XML Parsing Error: No Element Found?

Apr 7, 2009

I am using NiceEdit to format text in text areas, it displays a toolbar over the specified text area, I created a test page, its working, I Response.Write the content of the text area after being formatted, and its okay, I created a break point to see whats being read, it was all fine.Now I moved to the real page where I should implement this text formatting, it simply did not do anything, the toolbar is shown and its working, but when I submit, nothing is being stored, i created a break point and the content of that text area was nothing, empty "".I went further and put Response.Write(textArea.text) then Response.End() and I got the error:XML Parsing Error: no element foundJust in case, the script I am using for the formatting NiceEdit toolbar, and this is the same script i used in my test page and worked just fine, the script is:

<script src="../nicEdit/nicEdit.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() {


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VS 2010 Check For Element Or Keep Trying Until Element Is Found?

Feb 21, 2012

I have been doing well and also I am a noob I know it and you know it a lot has started making sense and I am evening figuring new things out without using Google but of course I have hit another snag in my program so here goes

I am waiting for an email to arrive (the page automatically refreshes) and then I want to click the link (I do not need to click to open the email or anything like that) I also have the code to click and navigate to the address reason being it was the only way I could figure out how to stop it opening in a new window on IE

So my only problem is I need a way to check every x seconds for the element and then if its there proceed with my code and if its not wait and then check again or however this is done in VB.If this is not the way its done please point me in the right direction the code I am using to find and then navigate to the link is

Dim emailpageelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each emailver As HtmlElement In emailpageelements
If InStr(emailver.InnerHtml, "https://twitter.com/account/confirm_email/") Then


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Using LINQ To Return Element In Collection, Would Like To Return Nothing If Element Not Found?

Mar 3, 2011

I would like the following function to return Nothing if the element with the specified key is not in the collection. Instead, it returns an error - something to the effect of "no element found"

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of MyType)
Public Function FindByActivityKey(ByVal searchValue As Integer) As MyType


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Parsing XML Fragment And Extracting Element As String?

Nov 23, 2009

I am using an API (WSUS) that will give me an XML fragment that I need to work with. Essentially, I need to go through the fragment element by element, identify what type of element it is, and then put that element into the datagridview. The goal is to have a column with a human readable interpretation of the element, plus that actual element itself in a hidden column for further processing. So, using the below XML, I want the DGV to have column that says "Begin Or Group" and a hidden column with "<lar:Or>".

I can get an xmltextreader to loop through the elements just fine, but I can't figure out a way to return just the current element in XML. I've tried ReadString, Value, ToString, and a bunch of other stuff but just cannot seem to figure it out.

Here's an example fragment:

<bar:WindowsVersion Comparison="EqualTo" MajorVersion="5" MinorVersion="0" ServicePackMajor="4" ServicePackMinor="0" />


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HTML Parsing - Check If Element Has Specific Attribute?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm using HtmlAgilityPack to parse HTML. I want to check if an element has a specific attribute. I want to check whether an <a> tag has the href attribute.

Dim doc As HtmlDocument = New HtmlDocument()
doc.Load(New StringReader(content))
Dim root As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode
Dim anchorTags As New List(Of String)
For Each link As HtmlNode In root.SelectNodes("//a")
If link.HasAttributes("href") Then doSomething() 'this doesn't work because hasAttributes only checks whether an element has attributes or not

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XAML Named Element Not Found By FindName

Jun 20, 2011

I am having problems finding an named object declared in XAML in my codebehind file.I want to initalize a ViewModel from inside my View. However I also need a reference to the ViewModel in my code behind file (basically for navigation support, handling events, etc. that I cannot do easily from my ViewModel)[code]However I get a null reference exception when I'm trying to access the ViewModel in my code behind:[code]Some more research shows that the FindName call for "ViewModel" in InitalizeComponent returns null. I tried reading up on XAML namescopes etc. but as far as I see, this should be a simple case and just work, no?

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Parsing Through List, Compare 2 Dimensional Array Element And Replace With Higher Value?

Mar 23, 2008

unordered text file of 3 columns to assign into 2 arrays. I've been given a graphing component which expects a two dimensional array for a scatter graph for the set of values in the last column.

