Write A Small .exe App To Add A Line Item To A List?

Apr 28, 2009

Is it possible to create a windows application in VB to take form input of a text box and put that to a sharepoint server as new list item?I want an exe that when ran, opens to a form with a text box or two and a submit button, that creates a new list item on a sharepoint list.I am using VS 2005 , code in VB. All my google searches come up with stuff that seems to run on the sharepoint server itself, not a program i hand out to people to run from the desktops.I've tried so many permiations of what i found through google searchs and my brain just hurts atm. I'm new to VB + VS, my background is in VBA on Excel, and i have an solution that works in vba, but causes headaches due to macro security etc.

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Possible To Add As A Line Item In Some Kind Of List

Sep 8, 2010

I have a user control housing text labels, buttons, images, etc.Is it possible to add this as a line item in some kind of list (without building a custom control to resize, scroll etc)?Could list view work?

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Forms :: Write A Program For A List Box Having 10 Items In That Just By A Single Click On One Of The Item?

Dec 6, 2011

how to write a program for a list box having 10 items in that just by a single click on one of the item it should be written on the button if a list is containing notepad than by clicking on the button it should open the notepad?

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Possible To Make List Box Item Height For Item Depending On Amount Of Lines That Item Contains?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a list box on the form which functions as a copy/paste. When you copy something, it is automatically added to the list box as a "clipboard helper". Here is the problem,however: if the text is more than 1 line, the list box does not show all the text.It ends up looking messy.So getting back to my question, is it possible to make the list box item height for an item depending on the amount of lines that item contains?This is a one line sentence in the list box and should take up one line.This is a multi line sentence in the list box and should take up two lines for item height.

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Write A Small App To Show OS Install Key?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to write a small app and I want it to show the OS Install key. How can I pull this? I'm using Visual Basic 2008.

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Write A Small Application That Will Show GPU Temperature

Oct 19, 2011

I'm trying to write a small application that will show the GPU temperature.I'v found the following documentation about the subject: url...according to this documentation, I can use the nvcpl.dll file (which is a part of the NVIDIA driver) like this:[code]Now the problem is that this code keeps sending back 0, which means somethin is wrong here and the function is not working.

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Write A Small Program For ITunes Using Windows COM?

Apr 20, 2010

I are trying to write a small program for iTunes using Windows COM. We are able to talk to iTunes and create popup boxes that show the current track, and a few other small things. However, when we try to set this info to a Label for example, we get:

InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Label1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

The program then hangs and locks iTunes from closing. I believe the issue is the event handler I have created, which I know very little about. We are using VB 2010, so that may change some things. We followed a rough example from a forum post HERE. If you scroll down the orange text, you will see a reply right after by Will Hughes with a "Handles iTunes.OnPlayEvent". If I add this to the end of my event handler, I get:

Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. Not sure if its important to the issue or not, but I found it curious. Our code is shown below.

Imports iTunesLib
Public Class Form1
Private iTunes As New iTunesApp


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Write Small Single Function Wrapper?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to write a small application that will mount an image using imagex and show a progress bar as to how much of the image has been mounted.

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Write A Small App That Finds The Local Machine's IP Address?

Feb 26, 2009

I'm trying to write a small app that finds the local machine's IP address (and SNM, DefGW, 1st DNS server, etc) then displays this nicely.

I don't want to go down the route of doing a Shell "ipconfig /all > somefile" then reading it in as I *know* this can be done another way.

I'm using VB 2008 Express Edition.

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Write A Small Program That Copies A File From A USB To Another Directory?

Feb 4, 2009

What I'm trying to do is write a small program that copies a file from a USB to another directory so a program already installed on the computer can load this data.Usually copying files from one directory into another wouldn't be an issue.


If possible i would also like to change the code i have written so it just loads January2009.txt from the "root directory" of the USB rather than having to specify H: because if i put the USB in someone elses computer this could change to G: and then it wouldn't work.

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Write A Small Program That Shows A Clock Using A Timer In .net?

