Api - Calling The OTA API From HP Quality Centre And One Of The Calls Requires Sending A NULL

Dec 6, 2011

I am calling the OTA API from HP Quality Centre and one of the calls requires sending a NULL. This is the actual line of code:


This works perfectly in VBA and VB6 but VB.NET doesn't accept Nulls. Anyone know how to fix such an issue?

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Calling A .NET Function That Requires A .NET Type From Classic ASP?

Aug 3, 2011

I am trying to over come this paoblem from last 2 days But i am not able to overcome.I was able to set up the environment so that I can call .NET method (via COM) from a classic ASP page.Everything actually works as intended until when I have to call a .NET method that requires a .NET type.So I have a method named SetTable Like Below I have a function like this in .Net

Public Sub SetTable(ByVal _City As City, ByVal _Country As Country)
'doing some thing
End Sub

and i have asp code like this:

dim CountryUtil, City, Country
set CountryUtil= Server.CreateObject("mydll.CountryUtil")
set City= Server.CreateObject("mydll.City")


' I get this error here:

'Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005' 'Invalid procedure call or argument: 'SetTable'

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Calling A Web Service That Requires Credentials: Error: A Security Token Is Required?

Dec 20, 2011

When I try to call a [Java] web service from .NET, I am getting what appears to be a security credentials issue. CWWSS5509E: A security token whose type is [http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#UsernameToken] is required.Is it even picking up the credentials that I am trying to pass? At this point, I just want to make contact with the web service and get access. In my example, ServiceReference1 is a generated Web proxy class.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim myLocateProfileBySourceSystemId As New ServiceReference1.locateProfileBySourceSystemId


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Develop A Client/server Application That Requires Sending Files And Text?

Mar 24, 2010

As some of you may know, I'm trying to develop a client/server application that requires sending files and text. Text is not a problem, this works fine, and for some of the part, sending files works, but they get slightly mangled in the process. For example, I used a 4x1 BMP that was alternately coloured red and white and tried sending it across. The output was the correct image dimensions, but the colours were wrong. It was more like a very dark red and very dark grey. I inspected the files with notepad, and the header was the same, but the data was different.

I did some research and apparently need to use a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter as opposed to reading the data as a string (like I was when it was being mangled) but now the data is all wrong, even filesize is different.The code below is a simple example of code for reading an image and then writing it again elsewhere using Binary Read/Write.


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VS 2008 : Calling A Fortran .exe That Calls A File - File Not Found?

Jul 6, 2010

I am trying to run a fortran .exe in VB with the Shell() command. The fortran .exe, when ran, it asks you for a file name. It works perfectly on it's own, but when I try calling it through VB Shell(), it does not work.. (i.e. I cannot get VB to get the file name in it.)

Added info:I am using VB9 but I'm writing in compatibility to .NET. As for the Fortran .exe, when you call it, it opens a command window where it asks for a file name (which I got as a string in VB and I'm trying to pass it in), then you press Enter and it's done. Basically the .exe takes a text file and creates a new text file. We've also tried adding & mystring when calling the exe, but it gives a "file not found" error.

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IEnumerable Not Null But Calling Count Results In Exception

Jun 2, 2010

I have code that's working beautifully on my development machine, but when deployed to the server is throwing null reference exception. So, I can't step through the code, but I've pinned down the culprit. But now I am puzzled.[code]In the code above persons is a dictionary of custom class, and certs is of IEnumerable type. Now here's the quandary.. The first line that sets the label returns False, so certs is not null. But the second line throws an null reference exception.

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Win32 API - Equivalent To Making System Calls Abd And Library Calls In UNIX?

May 8, 2010

What the Win32 API is? I have looked around but no where really outlines what it is. Is it basically a set of procedures, outlined by Microsoft for programmers in order to get services from the operating system? In essence is it the equivalent to making system calls abd and library calls in UNIX? And yes I now Windows makes library calls too.

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Use Keyword To Create Object Instance & Check If It Is Null Before Calling Method

Sep 26, 2010

Use the "new" keyword to create an object instance & Check to determine if the object is null before calling the method. I'm reading text from a text file using the following [Code]

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Replacing DbTransaction Calls With Calls To TransactionScope?

Mar 4, 2010

I have been using DBTransaction for my current projects that access a single database. However, I read some documentation on TransactionScope and was wondering in which scenario would using TransactionScope be better? Or should I be replacing DbTransaction calls with calls to TransactionScope?

