Appending Each Line In A Txt List?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a list of file names and there locations as follows:

c:ICTAUTOCAD_2010CustomisationsAdvanced OffsetLSPADVANCED
OFFSET.lsp c:ICTAUTOCAD_2010CustomisationsLockDWGLSPLockDWG.lsp

The list is very basic but should be appended to say:

(load "c:ICTAUTOCAD_2010Customisations2009040920090409.lsp")
(load "c:ICTAUTOCAD_2010CustomisationsAdvanced OffsetLSPADVANCED OFFSET.lsp")
(load "c:ICTAUTOCAD_2010CustomisationsLockDWGLSPLockDWG.lsp")
(load "c:ICTAUTOCAD_2010LSPacad2010doc.lsp")

How can this be done with

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ADVERTISEMENT - Appending String Variable Text After Appending A Line Throws System.OutOfMemoryException?

Sep 28, 2011

I'm appending string variable text after appending a line throws System.OutOfMemoryException?
Can any one explain why it is throwing error.

str+="something Text"
str+="something Text"

and lastly I assign it to a lable text When I assign the value of str it throws exception.....

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.net - Appending To New Line?

Oct 28, 2010

i have the following code which appends a text base file knowen as a .pgp file; all works fine except that everytime i launch this app i append the text in one continual line i need the text to appned to a new line eveytime it is used.Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Appending Text At The End Of A Line Within A Textbox?

Dec 9, 2011

The user starts out by pasting text into a textbox:

1.Phototypesetting was superior to automated typesetting because it was

(C)More flexible
*(D)All of the above

What I want to do is to tag the sentence and format it as follows: MC Phototypesetting was superior to automated typesetting because it was (A)Easier incorrect (B)Faster incorrect (C)More flexible incorrect (D)All of the above correct Using the following code I can easily replace the number (1) with MC:

TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, ("1."), "MC ")

But for the life of me I cannot figure out how to tag each choice with correct or incorrect. The correct tag will go to the end of the choice which starts with * eg *(D) All of the above correct, while incorrect should go at the end of all other choices.

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Format Text Read From Line Of Streamreader Input Before Appending To Richtextbox?

Jan 1, 2010

I am reading text from a file (*.TXT) 1 line at a time using streamreader. As I read that input, I am looking for specific starting and ending character strings ("<" and ">") . When I find those strings, I would like to select the characters between those string and have it set to BOLD and BLUE before appending that input line to the contents of a richtextbox.The only way I have found to do this is to first append the input line to the richtextbox then use the richtextbox.selection (color and font) methods to change the text.

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VS 2010 Read Line By Line And Send To Check List Box

Jul 9, 2011

I have a text file with an unknown number of lines. I want to read this file line by line and send each line's text in a check list box. But how am i gonna do that when i don't know how many lines exist in text the file? [code]The code above reads only the first line. I tried to do it as in vb6 using while not eof(but here i don't know what to write cause my file isn't opened in a certain channel).

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Read File Line By Line To Array List

Jun 22, 2009

I have code that reads the whole file, not line by line.

Here is the code:

FileOpen(1, filename, OpenMode.Input)
Do While Not EOF(1)
datatodisplay = LineInput(1)

I would like to know how I can read the file line by line and then add all results into an array list.

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Textbox's Text To Be Moved Line By Line To A List Box?

Jul 7, 2010

I want a textbox's text to be moved line by line to a list box.

future listbox text:
car bike

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VS 2005 Displaying A List Inputted Words And List All The Associated Line Numbers?

Aug 1, 2009

I currently have a list of words in a text file sorted in to alphabetical order and put into lower case, but I would like to be able to also display the line numbers on which these words are associated with.. but only one instance of.

For example,

"This is a random text
file that I
have just made
up this second"


As you can see above, I would like to show that "this" for example appears on line 1 and 4. Hopefully tabbed so that it keeps a nice look to it.

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.net - Dataset To A List (of Integer) In 1 Line?

Feb 18, 2012

I need to fill a List with data from a DataColumn fetched in dataset. How can I achieve that in 1 step without looping through the entire table in dataset.I want something like this:

Dim lst as List (of Integer) = ds.Tables("Customer_Data").Columns(0)

However the above line is wrong as System.Data.DataColumn cannot be converted to System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)

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Get The Data In The List Box To Line Up Properly?

