Activate Or Select A Worksheet In Excel Via Automation In 2008?

Aug 19, 2010

I would like to ask how I can select an Excel worksheet via code in vb. I looked but I only came across something like the below:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim objSheets As Excel.Sheets


with the line: objSheet = objSheets(1), but because the tabs can be in any order, using the index isn't really helpful to me. Is there a way to select a worksheet by name in VB 2008?

Perhaps something like the : objSheets("MyWorksheet").select

that is something akin to the Excel vba code?

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Office Automation :: Excel Worksheet.PageSetup.ChartSize Property Error

Jul 23, 2009

I've automated quite a bit with excel and every so often one of these really annoying glitches pops up.I'm using Office 2003, all with latest service packs and everything, and basically I usually end up creating a lot of applications which automate excel, processing database information and exporting it etc, etc, etc.

I currently have finalized this most recent export process, which exports a moderately sized table into excel for the user to work with, but I wanted to adjust the printing area appropriately.SO, I set the PrintArea to the A1:K47 string, I set the FittoPagesTall/Wide to 1 and the Orientation to Landscape, and all of this is perfectly functional from my 2008 .Net 3.5 application. But in the open application window of the file i'm automatically creating, the page divider lines still show 4 pages of data. Now, I said to myself, i know that in the Page Setup Dialog I can set "Fit to Page" and it automatically adjusts the zoom factor (scaling) to fit the print area onto 1x1 pages.

The only property in the WorkSheet.PageSetup that appears to do this is the ChartSize property, but when I step over that line in the Application I'm debugging, I get the Exception:"Unable to set the ChartSize property of the PageSetup class"Now the only thing i've seen online about this error from Microsoft says it could occur when a printer isn't installed. That is not the case here.

I further looked up in the property and it said something about only being applied to "Chart Sheets" but when I try to use the workbook.worksheets.add() method witht the Type set to xlChart I get a com object disconnected from RCW error.NOw, I can manually go into the Page Setup Properties for the Excel Worksheet, and set the "FIt to Page" there, so How can I forcibly automate this exact same process without having to open the Excel APplicaiton.

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Office Automation :: Use Common Worksheet Functions Found In Excel 2003?

May 3, 2010

I'm trying to use common Worksheet functions found in Excel 2003 (average, standard deviation, etc) from within VS 2008. See thinned down sample code below:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


When ran it returns "New cannot be used on an interface". Removing "New" returns "'WorksheetFunction' is a type in 'Excel' and cannot be used as an expression."

I've added a reference to the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library v11.0.0.0, which I'm using in other places in the code with no complaints.

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Export A Table Into An Excel Worksheet By Using Select Command

Jan 5, 2011

I see the examples where I can export a table into an Excel Worksheet by using
SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;Database=C:Book1.xls].[Sheet1] FROM [MyTable]
But I can only use [MyTable] if it is a binding source correct? What i would like to do is something like:


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Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel : Disable Select Locked Values In A Worksheet?

Aug 29, 2011

I am using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library in VB.Net on an excel sheet that is protected. All of the protected settings are working fine except that I cannot set Select Locked Cells which shows when you are using the Excel protect sheet interface but I cannot see how to set this to false using the library. I have tried all of the different values in the protect method but none of them toggle the value.Excel protected sheet menu Below is the code snippet I am using to get my workSheet, populate some values, and then protect the sheet. GetWorkSheet is an internal method which will return a WorkSheet object, and invoiceData is a datatable which has the data which is being added to the spreadsheet.

Dim newSheet As Worksheet = getWorkSheet(newSheetName)
' Make the current Work Sheet active so that it will be accepting the data.


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Office Automation :: .net Excel OLEDB Select From [colom:A]?

May 6, 2011

so i have OLEDB working "Select Where [text-in-top-of-column] = "BOB"...But i need it to work like:"Select Where [column:A$] = "BOB"...(not sure of what sysntext I would use for spesfying the column)I wont allways know what the first row of text is in colom "A".. so i need to just use "A" This is what i have now...


