Add A TextBox To A Tab Page Of A Tab Control Via VB Code?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm having trouble finding how to do this, could anyone let me know how this is done via VB code

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Form With A Tab Control That Has 18 Pages - Click On A Tab It Opens The Page And Select A Textbox On That Page

Mar 8, 2009

I have a form with a Tab Control that has 18 pages. When I click on a tab it opens the page and select a textbox on that page (txtTextbox1. Select() ). This works for the first 8 pages but not for the remaining 10 pages. Although on these pages I can mouse click on the textbox, enter info, save then click my Add button that clears the textboxes and has the code (txtTextbox1. Select() ). The textbox is selected just fine. The code for all my pages is the same except for the tab name and the control names. The tab key will move the selection to the next textbox in order on all pages and the Enter key is coded to do the same. The first 8 pages have a total of 256 labels, buttons, list boxes, textboxes and checkboxes on them.

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Scroll An ASP.NET Page Under Control Of The Code-behind Page?

Jun 3, 2009

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 page with some AJAX, some Validators and some business-rule validation done in the code-behind page (VB.NET).

The Validators set focus to the 'offending' control when an error is detected.

When a business rule is violated, I used the following code to generate some javascript "on the fly" and execute it to simulate the Winforms "MessageBox.Show" functionality:

Sub DisplayMessages()
Dim lblError As New Label
lblError.Text = "<script language='javascript'>" & Environment.NewLine & "window.alert('"


At the end of the "btnSave.Click" code, if everything went ok, calling that subroutine.

What I get is the page scrolling to the top and then back to where it was when the Save button was clicked.

For various reasons, 'MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="True"' is in the Page directives at the top of the .aspx code. What I'd really like is to make that FALSE for just a moment so that the page resets at the top - again, only if everything is ok and only for this button (there are other buttons on the page that require the page to keep it's scroll position).

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Webbrowser Control Page Setup Options From Code?

Aug 5, 2011

I have a .net Forms Application with webbrowser control. I have a html file loaded in the control. I want to set Margins, Headers and Footers and orientation from the code itself for printing that document...

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C# - Adding X:Name To A User Control Gives Error In Generated Code Of Page Its Used In?

Oct 22, 2010

I am basically using a user control for the first time, so hopefully it's just a dumb mistake.I have a simple user control

<UserControl x:Class="TestProject.WebApp.myUserControl"


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ASP.NET - Pass The Value Of The TextBox As The Value Of The Whole Control To Use In The Calling Code?

Apr 9, 2010

I created a DatePicker user control (ASP code below, no code behind) which is simply a textbox, image button, and a sometimes visible calendar.


Can I somehow tie or pass the value of the TextBox as the value of the whole control to use in the calling code? EDIT: My actual goal here is to be able to tie the SelectedDate as a parameter of a database query. I was able to select values for the other parameters in a controls dropdown list in a query parameter configuration window.

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C# - Post XML Data To Aspx Page And Reditect To The Page From Code Behind?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to post some xml data to a different aspx page and redirect to the same page.I tried the following code it does post to the page sucessfully but i need to redirect to the same page with posted data


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Code For Page By Page Browsing Of Data From The Database To Datagrid?

Mar 13, 2009

I am creating a notes software. This is just a simple application that will show the data from the database which are Notes_Title, Due_Date, Priority. I display the data with datagridview. I also added a checkbox for each row to the datagridview to mark as check if the Notes_title is already done. In displaying the data, I need to display only a 5 data in a row.So, I create a another CLASS that will only show 5 rows per page. But the PROBLEM is, if I mark the checkbox as check in the first page then if I turn it to the next page the checkbox in the first page that mark as check will be uncheck if I turn it back to the first page. The mark check in the checkbox will mark as uncheck if I turn the page. How can I make it mark as check even if I turn the pages? And How can I save the data row as done if I check


View 2 Replies - Set Master Page On Page Preinit Based On Custom User Control Method Result?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a user control that checks if a certain query string and session value are present then returns a boolean based on that, if it's true I want to set the master page. The page is throwing an Object reference exception when it tries to call the method EditUser1.UserAuthorization(). Why is this happening? I imagine that the method doesn't exist at that point in the stack. Protected Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreInit


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Control Child Popup Page From Parent Page With Program?

Nov 18, 2011

Using on an aspx code behind event, is there away to tell from a parent page if the child page popup is open, and then close the child page if it is truly open based on some event on the parent page, like clicking a gridview edit link, again?

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Access A Page Variable From User Control Placed On That Page From VB?