Oct 14, 2009

I can get the data in the list box to line up properly?

The code is a follows:

Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("c:\account.txt")
Dim fmtstr As String = "{0,-15}{1,10}{2,15}{3,15}{4,15}{5,15}"
Dim accountNumber As String


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List Each Line In A Text File

Sep 6, 2009

I'm trying to list each line from a text file to a combobox:[code]

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Possible To Add As A Line Item In Some Kind Of List

Sep 8, 2010

I have a user control housing text labels, buttons, images, etc.Is it possible to add this as a line item in some kind of list (without building a custom control to resize, scroll etc)?Could list view work?

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Private Lines As New List(Of Line)?

Apr 19, 2009 is SOOOOOOO annoying.i am drawing a list of lines to a control. So, I declare:Private Lines As New List(Of Line) Private CopyOfLines as New List(Of Line)In code, I have a custom Class called "Line".

I am wanting to reuse the list called "Lines" so I can start a new list while retaining the old list. So I copy it's contents to "CopyOfLines", then clear the contents of "Lines":

CopyOfLines = Lines

Problem is the contents of CopyOfLines ALSO gets cleared! Is there no way to break the connection of "CopyOfLines" to "Lines"? This seems so unnecessary. After all, if I say:

Then (b) will still = 10 while (a) = 0.

Why does vb.NET have to break such simple logic and turn it into a gargantuan issue? I wouldn't mind it as much if the MSDN library would make it possible to find references to "List (Of whatever)", but all I get are references to text in a textbox. It seems that every time I go to the MSDN, I get a convoluted, runaround explanation or simply no documentation of something someone has done in their own code? Where did THEY find the information?

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Two Different Items In The Array In One Line Of A List Box?

Mar 17, 2011

I am writing a tournament program for a trading card game. I want my list box to have "Player 1 vs. Player 2" in one line of a list box and i want it so there is no way duplicate Players can be in the list box. Is there a way to code that or do i need to use something else?

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Copying Just Last Line Of Textbox List Programmically?

Apr 12, 2009

I am working on a functionality which requires me to copy the last line of a richtextbox into a textbox, then removing certain characters. The code I am trying is below. I have on a form a richtextbox (txtMain), 2 textboxes (TextBox1, TextBox2), and a button (button1). The first time a ran it, it worked perfectly - it selected the last line, copied, pasted it into TextBox1. Then after that first time it didn't do it. Perhaps there is a simpler way to get this last line consistently into the TextBox1. Here's the code. (See below the code for a copy of the text in"Text.txt" file):


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Display Only A Portion Of A Line Of Text From A List Box?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a list box with information that needs to be displayed in a text box. Each of the lines in the list box has 2 types of information-Name and setup data. When I click on the line I need only the setup data to be displayed in a text box. This data on all lines begins at the 42 column. I can display the information using SelectedIndexChanged but the entire line is displayed. In other words I need to display only the data from the 42 column to the end of the selected line.

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List Results From Command Line In Listbox

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to develop an application and am still learning VB. I have a commandline that will list some applications that I need to make selectable to run certain processes based on what is selected. I have already found the MSDN stuff on using the RedirectStandardOutput class to add to streamwriter. What I need to do is read each line and add to a listbox so that the user can select each application. How to read each line of the stream and add to a listbox.

Here is that code.
' Define the namespaces used by this sample.
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics
[Code] .....

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Write A Small .exe App To Add A Line Item To A List?

Apr 28, 2009

Is it possible to create a windows application in VB to take form input of a text box and put that to a sharepoint server as new list item?I want an exe that when ran, opens to a form with a text box or two and a submit button, that creates a new list item on a sharepoint list.I am using VS 2005 , code in VB. All my google searches come up with stuff that seems to run on the sharepoint server itself, not a program i hand out to people to run from the desktops.I've tried so many permiations of what i found through google searchs and my brain just hurts atm. I'm new to VB + VS, my background is in VBA on Excel, and i have an solution that works in vba, but causes headaches due to macro security etc.

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Prase For Keyword In Textbox And List Line In Listbox?

