Why Does VB Change A Decimal To A Double When Using An Exponent

Feb 28, 2011

Dim decMonthlyPayment
As Decimal
Dim decPrincipalAtRetirement


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Math - Mantissa And Exponent Calculation From Double?

Oct 18, 2010

how to get the mantissa and exponent from a double in VB.net? I know I can do a string parse and some conversion to ints but I wondered if anyone had a mathematical equivalent formula that would allow me to do this?

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Change A Double To A Precision Of 2 Places To The Right Of Decimal Point?

Nov 22, 2009

how to get 1.83333333333... to 1.83?

Dim temp_1 As String
temp_1 = 5.50 / 3

Label1.Text = String.Format(temp_1, "{0.00}")

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VS 2008 Double To String Without Decimal Point Change To Comma?

Mar 14, 2012

I'm having some trouble converting a double to a string.I have a double value, like 43.64 and I need a string like this: "43.64"If I try to convert the double to a string I always get "43,64" what doesn't work for me..

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Use A Decimal Instead Of A Double (why Then Do Microsoft Use A Double For Most Math Class Functions)

Aug 15, 2011

For greater accuracy I should use a Decimal instead of a Double ( so I've been told ). Why then have Microsoft chosen to use DOUBLE for most of the functions that return a floating point value in the Math Class?


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.net - Dim X As Decimal = 100.0m Do A Cast From Double To Decimal Implicitly?

Mar 30, 2011

If I have the code:Dim x as Decimal = 100.0m

Is it casting from a double to a decimal implicitly. How would I do this explicitly in vb.net?

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Change Decimal To A Comma When Hitting Decimal Key On Numpad Only

Jan 17, 2011

My user requests to change the . on the numpad to a when entering text in a multiline textbox.So I was thinking about the KeyDown event.To determine if the numpad . was pressed I can do something like this [code]But now how do I change the returned charachter as a , ? All e.Key... properties are ReadOnly. The KeyPress events let me change this by providing e.KeyChar, but in that event I can't check for the numpad .

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Convert A Double X To A Decimal Y?

Oct 5, 2011

Let's say I want to convert a Double x to a Decimal y. There's a lot of ways to do that:

1. var y = Convert.ToDecimal(x); // Dim y = Convert.ToDecimal(x)
2. var y = new Decimal(x); // Dim y = new Decimal(x)
3. var y = (decimal)x; // Dim y = CType(x, Decimal)
4. -- no C# equivalent -- // Dim y = CDec(x)

Functionally, all of the above do the same thing (as far as I can tell). Other than personal taste and style, is there a particular reason to choose one option over the other?

EDIT: This is the IL generated by compiling the three C# options in a Release configuration:

1. call valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal [mscorlib]System.Convert::ToDecimal(float64)
--> which calls System.Decimal::op_Explicit(float64)


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Decimal And Double Precision

Jun 30, 2009

I am working on an application that allow the user to store data as numbers.These numbers are later on used for calculation. The number can be of any type and are saved as string. The problem is when they are used for calculation how can understand when it is better to treat them as doubles and when as decimals?

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How A Double And Decimal Treat 3 And 3.0 And 3.00 Different

Jan 6, 2012

How come a double and decimal treat 3 and 3.0 and 3.00 different?

For example:

Dim dbl As Double = 1 / CInt(TextBox1.Text)
If I enter 3 in the TextBox I get: 0.33...
If I enter 3.0 I get: 0.033...
If I enter 3.00 I get: 0.0033...

How do I treat them all as 3?

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Conversion To Integer, Decimal, Double

Jun 9, 2011

So, yes, I've tried with these three formats, and the problem remains the same:I have a string, "s"For Each s As String In stringarray and this array is recieving data from a streamreader that is reading a csv file. The data I'm having dificulty reading are these very specific numbers(yes, only these numbers, because phone numbers get home safe and sound).The numbers I'm talking about are usually decimal.ValueList.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(s))

Now, when I convert them like that, they always bring a "D" alongside with them. I've personally checked the string multiple times, and it just has a "1", and somehow, my list recieves "1D" as a number, same thing happens with decimal numbers(0.29D for example). I've tried with Doubles and Integers, the result is the same.

