Winform App Consists Of A Main.exe And A Launcher.exe?

Jan 13, 2010

Our Winform app consists of a Main.exe and a Launcher.exe. The purpose of the Launcher app is to check for updated versions of the Main.exe. If it finds no updates it launches Main.exe using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start

If it finds an update, it copies the new Main.exe into position and launches Main.exe the same way (in this case it will be a fresh copy of Main.exe).Here's the Process.Start code:

Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo
p.FileName = "Main.exe"
p.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal

This code executes whether or not there's been an update and always successfully fires up Main.exe.However our Main.exe, if it's being run for the first time (ie. after an update), will error on any line which references the My namespace, such as My.Settings or My.Computer.FileSystem For example this line will cause an error:Msgbox(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop)

Here's the error: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find special directory 'Desktop'. at
Directory, String DirectoryNameResID)at

But while this example refers to Desktop remember it can't find any of the SpecialDirectories. It's not restricted to Desktop. But only the first time it's run (ie. immediately after an update). Thereafter it will run fine.If the process failed more spectacularly, to do with file system issues, locks or threads, it would be more understandable. But why just this "minor" problem with the My namespace?

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Forcing 'launcher' App When Main Exe Is Opened?

Mar 14, 2011

way to have a launcher/updater app for a program I'm working on. It'll have people register, and not let them run the main program without registering. So, say, I have launcher.exe, and main.exe, and I open main.exe. I need it to exit and open launcher. I was going to use sockets to do a simple ping/pong type deal, but sockets are breaking my face in since I've only used them in vb6.

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Main Array That Is A Structure With Three Fields Which Consists Of Id_code(int), Members(int) And Annual_income(dec)?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a main array that is a structure with three fields which consists of id_code(int)members(int) and annual_income(dec). I've get everything entered and I want to go to a procedure that prints a report giving the total percentage of families below a particular income and the level is different depending on how many members there are in the family.

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1


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Forms :: VB - MDI - Application That Consists Of Mainly One Main Form - Ranging Form Graphs, Tables, Dropdown Boxes, Print Preview

Apr 7, 2010

I have to write an application that consists of mainly one main form, but several different things I wanna display. Pretty standard I guess. So there is a menu, some controls, and the main stuff below (ranging form graphs, tables, dropdown boxes, print preview, etc). I would like to use it like one would use frames in html, design an object that is limited to a box or panel that I define. The literature I have does not give me a clear idea of how to do this (yet). The most obvious seem to be the use of MDI, open a predefined form with no borders, maximize it before showing and remove all minimize/maximize options. But that does not work so well. The form inside the MDI parent does not fit the size that is given for it when it is loaded. e.g.


So my main question is: Is MDI the way to go here at all or are there better/easyer ways to achieve this? If MDI is the way to go, how do I sucessfully restrict a child form inside another object, without giving the user any opportunity to resize (i noticed that I have minnimize/maximize/close buttons, even if I disable them on the child forms themselves)

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Application Consists Of About Ten Forms So Far?

Apr 12, 2010

My application consists of about ten Forms so far. One of the forms gives the user the option of choosing the language that all the text on the forms will use. Each Form has a declaration like this


I have this declaration (Public myLanguage As New DataClass.LanguageStrings) where I had intended to keep my working copy of the chosen language strings, so that each Form's Constructor could set the xxx.Text properties using this type of assignment - ... = myLanguage.yyyStrings.xxxString. However, the IDE throws an error at the first occurrence of "myLanguageSet" in the module SetLanguages above, saying that I should use "New" to declare an instance which I can then use, despite the line above that point where I thought I was doing just that. It doesn't seem to matter where I put the declaration of myLanguageSet, I just can't avoid the "New" error being thrown.

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Class Which Consists Of A Persons Name And Their Height

Jan 7, 2012

I've got a class which consists of a persons name and their height. I then want to sort there height which is in an array, which I can do. However when I want to display both the height in order with there name I can't. The heights are sorted in order but the names just appear in the order they were entered. How do I make the right name appear next to the height?

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SaveFileDialog1 - Form That Consists Of A Tab Control

Mar 11, 2010

I have a form that consists of a Tab Control..that is filled with text boxes..a ComboBox..and a Notes Box. I just really dont know what extension to put in the SaveFileDialog : Can I just put something like *.* or maybe All Files,,

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VS 2008 - Print Consists Of Textboxs?

Apr 21, 2010

I have 10 textboxs on my form, and I'm interested how to print consists of those textboxs.

