Windows Forms Control Layout For Maximized View?

Jul 15, 2009

I am using Visual Basic Express 2005. I am opening the startup form of my application in "Maximized" view. In the form designer, I am setting the anchor properties of the various controls that I have on the form so that they are located where I want them to be located when the Form loads.

I was wondering, if there was a way such that the form in my designer would be of the same size as the Maximized form? As of now I am dragging and resizing the edges of the Form in the Designer view to make it bigger..

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Form Layout Not Shown In Designer View?

Apr 19, 2010

I moved a project so I could work on it in two places. When I opened the project, I have only worked on it from one computer, my form did not show in the solution explorer so I moved it back. I opened the project and everything was there but I was not able to see my form layout in designer view. The code is there and it builds and looks right but I can't see any of my form components and I need to edit some properties.

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Forms :: Missing Design View On Windows Form

May 6, 2011

I have a project which still runs fine without issue however i dont seem to be able to access the design view of Form1. The icon in soultions explorer has also changed from a form to a sinple vb reference. Im unable to right click in solutions explorer and view designer as there is no option there.

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C# - Get The Data From Datasets & View On The DataGridView With A Different Layout Formats

May 2, 2011

I have 2 tables : product (as parent) and sales (as a child).


product_id at the product table is pK for product table. transaction_id at the sales table is pK for sales table . product_id at the sales table as fK, which a reference to the product_id of product table All my tables are stored in the dataset. How do I get the data from these datasets can I view on the DataGridView with a different layout formats, as follows.


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Forms :: Different View Of Monthcalendar Control In Xp And Vista?

Aug 16, 2009

I am using a monthcalendar control and datetimepicker control in my 2005 windows applicaion. My operating system is Vista Home Premium. Now my problem is that when I run my application on XP then the view of monthcalendar control changes. I just want that the view of mc control remain same in xp also bcoz the look of mc control in vista is quite cool.

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Implicit Conversions From 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' To 'System.Windows.Forms.Webbrowser'

Sep 8, 2010

I have the code which checks if there is a selected tab

Private Function GetBrowser() As WebBrowser
If TabControl1.SelectedTab IsNot Nothing Then
For Each c As Control In TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is WebBrowser Then
Return c


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C# - Wrap Items In A Windows Applications List View Control?

Aug 8, 2011

Is there a way to make long items wrap in a .net windows forms application, I have already got LabelWrap set to true, but it doesn't work, I am using Details View Type,

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Forms :: Center The Component If Maximized Form?

Mar 6, 2009

Commonly if I maximized my form. It'll look like this And now, i just want to ask a simple question.. How to centered all those components if i maximized it??

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VS 2008 Error When Attempting To Add Windows Media Player Control (Design View)

Jan 2, 2010

When I attempt to drag a WMP control from the toolbox this error arises: [code]Has anyone had this problem? I was able to add this component previously, however this was on my desktop computer.

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Forms :: Maximized Form - Buttons And Labels Are Not In The Same Place?

Apr 30, 2011

I am making a simple program. This program is maximized as soon as it opens the problem is I made some buttons and labels and set the form Windowstate to Maximized so that it will maximized as soon as the program is run; now when I run the program it is maximized but the buttons and labels are not in the same place I put, for example I put a button on the bottom right corner when the program is run it appears in the fare left ( I post 2 pic ) Clipboard02.jpgClipboard01.jpg

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Snap To Side Of Screen, Resizing Maximized Windows?

Sep 24, 2011

Long time since I was active on this forum, but I recently picked up VB.NET again. I'm working with VS 2010 Express now, and I want to create a little app that resides on the side of my screen (about 40px wide), to collect data.

I've seen this program, Trillian, 'docking' to the right side of my screen, thereby making the maximized size of all windows just as much as the space left of the application window. In other words, even if I maximize other programs, the Trillian application stays visible at all times, on the right side of my screen.

Now I was wondering, is there any similar effect possible with VB.NET?

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A Maximized Windows Form Contains A Button (Button1) That When Clicked Upon Executes?

Oct 4, 2011

A Maximized windows form contains a button (Button1) that when clicked upon executes following code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Bfrm As New frmB
With Bfrm
.Top = 100


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Make All The Control Stay In The Center When Form Is Maximized?