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Defects In Type Decimal And Double

Jan 1, 2012

here is a very important matter to be corrected as soon as possible. generally,type double can display an answer correct to more than 20 decimal places. yes,it works fine until here except for exponential system. whenever i try to find a decimal raised to the power of a proper fraction, i get a correct answer but only upto 13 decimal places. that is not fair at all! it is important to get as high precision as possible. consider this example:-


i want that number of correct decimal places or approximation,which a windows 7 calculator has. i believe that this is someway easy to get rid of. please support.it is important for programs like calculator,worksheets,databases,etc.

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Double To Decimal Conversion Error

Feb 11, 2009

I am writing a program that asks the user for their name and the number of pieces they completed. The employees are paid more depending on the amount of pieces they have completed(i.e. <200 = .50 per piece, 200 to 399 = .55 per piece, etc.). I have to display the amount earned when the user enters the info and hits the calculate button. I have to use Select Case.

I was thinking this would be an easy program but I keep getting an error for each Case saying "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Double' to 'Decimal'. I don't understand why it thinks it is a double. It says I can correct this problem by adding "Cdec" before each equation(i.e.


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[2008] Analyzing A Decimal (double) Value?

Feb 26, 2009

I'm struggling to solve this problem and am throwing it out to y'all...

For example, if I had a value of 6.5, (representing 6.5 feet), I'd want to separate that value into two values:

6 - 12" sections
1 - 6" section.

This initial value could be any number from 3-16, in .5 increments. (3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, etc.)

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Convert Double To Decimal (latitude / Longitude) In .net?

May 24, 2012

I have a piece of code:

Dim Latitude As Double = row("fltLatitude")
Dim Longitude As Double = row("fltLongitude")

Most of the lat/longs that are being fetched from the db using SP are retrieved in properly, except for a couple of records which do not include a period to indicate a lat/long value.I have tried using these:


but none of them are working.

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How To Take 3 Or 4 Decimal Points Of A Double Variable Without Round Off

Apr 18, 2012

I have a double value like 3768.595863. if i round this value then i will get 3768.596 but i want 3768.595.how can i get that?please reply.

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Round A Double To A Certain Number Of Decimal Places

Jan 8, 2009

is it possible to round a double to a certain number of decimal places

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Rounding Double Number To 6 Decimal Places

Oct 8, 2011

How to i roundup a double number to 6 decimal places in vb.net?

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Point Type (pair Of Values) Using Decimal Or Double?

Apr 24, 2010

Is there such a thing as a type similar to a point, but contains a pair of decimals, or a pair of doubles, rather than integers? I searched the forums and google with no luck. I can't believe this has never come up before, I must have been using the wrong search terms.

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Split A Double Value Inputted Into A String To Decimal And Fractional?

Feb 28, 2009

Simple requirement to split a double value inputted into a string to decimal and fractional.I enter 12.1 and it splits it into

12 and then 0.0999999999999996

Where is my 0.0000000000000004 gone??? Did the cpu tax it?I have tried a few other tricks to split the number and i get the same result...The fractional results of each attempt

12.0 0 Amazing!!!!
12.1 0.0999999999999996
12.2 0.199999999999999


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When Adding A Value To Another Value The Results Eventually Change From 2-decimal Places To Multiple Decimal Places?

Mar 13, 2009

Problem: Using the sub routing below, when adding a value to another value the results eventually change from 2-decimal places to multiple decimal places.Basically, the amount stored should always only be 2 decimal places, because the values passed in are always 2 decimal places. Output from calling the sub routine multiple times.

Running total = 329430.75
New Withheld Amount = 710.79
Running total = 330141.54


As a workaround, I have a new routine that uses a custom round function to properly store only 2 decimal places - as the VB round function does not perform the type of rounding desired.I understand that we are removing the value from the dictionary and adding it back..

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Calculator Application - Use Datatype - Variables Be Single Double Decimal ?

