VS 2005 Splitter With Button?

Jul 21, 2011

splitterbar to have a button where i can hide, resize the panel or expandablecollaspe themI want to use splitContainer where I can resize between the two panels expandablecollaspe them, but I can't make the button on the splitterbar.

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Code For Splitter In .net?

Mar 6, 2009

I have a treeview and a gridview in my page.My application is windows application in vb.I want to use splitter to move treeview and a gridview.Can anyone help to give the splitter code to do this.

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Splitter For 3 Panel?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to make a email application. But when i use 2 splitters (1 vertical and 1 horizontal) The Horizontal will move but the vertical one doesn't. BTW if i move the horizontal it won't change size or position.

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Way To Show Up Splitter Bar More?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a form that has two sections that are resizeable using a splitcontainter.It all works great, but I was wondering if there is a way to make the splitter bar you use for the resize more obvious?I can't find a setting to turn just the split bar 3d or add a style to just the split bar. is this not possible, or am I missing something?

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.NET Splitter Control Display?

May 26, 2009

I created a Winform in VB.NET, and I added a Splitter control to allow resizing of panels during runtime.My issue is that the splitter control is not apparent. I would like to make it appear in a way that the user would know the form can be resized. At the moment, I basically just changed the color, but I don't like how that looks.

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Add Splitter Control For Each Group?

Jan 9, 2010

My form have many groups controls.How can i add splitter control for each group.

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How To Move Image In Splitter Control

Aug 13, 2011

I am working on splitter control in winform, I want to insert the image in the splitter and make the image location to stay at the same place in the splitter when I am moving them.When i am moving the splitter, the image will move around in winform which it is a messy.Public Class Form1

Private Sub Splitter1_SplitterMoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.SplitterEventArgs) Handles Splitter1.SplitterMoved
PictureBox1.Left = Splitter1.Left + e.SplitX
End Sub


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Image Location In The Splitter Control?

Aug 13, 2011

I am working on splitter control in winform, I want to insert the image in the splitter and make the image location to stay at the same place in the splitter when I am moving them.

When i am moving the splitter, the image will move around in winform which it is a messy.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Splitter1_SplitterMoved(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.SplitterEventArgs) Handles Splitter1.SplitterMoved


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Event That Fires Only When User Moves The Splitter?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a VB .NET form with a splitter control on it, and I want to save its position between program runs. I am currently handling the SplitterMoved event and storing the SplitterDistance. Then on program startup, I set the SplitterDistance to the saved value.

However, sometimes the program resizes the splitter, raising the SplitterMoved event and overwriting my saved distance. I have several splitters over multiple tabs in a tab control, and any time the user goes to a new tab for the first time, the SplitterMoved event fires.Is there an event I can use that will only fire when the user moves the splitter, and not when the program moves the splitter? I tried MouseUp, but when that event fires, the new SplitterDistance is not yet set.

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Nested Splitcontainers: Remember Splitter Positions?

Jul 2, 2008

I have 3 splitcontainers on my form. Each splitcontainer has vertical splitter orientation

This forms 3 'panels' which are resizable by dragging their respective splitters.

Each vertical 'panel' is then split horizontally by adding another splitcontainer with horizontal splitter orientation. I now have 3 column 'panels' each of which is split into 2 'rows'

My question is :
In a nested splitcontainer scenario
When a user drags splitters and resizes panels,
how can I remember the last splitter location
so that when the form is closed and reopened,
it remembers the last used positions ?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Capturing Or Presetting The Size Of A Splitter

Mar 9, 2011

In VB 2008 - Is there a way to capture the value a splitter is set to? Here's the scenario - 2 panels side by side. Panel 1 has a splitter - Split1 houses a tree view and Split 2 houses documents in the tree. Is it possible when a user resizes that splitter to grab the value and set as a default? Also, I am only able to get the splitter to be 50/50 no matter the real estate it's consuming... is there a way to preset that size and shrink the outer panel within an event so panel 2 can consume that realestate?

View 6 Replies

VS 2005 Have The User Click On The Button The Button Stays Pressed While The ContextMenu Shows?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a button on my form where I'm showing a ContextMenu when the user left clicks on it, I'm actually using MouseUp right now to show it.What I would like to have happen is the user click on the button, the button stays pressed while the ContextMenu shows, it returns to normal when the ContextMenu closes (Either a menu item was selected, the user hits the escape key or they click/tab to somewhere else). Also I'd like to position the ContextMenu in the lower left corner if the menu opens down or the top left corner if it opens up. So the left edge of the ContextMenu is flush with the left edge of the button.Moreso the button staying pressed until the ContextMenu is closed.

Edit: I'm also ok with this being it's own control inheriting the FW's Button that used the assigned ContextMenu as well.

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VS 2005 UserControl Button Not Behaving As A Button In A Windows Form

Sep 3, 2011

I have created a button in a UserControl. I have added that button to a WindowsForm in another app and added a buttonclick event to the code. When running (debugging) the app and clicking on the button; nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button at all.

The code for the button click event in my test app is as follows:

Private Sub Element1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Element1.Click
MsgBox("The button has been clicked")
End Sub

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Silverlight Data Grid With Grid Splitter?

Oct 13, 2011

I have the below code that i am trying to have two datagrids with a grid splityter in the middle. The split seems to be working fine but the issue i am having is when I populate the datagrid it is growing in height and changing the splitter instead of leaving the height alone and adding scroll bars.

