Add Splitter Control For Each Group?

Jan 9, 2010

My form have many groups controls.How can i add splitter control for each group.

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.NET Splitter Control Display?

May 26, 2009

I created a Winform in VB.NET, and I added a Splitter control to allow resizing of panels during runtime.My issue is that the splitter control is not apparent. I would like to make it appear in a way that the user would know the form can be resized. At the moment, I basically just changed the color, but I don't like how that looks.

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How To Move Image In Splitter Control

Aug 13, 2011

I am working on splitter control in winform, I want to insert the image in the splitter and make the image location to stay at the same place in the splitter when I am moving them.When i am moving the splitter, the image will move around in winform which it is a messy.Public Class Form1

Private Sub Splitter1_SplitterMoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.SplitterEventArgs) Handles Splitter1.SplitterMoved
PictureBox1.Left = Splitter1.Left + e.SplitX
End Sub


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Image Location In The Splitter Control?

Aug 13, 2011

I am working on splitter control in winform, I want to insert the image in the splitter and make the image location to stay at the same place in the splitter when I am moving them.

When i am moving the splitter, the image will move around in winform which it is a messy.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Splitter1_SplitterMoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.SplitterEventArgs) Handles Splitter1.SplitterMoved


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Code For Splitter In .net?

Mar 6, 2009

I have a treeview and a gridview in my page.My application is windows application in vb.I want to use splitter to move treeview and a gridview.Can anyone help to give the splitter code to do this.

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Splitter For 3 Panel?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to make a email application. But when i use 2 splitters (1 vertical and 1 horizontal) The Horizontal will move but the vertical one doesn't. BTW if i move the horizontal it won't change size or position.

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Way To Show Up Splitter Bar More?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a form that has two sections that are resizeable using a splitcontainter.It all works great, but I was wondering if there is a way to make the splitter bar you use for the resize more obvious?I can't find a setting to turn just the split bar 3d or add a style to just the split bar. is this not possible, or am I missing something?

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.net - Group Properties In A Custom Control?

Apr 16, 2009

In our IDE, for example, Visual Studio, if we display the properties of a System.Windows.Forms.Button control, we see some properties that expose anoter set of properties. For example: FlatAppearance, Font, Location, Margin, etcetera.I would like to do something similar in a custom control.I know the code behind is wrong, but here is an example of what I´m trying to do:

Public Class StateOfMyCustomControl
Public Enum EnumVisibility


In my IDE, in the properties window of my custom control, I would like to see my property State, with the possibility of display it to set the properties Visibility and EventManagement.

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Group Properties In Custom Control?

Apr 10, 2012

I want to do a class that have properties like font, which will have other properties, such as name, size, unit,bold.

<TypeConverter(GetType(ExpandableObjectConverter))> _
Class TestingClass
'Some property here
End Class

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Property Group In Custom Control?

Apr 8, 2012

What I want is a property that like Font property, it has "Name", "Size", "Unit", "Bold" and the other property in it. I tried the solution in the post I tried the solution like this:

<TypeConverter(GetType(ExpandableObjectConverter))> _
Class TestingClass
'Some property here


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VS 2005 Splitter With Button?

Jul 21, 2011

splitterbar to have a button where i can hide, resize the panel or expandablecollaspe themI want to use splitContainer where I can resize between the two panels expandablecollaspe them, but I can't make the button on the splitterbar.

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Setting The Border Style Of A Group Control?

Apr 11, 2010

Is there a way to set the border style of a Group control ? To my disappointment I can't see such a property ,unlike in VB6 .This is important because it allows the users to create a variaty of frames . I also tried the Panel control ,but that does not have the Text property ...

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VS 2008 Tracking Mouse Clicks Within A Group Control

Mar 9, 2010

Glad to see some of the great minds are still here. I'm going to be frequenting this plethora of knowledge for the next couple of weeks as I attempt to complete my capstone software engineering class and finally get my undergrad. As usually I will typically need information or guidance. Since this is homework based. I have found my first issue. Allow me to digress....

The task given to my team is to create a checkers game which will have the capability to pay either player vs player or player vs cpu. Before I can begin to work on logic I need to cross the hurdle of detecting mouse movement. I have created the board which consists of 64 panels inside a groupbox. Each panel will have 4 images layers on top with the .visible property set to false. I am familiar with mouse click events to a degree but apparently lack some of the know how required.


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VS 2010 User Control Property - Group Attributes?

Apr 2, 2010

this questions has be answered partially, but I can't find any full tutorial for this problem.I created my own user control (an advanced list with columns). Each column has different attributes like width, colour and text.I want to able to add this user control onto a form and select/edit the different attributes of each column. Hence, for each column in my user control (these columns are created beforehand, no columns can be added or removed from it) there should be a property in the property-menu. Each of these column-properties should be expanded (like the normal size-property in most default vb-controls that can be expanded with the little plus to show the width and height individually.What i mean by this, is: In the property-menu there should be attributes like Column1, Column2, Column3. Each of these attributes should be expanded to show the attributes like width or colour.

Currently I have different properties for different values of the same column, like Column1Wodth, Column1Colour, etc, but I want to group this under one value Column1.I think this is quite an easy solution, but forgive me, I spent more than 4 hours on google, but couldn't find a proper solution.

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Event That Fires Only When User Moves The Splitter?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a VB .NET form with a splitter control on it, and I want to save its position between program runs. I am currently handling the SplitterMoved event and storing the SplitterDistance. Then on program startup, I set the SplitterDistance to the saved value.