Mar 11, 2009

I am writing an calculator application and i dont know what datatype to use. i mean should the variables be single, double, decimal...?

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Presision Calculations - Using Double Could Only Calculate Values Up To 18 Digits After Decimal

Jul 2, 2009

In the discussion in this thread: [URL] it was reveiled to me that vb.net, using double, could only calculate values up to 18 digits after decimal.... so I started thinking and came up with this class

Public Class LargeNumber
Private pNumber As String

Public Sub New()


I want to split the string into a series of doubles.... and than combine them into a large number.... The size of each double component should be 18 digits on a 32 bit computer... so that I will have room to add the last carrier...

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.net - String.Format Decimal With Sign Fixed Number Of Decimal Places, No Decimal Separator?

Jun 27, 2012

What is the cleanest, most readable way to String.Format a decimal with the following criteria

start with a sign symbol (+ or -)
a fixed number of fraction digits
no decimal separator
right aligned
pre-padded with "0"'s

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Asp.net - Prevent Numbers From Showing In Exponent Notation?

Oct 21, 2009

I've got an app that sometimes stores some decently small numbers, such as 0.000023425. These numbers get loaded up in TextBox controls for users to edit.

Dim number As Double = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "2.3425E-05"

As mentioned, the text that shows is 2.3425E-05, which isn't exactly intuitive for the user to see, plus I have numbers even more precise (out to 19 decimal places). I would like the output to be fixed point. Of course I could easily and cleanly do:

number.ToString("F20") ' Shows "0.00002342500000000000"

But then there's an annoying number of zeros left over. So, to fix that, I could do:

number.ToString("#,##0.####################") ' Shows "0.000023425"

Which is what I want, but is there any better way to do it than to have that giant ugly format string there? So, ok, it's not that ugly, but surely there's a different way, right? My goal is to show the raw value being stored in the DB in a friendly way, and I would rather not have to force a format on the number at all.I found that changing the underlying datatype to Decimal solves the issue.

Dim number As Decimal = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "0.000023425" instead of "2.3425E-05"

So it sounds like Doubles aren't precise enough to be displayed normally?

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Writing A Exponent And Give Signals Out At The Same Time

Nov 9, 2009

I work with the Visual Basic Express Edition 2008. I'd like to write in a text box : 1s5 but the 5 has to be the exponent of s like 1s5 does anyone know how I've to write this in Visual Basic?

Second problem is:

Dim foo As New clsParallelPort(&H378, &H379, &H37A)
foo.communicate(2, clsParallelPort.switch.SWITCH_ON) 'switch data 1 on
foo.communicate(3, clsParallelPort.switch.SWITCH_ON) 'switch data 2 on


The problem is that I give out a signal to the 8 data lines and then to the control line 10 and then to the control line 1 but what I'd like to do is to give firste a signal out to the 8 data lines and then at the same time a signal out to control line 10 and 1. How can I do that?

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Change Format Of My Textbox Into Two Decimal Places?

Oct 29, 2009

How can i change the format of my textbox into two decimal places "#,###.00"

i used mask textbox and used this format 0,000.00 but i cant input more than 4 digits whole number

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Change Excel 2007 Column Cell Format To Number No Decimal?

May 26, 2011

VB.NET code to change Excel 2007 Column Cell Format from Text to a Number no Decimal.

Right now Column F shows values that look like


Manually changing it to a Number with No Decimal shows the correct value.

Of course I would like to automate this.

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Forms :: Change Background Image When Mouse Double Click?

Aug 22, 2009

Im building a software but look,,I have some images at my resource folder..I cant make it when the mouse double click the form the background image changes,,,I can make one image to change when u double click the form..example:

Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Image1

Now I want to make it to change more images within the resource folder

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VS 2005 Change Default File App To Another App When Double Clicked In Explorer

Aug 6, 2009

I've searched the forms and ran into a road block i think due to not really knowing what its called I'm searching for. Here is a simple explanation. I would like to add a button on my form that if selected will change the default application that a certain file type opens with.


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