What simple thing am I overlooking?
<Grid x:Name="gdHistory" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" >


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VS 2005 Button Clicking

Jul 7, 2009

I am a beginner of the dot net framework as well as the visual basic language.When I add an "&" before the text of a button such as &Click then i can access the button using the "Alt + C" tabs.What to do if i want to access it using the"Ctrl+C" or some other tabs in combination with the "Ctrl" tab?

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VS 2005 Button In Datagridview?

May 29, 2010

with vb.net05 + datagridview. give the basics of how can i add a Button to each row of column(x) as my datagridview data source is set to a dataset

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VS 2005 How To Remove Button

Aug 20, 2011

In this programe i use 1 button( i name it btnremove) and 1 textbox(i named it textbox name), both item i create in windows application .The function of this button is use to remove data in database and function of textbox is for user fill name . The probleam is if i click the btnremove , the data is still in the table( not deleted).I have create database name login and table name staff.In my table staff i create 7 field such id, Name, tel nu, address, username, password, department. Any advice how i able to correct my code to solve this issue. Here is my code.I am using visual studio 2005 & sql 2005 as database

Private Sub BTNREMOVE_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTNREMOVE.Click
Me.StaffTableAdapter.Delete(Me.NAMEText.Text, Me.TELEPHONETextBox.Text)


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VS 2005 Pressing A Button Using The F1?

Sep 10, 2009

i have a button in my form...... when i press the F2 key,i want the button to be clicked.

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Make Arrays Of Button In .net 2005?

Oct 29, 2010

how to make an array of buttons in vb .net 2005. It seems very different in vb6 'coz in vb6 you have just to add an index on its property but in vb.net there is no index property. Can it be made by designing in on the form just like copying and pasting on the form in vb6?

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VS 2005 - Radio Button In A Groupbox

May 4, 2010

in vb.net windows application, i have two radio-button in a groupbox,

if i select radiobutton1 then the value=1
if select radiobutton2 then the value=2

how can i do?

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VS 2005 : Clicking A Button On A Website?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm making an auth form for my program so that only people who are registered on my vBulletin forums can use it. I've got most of it down, it was very easy, just needed to modify some HTML element values to input the user and pass. But, to log in, you need to push the log in button...Since the button has no name in the HTML, how am I supposed to call on it to click?

<input type="submit" class="button" value="Log in" tabindex="104" title="Enter your username and password in the boxes provided to login, or click the 'register' button to create a profile for yourself." accesskey="s" />

For all the skeptical people, I'm attempting this for harmless intentions. I simply don't want leechers using my programs.

EDIT: normally it would be something like this:


w being a webbrowser, but this doesn't work since the log in button doesn't have a name?

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VS 2005 Button Style Question?

Dec 8, 2009

For some reason I thought you could change the look of a button. such as have it angled to the right or left of something like that.

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VS 2005 Button With Drop-down Images

Jun 17, 2011

I am working on button component, and I would like to get up and down arrow keys on the button, and on the click event of these arrow keys to display the images, proposed functionality in the form can be done further. I want to display an image with the text and the arrow keys to display the images when I click on the button like this:

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VS 2005 Click Button By Enter Key?

Apr 9, 2009

how to click a button by pressing enter key??what is the code for that operation?

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VS 2005 DGV Column = 1 Set Radio Button

Oct 9, 2010

if I want to check whether dgvSearchCustomers.Columns(7) value is 1 or 0 so I can set RadioButtons accordingly, along the lines of (Rough Guess )

If dgvSearchCustomers.Columns(7) value is 1 Then
Me.rbtActive.Checked = CBool(CheckState.Checked)
Me.rbtInactive.Checked = CBool(CheckState.Checked)
End If

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VS 2005 How To Create Show Button

Jul 28, 2009

the purpose of this button is that after form load when i select a data from the combobox dropdown list and press this show button then the correspondingdata present in other fields are shown........

Private Sub shw_btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles shw_btn.Click
con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data


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VS 2005 How To See First Row By Clicking Show Button

Dec 25, 2009

I have two buttons:show buttton and next button..I want the show button to show the first result and then for every click of the next button,i want to go the the next result.[code]Now the number of rows returned is 5.But on clicking the show button i can see only the last row in the textbox's then how to see the first row by clicking the show button? and how to see all rows one after another by clicking the next button? [code]but i cant place it properly in the next button code.how to do the code for show and next button to get the desired result?

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VS 2005 Logout Button Code?

Aug 13, 2011

example of code for logout button in windows application form. I am create button logout , once user click the button he will pointing to login page

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VS 2005 Return The Button Pressed

Jun 29, 2010

On an form i have few labels, upon clicking on that labels i want to display an another form which contains 3 textboxes(Default,Current,New) and 3 buttons(Default,Current,new). I need to save the values of all the textboxes to the label's tag, but the label's text will contain the value of the textbox based upon the button which is pressed. i.e if 'Default' button is pressed then the 'Default' textbox text should be the label's text. I have created a class with three mem. variables to the save these class objects in the labels tag. But how should i know which button was pressed.

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VS 2005 Toolstrip Button Collection?

May 9, 2009

Im using buttons from A to Z in a toolstrip which I need to capture the text property of the button which trigger click event. I do it this way which took a long coding to mention all buttons (A-Z) click events.

vb Private Sub az_btn(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles A_ToolStripButton.Click, B_ToolStripButton.Click ... Z_ToolStripButton.Click
'shows text property of the clicked button
End Sub

is there any efficient way to do this?

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