Add A Bargraph To Forms Which Will Show A Trend In Dollars Spent For Certain Projects (versus The Forecasted Amounts?

Apr 9, 2009

I'm trying to add a bargraph to one of my forms which will show a trend in dollars spent for certain projects (vs. the forecasted amounts). I wanted to know if there is a control or a function in VB.NET 2008 that I can use to build this graph in.... My only other thought is to use pictureboxes as bars (with background filled colors) and adjust their heights based on a ration or height to dollar amt... I don't mind doing this, but I wanted to know if there is a more intelligent way of building this... maybe some graph wizzard like in excel.

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Forms - MaskedTextBox For Varying Currency Amounts

Mar 4, 2009

I am working on a VB application in Visual Studio 2005. I have a number of fields where the user needs to enter currency amounts. I am using a MaskedTextBox with the following currency mask. msktxtAssessedVal.Mask = "$ #######.99"

The problem that I am having is that when the users type in the value, the cursor always starts at the leftmost position and appears to force that many digits. The typical data values can vary anywhere between 9,999,999.99 and 20,000.00. If the users do NOT have a value that has 7 digits left of the decimal point, they need to move the cursor to the correct position before they start typing in the value. These users are used to quickly typing in their data, then tabbing to the next field so the current behavior is not acceptable.

Does anyone know if there is a way for the maskedtextbox or any text control to detect where the user types the decimal and format the data accordingly?

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Enter Key Press Event Show How VB 6.0 Versus .NET 2005?

May 30, 2007

How I can hook on my entery tool forms when user press ENTER key to go on next Control which can be any control which is indexed by TabIndex?My client don't like to use TAB key to jump on next control, they like ENTER as well and we need to refactory all VB 6.0 projects in VB.NET 2005...

Private Sub txtField_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
KeyAscii = 0 SendKeys "{TAB}" End If End Sub

Of course above pice of code is just sample code how this is working in VB 6.0... How I can do something like this in VB.NET 2005?

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Show Usercontrol On Toolbox In Others Projects?

Oct 16, 2010

I can show usercontrol on toolbox in a its project but now i want to know how can i show that usercontrol on toolbox on others projects.

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Forms :: Calling Forms Across Projects Within The Same Solution?

Jun 1, 2010

I have 5 projects within the same solution file, Im trying to access a form that is part of one of the projects from my startup project.I have looked through the earlier threads and most of them deal with calling forms from within a project.To my understanding ive correctly added the projects to the solution file from File --> Add --> Existing Projects.I have also referenced my Project2 from Project1 but still the intellisense does not let me access form1 of project2 from project1.

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Forms :: New Thread Versus BackgroundWorker Updating UI

Aug 24, 2010

i have lurked on these forums before and finally signed up..i have a situation that, after days of searching the web, i have not been able to come up with a solution for.i have to fire off a function that takes a large amount of time (writes to database, creates files, etc etc)this function is a non-shared function of a class. if need be i could make it Shared.[code]the code works great, but what i need to be able to do is update a form with a progress bar as the job is processing.all of the examples i have seen that do this are being called from within a Windows Form and they access the form directly - i cant do that in this case. my form needs to be 1 form for 1 job being executed - can process multiple jobs at one time and thus i need multiple forms.i have tried making the form part of my delegate class but since it runs in the same thread the effect is it "freezes" until the job is complete.i have just started looking into using a background worker but again, all examples i have seen use the component as part of a form - that wont work for me.

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Cant Get Crystal Report To Show Data From Projects Dataset In .net?

Jun 21, 2010

For some reasons I'm getting no data populating in my crystal report. I have set the datasourse of my crystal report to the dataset. I filled my dataset with data straight from the database. My dataset is not empty, I always check it first before populating data to the my report. I built my crystal report off the wzard and I did add

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Spent Months Building App But Not Cant Publish It?

Jul 6, 2010

Spent months building my App.. but not i cant publish it

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VS 2010 - Modules VERSUS Forms For Global Variables

Dec 19, 2010

I was a VB6 programmer. And back in the day global variables, functions and subroutines were put in a module. The program started in the module using a sub named Main(). Now in vb2010 it looks like using sub Main() is possible only for console apps, which is not what I want, I'm still trying to write a windows app but it looks like everything has to go at the top of the starting form?? How is this good coding practice? Shouldn't public vars and functions be in their own module?What is considered best practice?Are there any links that would walk me through the differences between vb6 and vb2010?

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C# - Linear Regression/trend Line With Ms Charting

Jan 4, 2011

I have data that are numbers both on x and y and have charted them using mschart 4.0

I need to add a trend line/linear regression to a bunch of points I have. The data on x and y are both numbers (no dates anywhere), for instance (33.4,45.1) would be a point.

In the samples I downloaded from the first link I found a linear regression sample in the code files forecasting.aspx(.cs), and I found this ms documentation

I have added a linear regression line to the chart with the following line (once all other data it setup etc)

Chart1.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula(FinancialFormula.Forecasting, parameters, "Input:Y", "Forecasting:Y,Range:Y,Range:Y2");

The problem with both of these is that they assume dates are used. I went ahead and implemented it anyway, but my regression line starts at around the x value of 20, and will go to an x value of the max x value of one of the points (almost 70) if I give the parameter Period a value of 700. But since it doesn't start at x value 0 I don't trust it is correct.

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VS 2008 Proccess.Start With Trend And Explorer.exe

Jul 6, 2009

The following code is executed when an entry in a ListBox is double-clicked:


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[2005] Versus Now Versus DateTime.Now?

Jan 16, 2009

just want to know what is the difference between these date values?Once some one told me that its difference is server date and client date but not sure which one he meant.Below is 3 type of date currently I'm using and don't know what is the difference between them.

