What Type Of Code Should Put In The Controller In The MVC Design Pattern

Jul 7, 2009

In teh MVC design pattern, Controller is strongly related to the view (GUI). IN my application i need to generated a new BrandID, i used stored procedure to retreive the highest BrandID from teh DB (The model calls the stored procedure and sends the retreival value to the Controller), then in the controller increments the BrandID by "1" to create a new brand ID. SInce, controller is strogly related to "view", should i include this "brandID increment" part in teh controller or in the model classes?

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What Are The Features Of The Controller Class In The MVC Design Pattern

Aug 13, 2009

In the MVC design pattern we must use a controller(s) classes.

What are the fucntions (features) of the controller apart from handling communication bewteen Model and View?e.eg; can we include input validation code in the controller?

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C# - Get A Code Template/design Pattern Can Use When Reacting To Mouse Clicks Or Button Presses?

May 3, 2011

One of the problems that I constantly see with Winforms applications is that the GUI thread is stuck while a long-running task is running or just plain stops refreshing (yes, I know - needs threading). Is there a code template/design pattern I can use when reacting to mouse clicks or button presses? Should there be a processing thread always running in the GUI app? Basically, how do I write a great Winforms Application that is easy to maintain and doesn't have any quirky refresh bugs?

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Looking For Design Pattern / For Each Instead Of For With Index

Jun 4, 2012

Using VB.Net, I'm looking for best practices in dealing with the following idiom:[code]What I really want is something VB.Net doesn't offer -- additional and simultaneous iterators on For Each statements.[code]I'm interested in both Linq and non-Linq recommendations, comments about Copy method design, comparisions to C# or other languages.

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.net - Design Pattern For TypeOf Subclass?

Mar 4, 2012

I am working on a parser for a serial data protocol. I have an overarching Packet class, a couple sub-classes such as CommandPacket and StatusPacket, and then a few sub-classes of each of those:


While I don't think it is entirely relelvant to the discussion, I am doing this in VB.NET. There is also a similar (but not quite the same) question posted here: Java - subclass validation design pattern

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C# - Design Pattern For Custom Events In .NET?

Feb 21, 2010

What is the proper design pattern for custom events in .NET (VB or C#).

I am refering to custom events, where in you override the AddHandler, RemoveHander, and RaiseEvent methods.

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Design Pattern For Database Interaction?

Mar 12, 2012

I've been studying design patterns off-and-on now for a project I've recently been working on. I've been fortunate with this last one not to have to work with databases, but will soon have an opportunity.

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'Producer Consumer' Design Pattern Using Queues?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm trying to replicate a design pattern used in a graphical programming language called LabVIEW. One thread produces commands, and another thread, or series of threads, consumes the commands.This is very similar to using Queues in VB...but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to start the consumer thread when new items are added to the queue.

Here is what I would like to accomplish, please let me know if there is a straightforward way to accomplish this with out of box .Net functionality.1) Start the Consumer Thread...it sits idle, waiting for some new commands to appear in its Queue.2) Producer places a few commands into the Queue. Example: "Home X Axis", "Home Y Axis", "Initialize Pump", "Display Ready Message"3) Consumer thread 'wakes up' at seeing the new commands, then performs the 4 tasks specified in 2.4) Consumer thread goes 'idle' again, and simply waits for new commands to appear in the Queue.

Process can continue on and on forever. The main problem I see with Queues is that there is no 'Wait for Something to Appear in Queue then Retrieve it" functionality. I don't want to use a perpetual loop to keep checking ever n milliseconds.

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C# - Anonymous Method Alternative For Design Pattern?

Apr 18, 2012

With C# anonymous delegates, we can avoid declaration of extra method, I know in VB.NET they're not available, but is there a design pattern that I can use so that I can avoid writing an extra method each time? I need it for SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges which will be used a lot of times in our code.


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C# - Design Pattern For Dealing With Syncing Variables?

Jan 30, 2012

Suppose I have two events:

Public Sub Control1Updated() Handles control1.TextChanged
control2.Text = SomeFunction(control1.Text)
End Sub


Basically the pairs of {control1.Text, control2.Text} and {control2.Text, control1.Text} should be the same. If control1.Text is changed to let's say "a" then control2.Text is ALWAYS "b". If control2.Text is changed to "b" then control1.Text is ALWAYS "a". How do I achieve this with events without going into an infinite loop? [the best I can think of is to make a check if the other control.Text is already the desired value].

