Access Multiple Elements Selected In Listbox?

Feb 11, 2011

i have set selection mode to multiExtended in vb.netSo i am able to select multiple elements but how to access those selected values/indices using SelectedItems property?

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Get Selected Line With Multiple Columns Within A Listbox?

Dec 8, 2011

How do I get selected line with multiple columns within a listbox and put the info into an excell worksheet with the data in distinct cells

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Store Multiple Selected Values In Single Field From Listbox In Program?

Jul 6, 2010

This is my code which i used to try this but it inserts only the last value in the listbox but i need all the selected values seperated by comma [code]...

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Transfer Items Selected In Listbox To Access Database?

Jun 12, 2012

I want to transfer multiple items selected from a listbox to an access 2007 database using a parameterized query.When I select certain items from the listbox, only first item selected gets stored in the database.Other values selected are not written to the database.My code is as follows.Is my approach towards transferring multiple values correct?Someone


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DELETE And UPDATE Access Database After Remove Selected Item From VB Listbox

Jun 6, 2011

I trying to make a code to Delete and Update Access 2007 database after remove a selected item from a listbox in VB 2008. [using "Remove" button that i create] pervious i already make a button to View data from database and Remove from listbox. but i don't know how to delete and update in database.

The code i using now:


In the database, i have ID,Name and Age (simple database)

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Add Multiple Values Selected By Date Range From Access Database?

Oct 6, 2010

Access database: Inventory

Column 1: Pprice

Column 2: Date

Now what I want to do is on a button click, I want to search the database for a date range, lets say September/01/2010 thru September/30/2010. Then I want to pull all of the Pprice values and add them together to come up with an inventory parts cost for the month.

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Display Selected Elements From Website?

Jan 6, 2009

I want to create a file upload client for and I wanted to know if it is possible to make an application that lets you select a file from your hard drive, press an upload button and then the app will process it just like the website processes the file when you use a browser.Also I want the app to display the progress bar that the website displays when you upload, and when it's done, it has to get the URL for the uploaded file and display it in a textbox.Why not just use the website you ask? Well, I'm planning to make this into a bigger app but nothing will really work unless I get this to work first, so I have to start here.

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VB - MS Office Access, Storing Info Temporarily In A ListBox, And Then In Access Database, After Selecting Line In ListBox

Oct 29, 2010

Ok, so I`ve been studying a bit of VB lately.. bought a few books and read lot`s of articles and seen hours of instructional videos, and I slightly start to get the hang of a few things.. :) I`ve recently started a fun little project, but I seem to lack a bit of knowledge to reach my goal. I`ll first try to describe my project:


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Replace Xml Content In Conditionally Selected Elements Using Linq (VB 2008)?

Mar 22, 2009

I'm working on a .NET application (VB 2008) that gets all of its data from a web-based Django application.I'm using Linq-to-XML and Linq-to-objects in the app.One API call is giving me XML data in the following format that I am loading into an XDocument.


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VB6 - Search ListBox Elements?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm migrating an application from VB6 to VB.Net and I found a change in the behavior of the ListBox and I'm not sure of how to make it equal to VB6.The problem is this:In the VB6 app, when the ListBox is focused and I type into it, the list selects the element that matches what I type. e.g. If the list contains a list of countries and I type "ita", "Italy" will be selected in the listbox.The problem is that with the .Net version of the control if I type "ita" it will select the first element that starts with i, then the first element that starts with "t" and finally the first element that starts with "a".

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Loading Array Elements Into Listbox?

Mar 7, 2009

why my code doesn't work? I want the array elements to be loaded into a listbox when the button is clicked. Is it because not all elements in my array have been filled? I've tried putting the array declaration as a global variable and as a local one (below), but the same error occurs as soon as the button is clicked - "ArgumentNullException was unhandled".

Private Sub btnLoadCustomerNames_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoadCustomerNames.Click
'String array holds maximum 100 customer names


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Add Elements To Listbox On Another Page (Windows Phone 7)

Mar 9, 2012

net to make a Windows Phone application. I have a listBox on page1 called listBox1 and in page 2 I have a button called btnAdd. I want to be able to add an item into the listbox1 from page1 whenever btnAdd is pressed in page2. I knew how to do this on VB6 but it seems different on vb.Net.

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.net - Encrypting Multiple Elements Of One Xml Document?

Aug 25, 2010

I managed encrypting an xml document by encrypting an element and then replacing the element with the encrypted data. A shown in the sample code below. Public Shared Sub Encrypt(ByVal textReader As TextReader, ByVal textWriter As TextWriter, ByVal certificateName As String)


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.net - Reference Elements In Multiple Lists Together?

Apr 14, 2012

For my first post I've got a tricky question. I'm past walking through tutorials but not far enough to join the Open Source Community.this Question I'm trying to create a program that tracks combinations used in Alchemy Games (Generally on a mobile phone etc)I've got the following classes

Class Game contains properties for Elements and Combinations
Class Elements Inherits List(Of Element)
Class Combinations Inherits List(Of Combination)
Class Element
Class Combination

Combination contains Element 1 and Element 2 and List(Of Element) for the results My Question: Using Game.Elements how can I add a readonly property for combinations of that element.


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.net - Repository Pattern - Remove Child Elements From Multiple Parents

Nov 16, 2011

I have the following tables

Public Class Tag
<Key()> _
Public Property TagID As Integer


I implemented the repository pattern.