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to write a small program that shows a clock using a timer in vb.net, I want the clock to display the time and date as a binary display i.e. if it's 10:01:21 the clock would display boxes or buttons in rows going from 1 to 2 to 4 etc upwards and changing colour when at certain times. the example time above would be a button for 8,a for 2 to make the 10 o'clock, a button for the 1 minute and a button for the 16, 4 and 1 seconds making 21 seconds.

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VS 2008 Feed A Multi Line Textbox Into A String Array Then Check Item By Item

Jul 25, 2010

I've been trying to feed a multi line textbox into a string array then check item by item if a string contains part of it.


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VS 2008 : Write A Small Application That Is Able To Read What Button Is Pressed On The Gamepad?

Sep 13, 2009

I have this gamepad: [URL]I want to write a small application that is able to read what button is pressed on the gamepad.I've seen this thread:[URL]but this does not read the input of the controller, it only initialize it.[URL]

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Java Conversion [Small Snippet] First Line Gets Local Host?

Jan 28, 2011

I have this snippet, it's in Java:

final InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
final NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address);
key = new String(ni.getHardwareAddress());

Example of key output: ▲╔UiÎ

What is the equivalent in VB.Net? I understand the first line gets Local Host, what about the rest?

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VS 2008 : Read A File Line By Line Into An Array But It Skips The Item At Index:3?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to read a file line by line into an array but It skips the item at index:3 I have it msgboxing just to make sure and it wont even touch it.

Dim Btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
Dim path As String = Application.StartupPath & "Libraries" & Btn.Text.Replace(" ", "_") & ".ipt"
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim lines As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(path)


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[2008] Write A Small Application That Just Writes In Certain Cells Of A Set Page Of An Excel Sheet?

Feb 17, 2009

Basically, i have to write a small application that just writes in certain cells of a set page of an excel sheet, the sheet will always be the same layout.

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Lisview + Small Image List?

Apr 29, 2009

I hav two buttons & listview on the form,On First button click,i want to insert data & images into Lvw,On Second Button click,I want to just insert the data..Mine code also does that...But just there is a little probs.On button1_Click, I assogn smallimagelist to imagelist name ,on Second button click,I assign to smallimagelist to nothing....Images are not inserted...on second button click,but still the images space(Left of lvw) are left, want to remove dat,How to do that..

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 Small App To List And Add Printers?

Oct 9, 2009

Am looking at making a small application that will list printers on two file servers at two separate sites, from this app they can add the printer/s to there local computer.

I have found a small application on the web but there are a few improvements it could do with.

They are; Show all local printers without having to click on a check box. Show sites printers without having to click on a check box. Show comments about the printer�s location other then just the site.

If it is possible I would like to update this one, but if there are any other examples where I could download something similar, or even some help with how to begin to create a new application.

Here are some screen shots, of the application form and the xml which holds the folder structure for the sites.

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VS 2008 Write A Small Application That Simply Monitors Website Watching For Specific Hyperlink Text To Appear?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to write a small application that simply monitors my web site watching for specific hyperlink text to appear. I have been searching around and trying different approaches for a few days and have to accept defeat on this.Basically I need to be able to type in part of a hyperlink or the actual text of the hyperlink into a textbox to be watched for. When it is seen it opens the link in a new window.

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection
theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection


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Use WriteLine To Write One Line, Then Skip To The Next Line And Do It Again?

May 24, 2011

I've already used arrays and a random number to generate a sentence with the pattern KLAC, but I need to write this to a text document and then do it again. I have succeeded to write the first sentence, but the second will not register.This represents essentially everything I've tried. (I haven't included the arrays because they're pretty long.)

Dim rndNo As New Random()
Dim chosen_aword = aword(rndNo.Next(0, aword.Length))


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Write Text File Line By Line?

Jun 9, 2009

I'm still trying to write a text file using input value from textbox growth line by line...it mean everytime i keep in teh value in text box...it will write into textfile in new line... how to rename my text file by current date?...

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Get Selected Item Index Or A Sorted & Grouped List Relative To Item Source?

Feb 12, 2011

I'm having some difficulty with a sorted & grouped listbox in WPF vb.net 3.5 that has an items source bound to an ObservableCollection.

