean = False
AddHandler dropdownlist.DataBound, Function(o, e) (databoundCalled = True)

My understanding is that the databoundCalled variable should be set to true, clearly I'm missing something as the variable always remains false.

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Set A Variable , Say Flag=1 When A Button Is Clicked?

Jun 11, 2009

I need to set a variable , say Flag=1 when a button is clicked.

How do i set the Flag=1 and this variable can be used in OTHER application? Meaning this Flag is set in Program A, then Program B will use this variable (always updated value). I wrote application in VB.NET.

I think app.config isn't that good (use the add key="" value "" ) because when program is executing, it will lock the app.config file.

This Flag variable will be changed according user input (button click) and i try to make this variable use across other application. How to do this?

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Array And Use Of Flag To Shuffle Numbers?

Apr 10, 2011

i am trying to find out how it shuffles the number 1, 2, 3 and 4 without repeating the same number within the series. So far, I think that "i" begins as 1 and RN is a randomized number between 1 and 4. The do while loop checks if "i" is the same as RN and spits out the flag as true or false. Then "i" is increased 1 at a time and so does the number of elements in the array. I believe that the array a(4) and the for loop does something that "remembers" the same numerical value not to be repeated. I'm not sure exactly what the for loop does and how the flag make this thing work.

Lets say, a case where i=1 and the RN=3, the flag becomes false. Therefore, a(1)=3. Then, i increments by 1 and a(j) becomes a(2), which puts out the values 1 and 2. Since both numbers are flag=false, it increments again. Because a(i) = RN, a(2) becomes = 3. How can this be? It has a(1) equal to 3 and a(2) also equal to 3. Each array is supposed to have NON-OVERLAPPING numbers.

The result of doing shuffle() is a random set of numbers that don't overlap:

1234, 1243, 1342, 1324, 2341, 3412, 4321, 3214, and so on.
but never 1111, 1112, 3333 or 3242.

To find out how exactly it works, I tried to delete some lines, tweak the numbers. The result of that is either numbers change to repeats, all zeros or a logical error. The following is the code placed in the module and can be used for other forms and in this case it is used for the labels in form1 windows form:

Sub Shuffle()
Dim a(4), i, j, RN As Integer
Dim flag As Boolean


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Can't Set Flag Of A Class That Doesn't Exist

Jul 17, 2010

I have a Windows Form in which I started two threads and then close the form and threads continue their works. How can I abort first thread when the second thread stops?I made the first thread IsBackground,but the second thread is not the only thread of program and the first thread is started in another thread(form) that is closed and not exists anymore,in addition I can't set Flag of a Class that doesn't exist.

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Flag The VB Folks At MS About Code That's About To Break?

Nov 4, 2011

I am writing a Direct Sound application and I am getting a warning that the functionality that I am using is obsolete and to use different functionality. However, when I try it, I get a compile error.

I am using VB on Visual Studio 2008 and .Net 3.5 .


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Setter Value - How To Update Flag Property Of Row

Nov 10, 2009

I've got 2 classes, one called row and one called value. The row class has an array of value as one of its properties. The row class also has a property called flag which will contain an enum for how it has changed. On the setter for value I was hoping to update the flag property of row, but I cant work out how to do it via modern OO. Here's the

Public Class Row
Private values_local() As Value
Private flag_local As DataFlags
Property values() As Value() .....

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Design A Flag, That Seems To Wave As It Is Viewed, On A Website?

Aug 16, 2009

i need to design a flag, that seems to wave as it is viewed, on a website. can i do this with VB.NET?

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Flag Duplicates In Array / Data Grid?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a huge array, well Data Grid actually (unbound), but it can be populated into an array... 47 columns by 2000 rows. The data within is random, I need to check each row for duplicates...

essence is on the quickest method though as it will be called by the user. The data is populated by column, so I can not check for duplicates during population.


DataFR1, DataBF2, DataJU3....... DataXN47
DataHY1, DataBF2, DataJU3....... DataXN47
DataFR1, DataBF2, DataJU3....... DataXN47 << This is a duplicate >>

I can perform the 'compare' but i'm struggling with the speed.. because row 2000 could be the same as row 1 I can only get my head around a solution that would be very slow

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Use DayOfWeek Enum To Flag Process Cycles?

Dec 7, 2010

In app.config, I supply a cycle string value: "Monday", "Tuesday", ..., "Daily". From that value I wanted to assign a <Flags()> enum. Simply using DayOfWeek does not give me the ability to flag a process as a daily routine. Is there an available .Net class that does provide the day of week as a flag?

