Application That Runs Queries From An Oracle Db?

Dec 27, 2010

I have a problem related, not only to, but also Oracle.I have a simple application that runs queries from an Oracle db (Oracle 9i) and creates reports from it. I am using the official oracle.dataAccess component.I need a very simple report that returns a list of usernames. Something like "SELECT userName FROM users".(userName field is a VARCHAR2).Problem with this query:The top 50 rows are OK.All the remaining are strange characters.


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.net - Nested Queries From Multiple Oracle Databases

Jul 21, 2011

In .NET, Is it possible to run a nested query from two separate Oracle databases?


Ultimately, this is an effort to overcome an "ORA-01795" error from using an "in" statement with over 1000 items in the conditional list, without having to break the query out into multiple "OR value IN" lists.

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Recommended Application(s) To Test SQL Server 2008 Queries For Application?

Apr 11, 2012

I am new to working with SQL databases (and databases in general) so I do not have a lot of experience with how queries work and how I can practice them. When I was first learning xml and XPath, I found XPath Visualizer incredibly helpful after someone on stack overflow mentioned it to me.Due to this, I am wondering if a similar tool exists for SQL databases?Basically a tool that will allow me to connect to a database,enter queries and see somehow what the results would be like.

I have looked online a bit, however I have found relatively few options in terms of any utility that would do what I want, and that looks reliable.I will ultimately be writing an application to interact with an SQL 2008 server in, however for now I am just experimenting so I will know what I am doing when I actually want to create my application.So far I have managed to connect to the database using an OLE DB connection, but I am now looking for a way to experiement with queries without just querying and figuring out a way to interpret the results in my program. Basically I want to be able to remove the programming aspect of things so I can experiment with queries without needing to question anything in my code that is unrelated to the specific query.

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LINQ Queries - Combine The First 3 Queries Into A Single Query And Place In A List?

Jan 6, 2010

I am writing a message system on my server, the xml is something like this


my problem now i guess is 2 fold, i wish to combine the first 3 queries into a single query and place in a list or a collection or is there a way to do this with a single query that will give me my desired result?

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Manage Queries In Application?

Jan 6, 2012

I have an application that works together with a SQL database. This database has more than 40 tables and my applican has to extract different situations from those tables.

I have predefined some queries for the situations that I know they need to be in the application.

The idea is that I need kind of a module in which an user can create his own situation based on the tables, views, functions and procedures that already exist in the database. Something like it is in SQL. There has to be a library or something which will read my sql database directly from my application and which allow the user to create his own queries and situations.

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.net Application When Close Still Runs?

Nov 29, 2011

i created an .exe application with 2010 , my problem is when i run the application and then close it, it still runs in processes . why does this happens ? and how can i fix it?

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Application Only Runs For A Few Hours

Mar 17, 2011

I have 2 applications, 1 that goes out and grabs data every minute and inserts or updates that data depending on a time interval into sql tables, the other 1 goes out at the top of every hour and grabs hourly data. Both of these applications run perfectly fine when they are compiled and published to run on my development PC, both do xml validation and check for duplicate data prior to any sql insert so I know it's not getting SQL exceptions.

When I move them to the Production Server the 1 minute application will work for a few hours and then freeze up and stop working.The hourly application half the time won't work at all.

I've made sure to include a local copy of the references when I compile/build and publish the application. I've made sure the Production Server is up to date with the latest .Net framework.

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Application Runs Slow

Jul 22, 2009

I have designed an application just like it is an Excel table. By changing each textbox the application runs a huge amount of vb code and it takes time.

E.g. you want to enter a three digits number it takes from two to four and sometimes more seconds for ech digit to enter. That`s really embarrassing.

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Create An Application That Queries Customer Name?

Jan 23, 2011

I am sure some of you have seen this project before. I need to create an application that queries customer name (first and last) and there addresses. I need more than that but once I figure what i am doing wrong with that, I should be able to figure out the rest on my own. I am using VS 2010. I can not figure out the proper syntax for String.Format. I can only get it to display the first and last names of the customers.This is the code I have so far:Public Class Form1


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How To Execute Multiple Queries In An Application

Nov 17, 2010

I'm building an application that will be using several (7) SQL queries, I'm wondering whats the best way to approach this since I've never built an app with this many queries in it. These queries really won't change, just the start date and end date and I have query in my first form that finds out the next available date by checking a table. What I'm wondering is if it would be better to construct these queries in my application or if it would be better to use stored procedures on my sql server to do the same thing and not have the application carry the load of the queries.

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Hide Taskbar When My Application Runs?

Apr 21, 2009

I want to hide the taskbar when my application runs, so i can get a full screen view of the application form. I have a code but it doesnt seem to work. It's for my project. I put the declarations in the global declarations part. Declare Functions also i put separately. The rest of the code i put in a button click.[code]...

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VS 2008 Application Runs Like As NT Services

Jul 5, 2010

I am new in programming. Have a some knowledge in scripting. me in sample coding using VB 2008. - Create an application that will run on system start up and still run even if user's Log off. - The application will read a list file that contains other application names (e.g notepad.exe) then the application will continue running.. if notepad runs then it will log to a text file the time started the execution and after it was quit it also log the application ended time of execution. - Like its running as services.

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Create An Application In VB That Runs In Full Screen?