Collname = "Some long text name"
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection _
("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source='c: estfilex.xls'; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;")


I have tryed adding HDR=No and it does not work... how to use the colom by their default names...?

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Creating A Worksheet In Excel From 2008?

Aug 30, 2010

I am attempting to create a worksheet in an existing excel spreadsheet from visual basic 2008 but it does not create it. My code is below.

Dim strFilename = "C: est.xls"
" [" & strFileName &
";].[Sheet2] ;"


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Counting Rows / Columns In Excel Worksheet Using VB 2008

Mar 16, 2012

This is my first time posting in a forum like this, so please excuse me if I accidentally break any thread rules (btw, where can i find these?). I am very new to Visual Basic and have been trying to teach myself as I create this program. I have experience with macros in excel so I do understand some of the coding, but definitely nowhere near being proficient. I am using Visual Basic 2008 Step by Step (Michael Halvorson) to teach myself.

I am trying to create some code in my program that will allow the user to open an excel file and then return the number of rows and columns in the worksheet. There will only be 1 worksheet in the workbook (since this is just a small part of a larger program I am writing). I already tested the code that will open the file in another program and it worked fine; the thing that is catching me is the row and column counts. I'm a bit stuck here and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Here is the code as follows: Code: I have another sub for a quit button which I chose to leave out. The last line for the MessageBox is causing me problems.

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VS 2008 Count Number Of HPageBreaks In An Excel Worksheet

May 13, 2012

I amusing to count the number of HPageBreaks in an Excel is the code I'm currently using:[code]Sometimes it returns the proper count...but most of the time it returns "0" and I have no clue as to why.

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Office Automation :: Automation Excel Without Install Excel

May 28, 2009

I am developing an application using excel automation.The worst thing is the client's side doesn't have excel installed.What is the solution for this case?

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Office Automation :: Copy Worksheet To Another While Preserving The Original Format

Dec 8, 2009

I am using Visual Studio Professional 2008. I am writing a program in Visual Basic 2008 that copies the Used Range from one worksheet to another worksheet, I am able to achieve this by the following code segment:


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Office Automation :: Populate Spreadsheet 11.0 Control With Existing Worksheet

Sep 25, 2010

I have a spreadsheet control on a windows form that I would like to populate with data from an existing worksheet (myworkbook.xls, sheet1).

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IDE :: Store And Retrieve Data From Excel Worksheet Using A Form Created In Vba Studio Express 2008?

Dec 4, 2009

am trying to store and retrieve data from a closed excel worksheet while in a form created in vba studio express 2008?

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Office Automation :: Automatic Deployment Of Excel Automation Addin?

Jan 25, 2011

I have written an automation addin in Excel with C# (addin.dll). To use the addin, I need to 1. register it using "regasm /codebase c:...addin.dll"2. select in ExcelOptionsAddInsExcel AddinsAutomation the respective addin from the list

I would like to automatize 1) and 2), so that the user just needs to run an exe-file in order to use the addin. 1) should be no problem, but how can one automatize 2)?

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Office Automation :: Excel 2003 Automation With VB 2005 Express?

Apr 20, 2010

Ok basically what I need to do is the following:Read FirstExcelDoc (attached)For every row in that: Retrieve data from sql server db based on info in the Orange columns of FirstExcelDoc Let's say I retrieved data elements A, B, C, D, and E from sql server. Then I need to enter those same data elements A, B, and C in another excel spreadsheet (which has formulas etc) After inputing A, B, and C in that spreadsheet, read a couple of calculated fields and compare those results to data elements D and E retrieved originally from SQL Server DB. Finally, output the results in the Blue columns of the FirstExcelDoc spreadsheet for that row.Loop through and do the same thing for row 2 of the FirstExcelDoc and keep on until you see "END TEST" in the FirstExcelDoc.