Now i have a list of Tags which contain the right TagReferences, but the tags may not be deleted, it's the TagReferences.

Variabels = ReferenceValue,ReferenceID
IEnumerable(Of Tag) = TagRepository.GetMany(Function(el) el.Reference = ReferenceValue And el.TagReferences.Any(Function(bl) bl.ReferencedID.Equals(ReferenceID)))

How can i remove all the TagReferences which contain the ReferenceID in one line?

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XmlException Was Unhandled - Reading Multiple Root Elements From Xml File

Jun 10, 2009

I have this problem on reading multiple root elements from xml file to how can i code it in order for my code to display all the root elements? here is my xml code


And also how do i do it in a way that I can select the firstname from second root element?

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Access Elements Inside A DataTemplate?

Jun 12, 2010

I've got 2 DataTemplates defined for a Listbox Control. 1 Template is for the UnSelected State and the other one is for the Selected State(showing more detail than the UnSelected State).[url]...

about how to access the Elements inside the DataTemplates from Code behind.

I get it right, but it only finds and returns an element of the UnSelected DataTemplate. But when i search for an element in the Selected DataTemplate i get a NullReferenceException.

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Can't Access Elements From Array Object

Apr 13, 2012

I have an array object called arr() from arr_class. I get problem in calling each elements of it


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Cant Access Elements From Array Object?

Apr 24, 2010

I have an array object called arr() from arr_class. I get problem in calling each elements of it.Here is the classarr_class

Public Class arr_class
Dim _val1() As Integer
Dim _val2() As Integer


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Getting Data From Individual Elements In Access Database?

Oct 24, 2009

I have an access database with one table and 4 or 5 different fields.

All I need to do is be able to be able to use a loop to read the values in a specific row and column and store it in a variable (or array).

I don't need the code for the loop or anything, just the syntax for reading the value of a specific row and column in a table to a variable.

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Access Html Elements Having Same Names And Values By Program?

Jun 14, 2012

There are some html buttons which dont have id . i want to access these html buttons which have the same type name and values . But i cant able to access then due to their same names and values [code]...

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Forms :: Select Multiple Value In Listbox A And Copy To Listbox B?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a question here.. pls kindly advise.I need to design a simple form that allow user to choose the value from Listbox A to Listbox B. For example, in Listbox A, have value A, value B and value C, then user can choose (or highlight value B and value C) and copy into the listbox B.

May i know how can i do this in Any reference link?

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Html - Dynamically Created Elements From Codebehind Need To Be Inserted Between Specific Elements

Sep 17, 2010

I created a method and pass the element type, id, and any inner text that instantiates a new html element. The last statement: Me.Controls.Add(element) adds it to the end of the page, but I would like it to be inserted in a specific position (between 2 divs within a form). What I am describing is very similar to this post on SO here, although it was for javascript.

View 1 Replies - Get The Selected Value Field Of Listbox?

Feb 9, 2012

I have Listbox, that I want to assign primary key, and a text (eg. students table). So i wrote this code.

mySQLCmd.CommandText = "SELECT studentname, studentid FROM studentstable WHERE Year(DOB) = " + selectedYear
Dim dt As New DataTable
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader()


When I select something on the listbox, both of selecteditem and selectedvalue properties just return the student name, not the student id. So I get this error.

Error on Line2. Conversion from string "RichardCole" to type 'Integer' is not valid.I don't know why? So i do i get the studentid value back ? I need to know the ID coz name can't use as PK so.

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Getting The Tag Of A Selected Listbox Item?

Aug 18, 2010

I have multi select set to false and get this error

InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index
Private Sub MembersList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MembersList.SelectedIndexChanged


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No Selected Listbox Item

Jan 27, 2009

I have a form with a list box and a button. The list box is filled with text files from a folder. When you click the button whatever file is selected in the list box is then opened and each line of that file is added as an item in a list box on another form.I'm not sure what to code for if something in the first list box is not selected.

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VS 2010 Listbox Row Selected

Feb 10, 2012

I've being trying to work out a problem i've being having for a while now and i'm not sure if i'm over complicating it.When a form loads, it uses a for next loop to load an array of peoples names into a list box. However i want to extract the persons ID once their name has being clicked. I can make this work by using another for next loop until the selected name matches the an array number. However it fails if there are two people of the same name.Is there a command or piece of code that can extract the row number of the item selected?

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.net - Listbox Selected Item Checking?

Aug 10, 2009

My code follows. I have six items (indices 0-6) and I'm trying to check if one has been selected or not. If not, then messagebox yells at you to select one. If it does, it tells you what you have selected. I'm having a horrible brain fart and contemplated coming here for about 45 minutes as I couldn't get it.

If ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString <> "" Then
MessageBox.Show("You selected " + ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString)
MessageBox.Show("Please select an item.")
End If

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C# - Get The Last Selected Item In Multiselect ListBox?

Apr 15, 2009

In .NET there doesn't seem to be a property to find the item just selected in a multi-select listbox; SelectedIndex always shows the first selected item. From memory VB6 had the ListIndex property that changed accordingly... Why remove a useful property ?

Duplicate: How to get the last selected item in multiselect ListBox?

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Can't Remove Selected Items In Listbox

Mar 6, 2009

There is a listbox whith SelectionMode set to MultiExtended and it has multiple items selected.[code]...

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