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Centre An Element At Runtime?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a panel, 80 pixels wide and 720 pixels high. However, this panel will stretch to whatever height the user's display is at as the form border style is none and the form is set to maximise.

Inside the panel I have another panel, 78 pixels wide and 400 pixels high. As the form loads, how do I centre the nested panel?

x = Panel1.Width / 2 - Panel5.Width / 2
y = Panel1.Height / 2 - Panel5.Height / 2
If Panel5.Height < Panel1.Height Then


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Form Start At The Centre Of The Screen

Sep 2, 2009

Public Class form1


Why is the "Me" keyword not working. The error was "Syntax error"

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Getting The Windows Application To Run In The Centre Of The Screen?

Jul 7, 2009

At the moment when i run my form1.vb program it runs in the top left of my screen, when i save it as an application and then open it from a shortcut will it still do this or will it open in the centre of the screen? In the designer it is in the top left of the screen, is there a way to move it here? as my assumption (which is probably wrong) is that the position it is in the designer is the position it is as an application? Is that right? and if it is how to i change the position in the designer?

View 4 Replies

Printing Form - How To Centre Print

Mar 23, 2012

Basically I currently have the following code which enables me to print the form perfectly.


However, with the coding above on the print preview the form screen shoot/dump isn't centred. So I was wondering what would be the way to go about doing it? This is using the printform in the power packs available btw.

Also I figured it might be using height/width/location/margins etc, but I'm not to sure how one goes about assingning values to them. Like the two above I commented don't work.

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Setting Form Centre Screen

Dec 30, 2009

I have a single form windows application and here is my question; When I set the property of the form's start position manually to centre parent or centre screen it starts up in the centre of the screen. When I do the same thing in the form load event:


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Changing Wallpaper With (Strech, Title And Centre)?

Jul 5, 2009

I'm building a Visual Basic program to allow me to change my desktop background through VB. I've made it so the user can select a file and set it as the wallpaper but i'm wondering if there is a way to allow the user to decided on the position eg Stretch, tiled or centre.

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Detect The Currently Opened Files In For Media Centre

Apr 8, 2009

I am writing a Media Centre Addin in Vb.net and it was all going good until i got to the point where i want to find the "Currently Playing song FilePath or URl"I have spend a number of hours racking my brain to figure out a way of seeing what the "Currently Opened Files" are on a machine at any point of time.
My idea is to get all the currently opened files, and then filter the Extensions from these and find the media item that is currently playing, and get the filepath.Does anyone know how i can do this? and what methods or classes or Librarys i should be looking at or importing In..

View 10 Replies

How To Change ListView Text Align To Centre

Sep 27, 2011

I have a ListView object in the form with 1 column.How can i make this column heading TextAlign to Centre.I checked by adding more than 1 column, then i am able to TextAline to centre whose DisplayIndex > 0

View 6 Replies

Make A Window Form To Be At Screen Centre?

Nov 17, 2011

I have an application, in which i have some windows forms and About form.When i show these windows, As of now they are coming somewhere near screen top left. But i want them to come at the screen centre.

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 : Centre All Objects On Form After Resize?

Mar 11, 2010

i have managed to get the form to resize according to the screen resolution but now im struggling to centre the objects on the page?

View 11 Replies

VS 2010 Making Groups - Detect The Centre Of A Shooting Target

Oct 9, 2011

I have a tough situation that I don't really know how to code. I have one main list of point that contains all the points on a picture that are black.(1point=1pixel) I need to group all the black pixels that are less than 15(more or less) pixels away from each other into one Separate list. In the end I want about 5 lists.

What I said above is what I think is best to detect the centre of a shooting target. This information is just for those who think they know a better way. Each card has 5 targets on it and I need to detect the centre of each target. Ignore the sticker on the top target, in all cases the top one will look like the rest.

View 14 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: VB Map Application - Enable Users To Select A Map Zone Of A City Centre?

Nov 7, 2009

I am developing an application for an emergency services organisation using VB 2008 that will enable users to select a map zone of a city centre and plot icons onto it, then save/export the layered map with icons as an image.My problem at the moment is that I am struggling developing the point where the user imports in the icon (for example, a flame icon where a fire started) and drags it around the map within the picture box to the required area.I want them to be able to select their desired icon from a series of commandbuttons and for the icon to 'appear' on the picturebox and be enabled to be dragged around and dropped as required. The organisation already has such a thing working in Microsoft Word (!) and that uses the ActiveDocument.Shape.LoadImage function on a pushbutton to import the icon and then it is placed on the map as required, but this is really unreliable for them.I dont even know if you can layer images onto an existin picturebox within an application in this way and then export as a flat image.