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C# - Which Design Pattern For Activity Logging (Audit Trailing)

Jun 15, 2012

I have a winform which allows people to edit data from a database, to simplify things assume there is a Customer table in database with 3 fields - Name, City, Country. Through winform(s) people can Add/Edit/Delete customers.For each of these actions we need to save:

What the field names are (Name,City,Country in this case)What the field values were before they were modified What the field values are after they are modified.If the action is Add or Delete then 2 and 3 will be the same.I have already implemented this using XMLSerialisation (but not using any of the design patterns) and my XML output looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ActivityItem xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


The solution can handle different areas of the system with different number of fields (i.e the same thing works when you are modifying Products for instance).is there a well defined design pattern to deal with this kind of behavior?

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Lifetime Of Multiple Instances Of An Object / Design Pattern?

Sep 5, 2009

having difficulty with understanding object lifetime / instantiation.I have a windows from with a datagridview and a panel. The datagridview has a checkbox column and a list of names which is populated from a database.The panel has a few text boxes (e.g. name, age, favourite sports team) and a 'save changes' button.

The idea is that when the user selects a person in the datagridview by checking the appropriate checkbox then the panel shows the relevant data for that person (name, age, fav sports team) by pulling the data from a database. If the user would like to update the person's details they can do so by typing in the textboxes and then clicking the 'save changes' button. All quite simple so far.

The way I have designed this is to have a 'panel' class and to create an instance when the user checks a checkbox.(NB - the reason I have created a 'panel' class is that I intend to replicate the datagridview and panel on other tabpages within my form and thought it would be useful to have a generic 'panel' class that I could re-use.)

My code looks a bit like this:

If CheckBoxClicked Then
Dim UpdatePanel As New UpdatePanel(MyForm.NameTextBox, MyForm.AgeTextBox, MyForm.FavSportTeamTextBox, MyForm.SaveButton)

When the user clicks the SaveButton the data is updated to the database and I have a display message (simple textbox) which says "Update successful" and displays for 5 seconds before hiding itself.

Here is the problem:Suppose a user checks a checkbox, reviews the data and does not make any changes, and then checks another checkbox and decides to update the data by clicking the 'save changes' button. What happens is that the "Update successful" message is displayed twice.

I think this is because every time the user checks a checkbox an instance of UpdatePanel is created. If a I select five different people using the checkboxes and then hit 'save changes' I get five "Update successful" messages.

I am not sure how to overcome this. It feels like each time a checkbox is clicked I need to check if an instance of UpdatePanel exists and then destroy it. I tried using UpdatePanel = Nothing and also investigated IDisposable and GC.Collect() but with no luck.


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Asp.net - Refactor To Design Pattern: Displaying/hiding Different Combinations Of Controls Based On State?

May 26, 2009

Assume you have controls A, B, C, D and E all with a Visibility property. You also have states 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in which various combinations of your controls would be displayed. Currently this is being handled by switch statements for each state: i.e.

Select Case PageState
case "1"
a.visible = false
b.visible = true


As you can imagine, this becomes a pain as every state needs a show/hide statement for each control. How can I refactor this so that adding controls and/or states becomes trivial?My first instinct is to extend the control and add a collection of states that it should display for but this sounds like overkill.

Edit:I was deliberately vague in my question in case this has other implications. In my current instance the "controls" in question are ASP Panels. Does that change anything?

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Change The Type Controller Of One Cell In Datagridview In VB 2008?

Apr 24, 2012

There is a DataGridView, I find I can only edit controllers of cells by column.I have set one column as Combox, but I want to change one of cells in this column as Button, and add then add left-click and right click event on this button.

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Code For Pattern Matching?

Apr 22, 2009

I have text like following example


and also I have two patterns like XX and ZZ I want to find longest possible string which include above given two patterns and return starting and finishing index of the array.

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Pattern Matching Source Code?

Jun 10, 2011

I need A free source code for pattern matching(finger print matching) .

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C# - Better Pattern To Handle Nested Code Conditions?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a webpage that needs to selectively show or hide a substantial number of controls. Each control's visibility is determined based on which of 3 conditions are true.So, for example, given the conditions A, B, and C;

Control1 needs to be visible only when A and B are true and C is false.
Control2 needs to be visible only when B and C are true and A is false.
Control3 needs to be visible only when A and C are true and it doesn't care what B is.
and so on...

If each control looked at every condition, the control logic would be ugly, but doable.


