XInput - Use The Xbox 360 Controller's Rumble Feature & Get All The Button Presses?

Dec 13, 2011

How do I use XInput in VB.NET so I can use the Xbox 360 Controller's Rumble feature & get all the button presses, the only examples I found show C++ but I need to access the controller in my VB.NET application...I can't even figure out how to make a reference to XInput to try & start using it or if I need to download something first(if I don't already have it installed.)By what I see a version of XInput comes with windows already in Windows Vista, but I wouldn't know what .dll to look for, where it's located or what references to add or how to use the .dll, like what api's I can use when having added it to my application to use.

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Make My Xbox 360 Controller Be Used As Kind Of A Mouse?

Oct 9, 2008

I want to be able to make my xbox 360 controller be used as kind of a mouse how can I do this?

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VS 2008 Sendkeys To Xbox 360 Controller Gamepad?

Oct 4, 2009

I was just wondering if there was a way to send the button value of a button on a controller to the controller. What I mean is, if the xbox 360 controller was a windows form, clicking the mouse on one of the buttons would be like regular button presses, and then the button.performclick for that button would also press that button. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

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Interface And Graphics :: Form Controlling Storyboard With Xbox 360 Controller In WPF

Jul 3, 2011

Im new in the forum. Yeah thats what the title said. I made a wpf form with Expression Blend 4 with a lots of animation. So i want to trigger my storyoards with xbox 360 controller buttons. I made a button checks with timer but the problem is when a pressed the button the animation is flickering because the timer is refresh every 20 millisecond. I want to play it once/press like when i click with the mouse something happen. Code:


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Code That A Button Presses It Self?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to do a "code" that presses a button by ut self with help of a timer. [code\]...

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Make A Database Of All The Xbox Live Arcade Arcade Games On The Xbox Live Marketplace?

Jun 16, 2010

I want to make a database of all the xbox live arcade arcade games on the xbox live marketplace, I need to parse an xml file and add the needed data from the xml node into a datagridview.Here is the xml file i need to use to grab links and other data about the game:


Being the noob I am it took me about 6 hours to figure out how xml works and to write some code for what i need to do.

Here is what i came up with:

'for grabbing the name of the update
Public Sub updatename()
Dim xmldoc As New XmlDataDocument()


That code works fine.Now when i add another column to the datagridview called "update size" i want to know how to add the grabbed data from another sub i made to the new column.What would the code be for adding the strings for the new sub into the seconds column? the first was, DataGridView1.Rows.Add(str)" . So what would the second be ?Also another question i have is how do i put an image in an imagecolumn by a web link, not a local picture.

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Call ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted When A Button Presses?

Jul 10, 2011

I file ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted event when a button pressed or form is loaded.

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Event That Occurs For All Button Presses?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a system with 26 buttons but the buttons actaully run the same code; aside from the fact that the index number is used to distinguish between them (es, I know index values are out so I am using the object's name (btnKey1, btnKey2, etc).

Is there any event that occurs for all button presses or do I need to write the same line for all 26 events (actually 52 since I am using MouseDown and MouseUp - will get worse when I want to use the keypress side)?

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Music When User Presses A Button?

Jun 17, 2011

I made a tic tac toe game. and i was wondering how would code it so that when a user presses a button or when a user wins it makes a beep or some kind of music

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VS 2008 Php + Vb - Send An Email When Presses A Button?

Feb 26, 2010

so my friend and i are working on a project together, he is working on PHP, and im working on visual basic, and we both know what we need to do, but we cant figure out how to use his PHP code and use it in visual basic. What we're doing right now is trying to make a program to send an email to me or him when somebody presses a button. so, how would i use his PHP to send an email from my VB based app? sorry if this is in the wrong place, i wasn't quite sure which to put it in...

View 24 Replies

Make Another Button On The Menu Tool So When User Presses It, A Text File Will Pop Up?

Oct 23, 2005

how to send e-mail?I don't know what's the code for send e-mail. Can anyone teach me how to?I have a button on the Menu Tool. I want when user presses that button, it will directly link to the Microsoft Office to send e-mail to me.Please teach me.By the way, I also want to know how to load a text file. I want to make another button on the menu tool so when user presses it, a text file will pop up.

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C# - Get A Code Template/design Pattern Can Use When Reacting To Mouse Clicks Or Button Presses?

May 3, 2011

One of the problems that I constantly see with Winforms applications is that the GUI thread is stuck while a long-running task is running or just plain stops refreshing (yes, I know - needs threading). Is there a code template/design pattern I can use when reacting to mouse clicks or button presses? Should there be a processing thread always running in the GUI app? Basically, how do I write a great Winforms Application that is easy to maintain and doesn't have any quirky refresh bugs?

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Button's Not Having A 'read Only' Feature?

Feb 8, 2009

i seem to have a problem with my program, here is my situation:I have a UsageID where it gets generated from a database when the user clicks a button (btnAdd). However the rest of the form has textboxes and comboboxes then finally a calculate button (btnCalculate). I want the user to only be able to click the btnCalculate when their is a UsageID present. Here is the code i have currently in the btnCalculate_Click procedure:

No errors come up it just doesn't seem to work, has anyone got any ideas because i'm stuck. Helpful posts will be rated.

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Xinput Using Slimdx To Serial Output Class?

Jan 24, 2011

i am writing a library to take xinput from an xbox 360 controller and output it to a serial buswhenever i run the program it updates sporadically and does not compute properly i am trying to make it so that when the controller is in negative (ycontrol >0) it outputs 0-90 and when it is positive i get 90-180 i am also trying to make it so when the controller is moved in the x direction that the value of x is added to one side and subtracted from each other but is between 0 -180

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SlimDX


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Accomplish Is When The User Presses A Button, "moneyamount" Increases By A Random Number Generated?