In the meantime, I devised the following:

<Flags()> _
Public Enum enumExportCycle As Integer
Monday = DayOfWeek.Monday


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VS 2005 - ContectMenuStrip Popup Alignment Or Flag

Jan 8, 2010

i left VB6 to .NET (Microsoft Visual C# / Basic.NET / MS Visual Basic 2005). i made ContextMenuStrip for NotifyIcon but in VB6 we able to set flag for popupmenu which you can edit the align of menu vbRight.

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VS 2008 Flag Enums In Property Grid

Jul 10, 2009

I have a flags enumeration property that I need to show in a property grid: [Code] In the property grid however, it only allows me to select a single value. I cannot combine the values like usual in a flags enum. How do I show something like a checked listbox in the property grid, so that the user can combine flags by checking items? A None and All item would be great but not required. [url]

But even that does not work properly. It seems to check and uncheck items arbitrarily. If you check the first and fourth item for example, the second and third items will sometimes be checked too. Yes, I realize that is supposed to happen with the TestEnum property (as that defines 'BottomRight' as 'Bottom Or Right', so that's logical), but it also happens with the SecurityFlags for example, which it shouldn't.

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Make A Program Which Can Determine If The Record Is Deleted Or Flag?

Apr 8, 2011

I am just new here, i just want to ask if there are any of you who knows on how to determine if the record is flag or deleted in a dbf file. I am trying to make a program which can determine if the record is deleted or flag.

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Visual Studio Does Not Flag Unterminated String Constant?

May 25, 2010

I noticed that if I leave off the terminating double quote for a string constant in Visual Studio 2010, there is no error or even a warning, i.e.

Dim foo as String = "hi

However, the continuous integration tool we are using flags an error:

error BC30648: String constants must end with a double quote.

Is there some language rule in VB.Net that makes a terminating double quote optional "sometimes"? Is there some setting in Visual Studio that will make it flag this as an error, so I can avoid "breaking the build" in this way?

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Write A Program That Randomly Selects A Picture Of A Flag?

Aug 20, 2009

I am having to write a program that randomly selects a picture of a flag. Then the corresponding country needs to be selected and a message box letting them know if they have the right answer or not. I know this isn't near completion but I am stuck on assigning the pictures to the array. The problem I am getting is in the 5 lines like this "Flags(0,0) = My.Resources.USA". VB isn't liking the Flags(0,0) it is saying that a "declaration is expected." The other problem is in this line "PictureBox = Flags(0, x)" the error is "Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox'".


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NoSecurityChanges Flag Error When Choose Item In The ToolBox With VB2010

Sep 28, 2010

I try to add .NET items in my ToolBox (choose items...) by browsing. When I click Open, I get this message:

"The security state of an AppDomain was modified by an AppDomainManager configured with the NoSecurityChanges flag."

I work with VB 2010 and Windows 7 - 64 bits

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Make Compiler Flag Unitialized Form's Private Variable As Error?

Jun 29, 2010

I can make the compiler give me an error (Use of variable prior to assignment) with:

private sub Test()
Dim ord As Order
Dim ord2 As Order


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.net - What Does The "Prefer 32-bit" Compiler Flag Mean For Visual Studio 11 Managed Apps (C#, VB)

Sep 22, 2011

Just got the Visual Studio 11 developer preview installed. I see a new option in the project properties called "Prefer 32-bit" when compiling a managed (C#, VB) application with the AnyCPU target specified. This doesn't appear to be an option for class libraries, just top-level apps.

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FLAG And InputBox - Display An InputBox For Each Word?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an assignment that asks me to:

1. create a button
2. when that button is clicked, an inputBox will appear to ask the user how many words they will enter.
3. then display an inputBox for each word.

For example, when the first inputBox appears, I enter "3" (meaning that I will enter 3 words).Then there should be 3 more inputBox (each inputBox allows me to enter only 1 word)After I enter the third word, there will be no more inputBox.How can we FLAG (stop) the inputBox, or let the inputBox know when to stop showing up?

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C# - Why AND Two Numbers To Get A Boolean

Apr 27, 2009

I am working on a little Hardware interface project based on the Velleman k8055 board.The example code comes in VB.Net and I'm rewriting this into C#, mostly to have a chance to step through the code and make sense of it all.

One thing has me baffled though:At one stage they read all digital inputs and then set a checkbox based on the answer to the read digital inputs (which come back in an Integer) and then they AND this with a number:[code..]

I have not done Digital systems in a while and I understand what they are trying to do but what effect would it have to AND two numbers? Doesn't everything above 0 equate to true?How would you translate this to C#?

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