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Make A Program That Consists Of Two List Boxes

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to make a program that consists of two list boxes. The first list box contains the names of several employees of a given company, and the second is to display the name, department, ID number, and phone number of the person when the name is double clicked in the first list box. The file I have been given to carry this out with reads as follows. [code] I have no idea what I am doing.I know that I have to use the system imports streamwriter and streamreader, but I really am lost as to how. I don't even know where to begin really.

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Application That Consists Of About 4 Screens - Slow Launch Time

Aug 23, 2010

I have an application that consists of about 4 screens. Screens can be changed by clicking on buttons or via menu item. I use about 16 to 17 tables in all for all 4 screens. I've publised the application and it works fine except that it takes about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes to launch the application using the setup file that I save onto my PC. If I get lucky, a little over a minute is already fast for me. What can I do to help speed up the launch time?

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Regular Expressions - Finds All Words Which Consists Of Letters

Jun 9, 2011

[Code] This Regex "^[" + w + "]+$" finds all words which consists of letters "rca". This matches for all words, because all words are made up from "rca". Is there something I could add, to return False for "caar", because "rca" has only one "a", but "caar" has two "a"?

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.net Launcher App To Launch Games?

Jan 10, 2010

the thing is that i am creating a little launcher shell that will start on a lan-party computer full with games.all the things i am doing with it is for my own use only and will not be used for harmfull stuff. in the other topic i got the intention that they thought i was a cracker of hacker or am just creating a launcher app that launches my games without the use of explorer.exe to be loaded with windows.i have done several things to try to load a game when i press a button but they always crash. when i start the games normally there is no problem.first i thought it needed the use of explorer.exe but when i tested my app with explorer.exe running i got the same result. so i think its my app that is causing the problem.

i have used this:

Process.Start("C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe")

and this:

Dim startInfo As System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
Dim pStart As New System.Diagnostics.Process
startInfo = New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Related Designs\ANNO 1404\Anno4.exe")


as for the people who replied in the other topic. the register files you have seen in my code was for activating the GameShell.exe to run as shell instead of the explorer.exe for the current user and for all users and to restore it to explorer.exe.

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How To Make A Program Launcher

Aug 16, 2009

How do I make a program Launcher? There is 2 items. There is a textbox and a button. The textbox is for the program location and file and the button is to launch it.

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Making A Launcher For A Game?

Jan 8, 2012

Alright, well im making a launcher for a game i play. and i want to make it so it says how many users are online. and im not sure how to code that out??

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Trying To Make A Game Launcher?

Apr 24, 2010

ive tried playing with the code, references, settings, resources but cannot get this code to work Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Startgame.Click Dim ss As String = Startgame("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREblizzard entertainmentworld of warcraft",


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VS 2008 - Bunch Of Errors - Main Login Box And Then Fail To Show The Main Screen

Jul 28, 2009

My app works fine on the development machine and 3 other machines. However, some machines just show the main login box and then fail to show the main screen. There is no error message. I installed VS 2008 express on on of such machines and when i compile the project, the following errors appear:

Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application' is not defined.
Type 'dao.DBEngine' is not defined.


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Make A Patcher/launcher For A Game ?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm trying to make a patcher/launcher for a game. I want it to happen like this. When the user press's the PLAY button, I want it to check if the files are up to date. If they are, then it will run the exe (it will be in the same directory). If I updated a file, say Sound.x, I want it to download it with a progress bar showing. But the thing is, I looked around and I have no idea how to check if the file is up to date or not.

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Make An Application Launcher That Looks For The .exe File By Itself

Jun 4, 2012

I want to make an application launcher that looks for the .exe file by itself. Instead of writing:


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VS 2010 - Program Launcher With Images

Sep 6, 2010

I'm in the middle of making a program launcher. I've been able to make a version of it before, but now I want to add more options for viewing the shortcuts. The 2 main views I'm trying to get are: Icon only and Icon with the name.

Here is my original code for only the name:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Start bottom right of screen
Dim working_area As Rectangle = _
[Code] .....

I have switched over to a listview because I assume that's what i will need in order to show images. So I guess my first question will be how do I get only the icon from each file and then show it in the listview.

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Double Click On Datagridview Row In Order To Display A Form That Consists Of Data Detail View?

Apr 11, 2009

I would like to know how I can make this happen?

When I double click on a row on a datagrid, a form will appear like the above screenshot.

When I double click on the row which consist of Brian/Kendall, a form will appear and should show Brian in the First Name text box and Kendall should appear in the Last Name textbox.

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Game Launcher For A Runescape Private Server?