DateTime.Now is from System.DateTime.Now
Now is from Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime is also from System.DateTime

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Copy Forms From Other Projects?

May 20, 2009

ok.. I'm not going to pretent that I know all the inner workings of the windows generated code.. but it was lots easier on vb6.. so I have a program that I wrote.. one for one version of our product and one for a newer one.. the config screen is very similar
from A to B.. so now I'm trying to make one version that has A and B config screens and I'll show one or the other based on some other setup.. so I just did add existing and pulled in the config form from the other project.. but now I get lots of these type errors


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Share Forms Between Projects?

Dec 19, 2009

I've recently noticed that a solution can contain multiple projects. I'd like to know if I can create a form that exists in multiple projects, so i can edit one form (or class) instead of six, and have it published in each one of them separately? I hope that makes sense....I seek not answers, but understanding, that I may not solve, but learn.
What good is a fish without the skill to catch it?

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Using Forms In Other Projects Same Solution?

Nov 18, 2009

I have solution that has main app & userManagement app in the main app i referenced the userManagement app and I can see the class in my main app userManagement is a userLogin etc. how can I use the forms from userManagement project in main project??

in formLoad in main app If userID = "" then 'show formLogin from userManagement end if

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Multiple Projects And Opening Forms?

Apr 29, 2010

Over the past months I have been working on small windows forms applications and learning vb as i go along. The aim was to pull these altogether into one big application.

I am now at the stage of pulling these together I have created a new project (called MainMenu) and designed all the buttons and interface. I have added my other projects (SISApp, CURApp) to this project. File > Add > Existing Project. I can see these projects in the solution explorer.

Now my problem. How can show Form2 in the SISApp project when I click ButtonX in the MainMenu project.

I dont just want to show Form2, i want all the functionality and the database connection in form2 to also work etc.

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Program Which Calculates Cost Of Spent Electric Energy For A Number Of Days

May 12, 2010

I am making a program which calculates the cost of (Let's say) Spent Electric Energy for a number of days,defined by the user..I have 2 Date Time Picker and x (The average energy spent in a day) where x must be an integer and it is defined by the user x * (DateTimePicker2.Value - DateTime Picker1.Value) = y (The value to be paid for a number of days)

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Pass Data Between Forms In Different Projects In One Solution?

Apr 21, 2011

I need to pass data (a user name) from a logon form in one vbproj to a form in another vbproj that are compiled in one solution. Public Read Only does not seem to work.

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Close Projects Or Forms Than Called By ((shell)) Function?

Aug 17, 2010

how to close projects or forms than called by ((shell)) function in vb6?

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IDE :: Copy Forms With Controls To Programmatically Created Projects?

May 7, 2012

I have programmatically created a new project from a windows application. I now want to programmatically add a form to this project that already has some data bound controls on it.

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When Type In 50 Dollars Should Get 58 Bars?

Mar 9, 2011

The output I am getting is is not what I am suppose to be getting when you type in 50 dollars i should get 58 bars and 2 coupons but when i run it i am getting 57 with 7 coupons left

Module Module1
Sub Main()
' declare variable


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Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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Calculation - Breakdown The Money In Dollars Quarters

Sep 17, 2009

i am supposed to calculate change. well this works fine but i need to know how to make it show how to breakdown the money in dollars quarters nickels dimes and pennies. [Code]

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Create An Application Which Should Calculate The Number Of Dollars?

Sep 24, 2009

I am having trouble with the pennies calculator. I need to create an application which should calculate the number of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies a person will receive when they cash in the pennies at a bank.Eveything seems to be working fine except the nickles...

Option Explicit On
Option Strict Off
Option Infer Off
Public Class frmMain


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Set The Value Of The 1st Record To Be Equal To The Exchange Rate For Dollars?

Apr 14, 2009

I am currently working on an ATM prototype in VB.Net and have encountered difficulties when trying to return values from two different recordsets in the same table. I wanted to set the value of the 1st record to be equal to the exchange rate for dollars and the 2nd record to be the exchange rate for euros. When I run the code below I get the error:Current provider does not support returning multiple recordsets from a single execution.


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Write A Program With Converts Pounds Into Dollars?

Jan 20, 2011

say pounds to dollars is £1 = $3

how would i write a program that allows the user to enter the amount of pounds then it converts to dollars??

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Calculating The Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, Pennies?

Mar 22, 2009

Public Class MainForm
Private remainder As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xCalcBtn.Click
Dim xChangeTxt As Double


it says 0 for all dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and errors.

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Change Calculator And Is Supposed To Calculate The Number Of Dollars?

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to learn how to use the modulus operator.this excersise is a change calculator and is supposed to calculate the number of dollars , qtrs, dimes, nickels and pennies from the change that is calculated.

in the form if i put a value in for owed = 30.00 and paid 34.25 my dollars returned = 4 and that is correct but the number of qtrs = 0 and should be 1. I am not sure how to correctly use this - any assistance you can provide is great - this is purely educational

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim owed As Decimal
Dim paid As Decimal
Dim change As Decimal


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Create A Program That Takes An Amount Entered By The User And Then Convert It Into Half Dollars?

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to create a program that takes an amount entered by the user and then convert it into Half Dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies when the calculate button is clicked. Each coin has its own function and is shown in separate text boxes... right now i cant get it to work correctly. When i try to get half dollars to work it rounds up and then the rest of the coins say 0. How should i do this?

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Coding A String For Dollar Amounts?

Sep 11, 2010

This is what I am to create: [URL]I am having trouble coding the String for the amounts in the listbox since VB doesn't allow the dollar sign "$".

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