I'm looking for a method of doing this efficiently. I have read several articles over the past few days as well as those from Mike R. but just need some direction to get started on this.To start of I'm looking for whether to read the entire FirstExcelDoc spreadsheet or just read the info for first policy number(2nd row) and process it and write out the blue column info for that row and then loop through and come back and read the second policy number (3rd row) etc... Please attach a code snippet for either way of reading the data.

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Office Automation :: Orphan Excel Process Started Via Automation

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using excel via interop in application.Sometimes users kill application that created excel instance and that results in excel instance sitting in memory without any chance of disposing it.First I tried to tackle this using ROT(running object table) looks like not all instances of excel are registered there.Than I tried to somehow mark excel process after it is started via interop.[code]This works as long as excel is visible but in my case excel window is invisible.All I need is to somehow mark process that started via automation with the parent PID, so that later I can kill it if parent does not exist.

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Office Automation :: Excel Automation - Call Rejected

Dec 17, 2010

I have been pulling my hair out trying to fix this.


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Office Automation :: Excel Automation Causing: Rpc_e_serverfault

Jun 1, 2010

We have a vb program which is run on our server by scheduled task every day. The program opens about 30 excel files, refreshes the data connections, pivot tables and then saves the document in another location.

This may run fine for a couple days but sooner or later the process starts crashing, usually with this error: RPC_E_SERVERFAULT.

My question is, Is it expected that continually opening/closing/refreshing workbooks will inevitably cause the Excel object to crash at some point.

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Export A Datagridview To Excel And Open The Excel Spreadsheet (not SAVE The Worksheet)?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to export a datagridview to Excel and open the Excel spreadsheet (not SAVE the worksheet).

Public Sub ExcelRpt(ByVal DgvName As GridView, ByVal url As String)
Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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Office Automation :: Excel Process Continues Running (.Net Framework 3.5, VS.Net 2008, .Net 2008)

Apr 15, 2011

I'm calling the following method from a button click event to export a datatable to excel. After the export is completed, the excel application object is quit, released and assigned to nothing. But in reality it's not getting released and stays active unless the entire application is closed. So every time the button is clicked for export, a new excel application object keeps on running. The problem doesn't occur if two of the lines from the method below are not used. But I can't omit them as they are really needed. Check the * marked lines.

''' <summary>
''' Exports data from a datatable to excel.
''' </summary>


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Office Automation :: VS 2008 Excel 07 Add-In Reference?

Aug 18, 2010

So I've been trying to write an Add-In for Excel for a week now. I already have the add-in made up in VBA (CustomUI.xml has been added too for a ribbon). I've been using it for awhile now from Excel's VBA Editor. But I want to get a bit more fancy with it, so I'm going to re-write it in since it's ribbon designer is nicer than writing XML code by hand. The only problem is, I've been very confused on how Visual Studio sets up all the references to Excel.As I've been looking through examples in threads across this forum I see a lot of people using this code to get access to Excel.


at the top of every sub routine that I'm going to be using excel in? Isn't that going to open a bunch of different windows and separate my code from the data I'm trying to manipulate?

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VS 2008 VB / Excel Automation - Throws An Exception On 'PC#2

Nov 3, 2009

VB2008 (in VisualStudio) and automation of tasks in Excel. My work env.: PC#1 - WinXP Sp3 with VisualStudio & Office O27k (all US-EN) installed, PC#2 - when I am not at home I use an Laptop with WinXP + O27k (DE) and VisualStudio(US-EN), but the mix of language does not seem to be a problem - at least until now!

In one 'TestBench' appl. I have the following line of: oWB.Names.Add("DR_AppData2", RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(AppData!R3C1,0,0,(COUNTA(AppData!C1)-2),1)")

Where 'oWB' is a WorkBook Object and 'Names' refers to named regions in an Excel worksheet. I am adding a new 'Region': DR_AppData2 and assigning a dynamic number of rows.

The above line works perfectly well on 'PC#1' but throws an exception on 'PC#2' and this has really irritated me, and I find no reason for this behaviour! The Project environment and included references / resources are truly identical, because I copy the project data from one to the other. The only real difference is in the object library reference, on 'PC#1' Excel.exe is in English, and on 'PC#2' is in German. Having said that I have also altered the value assigned in : "RefersToR1C1:=" to the equivalent in German, but the error thrown is the same.