How would I parse through the list given an indexed array of 215 possible 'zone alarm locations' and if an alarm log list item, of which there can more than one for any given zone location, compare in the two dimensional array any previous value and replace it with the higher valued one? The following are my declarations for the 2 arrays. It isn't clear to me why the array for the scatter data was defined as (999,1) knowing there are only 215 possible x values (alarm zone locations)


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IDE :: VB2008 Express Form Designer Error : An Error Occurred While Parsing EntityName.Line 2, Position 62

Nov 24, 2010

The Form Designer in the IDE is no longer working properly. When I create a new project, the Form Designer will work, but after I save it and close the IDE and reopen the next day the Form Designer no longer shows the form and instead says "To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved: An Error occurred while parsing EntityName.Line 2, position 62" If I click ignore and continue, then it just displays a blank form with no controls. The problem appears to have started after I unistalled and reinstalled VB2008 Express.

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Error Message On VS 2010 Beta : An Error Occurred Trying To Load The Page - Member Not Found

Jan 5, 2010

I am facing another error "An error occurred trying to load the page. Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND) )" performing the following scenario:- Opened a sample VS 2010 WPF project that I receiveved from a co-worker (Project compiles, and run on his machine)I tried to open project properties (Project --> Properties)The project properties panel/window didn't open, all it had was an error symbol (red/white X) and the error message above(HRESULT: 0x80020003).I am unable to view niether the designer window nor the code window (no messages are reported) but the pane where the code/design shoud display is empty, all you can see is the background color.

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XML Parsing Error?

Feb 17, 2009

In a perfect world my xml feed source would produce perfect xml ..that is not the caseam parsing an XML feed that sometimes has ampersands and dashes in the content that messes up my parsing.I've tried doing pre processing with find/replace to get rid of these characters but then I get another type of error

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Error Parsing Update?

Mar 6, 2012

The following error is reported on attempting to update a record "Error parsing Update Query [Token line number = 1, Token line ofset = 38, Token in error = / ]". There is no "/" in the query. Here is the code:

This is the button Save code:
Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal


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Error Occured While Parsing EntityName

Jun 22, 2010

I am working on VB.Net project. All was well until I started getting the following error while trying to view Forms ...

The error says : "An error occurred while parsing EntityName: Line 4 Position 42"

All code is fine not logical problems..but the came suddenly and this error in all the forms...Projects runs perfectly but I am not able to see Forms Designer...

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Parsing Error On Adding A Csv Text Value Into A DataTable In .net

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to add records from a CSV file into a dataTable in vb.net, as follows:

dim myObjAdapter as new myDataSourceAdapters.myTableAdapter
dim myObjTable as new myDataSource.myTable
myObjTable = myObjAdapter.Getdata


PS: in CSV file, the decimal digit is "." and if I add directly a record into table, using "." as decimal separators, the numbers get right format.

There is a kind of settings to change, or option to enable/disable on adding this records to do the right adding?

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Cant Create Or Edit Projects Code Parsing Error?

Oct 23, 2010

The file 'C:Documents and SettingsMirkoMy DocumentsVisual Studio2008ProjectsWindowsApplication1WindowsApplication1Form1.vb' does not support code parsing or generation because it is not contained within a project that supports code.

Instances of this error (1)
1. Hide Call Stack


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C# - .Net String Parsing Library Or Regex For Parsing .Net Code Files

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to be able to parse vb.net code files, so I can examine the collection of Subs, Functions (and their contents, including comments), private variables, etc. I can be open the actual source code files. So for example, if I have:


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WebBrowser Html Element & Error?

Jan 18, 2011

1. Some buttons have a site that I want to run them through my program (with button 1) through the following command:WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ID").InvokeMember("click")I look at source code of the sites and see the button, the problem is I did not see the ID is always his, or it finds the Id, but does nothing, what's the problem with this?

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Error - .Net Framework Not Found

May 2, 2010

When I install .NET 4.0 and try to run my .NET 2.0 designed application I get a ".Net Framework not found" error.

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Error - File Not Found

May 6, 2010

Iam Using This Code to return app path it works good on my pc but on any other system it give the right path but an error also came
The specified file not found

Public Function App_Path() As String
Return System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()
End Function

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Get A File Not Found Error?

Feb 3, 2010

I had the following piece of code working for the last few weeks and earlier today it seems stopped working.I have the code in a try/catchh block and in that try I create a file, "Build.bat" with code in it that will get it to do some oracle/sql wizardry

If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "Build.bat") Then
Shell(Application.StartupPath & "Build.bat", AppWinStyle.NormalNoFocus, True)
End If

After stepping through my code I noticed that the catch is executed at the shell line, so I put it in an if statement to see if the file exists and it always comes up as true, but on the next line I still get a File not Found error.

