When Creating An Bitmap Image From Scratch, The Quality Stinks?

Mar 19, 2010

The Vb.Net application creates a bitmap from scratch and either converts to a tiff or sends it to a printer. In both cases, the quality of the image (in this case the font) is not good at all. The sample code listed below creates the graphics object that I use to write to the image.

Dim gr2 As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(New Bitmap(800, 1000), Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))


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Image Quality Lost When Saving An Image In JPEG Using Bitmap?

Dec 28, 2010

'm working on an Image Encrypting software which reads out all the pixels of an image and then relocating the pixels in some way.

My Code is as below

Dim Img As New Bitmap(tbEpath.Text)
Dim ImgSize As Integer = Img.Width * Img.Height
Dim Pixels(Img.Width, Img.Height) As Color


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VS 2008 Create Bitmap From Scratch?

Dec 25, 2009

I want to know how I could create a bitmap from scratch with no images to start with.(I would say need. but than you would think this was for some sort of school project and it's not.)Basically, what I have is an image which is perfectly square in shape and has a black border with a black x going through it, what is not black is white. What I'm looking to know is how to take that small image (50x50 pixels) and make an image based upon those by placing them in X Rows of X amount. I'll make a couple example to show what I mean.(X's represent the 50x50 image.


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Bitmap - How To Create High Quality Icons

May 13, 2012

I need to create high quality icons for my current project in vb.net

This is my code so far,

Private Sub CreateIcon(ByVal bitmapName As String)
Dim fi As New System.IO.FileInfo(bitmapName)


But the problem is it only gives me a very low quality icon at the end. how to make a higher quality image?

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Creating Database From Scratch

May 18, 2012

I am trying to create an empty table from scratch using Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 and I am running into this problem.Please take a look at the screenshot below.[code]How come I do not have the same screenshot as the web site link below as Frank Smith showed in his example? What Do I have to do/install to have the same screenshot as in the web site below? I have Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 installed on my computer..url...

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Creating A Corporate .Net Namespace Framework From Scratch?

Apr 21, 2009

We are migrating our applications to VB.Net 2008 from Classic VB and I need to create a base namespace and business layer. My method of approach is going to be to visit our top BA and identify the common areas of our (Fixed Income) company and try to form a decent inheritence model with as much of the code in generics as possible. What's everyone's experience of doing this and also as a second part of the question, we are looking at incorporating Web Focus into the OLAP side, how would this affect the design of the corporate namespace and it's derivatives?

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VS 2008 Open Image + Save Image + Keep Quality?

Oct 3, 2011

I am trying to edit an image. I can open the image with Picturebox1.load(mypicture)

I can change the pixels/edit the picture by Dim img as new bitmap(picturebox1.image)


now here is the weird part. When I save the image the filesize INCREASES..but the picture dimensions are the same Example... TEST.PNG 1.3KB, when opened up via picturebox/saved the image is now 2.3KB

not sure why...i even though I specify system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.PNG

samething with JPG... it actually SHRINKS it evenmore.. example 88KB jpeg.. saved as jpeg is now 47.7KB...

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Low Quality Image Into A Label?

May 4, 2012

I'm trying to pass an image showing to the user a countdown. For this, I'm using a separate thread where I'm checking when the countdown timer should be started, and when so, I draw an image for every 6 seconds passed.

What's annoying is when I pass the drawn image to the UI, the quality of the image is changed and it looks bad to the user.

This is my little script that handles the drawings:

remainingTime = (#12:04:00 AM# - (DateTime.Now - local_DateTimeclick)).ToString("HH:mm:ss")
remainingTimeInSeconds = Convert.ToDateTime(remainingTime).Minute * 60 +


Also tried with changing the properties of g, but there was no positive effect.

what can i do to make this properly work without changing the quality of the returned image?

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Adjusting Image Quality With WIA In VB 2005?

Jan 10, 2009

I've developed an application that acquires images from my Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 using WIA. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to adjust the quality of the image taken by the camera. The camera has a 2MP lense, but the program will only acquire a picture of 320x240 pixels, which is the lowest resolution the camera has. How do I tell the camera to take a picture at one of it's other resolutions? IE: 640x480, 960x720, 1.3MP, or 2MP?


