Adding Combobox To Bound Datagridview

Jun 2, 2011

Has anyone here tried putting a combobox to a bound datagridview? The selected value of the combobox will depend on the value of the corresponding column in the database.

I have a datagridview. When the user clicks the edit button, the application fetches the records from the database and binds it to the datagriview. But I want to show the Gender Column as combobox with selectable 'Male' and 'Female' values.

How could I add a combobox to bound datagridview?

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Adding And Binding A Combobox To A Bound Datagrid?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable. I want replace one of the cells with a combo box and bind that combobox to one of the columns in the datatable. I have been able to replace the cell OK but currently have two issues I have not been able to resolve.

1. When I add items to the drop down (items.add ("Yes")...) they don't appear in the drop down box.

2. I can't figure out the syntax to bind a particular column in my datatable to the newColumn(combobox) in the datagridview.

dbConnection = New OleDbConnection
cmdCommand = New OleDbCommand


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Adding Initial Selected Item To Bound ComboBox

Nov 30, 2009

In the form below you see how the initial selected item is the first record of the table.. these controls are bound.. I want to initially show "Select one" in the combo box or nothing at all and the other controls not to be bound until an actual item is selected in the combobox..

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Adding Lines To A Bound Datagridview

Sep 23, 2010

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable and i want to add a line to it. I cannot add al ine to the dgv, because it is bound so i add the line to the datatable using Me.BurdensCRMDataSet.dtlines.Rows.Add() however this seems to add two rows - let me explain a little further: A dgv always seems to have what i would call a 'blank next' row, a blank row at the end of the dgv, which as soon as the user populates with data another blank row appears after that - maintaining this 'blank next' row provides a simple and easy way for users to keep manually adding data to a dgv

This also seems to work fine when the dgv is bound to a datatable, an empty dgv would have 1 row (the 'blank next' row) and the datatable would have 0 rows, each time the user populates the 'blank next' in the dgv it is added to the datatable and a 'blank next row is added to the dgv, so the dgv now has 2 rows and the datatable has 1 - and so on and so forth However, I cannot programatically populate this 'blank next' row on the datatable, because it doesn't exist yet in the datatable, only in the dgv and if I programatically populate it in the dgv it isn't added to the datatable and a 'blank next' row isn't added to the dgv


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ComboBox On Bound DataGridView?

Aug 1, 2011

For example; I have a DataGridView bound to a MYSQL Database. There are two string columns "Name" and "Gender". I need to make the "Gender" column a ComboBox where they can select "Male" or "Female".

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Adding Unbound Columns To Bound Datagridview?

Aug 12, 2011

I am adding two unbound calculated columns to datagridview. The columns show up but does not have the calculated data.

Private Sub Top10ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Top10ToolStripMenuItem.Click


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DataGridView Unchanged After Adding Row To Bound DataSet

Jun 11, 2010

I add a row to the DataSet using the following code:
Dim NewRow as DataRow
NewRow = gds.Tables("TitleDataSet").NewRow
NewRow("Title") = txtTitle.Text
NewRow("Local_number") = nubLocalnumber.Value
NewRow("Number_suffix") = txtNumberSuffix.Text

This code executes without errors but the bound DataGridView remains unchanged (without including the new row). Obviously I am doing something wrong or I am omitting a vital command. What do I need to do in order to make the new row appear in the DataGridView? I did not choose to bind the DataGridView directly to the database table because the database is selected by the user at execution time. Instead I bound the DataGridView to the DataSet. I included the command:L
dgvTitle.AllowUserToAddrows = True
but that did not have any effect.

Solved. Was missing the final command:L

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Bound DataGridView With A Combobox Column?

Jul 25, 2009

I am creating a DataSet:

objSQLCEDataAdapter.Fill(objSQLCEDataSet, sSQLCETableName)

Then populating a DataGridView with the data:

DataGridView1.DataSource = objSQLCEDataSet.Tables(sSQLCETableName).DefaultView

I have a string field, EventAction, that is in the database.I want that column to be a combobox column.I want to add the different EventActions to the list and let the user select the action they desire.

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Read Combobox Selected Value From Datagridview Instead Of Bound Value?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm loopiing through a datagridview and I want to get the selected value in a combobox, not the bound column's value. (I'm putting the contents of the dgv on a Word document.)