I have attached :
1. Screenshot of the error
2. Exception Details

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VS 2008 Add A Template Worksheet After The Active Worksheet?

Apr 1, 2012

I have an Excel Add-In with a custom ribbon and custom buttons. I'm trying to get these buttons to insert different templates that I have created for our reports. I want these templates inserted into the active workbook, after the active worksheet.This code will add the template worksheet to the active workbook, but it is placed before the active worksheet:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I have been having problems getting the template worksheet inserted after the active worksheet.Here is what I have so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myxl As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application


I get an error with the 'ws' aspect of this particular line: Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Sheets.Add(Type:="C:Template File Name.xltm").WorkSheets.Add(After:=ws()) The error message states: "Interface 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet' cannot be indexed because it has no default property."

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Office Automation :: .net Automation Excel App Not Closing

Sep 25, 2009

I'm having an issue where my excel.exe process doesn't close until I close my .net application. I'd like to avoid using Process.Kill() if at all possible.


Private Sub WriteRowsToXls(ByVal rows As DataRowCollection, ByVal xlsPath As String, ByVal showStatus As Boolean, Optional ByVal AddTotals As Boolean = True)
Dim xlsApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application


This method references a couple of other methods I use for repeated formatting tasks, I'll include those methods below. (I added the FinalReleaseComObject into the other methods after reading Mike's thread but the issue persists)

Private Sub SetRangeValidation(ByVal rng As Range)
With rng.Validation


Method SetRangeAllBorders does about the same as these other methods but my post is too long to add it. The only other things not shown in these code snippets are a few string variable that are defined in the class, studentWS, studentsWSPW, paymentsWS and paymentsWSPW My App creates an instance of the class, loads some data, runs the method above, and then sets the class to nothing. I'm using .NET 3.5 automating Excel 10

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Office Automation :: Open And Move Around An Excel From VB 2008?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to open an excel file and then move around a little bit in the excel from VB 2008 and I having some problems. I'm trying next:

dim objExcel as excel.application
objExce = new excel.application


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Office Automation :: PrintPreview Excel File From .net 2008?

Feb 12, 2009

The program creates the report in excel just fine and it creates the borders and headers. I want to know how can I printpreview an excel file from You can refer a tutorial or explanation or sample of how can I do this.

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VS 2008 - Excel Automation Late / Early Binding

Apr 25, 2011

i am having some doubt & problems.

(1) if multiple versions of MS/office is installed in a computer & if i use late binding which version office instance will be rendered by the system.

(2) in the same way if i early binding then which version of office instance will open.

still be more clear i use late binding code. but here how to set the number format of the cell to text.

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VS 2008 Write Excel File Without Office Automation?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a VB app that exports some data to dbf tabes.I have empty dbf files,I write data and then save them,all works fine,but now I need to export to a .xls file(I have a structure just like dbf),I need to write data to the file without having Excel installed.

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Formatting Worksheet In Excel (Exporting Excel)?

Aug 22, 2011

I got a code that exports datagridview to excel, how can I format the worksheet in excel through coding in because I have to include a header before the data in the datagridview nd some data that is in my form in like the values in my labels and textboxes.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel


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Office Automation :: Find A Text In An Excel Range Using VB 2008?

May 12, 2010

In VBA I am able to search a text in an excel range like this:

With Worksheets(1).Range("C1:C10000")


I have upgraded to Visual Studio because of the jobs I am to carry out. So I am translating all the codes from "VBA" to "VB.NET" (Visual Basic 2008)But I haven't been able to use "Find Method" in VB.NET. I am using Microsoft Office XP Standart Edition (2002 Version). I downloaded and installed Office XP PIAs. After that I referenced them in my project. I used the code Code:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.ExcelBut I can't do what I want Now, how can I use "Find Method" in Visual Basic 2008 to find a text in an excel range in one of my workbooks?

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