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Resize Image While Keeping Its Quality?

Nov 17, 2009

I got this code from this forum, it works perfectly but I have a problem where when you resize the images, the quality of the image becomes not as good, is there a way to keep it in the same quality as it is when resizing?[code]....

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What Controls Image Quality In IIS Based On Following Example

Sep 16, 2010

I had this question before "Resize image on the fly make the image lose quality online but locally works nice".And what i got now is that it's not a problem of local or online, i ran this resize on the server itself "dedicated server", and i got the same bad quality image, so the problem is in the IIS configurations.What in iis can make this bad quality image happen?

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Interface And Graphics :: Added Image Quality Ran Off

Mar 1, 2010

I'm using below code 2 add image into a picturebox during the run time. i could add image but when i clicked the picture to make it become smaller, the picture quality is blur which not as the initial picture.


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ITextSharp Renders Image With Poor Quality In PDF?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm using iTextSharp to print a PDF document. Everything goes ok until I have to print the company logo in it. First I noticed that the logo had poor quality, but after testing with several images, I realize that was the iTextSharp rendering it poorly.The test I did to say this was to print the PDF using my code and then edit the document with Acrobat 8.0 and I drew an image. Then printed the two documents and saw the noticeable difference.My question is that if anyone know if this can be due to a scaling problem where I'm failing to tell iTextSharp how it must render the image or is an iTextSharp limitation.


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Drawstring Text Quality - Image To Save As A PNG - GIF - JPEG

Oct 30, 2009

I have a routine that creates a report which includes text and graphics. When I print to a PDF or printer the output looks great. When I draw the report on an image to save as a PNG, GIF, JPEG, etc. it does not look as good and I understand that is related to the 96 dpi native resolution. However, I made some modifications, and even though the graphics part of the image looks better, the text does not look as good as the PDF. I am creating the image using 300 dpi and text rendering is set at the highest quality.


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Mimic Picasa's Rendering Of Reduced Quality Image To Speed Up Drawing?

Jun 23, 2010

I have an owner-drawn control where performance is an issue during quick repaints such as object drags, resizing and painting the selector square. i have noticed that several other apps, including Picasa, will temporarily draw a reduced-quality image during fast repaint scenarios and then update the image with a higher-quality version when the UI "settles down."

How should I (can I?) produce a lower-quality image to paint when many quick redraws are taking place? Are there other strategies similar to this i can employ to increase performance (or fake increased performance.) [code]...

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No Bitmap Image Is Loaded Into Image Column Within Dataset After This Code Runs?

Nov 7, 2010

Here is the code:

'Add images column to DataTable.
ds.Tables(0).Columns.Add("Image", GetType(BitmapImage))
'Create array of image paths.
Dim currentDir As String


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Creating .BMP File From Bitmap.Save(Path, ImageFormat.Bmp) Differs From Using Bitmap.Save(Path)?

Oct 1, 2011

The code below reads an Icon from an .ico file, converts the Icon read to a Bitmap and saves the bitmap using:

Then does:
PanelShowWrittenIconA.BackgroundImage = New Bitmap(PathA)


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Bitmap - .Net Check If Image Existing In Another Image?

Jun 5, 2012

I Tried To Check If Part Of Image Existing In Another Image


full image:


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Creating, Saving & Loading A Bitmap?

Aug 7, 2009

how to create a bitmap image of a specified size? then how to save and reload such a bitmap to and from a file?VB2005 starter

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VS 2010 Resize A Bitmap Without Creating A New One?

Jun 15, 2012

I have 6 bitmaps, all the same size. Their ImageFormat is Format32bppPArgb. Sometimes when I try to resize the bitmaps I get the Out of Memory message. This doesn't happen all the time, only after about six or seven resizes.In Task Manager, the program's memory use never goes above 800k.Is there a way to resize a Bitmap without creating a new one?If I have to recreate the Bitmap, do I need to dispose the current one (or set it to Nothing)?

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Creating Bitmap Based On BACKCOLOR Of A Button?