For icounter = 0 To Me.ConversationTblDataGridView.RowCount - 1
range.Text = range.Text & Me.ConversationTblDataGridView.Rows(icounter).Cells("PersonID").Value <-- I want to change "Value" so I get the displayed value, not the person's id
range.Text = range.Text & CHR(13)
Next icounter

It will not take .DisplayMember or .SelectedItem and .Selected returns True of False. Can anyone tell me how to get the name that shows in the combo box instead of the id number?

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Adding Values Of A Column In A Data-bound Datagridview And Placing Results In A Textbox?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a datagridview that is populated from an Oracle 11g DB. What I would like to do is add the values of a column together and display the results in a textbox. What would be the easiest way to do this?

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VS 2010 Datagridview - Bound To A Local Databse Table Through A Linq To SQL Class - Adding Does Not Work

Sep 5, 2010

I have a datagridview which is bound to a local databse table through a Linq to SQL class.

Everything works as I would expect, when the application runs, up to a point.

If, in the datagridview tasks pane I enable Adding, Editing and Deleting all work as expected.

If I disable Adding & Deleting, leaving Editing enabled, Editing works as expected.

If I disable Deleting & Editing, but leave Adding enabled, Adding does not work, despite the row for new records being displayed. I can move around the row but not enter data.

I suspect somehow its the datasource as opposed to the datagridview that is the cause of my problem but as I say, I can add rows if the Enable Editing option is selected.

Changing the relevant properties programatically makes no difference.

I've been searching for the reason for a couple of days without success.

I have a workaround, by leaving Enable Editing set and programatically setting each row during the RowPostPaint event to be readonly except the row for new records. I would just like to understand what is going on.

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Adding A ComboBox To DataGridView?

Nov 17, 2009

I have datagridview connected with sql datebase and i want to add combobox to datagridvew (example:Time1 column)

Option Explicit On
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Adding An Item To A Combobox In A Datagridview?

Oct 16, 2011

I have an Access database with a Parts table. I'm using tableadapters in my project. A datagridview on my form is filled manually in code. One column of the DGV contains a columntype of combobox. I've got a bindingsource on my form whose source is the Parts tableadapter. The combobox column is tied to the bindingsource and is displaying fldDescription.

The part descriptions can be changed by the users, but the original part description is saved in another table that is used to fill the grid. If part "widget" gets changed to "widget, large" I can no longer display "widget" in the combobox of the grid. I need to know how to be able to add it to the bindingsource so I can display it in the combobox. I don't want it saved to the Parts table though.

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Adding Combobox Column In Datagridview?

Jun 21, 2010

actually i have 3 fields in database which are Sid Fee status what i want to add combo column in field [status] with two option PAID or UNPAID which a user can select and update it .i am all clear with filling the datagridview from database and updating but only problem is adding a combobox in third field that is status.

i tried it with this
Dim combo As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn


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Adding Combobox Field To Datagridview?

Sep 9, 2011

Why won't this build and populate my datagridviewcombobox?

Me.POLLINGV2_SCHEDULEDataGridView.DataSource = Me.DataSet1
Dim dgvc As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn


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Error Adding Row To DataGridView With A Combobox Column

Feb 9, 2009

I am using a DataBindingSource to connect a DataTable to a DataGridView. Everything was working fine until I added a ComboBoxColumn

Dim ReasonColumnIndex As Integer = dgvData.Columns("Reason").Index
Dim ReasonCombo As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
With ReasonCombo
.Name = "Reason"


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Adding/removing Datagridview Columns Based On A Combobox?

Oct 26, 2011

The user picks x amount of scenarios from the combobox, and x amount of columns appear in the datagridview. If the user changes the number of columns from x amount to y amount, the columns should be added/removed respectively but currently when y amount is chosen x amount of columns are in the datagridview.

I'm not sure how to do this, I've tried using an IF statement under the .SelectedIndexChanged event but the code adds columns until it reaches as high as it can go, then pulls an error saying too many columns.

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VS 2008 Adding A Number Range To A DataGridView Combobox

Jan 14, 2011

I am using this to populate column1 combobox from a text file and it works fine.[code]I tried to add a number range using this to populate columns 4 and 5..[code]The number range populates the combobox(CB) fine but when i select a number from the CB it causes a error and selects the first item, the error loops evertime the mouse hovers over the CB..[code]

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Bound DataGridView With A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Bound To A Different Table

Jun 4, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataSet I created from a database table named Contacts. The Contacts table contains a field called StatusId. StatusId is a foreign key to a table called Status. The Status table contains StatusId and StatusName.


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VS 2010 Adding New Row To Bound DGV?