What I want to be able to do is to retrieve a piece of data from the ObservableCollection items source depending on what item in the listbox the user has selected.I've almost got it working but because the listbox is sorted it does not match the index of the items source.


As I previously mentioned, because the lstBox is sorted and also grouped the index's don't match up.Does anyone know how I can get the correct information I want from the List Source depending on the selected item in the list box?

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Select An Item From A List Box And Click A Button And Have That Item Go Into Another Listbox With It's Price

Oct 13, 2011

How someone would select an item from a list box and click a button and have that item go into another listbox with it's price? I seem to be stuck on this part.

Here's my code:

I want to select the first option from the first listbox and I want to put it into another listbox along with the price of that item on the same line in the listbox. I can't seem to figure out how to that.

Public Class Form1
Const dcmPRICE_STRESS As Decimal = CDec(595.0)
Const dcmPRICE_TIME_MANAGMENT As Decimal = 695


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Add To A Combobox A List Of Item (not Every Item) In A Txt Located On A Server

Feb 13, 2011

my program downloads into a combobox every item(line) that is in a text file located on a server.
Every line in the text file ends with "a)" or with "g)".

Now I just want to make 3 radio buttons:

- one that will allow the download in the combobox only the item ending with "g)"
- one that will allow the download in the combobox only the item ending with "a)"
- one that will allow the download in the combobox of both (I already know how to do).

How can I do so?

To download the entire list in the combobox I do:

Dim List As String = client.DownloadString("http://mywebsite.com/mytextfile.txt)Dim lines As String() = List.Split(New String() {ControlChars.CrLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)ComboBox1.Items.Clear()

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VS 2010 Read Line By Line And Send To Check List Box

Jul 9, 2011

I have a text file with an unknown number of lines. I want to read this file line by line and send each line's text in a check list box. But how am i gonna do that when i don't know how many lines exist in text the file? [code]The code above reads only the first line. I tried to do it as in vb6 using while not eof(but here i don't know what to write cause my file isn't opened in a certain channel).

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Delete Item From List Box Select Next Available Item?

May 14, 2012

how whould I go about deleteing an item from a listbox and it will select the next available item.you know like the treeview control selects the next node if you delete one.

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Read File Line By Line To Array List

Jun 22, 2009

I have code that reads the whole file, not line by line.

Here is the code:

FileOpen(1, filename, OpenMode.Input)
Do While Not EOF(1)
datatodisplay = LineInput(1)

I would like to know how I can read the file line by line and then add all results into an array list.

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Textbox's Text To Be Moved Line By Line To A List Box?

Jul 7, 2010

I want a textbox's text to be moved line by line to a list box.

future listbox text:
car bike

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Get Type Of Derived Generic List Class From List Item Method?

Mar 23, 2011

Public Class notifierMain
Public Class Contacts
Inherits List(Of row)
Public Sub New()


When I debug this winforms application I get curType = "notifier.notifierMain+Contacts+row" I want to the Validate function to know it is in MyContacts. How do I do this?

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ListBox & StreamWriter & StreamReader - Reads All Line Of The File And It Add An Item In ListBox For Line?

Aug 25, 2006

I have a "Form" with:

1- List Box

1- TextBox

3- Button

1- OpenFileDialog

1- SaveFileDialog

I want that clicking the btn1 it shows the OpenFileDialog and read file that it has got this structure: SKI10 1 71 0 0 18 101 19 0 29 101 30 0 40 101 41 0 50 101 51 0 62 101 63 0 81 101 82 0 95 101 2 0 0 95 165 3 0 1072 01 4 2 1 93 15

I want that it reads all Line of the File and it add an Item in ListBox for line.For example the first Item of the ListBox in this case is


And the 2th Item is in this case.

0 1 7

I want using the StreamReader classes.And i want that when i click an Item of the ListBox it shows the Text in the TextBox and I can edit the Line and that clicking antoher button the Item will come updated with new Text of the TextBox.I have also another button for saving the Mod.I can use the AppendText and it create a new file writing ListBox1.Items line for line.

If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Dim file_esistenteD As StreamWriter[code].....

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