Apr 10, 2009

When I tried to resize the form, the textboxes and buttons stayed on the top left. I would like to know if there is a way to make them stay in the center whenever the form is resized or maximized? I have tried using anchor but the buttons and textboxes ended up getting stretched.

ps: the area highlighted in green represents the size of the original form. Red arrow represents how I resized the form.

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Forms :: Implement A Classic Layout Design In .net (2.0)?

Nov 14, 2010

how to implement a classic layout design in (2.0).The application design is the classical toolbar panel at the top and different panels stacked at the bottom. Depending on the button pressed at the top in the toolbar panel a different panel at the bottom will be available.This is thought to have different part of the software available on different panel but with the toolbar panel always available at the top.To implement this I thought:

1) one tablelayout with 2 rows. First row contain a panel with the button (toolbar panel) and adding/removing hte correct panel requested on the bottom row.

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Icons And Control Boxes After Merging Menu And Maximized Form?

Apr 7, 2010

When I open a form in my application and I maximize it, the Icon and the ControlBox are merged in the menu of the MDI parent where I open the form in. That is perfectly normal.

But when I close that form and open an other and also maximize it, I get two icons and two control boxes in my menu. When I close that form and open an other again and maximize it on it's turn, I get 3 icons and 3 control boxes in my menu. When I close the maximized form shouldn't the icon and the controlboxes dissapear?

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Layout - Float A Control Like In CSS?

Apr 30, 2011

For example: how could I have 3 pictures aligned to the right all in one row, then when the far right picture is deleted the other two move to the right to fill that space. Edit: I'm looking for this capability for both Windows forms and web forms. I'd be happy right now if I could just get the code for Windows.

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C# - Windows Forms Separator Control?

May 16, 2011

Where in VS2010 can I find a horizontal separator control, as can be found in Outlook settings (screenshots below)?[URL]..

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Windows Forms Timer Control

Jun 30, 2011

Whatever project I'm making, I always encounter a problem with a Windows Forms Timer control, I guess I just make a little mistake somewhere... So I thought I'd post it here and hopefully someone here can explain what I'm doing wrong.


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Add Images To Listbox Control Of Windows Forms?

Jan 3, 2011

is it possible to add images to listbox control of windows forms..

if I do it anyhow using items.add method one item at a time then how to add items valuemember to items ..

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C# - Recommendations For A Hex Viewer Control For Windows.Forms?

Mar 25, 2010

I need ability to display content in Hex View, like this from WinHex

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
00000000 EF BB BF 0D 0A 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 20 56 ..Microsoft V
00000010 69 73 75 61 6C 20 53 74 75 64 69 6F 20 53 6F 6C isual Studio Sol


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Custom Grid Control Using GDI + For Windows Forms?

Nov 4, 2009

I have to design a custom "log grid" control to use in another of my projects.Up front, I am new to 2008. I have used VB6 for years and I am trying to learn how to resove the differences as I go. But I need help.

This log grid contains 96 columns and 4 rows.I tried using the TableLayoutPanel and a Panel per cell but found the control to slow to paint. That's 384 discreet controls.I am now trying a usercontrol with a panel and GDI+ to create the grid. I've created a collection for the columns and a collection for the rows. So far so good. My mouse clicks raise the correct events per cell.

I now need to indicate which column the mouse is over. This is the problem. The column must be highlighted by a vertical bar from the top of the column to the bottom. It must also be transparent. I need to see the gridlines under the highlight. I've tried using region using the following code. (myRegion is declared Private MyRegion as Region at module level for persistance)


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Embedding A Windows Forms User Control

Mar 16, 2009

I can't get this to work get a funny icon in the top left corner of the are where the user control is suppose to appear, here is my html markup.[code]

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Cloning WinForm Control Possible - GroupBox Layout?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a groupox in a VB.NET winform app. The groupbox contains a few Labels, Textboxes and Checkboxes. This was created by simply dragging the controls out of VS toolbox. What I need to do is take the 1 Groupbox and at runtime create multiple Groupboxes to display based on user selection. Instead of dynamically creating the Groupboxes and other controls nested inside, is there a way to clone or copy the original one. Then I'd just change the properties. Label text, Textbox text, etc. And the location of the Groupbox in the layout.