Dec 27, 2009

I want to access a page variable from a user control placed on that page. All the solutions work in C# via casting to the page class. The problem is that this doesn't work in VB. The page class is not selectable from the Intellisense dialog. Manual typing results in the error type not defined. It is strange that C# can do this without a problem. What is the proper solution for this in VB? I had other cases where I needed to access a control on the main page. C# again uses a cast to the page class to access the control. This doesn't work in VB again. So how can I access the page class from a user control in generell?

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Unable To Get Master Page Control's Value At First Page Load

May 21, 2012

I am using <%@ MasterType virtualpath="~/__.Master" %> to embed my master page content into child page to access control belong to Master Page. I have one DropDownList in Master page. And I want to access its SelectedValue in my Child Page.

Problem is when page first time loads and as I am trying to access DropDownList's Selected Value by writing in child Page - "Master.DropDownList.SelectedValue". I am not able to get DropDownList's Value. Its display's Blank.

But When Page.IsPostBack I am able to get SelectedValue of that DropDownList.

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Pass Whole Querystring From One Page To Another Page Textbox Using

Feb 3, 2011

I have two webform Default.aspx & Default2.aspx.I want In Default.aspx on button click event it passes the whole query string to Default2.aspx textbox ? How to do that uisng[code]

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Code Only Prints One Page Of A Three Page Document

Jul 27, 2010

This code was intended to split a long text file into pages based on the calculations of lines_per_page.The code only prints one page of a three page document.But a very strange thing happens if I click print a second time the message box which shows "Document 1 Page X of XX goes crazy up to 100 pages until I click cancel.The code compiles fine, just doesn't function as intended. [code]

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Tab From Textbox To Textbox In Data Entry Page Not Working?

Jul 29, 2009

I have setup a page in Excel with several textboxes for data entry. I would like to be able to tab from textbox to textbox so I can enter this data as quickly as possible.

View 3 Replies - Adding To Page Control Collection From Inside A User Control?

Feb 12, 2011

I have an usercontrol which represents a "popup" dialog. Basically, it's a wrapper for the jQuery UI dialog which can be subclassed to easily make dialogs. As part of this control, I need to inject a div into the page the control is used on, either at the very top or very bottom of the form so that when the popup is instantiated, it's parent is changed to this div. This allows "nested" popups without the child popup being trapped inside the parent popup.

The trouble is, I can't find a safe way to inject this div into the page. A usercontrol doesn't have a preinit event, so I can't do it there, and calling Page.Form.Controls.Add(...) in Init, Load or PreRender causes the standard exception "The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases."

I thought I had found a solution by using. ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Me.GetType, UniqueID + "_Dialog_Div", containerDiv, False) which seemed to work well normally, but recently a coworker tried putting an UpdatePanel inside the dialog and now she's getting the error "The script tag registered for type 'ASP.controls_order_viewzips_ascx' and key 'ctl00$ContentBody$OViewZips_Dialog_Div' has invalid characters outside of the script tags: . Only properly formatted script tags can be registered."

How are you supposed to add controls to the pages control collection from inside a user control?

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Bar Code Printing With Page Break After Each Bar Code

Feb 24, 2009

i'd like to print bar codes with page break after each bar code, below is my current codes.


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C# - Accessing Top Master Page Properties In A Nested Master Page Code Behind?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a nested master page that has its own master page. The parent master page has a property defined in its code behind.

Public ReadOnly Property SelectedPage() As String
Return _selectedPage
End Get
End Property

How can I reference the parent master page's property from within either the child master page's code behind Page_Load or aspx template page?

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Add A Control To A WebBrowser Control Page?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a webbrowser control, where I show images (bmp files, that the program creates), and I want to add some UserControls to setup the images (as showing layers, or choosing colors to display). Is easy to do appropiate UserControls on VB.NET, and I know almost nothing about HTML, so, I would like to add standard VB.NET UserControls near the images.

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Restricted Textbox Code (Specifically, Building A Class Library With Code)?

Jan 2, 2012

I recently found this code (provided for third party use on another VB site), however,ll of my attempts to insert it into a class library have failed.I open a new class library and past the code in, and immediately get several errors pertaining to how certain objects can't be found. I find it it is crucial to use this code, unless someone can suggest to me another example of existing code that will do the same thing: make a restricted textbox who imputs can be restricted, that can handle pasting, shortcuts, text property setting, and script-entered text.

Option Strict On
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class RestrictedTextBox


View 9 Replies - User Enters Code Into TextBox, Code Gets Added To URL (using Session)?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using 4.0 VB,I am using a session variable to add a user entered code into the url of each page. I can get the code to show up at the end of the page's URL that my textbox is on, but what do I add to every page to make sure that the session stays at the end of every URL that person visits during their session? This is the code from the page that the user enters their user code.