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Connecting To HP Quality Center?

Sep 16, 2011

We have developed an application using Vb.net . Is there a way by which we can connect to HP Quality center.We have credentials for HP Quality Center, is there a way by which we can connect to it and access fields

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Low Quality Image Into A Label?

May 4, 2012

I'm trying to pass an image showing to the user a countdown. For this, I'm using a separate thread where I'm checking when the countdown timer should be started, and when so, I draw an image for every 6 seconds passed.

What's annoying is when I pass the drawn image to the UI, the quality of the image is changed and it looks bad to the user.

This is my little script that handles the drawings:

remainingTime = (#12:04:00 AM# - (DateTime.Now - local_DateTimeclick)).ToString("HH:mm:ss")
remainingTimeInSeconds = Convert.ToDateTime(remainingTime).Minute * 60 +


Also tried with changing the properties of g, but there was no positive effect.

what can i do to make this properly work without changing the quality of the returned image?

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Print A Form With Quality?

Jul 19, 2009

I need to know the best way to print a form in Visual Basic 2008. I have tried to print it using the printform method but the quality of the text is really bad. Are there other ways to print forms that dont involve the printform method and have great quality? I need to print the form the way it looks on the screen(which consists of textboxes,lines,labels).

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Text Quality Using DrawString?

Jul 7, 2010

In the code below if I remove the FillRectangle line the text quality is not good. Why?

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Adjust The Icon Quality On A Tool Bar?

Dec 17, 2009

How can I adjust the icon quality on a tool bar?

Below is the code I am using to add a tool bar and add the icon to the button. I am having a problem with the quality of the icon. The icon is 32X32 and has looks good viewing in windows explore. When it is viewed in the imagelist the quality is very poor. What can I do?

Dim tsView_ZoomIn As New ToolStripButton("")
AddHandler tsView_ZoomIn.Click, AddressOf ZoomIn_Click
tsView_ZoomIn.Image = ImageList1.Images(0)


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Adjusting Image Quality With WIA In VB 2005?

Jan 10, 2009

I've developed an application that acquires images from my Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 using WIA. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to adjust the quality of the image taken by the camera. The camera has a 2MP lense, but the program will only acquire a picture of 320x240 pixels, which is the lowest resolution the camera has. How do I tell the camera to take a picture at one of it's other resolutions? IE: 640x480, 960x720, 1.3MP, or 2MP?


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C# - Quality Of TFS 2008 Merged Code

Oct 26, 2009

Does the quality of code merged by TFS 2008 depend on the used programming language? I know merging in Java / Subversion, and merging a branch to its trunk usually does not create much conflicts. Now in my company, we use VB.NET. When I merge two files TFS does not always get code blocks right, e.g. does not find the right If..then / end if lines. To give you an example, I mean: File 2 is created as a branch of File 1. Both files were changed later, now I'm going to merge those files and am recieving conficts: The marked end-if lines (1) are detected as corresponding, meaning the added event handler Button1_Click is being deleted.

Now I wonder if this behavior is by language (C# vs. VB.NET) or are other source control solutions just better than TFS? (And I really liked TFS up to now :) )

File 1:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then


File 2 (Branch of File 1):

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
End If // (1)


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C#/.NET: How To Improve Anti-alias Quality

Aug 16, 2011

In Reporting Service, I need to have a vertical, starting at bottom, bottom-to-top, horizontally middle aligned text.The only way to do this is to create an image in code, and set this image into the title column.See the code below.Basically, it works fine, just that the anti-alias quality is pretty crappy.Is there anything I can do to improve it ?The vertical text is somehow pale, and not full black, and also there is smearing all around the text, in the background color.As well as it appears bolder than the text on the left, but both have format arial, size 8, bold I've tried all other values of System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.*, as well as no anti-alias at all but the current one seems to be the least crappy.I've also tried to change the image format, to no avail:

Function LoadImage2(ByVal sImageText As String, ByVal sImageTextMax As String) As System.Drawing.Image
sImageTextMax = sImageTextMax.PadRight(15)
Dim iFontSize As Integer = 8 '//Change this as needed


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Control The Video Quality On Flash?

Oct 20, 2009

How do I control the video quality on flash using with the trackbar?

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