However, sometimes the program resizes the splitter, raising the SplitterMoved event and overwriting my saved distance. I have several splitters over multiple tabs in a tab control, and any time the user goes to a new tab for the first time, the SplitterMoved event fires.Is there an event I can use that will only fire when the user moves the splitter, and not when the program moves the splitter? I tried MouseUp, but when that event fires, the new SplitterDistance is not yet set.

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Nested Splitcontainers: Remember Splitter Positions?

Jul 2, 2008

I have 3 splitcontainers on my form. Each splitcontainer has vertical splitter orientation

This forms 3 'panels' which are resizable by dragging their respective splitters.

Each vertical 'panel' is then split horizontally by adding another splitcontainer with horizontal splitter orientation. I now have 3 column 'panels' each of which is split into 2 'rows'

My question is :
In a nested splitcontainer scenario
When a user drags splitters and resizes panels,
how can I remember the last splitter location
so that when the form is closed and reopened,
it remembers the last used positions ?

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VS 2008 Capturing Or Presetting The Size Of A Splitter

Mar 9, 2011

In VB 2008 - Is there a way to capture the value a splitter is set to? Here's the scenario - 2 panels side by side. Panel 1 has a splitter - Split1 houses a tree view and Split 2 houses documents in the tree. Is it possible when a user resizes that splitter to grab the value and set as a default? Also, I am only able to get the splitter to be 50/50 no matter the real estate it's consuming... is there a way to preset that size and shrink the outer panel within an event so panel 2 can consume that realestate?

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VS 2008 Writing Control Values From XML To Controls Within Group Boxes?

Nov 28, 2010

So basically what I'm trying to do is write data from an XML file (a "save file") back into the form. My controls are in all different group boxes (makes it much easier for showing and hiding groups of controls dynamically). I thought about and am putting each control's Parent name into the file, but can't figure out how to get that parent name back into the DirectCast within a For...Next loop so it will actually cast the data into the control.


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See If Current User's Group Name Matches A Specified Group Name Using Active Directory Roles And SID's?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to match up a specific group name and see if it exists for the currently logged in user using Active Directory roles. If the Group Name exists for the Current User, I want that group name to be displayed in a drop down list. Example: If current user is in BIG Group, display BIG in drop down list.Problem: All I am getting is SIDs and I'm not able to get anything to match up to the group name and nothing will show up in the drop down list.I also get the following Error:Error: Object variable or WIth block variable not set.How do I fix this?? here is the code I am using:

Private Sub GetMarketingCompanies()
' code to populate marketing company drop down list based on the current logged in users active directory group that


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Enumerate If An Active Directory Group's Member Is User Or Another Group

Jan 31, 2011

Enumerate if an Active Directory group's member is user or another group

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Populate A A Listview Control With Items And Subitems That A User Enters Into A Group Of Textboxes On A Form?

Feb 13, 2009

I am trying to populate a a listview control with items and subitems that a user enters into a group of textboxes on a form. It looks as if some of the code to do this has changed since VB6 and I am confused again. Here is the current code I am using without success:

lvSurgProcedure is the name of my listview control
Private Sub btnAddSurgeProcedure(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSurgProcedure.Click
Dim lvItem As New ListViewItem


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Reference A Group Of Controls Inside A Group Box?

Jan 1, 2011

I am writing an application and I do not know how to reference a group of controls inside a group box. I will include the code I have written so far and a picture with a detailed explanation as to what I am trying to do. Feel free to comment on any discrepancies that you may notice in my code.


Public Class Form1
' The following class-level constants are used
' to calculate the price of the model
Const decCOUPE As Decimal = 18000


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Remove All Items In A Listview Group And The Group Name?

Sep 25, 2011

I want to remove a group (include all items in this group) in ListView, but unsuccessful, the code is below, why?


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Urgent Add Activedirectory Group To A Local Group?

Apr 6, 2011

anyone have some quick code on how to do this?

wmi is not a option.

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Divide The Content In My Application To Groups Each Group Has Its Own Rectangle Border With The Group Name Located At The Top Border

Jul 22, 2009

I want to divide the content in my application to groups each group has its own rectangle border with the group name located at the top border, i've seen it before and i'm not sure what is the correct name of this control, anyone knows what I'm talking about ? EDIT: Ok, I found the Groupbox Control but how do i use it? should i just drag other controls inside it or i should add controls directly into it?

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Silverlight Data Grid With Grid Splitter?

Oct 13, 2011

I have the below code that i am trying to have two datagrids with a grid splityter in the middle. The split seems to be working fine but the issue i am having is when I populate the datagrid it is growing in height and changing the splitter instead of leaving the height alone and adding scroll bars.

What simple thing am I overlooking?
<Grid x:Name="gdHistory" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" >


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Remove AD Group From Group?

Jul 25, 2011

I have this code I've used multiple times to add and remove users from AD groups, but when I try to use it to remove an AD group from another AD group it fails with "The server is unwilling" [code]...

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.net - Group By And Order By?

Mar 24, 2010

using LINQ to NHibernate does anybody know how to use group by and order by in the same expression. I am having to execute the group by into a list and then order this, seem that I am missing soemthing here ?


Private function LoadStats(...) ...
Dim StatRepos As DataAccess.StatsExtraction_vwRepository = New DataAccess.StatsExtraction_vwRepository
return (From x In StatRepos.GetAnswers(Question, Questionnaire) _


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.Net Repeater Group By?

Aug 10, 2009

I have the following code in my


Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Start Bind PO Details and Trailers dsRepeater = RetrieveDCDetails(Session.Item("UserID"), Session.Item("DCNo")) dsRepeater.EnforceConstraints = False


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Add A User To Group?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm trying to add a user to a group. This is a Novell user, but it should be similar to Active Directory. Here's the code I have, but it doesn't seem to work. It returns the user's name, but doesn't add them to the group.[code]...

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