Protected Sub IBTextBoxButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles IBTextBoxButton.Click
Session("IB") = IBTextBox.Text
Dim IB As String = Session("IB")
End Sub


This is what I have in the page load of one of the other pages. What else do I add to make sure that variable is added to the URL of that page?

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim IB As String
IB = Session("IB")
End Sub

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Find And Interact With A User Control On Page From Separate User Control?

Oct 17, 2011

I have an aspx page that has two different user controls. I want to find user control A and be able to set properties, etc., from user control B.

I was thinking I could do something like this:

Dim CMFilters As Control = Me.Parent.FindControl("CMFilters")

...but that doesnt work to be able to set properties and call methods. I somehow need to get the user control and and declare it as that user control type.

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Write Code To Generate A Random Code For A Textbox?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm trying to write code to generate a random code for a textbox. It has to contain both numbers and alphabets. This is what I have so far

Function HomeIDCode(ByRef random As Random) As Random
Dim strValue As String
Dim strAlpha As String


View 2 Replies - Getting Absolute URL To Page In Code

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to convert a web application from using hard-coded deployment locations (ie, /base/path/index.aspx) to discovering them at runtime. If I use Response.Redirect(), I can express the path as '~/index.aspx' and, at runtime, ASP.NET will build the correct URL to send the redirect to based on where the web application is deployed.

There are places in the code where Javascript and/or HTML is generated dynamically and sent to the client as part of the response to force a new window. In these cases, I don't know how to get the actual URL that should be opened in the new window. Using ~ doesn't work in this case since the URL is being evaluated by the browser and not the server. Is there a class or method in ASP.NET that will give me the URL I am looking for? I'd look myself, but I don't even know how to properly phrase my question.

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Place Code Behind For A DNN Page?

Jun 16, 2009

I'm having troubles finding where I can put code-behind for my dnn pages.[code]...

However, I want to be able to add a VB function that is executed on Page_Load, so I made my own code-behind file. But I can't take out the current control (one referencing skin.vb) to put in my own, and you can't have more than one Control.

I also tried embedding the code in a tag, but I need to do some Imports which give me an error saying they must be declared at the beginning of the file etc etc...

Anyone know how to properly add code-behind for DNN pages?

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Vb - Code To Get The Text From Another Web Page - C#

Nov 26, 2009


This code is to get the text from another web page.. this is in c#.. can anyone put it in vb?

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VS 2008 Writing Some VB2008 Code To Control Four 7-seg LED's / Serial Port Control?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm writing some VB2008 code to control four 7-seg LEDs I bought from Velleman. They came with some example code in VB 5.0, and with instructions telling me to input 5 bytes at a time in the format Chr$() & Chr$() & etc. for the rest of the 5 bytes. When I try to do this using VB2008, it rejects the $ sign, so I've tried it using the Chr() format, which VB2008 allows. However, it doesn't work. Is Chr() the new version of Chr$() or are they different entities? In sending data to the LEDs, I'm using LiveComPort.WriteLine() as my command. (My serial port is called LiveComPort) I also tried it with LiveComPort.Write() asthe command. I know that my serial port and the LEDs are working, because they respond to the demo program provided by Velleman.

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Set CommandTarget Of WPF Control As Textbox Which Is Written In Win Form User Control?

Feb 10, 2010

i want to set the CommandTarget property of menu item to the TextControl which is written in win form or just tell me any way which can execute the command lets say cut copy paste on the control which is written in win form user control and added to xaml through WindowsFormsHost

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Textbox Control Array Can't Access A Textbox From Another Form?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a lot of control array textboxes called txt(1) to txt(320) on form2. I have a textbox1 on form1 with a click evet that says textbox1.text= form2.txt(1).text but it gives an error (txt is not a member of form2). I tried disabling option explicit, option strick and option infer. Still won't work. My code is to long for this place maybe a short version osf the code. Do I need to make a Public MyArray(15,15,15,15) as string, in the Module1 then copy txt(n).text to the array or is there a way to access txt(n).

Public Class Form2
DPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loadim txtBox(340) As TextBox


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Go Into A Page Source Code And Extract A Link From The Source Code?

Dec 12, 2009

I want my form to navaigate into a link then open up the source code of that page it navigated to . Then get a link from the source code then display it on a textbox .Here's an example : i want this link in a source code :

This link is located just beside :


That is:

How can i make my form to navigate into the source code and get the link beside config word . I know it is possible to do it , just don't know the function to do it .

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