Jul 17, 2009

lets say i make a keyword like eg create file then next to it i quote a string like brain.txt. how would i tel the textbox to get the richtext box line with that keyword then list the keyword add quoted string plus the line number into a listbox?

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Put 2 Different Fields On The Same Line/row/subscript Into A One-dimensional Array Or List?

Nov 28, 2011

I need to put 2 different fields on the same line/row/subscript, into a one-dimensional array or list. I've done this before with a delimiter and then parsed it out later, but I wonder if there is a nicer way to do this?

I've done it this way before:

"John,Address1" PERSON_ARRAY(0)
"Greg,Address2" PERSON_ARRAY(1)


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VS 2008 Make List Box To Read 1 Line From Website

Aug 29, 2009

1 I have a list box that has url's in em now some of this sites I'm intrested in reading news so what I want is this

When I click button i want my program to check urls that I have inb my list box and if the website has word News I want that to show up in my program by eather 1. display News found in my url list box next to the url that has word news on site or 2. if it finds news for my progy to refresh the page and only leave me resaults that have words news on it's website so basicly it has to read 1 word from site if it finds that word I want it showing next to url or I want it for it to auto refresh my list box and only live me resaults that have words news in it

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Appending To A Variables Name?

Sep 22, 2011

s1nickelFrontImage is a declared variable, and I have others similar to it, they run up to 10.

how can I append/change the variable 's1nickelFrontImage1' to 's1nickelFrontImage2', and so forth, until LOOP is complete.(always increases by 1)

Do While ac1IMGPtoCCount > 0
ac1ImgPtoCString = ac1ImgPtoCString & s1nickelFrontImage1
ac1IMGPtoCCount = ac1IMGPtoCCount - 1

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Value Is Appending Rather Than Calculating?

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to use and display calculations from various text fields, however it is appending the values. I think it has to do with it being a String Variable and not a Value.. here is the code

Private Sub btnTransact_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTransact.Click
If rb1Deduct.Checked = True Then txtp1Amt.Text = (txtp1Amt.Text - txtTransact.Text)


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Appending Text To A Textbox?

May 21, 2011

How would I go about appending text to a Textbox without losing the current scrollbar position? I thought somehting as simple as:

Textbox1.Text += "MyString" & vbCrLf

would work, but it just sends the scrollbars to the top.

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Appending Text Using StreamWriter?

Feb 16, 2009

This append feature does not seem to work. I've looked in many places to no avail. The other examples below for writing and reading seem to be going fine.

Private Sub ApFile(ByVal textFilePath As String)
Dim objWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter = file.appendtext("textTBD")


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Appending To File From Richtetbox?

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to save the contents of a richtextbox to a text file. I know that they .SaveFile method automatically overwrites the existing file so I have a routine that will load the contents of the file into a temporary rich textbox control then append the new information to that and then save from the temp richtextbox. My application works as I want it to on my workstation but I cannot get it to work correctly on the notebook computer it will be running on from now on. It only works when I put in a breakpoint and I am not sure why?


If I put breakpoints on any of the lines rtb.Select, rtb.Copy, rtb.Paste then it works. I even tried putting a Thread.sleep before saving, thinking that more was needed to do the copy/paste but that didnt work either.

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Appending To Text File?

Jul 13, 2010

Lets assume I have a DataSet that contains the following info (columns seperated with | character):

1 | Logan | Young
2 | John | Doe
3 | Jane | Doe
4 | Joe | Soap

If I now write this info to a text file, but later want to append 5 | Susan | Sarandonto the end of the text file, I obviously want to check that the text file doesn't already contain the data that I want to append to it. I'm having a little difficulty figuring out how to perform this check...I know you'd have to loop through every row in the DataSet's table and compare it to every line in the text file. That part's easy.

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Appending Two Pdf Files To Eachother

Jan 12, 2011

vb program to append two pdf files together into one? I have invoices that are created as pdf files and I need to append a special announcement also a pdf to the end of it so I can upload one file to the internet for customers to download and view.

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Error When Appending XML Node

Jul 28, 2010

I need to read an XML document, and then add nodes to it. In the example below I have a grandparent, and parent node. I then want to add sibling nodes to the document dynamically. I don't know what I am doing wrong. But at line 17 I get this error message: Error: This document already has a 'DocumentElement' node. [Code]

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