Jul 4, 2009

the goal i want to accomplish is when the user presses a button, "moneyamount" increases by a random number generated. the problem i am having is that after the action is finished the script does not seem to save the new value and always starts at zero. here is the script:

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dojob1button.Click

Dim moneyamount As Integer = moneyamount + Int(Rnd() * 10)
moneylabel.Text = "$" & moneyamount
End Sub

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User Presses The Save Button To Save Data?

Feb 24, 2009

in my form i have 4 textboxes and i want all not to be empty while saving the data.I have put condition in save button,when user presses the save button to save data, to check all the textboxes not to be empty. My question is that, i want to focus to that particular textbox which is empty during saving the data.

For example: i have txt1,txt2,txt3,txt4 as textboxes in the form if txt1 is empty while saving, the focus should switch to txt1 rather user himself have to go there.

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VB On XBox 360 And Windows Phone 7?

Jul 30, 2010

Has there been any progress on getting VB to work with XBox 360 and Windows Phone 7? I hate to be rude, but it seems like we still considered to be second class citizens when it comes to non-desktop platforms.

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VS 2008 Streaming To Xbox 360

Jul 28, 2010

I'm i've been looking around now for quite a while to find out how you would go about making an application that can stream media to a Xbox 360. So far i know that Vuze and PlayOn have successfully accomplished this and i have also found that you can view the streaming url in vuze to my media that is being streamed to my Xbox.

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Using .net To See Xbox Live To See Achivements, Games?

Sep 10, 2010

Okay so I posted this thread before but apparently people did not understand what i wanted, they thought I wanted to code for the xbox. Basically I want to be able to be able to see someone's games, achievements, friends etc. after they verify their account with me in VB.Net. How would I got about doing this? I know there is some way since I've seen applications on the iPhone for xbox live stuff.

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App Hub For Windows Phone And XBOX 360 Development And Forums?

Jun 20, 2011

If you are into WindowsPhone development or want to be then visit:>>Here is a link to get the Express Edition for WindowsPhone development:>>

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Write And Saves It And Gets The Xbox 360 Achievement Pop Up Saying "Gotta Write This Down?

Jun 29, 2009

Ok i saw this guy on youtube that made a achievement generator for his computer. For example, he goes to notepad and write something and saves it and gets the xbox 360 achievement pop up saying "Gotta write this down" and all that. Cud this have been coded thru VB.NET or something?

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.net - Detecting Key Presses?

Sep 15, 2009

I am writing a program that expands the usage of the clipboard, but I need to tell when the user has either cut, copied, or pasted something so I can write code accordingly to that. I need to know how I can check to see when the user has entered a command like this.

View 2 Replies Mvc - Get JsonResult From Another Controller?

Jul 29, 2011

I would like to get JSON result from another Controller and pass it back to client,here is the scenario:

using JQuery Client request for JSON from Controller A -->

Controller A pass parameter to Controller B and get's

JsonResult --> Controller A pass JSON back to Client.

What is the best way to approach this scenario??

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Donwloading From A Controller Using FTP

Jul 9, 2010

I have a blackbox (with a crude ftp server on it) which has an IP address, a file on it, a username and a password. I have a PC logged on to the local network and I want to write a program that sits on the PC and when the file is created it downloads that file. from the laptop I can type ftp: in to windows explorer and see the file without having to type in a username or password (username is set to Anonymous)I require a simple program that just points to the file (ftp: and grabs it to a local path (C:\banjo.txt)I have looked everywhere and not found anything that works and not interested in paying $500 for a library.

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How To Modify Key Presses

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to create an application that will enable me to type in my local language. For that I need to modify the key presses. For example when I press key A it should change it to ”. Also I would like to know how to detect double and triple key presses e.g. shift + W and ctrl + shift + J and remap them to a different character. Also I would like to know how to detect a text string like and replacing them with other string like member. I have found a code that modifies key. But when I tried to change key A to key B it produces AB. I am including the code below. Hope I have made myself clear.


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Use A URL Without Controller's Function's Name In ASP NET MVC?

Aug 3, 2009

The default code that VS generates for HomeController is[code]...

Consequently, I was wondering if the "GET " blob of text actually does anything and if it is possible to fiddle with URLs without diving into the ASAX file.

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Call Pylons Controller From .net?

Oct 8, 2009

i have a application thats writen with the pylons framework. Now i want to call some controllers from a application. How should i do this? I've tried it like this:

Dim webclient As New WebClient
Dim dataStream As IO.Stream = webclient.OpenRead("")
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()


But instead of an json object that is generate by the pylons controller, i'll get the html code for the page which is reachable under ""

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Controller Cannot Find View

Jun 13, 2012

I made a project where I have a basic DemoController[code]...

I should probably mention that my .aspx file is in another project than the web app. I build everything into a dll then put that into a folder in my web app project. The error I am getting is "The view '~/Views/Demo/Index.aspx' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched: ~/Views/Demo/Index.aspx"

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Detect If User Presses F Key?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to work out how to detect if the user has pressed an f key I have this so far:

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
Label1.Text = e.KeyChar
End Sub

This detects when the user presses a character key and outputs it via Label1.text, but it doesnt work on all keys?

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Detecting Key Presses In Thread?

Jun 13, 2009

I just finished building my robot and now I am trying to come up with the code that goes on the computer to control the dang thing. Right now I have a thread that constantly loops in a do until loop that will never be true. Inside that loop the program should check to see if the w,s,a, or d keys are pressed if they are then it finds out what key has been pressed and sends the appropriate value to the robot. If no key is pressed then it should send the stop value to the micro controller which halts the robot until a new key is pressed.This is the basic way that I thought the code should be constructed although this code DOES not work.

code inside thread
Dim x as integer[code].....

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