May 24, 2009

I am trying to create 5 Bitmaps 'on the fly' which I want to use in a ToolStrip DropDown.So far I have found a working way but I wonder if there isn't an easier way to do that?The reason why I have to create this images 'on the fly' is because users can select different colors for the Categories (which I have managed with Button(x).BackColor, so, in order to have the Menu Items shown the exact same colors I try to get a Bitmap based on the Button's back color and add it as MenuItem picture.Here is my code to create the images:

Public Sub MenuCategoryImages()
Dim menuPic1 As Bitmap = New Bitmap(24, 24, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed)
Dim pal1 As ColorPalette = menuPic1.Palette


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Custom Colors When Creating 8bits Bitmap?

Mar 4, 2011

Is there a way in Visual Basic 2008/Framework 2.0 to create and save a 8bits bitmap(Format8bppIndexed) to a .GIF file using custom colors(about 30) instead of the standard web colors?

If not, is there a way to convert a 24bits or 32bits bitmap to a 8bits bitmap using custom colors?

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Quick Way Of Creating A New Blank Bitmap Say 1680x1050?

Jun 23, 2009

if there is a quick way of creating a new blank bitmap say 1680x1050 - just wondering cause i want to make a live animation that is this big ... but when looping this it is fairly slow while doing this...I have tried:

New method:
Dim B as new bitmap(1680,1050)

Create once then clone:

Static NewB as new bitmap(1680,1050)
Dim B as bitmap = NewB.Clone[code]....

All of the above are about as slow as each other...

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Convert Bitmap To Image?

May 1, 2009

This code resizes a jpeg image, but instead of saving it I simply want to display the result in a picturebox. I moused over the the image box and the value thumb and they seem to be different formats. How can i convert bitmap to image?

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Rotate An Image/bitmap?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to rotate a image/bitmap, i have a code to draw a image wit a rotation but only on a graphic, show do i make it into a image/bitmap?

Dim g = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(My.Resources.RedStone_Line)
RedStone.DrawRotateImage(g, bmp, 32, 0, 90)

bmp = New Bitmap(32, 32, g) 'This is giving me an error

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16 Color Bitmap Image And Interpert?

Apr 2, 2010

I need to read a bitmap generated with paint or similar programs and interpert the picture to detect straight lines of black, larger squares in red and smaller squares of yellow, green or red. Which one of the Visual Basic environments are is best suited for this? WPF or Forms or..The lines represent walls and for start we have square objects as obsticles. I would like to create a maze and allow a dot to travel between obstacles leaving a trace of pixels and not hit any of the objects untill it exits.

I like to write the logic for it but I do not know how would I read a 500x500 pixel picture and decode the colors of each pixel. I like to assign a byte for each pixel's color (256color) but only use 4 bits of it to for start.

I am doing this as hobby. So please forgive me because I should only look at your answers during my free times.It will take some time before I could see it and mark your work as Helpful or Answer.

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Add A Bitmap Image In Memory To A Page?

May 20, 2009

I'm trying to add an bitmap image in memory to a page using a System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox object, but it's not working. Here is my

Dim bytes As SqlBytes = reader.GetSqlBytes(0)
Dim image As Bitmap = New Bitmap(bytes.Stream)
Dim picBox As PictureBox = New PictureBox()


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Bitmap Display Red X Instead Of Image From Folder

Mar 8, 2011

When I type a file with out a path it mean he is in: BIN/DEBUG folder. When I run this program I get a big red 'X' allover here..
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim SR As StreamReader
Dim SW As StreamWriter
Dim NumColumns, NumRows As Integer
[Code] .....

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Change Cursor To Bitmap Image?

May 18, 2010

How do you change your cursor into a bitmap image?

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How To Save Screenshot (Bitmap) As Image

May 15, 2009

I knew everything I needed to save an image, so I type in my code, and yet another error pops up. Here's the bit of code:
screenshot.Save(CaptureMain.picLocation.ToString, Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp, "Screenshot")

And, the error's kind of lengthly...
Error1Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Save' can be called with these arguments:

'Public Sub Save(stream As System.IO.Stream, encoder As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo, encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters)': Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.IO.Stream'.
'Public Sub Save(stream As System.IO.Stream, encoder As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo, encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters)': Value of type
[Code] .....
The variable 'screenshot' is a bitmap.

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