Sep 28, 2010

I've been researching this all day, it say you must add a record to the datatable if you want to add a new row. This is my code.

Private Sub TagsdetailBindingSource_AddingNew(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventArgs) Handles TagsdetailBindingSource.AddingNew


But this code add two rows, the first row has the default data that I entered. The second row doesn't.

I think this is because it add a new row because the "AddingNew" was called. I can't find a way to cancel this "AddingNew". Maybe this code should go somewhere else.

I want the user to be able to use the "Add" button. I just want to insert some default data and then add the row to the grid so they can add another row without having to enter any data.

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DB/Reporting :: Displaying DataGridView Text Column In A Mixed Bound/Unbound DataGridView?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView (dgv) on a Windows form (VB.NET) which is bound to a datatable. One of the bound columns is a an ID (Foreign Key) to another datatable. All I want to do is Hide the ID column and populate an unbound column with the Name (ParmName) for the user. I searched the foreign value in the datatable and retrieved the information. I set the Value of the cell in the Datarow. All works well, but does not display. The cell accepts the value...I can even Debug.Print the values to the console. They are there just nothing displaying in DataGridView. Nothing odd about DataGridView. Should be straight forward...

My Code
Dim dtParm As DataTable = MyDataSet.tblParameter
Dim dgv As DataGridView = Me.dgvResultNum_DataGrid


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Sort Not Working Datagridview Gives "DataGridView Control Must Be Bound To An IBindingList Object To Be Sorted?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a few classes, one is a form, the other is the source of the datagridview. I want to be able to sort the columns of the datagridview by clicking on the header. Here are the classes that I am dealing with:

Imports DiscoveryByte.AddTools.Misc_Tools
Public Class ViewDiscoveryFlashCards
Private DBBindingSource As New BindingSource


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Bound Datagridview Not Bound?

Jul 9, 2010

There is something strange going on with my datagridview.

I've a data adapter that fills the underlying data table from a database. Then I assign this datatable as datasource to the datagridview Then I add a row to the datagridview and immediately I need to update the table in my database (as soon as user leaves the newly created row).

At this moment I have more rows (+2, not +1) in my datagridview than in the underlying datatable (the new row doesn't exists yet in it so the data adapter .Update method doesn't write anything to the database).

When DataGridView's .RowLeave event fires the undelying datatable is not yet updated. I've a question - is this behavior normal?

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Get The Value From A Combobox When Have It Bound To A Dataset?

Jan 28, 2009

I'm using in vstudio 2005. how do I get the value from a combobox when I have it bound to a dataset?

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Set Data Bound Combobox To A Value?

Apr 22, 2012

I have a data bound combo box which i want to open at a certain row in the table

i can't set the selectedvalue because it is databound

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VS 2008 How To Bound Combobox

Nov 10, 2010

I have a combobox2 this is bound to a datasource, which is an arraylist calledListItems.Everything is correct after the first For Next Statement - the listbox1Combobox1, and ComboBox2 all have 11 items. After the second for next loop, Listbox1 and ComboBox1 have 6 items, but ComboBox2 has 11 items, even though ListItems has only 6 items.



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Using A Datagridview To Update A Database And The Datagridview Is Bound To A Bindingsource

Dec 12, 2010

If using a datagridview to update a database and the datagridview is bound to a bindingsource which has its datasource as the table to be updated: where dshould you place the tableadapter.update(mydatarow)

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VS 2008 : Adding Rows To Data-Bound DGV?

Jan 15, 2010

Is there a way to add rows to a DGV as I want to add information from another form to the DGV. The .Rows.Add() does not work as I am told I can not add rows to a data bound grid.Short of unbinding the DGV and re writing everything, I can not see how to do it.

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Add Text Item In A Bound Combobox?

Feb 12, 2012

Need some direction not looking for code,

How do I add text such as 'please select' to a bound combobox that populates from parameters?

I want to make this text the selected index 0.

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Bound ComboBox SelectedValue Does Not Display?

Jan 5, 2012

I bind a datatable to the combobox.DataSource on load. I then give the combobox aisplayMember and a ValueMember (2 different columns out of the datatable). In the SelectedIndexChanged of the combobox I would like to use the SelectedValue property of the combobox, just to test I MsgBox(combobox.SelectedValue) and I get "Argument 'Prompt' cannot be converted to type 'String'." Why isn't it displaying the value?

cbCISoftware.DataSource = dbMaps.Tables("maps")
cbCISoftware.ValueMember = "id"


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