Dim BatFile As New StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath & "Build.bat")
Dim SQLPLUS As String[co

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Path Not Found : Error

Aug 10, 2009

I have this weird(!) issue that I cannot pass a path as a variable. I really tried everything but I always get the "Cannot find path" error when executing. It has to do with the quotes, I guess.When I print out the path it is perfect like: "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMijn afbeeldingen" (with quotes)Maybe a basic problem but I'm stuck-stuck!

Option Explicit
Dim oFSO, sFile, oFile, sText, file, newText
Dim sFileArr
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


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Path Not Found Error?

Apr 21, 2010

Using a basic script to copy 4 folders.

fso.copyfolder "F:OfficeTreeStuff", newfolder &"", True

3 folders copy fine. 1 does not: path not found error is displayed.

How can I have the particular file/path displayed that is not found?

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VS 2008 - Error: AL.exe Was Not Found

Aug 21, 2009

I getting an error which is:

Error 1 Task failed because "AL.exe" was not found, or the correct Microsoft Windows SDK is not installed. The task is looking for "AL.exe" in the "bin" subdirectory beneath the location specified in the InstallationFolder value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.0A. You may be able to solve the problem by doing one of the following:

1) Install the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5.

2) Install Visual Studio 2008.

3) Manually set the above registry key to the correct location.

4) Pass the correct location into the "ToolPath" parameter of the task. OutlookBar v2 2005.

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Error DB Cannot Be Found.No Username Or Password On The DB

Jun 22, 2010

I can insert into my table by the bindingnavigator and dragging textboxes straight from the DataSet entering them and saving. But I want to insert into the DataBase via code and in order to do this I have used the below code to connect. I use this code to test the connection and cannot get it to connect. Just get the error to say the DB cannot be found.No username or password on the DB

Private Sub btnDB_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDB.Click
Dim connString As String = "Data Source=C:Visual Studio 2008ProjectsCollegeBetfairBetfairDB.sdf"
Dim myDB As New SqlConnection(connString)


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Error On Publish: Signtool.exe Not Found?

Apr 9, 2008

I am trying to publish my app but when i do that i get an error:Error2An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found.I already search the net, where they said that the SDK was not installed with vb2008. So i installed that one.

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Error That Is Returned Says The File Cannot Be Found

Jun 10, 2010

I am using process.start to start Excel.The filename argument has blank spaces in the path and the argument is truncated at the first space.The error that is returned says the file cannot be found.

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IO StreamReader File Not Found - Error

Nov 8, 2009

I am reading a file from the default location. I request a file by name only using an InputBox. If the User types a file that does not exist I get an exception error. I want to be able to handle the problem by outputting to a list box that the file was not found. My Code is something like:

sr = IO.File.OpenText(fileName)
IF fileName <> "found"
Handle issue
Continue Code

I want to run a check to make sure the file does exist in the default location but not sure how to get it done. I had seen the Public Shared Function FileExists but I am not quite sure how to make it work.

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Object Not Found And Unknown Error

May 9, 2012

I have the code below giving me grief because it gives unknown error (0x80005000) when trying to add a user to a second group[code]...

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Sub Main() Not Found Error Message?

Aug 1, 2010

I am studying Visual Basic How to Progra by Deitel on my own. I am a beginner. My last two programs I have received the error message: Sub Main() not found. I am certain that I typed it in underneat Module Comparison. The program will not run.

Could it be a naming problem? If so can I correct it without re-typing the entire program.

I am using 2008 Visual Basic Trial Edition. Would it be better to use 2010 Visual Studio Professional?

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VS 2008 HTTPWebREquest - Error (404) Not Found

Feb 19, 2010

I have a crawling program that fetches urls to parse the html and came across an unusual error since I started this. For a specific set of urls from a site when fetching using HTTPWebRequest and HTTPWebResponse I get the error The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found This is unusual since it works when pasting it in my browser. Not sure if code is needed to posted but let me know if so.

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VS2010: Error - Method Not Found

Apr 25, 2011

I have:

Namespace Model.Object.Interface.Object
Public Interface IObject
Property Id As Integer
Property Id_Parent As Integer
Property Name As String


Why throw this exception? How to fix?

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