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VS 2010 MDI Tab Control - Using Multiple Layout Engines

Dec 31, 2010

I am currently working on creating a web browser. I have chosen to use multiple layout engines. I found this MDI Tab Control, and thought that it would make this task easier to accomplish and be useful in other aspects of my project. I am at a pause. I have a menu strip with an engine item, and within that I have Layoutengine1 and Layoutengine2. I want it so that when someone is browsing the web using Layoutengine1, and they want to switch to Layoutengine2, that all they have to do is click the Layoutengine2 button and all the tabs that they currently have open would be using Layoutengine2 instead of the previous Layoutengine1.

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'image' Is Not A Member Of 'System.Windows.Forms.Control'

Oct 18, 2010

I have several pictureboxes in my form with names as "stop0", "stop1", "stop2" ... upto a the number of checked items in my checklistbox. My aim is to use a for-next function so that the program should use for all these pictureboxes a specific image. here is the code I made so far:

Dim a As String = selectedbutton.Replace(" ", "_") & "_"
Dim c As String = ""
For n = 0 To chklstStops.CheckedItems.Count


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C# - Set Focus To A Deeply Nested Control In Windows Forms?

Jul 19, 2011

I have a main form that contains a vertical SplitContainer.Inside the SplitContainer's left panel, I have a TreeView control.Inside the SplitContainer's right panel, I have another SplitContainer (this one horizontal). This container is fixed, with headings above the split and a Panel control below it.I dynamically load my own user controls into the Panel control whenever the tree view changes.

Most of the user controls that are dynamically loaded have a DataGridView that should receive focus when the control is initialized. Sometimes this grid is on the UserControl surface directly; sometimes it's in a GroupBox; etc.What is the best way to programmatically set focus on the DataGridView control, given that it may placed within a variable number of control containers? I've tried the obvious - .Select, .Focus, .ActiveControl, etc. None of these seem to work - the TreeView item that I selected is still highlighted, and even though a record is selected in the DataGridView, it doesn't have focus.

Here's the code where I add the user control within the main form:

Private Sub LoadRightPanel(ByVal section As String, ByVal moduleName As String)
Heading.Text = String.Empty


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Control Can Exercise Over A System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel?

Oct 23, 2009

I've been working for several days on a GUI where a lot of individual data elements need to be displayed side-by-side and wrap to the next line when they overflow; the goal is to not have to explicitly design an individual 'row' element with a set number of elements for this purpose. The FlowLayoutPanel seems great, except...

I need to be able to determine how many elements are on each line (dividing the width of the control by a predetermined value indicating width of child controls does not work); I need to be able to determine how many elements will be on each line (I may need to put 4 elements on line 1, then auto-wrap, then 8 elements on line 2, then auto-wrap, then as many elements as can fit on line 3 before autowrap, then 16 elements on line 4, etc); and finally I'd really like to put a 'line header' at the left margin and a 'line footer' at the right margin, where for example the line header contains a line number and the line footer contains the number of elements on that line.

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Creating User Control - Reuse In Different Windows Forms ?

Apr 15, 2010

In my project i added a User Control so that i can reuse in different Windows forms.I designed and coded the UserControl1 according to my need and now i want to use it in Form2 but i cant understand how to do it?

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IDE :: Windows Forms Control Leave Event Fires More Than Once?

Jul 11, 2009

The leave event fires twice in this example. Tab order for the form controls is set to combobox1, button1, button3 Private Sub ComboBox1_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.Leave


if I enter 'A' in the combobox1 then combobox1 leave event will fire twice any other entry is Ok since the next control to get focus is button2 (in the normal tab order).It seems that if I try to skip the next control (based on the tab order set for the form), the leave event fires twice.

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Se IE9 Rendering Engine For The Windows Forms WebBrowser Control

Apr 14, 2012

I can't seem to find a way to use the IE9 rendering engine in the WebBrowser control, instead of the IE7 rendering engine, using Visual Studio 2010 and Windows Forms.

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