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Database Access Pattern Code Review?

Nov 6, 2010

Anyone here kind enough to give me a code review on the following pattern that I have used for database access? I have provided one of the simpler datalayers to show the basic idea.In particular I am starting to question if using shared methods was a good idea and what problems may arise from that? Will this implementation fail in a threaded environment like ASP.Net?

Public Interface IFillable
Sub Fill(ByVal Datareader As Data.IDataReader)
End Interface


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Asp.net - (3 Tierish) Database Access Pattern Code Review?

Jan 19, 2011

Anyone here kind enough to give me a code review on the following pattern that I have used for database access? I have provided one of the simpler datalayers to show the basic idea.In particular I am starting to question if using shared methods was a good idea and what problems may arise from that? Will this implementation fail in a threaded environment like ASP.Net?


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Collection Type Property Assignable At Design Time In User Control

Mar 8, 2012

I am creating a User Control where I have a property called Items. Items is of type LibraryPanelBarItem Collection (custom class) which contains a collection of LibraryPanelBarItem objects. I would like to be able to add these at design time by using the Collection editor that VS uses for adding things such as treenodes/listviewitems. Ideally I would also be able to declaratively add them to the html syntax. I can get the Items property to show up but I get no intellisense to add the items between the opening and closing tags. [Code]

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VS 2005 - Designer Error - Exception Of Type System.ComponentModel.Design

Apr 26, 2012

When I attempt to open forms in the designer in the IDE, I get this error:

Exception of type System.ComponentModel.Design.ExceptionCollection was thrown.

My project is building OK. Any ideas?

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How To Separate Design And Code

Jun 14, 2011

some advise or links, where I can find, how to seperate Code and Design 100%?

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Dynamically Compiling SilveLight 4.0 Error Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' Is Not Defined

Nov 8, 2011

When I dynamically compile SilverLight 4.0 application using Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider, I get the following error.

Line: 118 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
Line: 130 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
Line: 141 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.
Line: 234 ErrorCode: BC30002 Error: Type 'System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeyword' is not defined.

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Cannot See The Design Mode After Deleting The Code?

Jun 16, 2012

I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express. I have a form with some text boxes on it. There was some code on that form which was giving errors. So I deleted the whole code. Now the problem is, I cannot see the form Design mode button to view it in design mode. But when I hit F5, I can see all the text boxes (in Run mode). I want to add some more controls on form. How to resolve this problem?

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VS 2008 How To Design / Code A Form

May 25, 2009

I need some info how to design/code a form, that only refreshs some parts of the content. Like a frame inside a webpage, that's loaded with AJAX, and the rest of the page maintains the same aspect.I know an application that acts exact the same way that i'm trying to do, but i don't know if i can refer the name.I want my form splitted in three, the top (unchanged), the middle that changes with the options of the user, and the bottom.

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IDE :: The Custom Tool 'MSDataSetGenerator' Failed. Exception Of Type 'System.Data.Design.InternalException' Was Thrown

Jan 18, 2011

i have a data set on the data set many data adapters .i add a data adapter in the data set the designer was automatically delete then lot of error was coming and i search in google and i go this method and i do that right click the data set and "Run Custom tool" on that time the designer will automatically created. but when i do that a error was coming "The custom tool 'MSDataSetGenerator' failed. Exception of type 'System.Data.Design.InternalException' was thrown."

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.NET Form Shows As Code In Design View?

Jul 16, 2009

I was working on a project in vs 2005 and decided to see my project's form in microsoft blend, the form did not show and i closed blend and saved no changes. The next time i open my project in visual studio, my form1 design mode shows me some code for the windows form designer. How can i get my form back as i need to add more controls and change the orientation of some others?

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Code To Design Programmatically With Dtagridview In .net 2010?

Jun 5, 2011

I m attaching the view i want with the datagridview design.code to design programatically with dtagridview in vb.net 2010.

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Design - Tabcontrol - Use Code To Open Each Tab Page?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm doing my project and I design including many tab control in vb.net.

Example: I have 3 tab pages like tab1,tab2,tab3. And I have menu bar to open tab1,tab2,tab3.

My Question is: How can you use code to open each tab page?

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Form Shows Code Not Design Area?

Jul 31, 2009

Something happened to my project and it got all messed up. I am not sure what happened, but the form I was working on only shows the code and not the project itself(where you design it). I am working in VB2008 Express Edition and do not wish to start over. What happened to my form?

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