Mar 11, 2012

im making a game launcher for a runescape private server. and well when i run the .jar file plain without the launcher it works, but when i run with the launcher, it give me an error on the game.Here is all the

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

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Forms :: Program Launcher - NotifyIcon And ContextMenuStrip

Apr 22, 2009

Basically, I'm going for a program that has a NotifyIcon and a ContextMenuStrip working together to create a program launcher. I began by adding all the necessary controls and setting the properties. Next I set up StreamReader for a text file I will be using to save program paths. StreamReader and individual lines of text.

I'm essentially in the dark in this area, and for my program, I'm aiming for the NotifyIcon's ContextMenuStrip's buttons(Long title) to display the names or paths of the program. So I need to add individual lines to each button. I thought I would come back to that, so I moved on to the next thing, adding buttons to the ContextMenuStrip.

I have buttons already in place, like Add Program, Remove Program and Programs(for the actual list) but I need to be able to add buttons to those. Kind of like sub-buttons. If that didn't make any sense, I mean like when you hover your mouse over a button and another menu pops up.

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Make A Program That Edit Stuff On Launcher?

Apr 12, 2011

I am making a customizable launcher for a game.I have already made the launcher. now I want to make a program that can edit stuff on my launcher. A method that Im thinking is make the editor produce a file that the launcher can read.Are you getting what I mean?

There are 2 buttons in the launcher,1 webbrowser and 1 progress bar.The 2 button are links for the users personal website the webbrowser is for the news panel where they can put there news about the game and 1 progress bar for auto updating of the game.

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Making A Launcher For A Game Called Cabal?

Feb 25, 2009

Uhm, I am making a Launcher for a Game Called Cabal, and it will be for Private Servers. The thing is, that it is so easy to Hack/cheat on Pservers, and because the files for Cabal we use are old, we dont have good protection against hackers. One of the things is, that when a player presses CTRL+***+*** or something, they acivate a GM command, which is only allowed for GM's. I need to prevent that, and I also need to prevent people from using Cheat Engine. I am also planning on using Update Funcion, so if a player tries to change the CabalMain, so the Version will change (Which must not happen. If they change it to a specifik version, they can use GM commands)If there is any Anti-Hack out there, which is free, please link it. I have google'd for 1 hour. And more, and just did not find anything.


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Making An Game Launcher Kind Of Thingy For Pc?

Jul 3, 2009

I have this question. I am making an game launcher kind of thingy for my pc. I want to show all the games i own, and when you press it, it launches. But there is this admin pannel to add games,

but how should i save the data? Since i must be able to add as mutch games as i want. How should i do that?

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Microsoft Office Launcher - Press A Key For Each Button?

Apr 19, 2009

I was bored and started to build a launcher for MS office. It has 5 buttons and each button launches a program, then my launcher closes.Each button has this

Shell("C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12WINWORD.exe")

This works fine, but Word loads so fast that by the time the program has closed, word is in the background and i have to click on the taskbar to get it up. This kind of defeats the object of it. I'm trying to be lazy here!!Also, each button has an image on, but i want you to be able to press a key for each button. Is that possible? Ultimately Laziness?

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VS 2010 Program Launcher With Error Handler

May 12, 2011

i made a .exe launcher, i was able to launch a program named minecraft using the process.start. But this certain program generates error usually, so what i tried to do was get the window title of the minecraft and categorize if its an error or the actual game.

This is what i did:


So this transfers the window title of the launched program to a textbox then the "if statement" compares it and if its the error, it kills the error and relaunch the program. This is already a working program but i want to make the launching faster, the problem is if i hasten the interval of timer 2, it sometimes kill the non, error program that successfully launched. If anyone can help me, Hide the error or remove it please do help me. Im not yet an expert on but i want to learn from the best.

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Create A Launcher For A Game That Is Located In / Folder / Executable.exe

May 25, 2011

I would create a launcher for a game that is located in \folder\executable.exe I tried using the command shell, but the game does not start because it needs all the files found in folder.

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Passing Value From One Winform To Another Winform?

Jul 7, 2010

A Form is to Accept User Name and Password from user, after verification the form should display another form that will accept user's full data. When a user press the Ok button, the information entered on this form should be display in another form (Showing the user what he/she has entered)

i have Design the Firs Form and the second form, how can i pass the information entered on the second form to third, and also what will the code look like I need help on this or Code Sample?

NB: i am trying create an instance of the second form in the third form and declare a variable in the third form that will holed the value, but still not working I want to learn .NET Programming in VC#, ASP.NET And VB.NET. I am student and really get excited when it comes to programming

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Make A Launcher My Private Server But Failed It Always Say 'This Exe Can't Execute Independent"?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using VB 2008,I am trying to make a launcher my private server but, I failed it always say 'This exe can't execute independent" I tried these method
Shell ("Game.Exe") And System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Game.exe")

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