Jun 22, 2009

My name is Orens Xhagolli and I am a between Beginner-Intermediate level. I am trying to create a little game with nice-looking and good options in Visual A good game needs to run in full screen. (Because the new directX is not suitable for my age (13) I don't want to use it and beacuse its a bit difficult to use it.) I read a few answers in MSDN forums but the full screen there doesn't take the entire screen ( The taskbar is visible ).

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Have A Windows Service Application That Runs A Timer?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a windows service application that runs a timer. When this timer ticks it starts another application that runs a process.The application is started but it does nothing. On the other hand if i run the application manually it works fine.

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Open Word Inside Application And Send Queries To MS SQL

Aug 6, 2009

I'm developing an application with Visual Studio 2008 (with visual basic), first of all, I'll give a brief of what I'm planning this module will do.

It's an accounting application, that I use to administrate some of my company's movemets. The application links directly with MS SQL server 2005, and sends queries to the database like: client name, employee Id, transacion type etc. Right now I'm developing a contracts module, wich is intended to be used with Microsoft Word 2007. We want the module to do the following: (It's a contract document; the document should get the variables from the application like contract type [that would change the template of contract used in microsoft word depending on the type], Client name, Salesman name, today's date, name of the company's representative)

1) After the data has been captured from the application (the application has a capture module that sends the info to the database), instantly send the capturer to microsoft Word, to a layout that has variable fields that should fill themselves with the database information ( I don't have a clue on how to do that )

2) The capturer should be able to change text in the contract layout and fix the variables info in case they were misstyped, adn when he/she saves the document; if there were any variables edited, they should get updated in the database; and the application should be saved with a name that has variables on its name ( 1)today's date in DDMMYY format, 2)First 2 letters of the client's name, 3)last 3 digits from tye contract number), save the file in a directory where all contracts are in .docx format (could use any frmat, it actually doesn't matters), and send the file location to the databse; to a table field named "file" wich only has the file's route.

3)From my application, when consulting the data, give the app access to the file directly; simply by getting the query form the database.

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Application Fails When Executable Is Clicked But Runs Fine In IDE

Feb 6, 2008

I've built an app that uses the Groupwise (email client) API. It will perform as expected when I hit F5,everything is good, when I use ctrl+F5 it fails with an access violation (see below). I tried to used JIT debugging, but I never get to see the source code, just the assembly. The app *never* fails with this error when run in the IDE.Groupwise documentation is sparse.[code]...

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Unable To Load Assembly On Alternate Runs Of Application

Aug 4, 2010

In our application user needs to login to a particular company. We have an option in menu that would let user to select another company while application is open. When user selected other company the application restart itself along with the settings for new company.

Until first load everything was fine and user can select other company from the menu, but when application restarts itself it throw and exception stating Unable to load assembly. Whereas if we again try to run the statement in debug mode everything goes fine. Basically, on alternative loads we are getting this error.[code]...

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XML Document To Store Queries / Stored Procedure Names In ASP Application

May 4, 2011

I am having some difficulty with an xPath expression. I am using an XML document to store queries / stored procedure names in an ASP application. I use a utility function to load the xmldocument (if it isn't previously loaded) and I am attempting to select the node set from the document that matches an Id element. [code] the node variable only returns the first element. I have verified the that the qry string that is used to SelectSingleNode IS the correct Id value (i.e. USER002) - however the node is getting loaded with the USER001 element. It is obviously the xPath expression that is messed up. What do I need to tweak on the xPath expression so that I can return the correct <Id> element and corresponding child <Sql> element.

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Make An Application To Start While User Logins And Runs In Taskbar?

Oct 7, 2011

I am developing an application, and i need this application to be running in background (like our anti-virus programs) on system task bar.

and how to add right click menu for this icon on taskbar...

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Paste Text Into An Application Called Cerner Which Runs Via A Secure Vpn?

Jun 10, 2011

Can an application refuse the Sendkeys function? I am trying to write an app that will paste text into an application called Cerner which runs via a secure vpn. My code works fine going into notepad or word. I doesn't seem to do anything with the Cerner program.

I thought that the sendkeys command basically mimiced the keyboard.

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Copying .mdf And .ldf Files Into Project Folder To Syncronize Data Changes In Application Runs

Jun 20, 2009

I am just learning Visual Basic and I am following along in a book called "Build a Program Now!".I have an application that is calling a database in SQL and there are instructions for copying the .mdf and .ldf files from the bin folder to the project folder that should allow any changes made in the running application to be reflected in the rows of the database.I have copied the files as per the instructions, but the changes are not showing in the database.

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Application Connecting Oracle Database On Ibm Aix

Jul 5, 2011

want to know how to connect database from window2008 server platform to ibm aix database is oracle 10g ..please anyone can help me here

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Create Table In Oracle By Using From .net Application

Jul 27, 2009

I want to create Table in Oracle database from my application by using

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Sql - Retrieve Oracle DBMS_Output From A Application

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on a application that executes an Oracle stored procedure. The stored procedure displays a value using dbms_output.put_line. How do I retrieve that value from the oracle database into my code?

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Dynamic Connection With Oracle From Application In Windows CE 5

Nov 21, 2009

I'm starting using a project for smart device in windows CE 5. I'm using visual basic of v. studio 2008.I need to create a dynamic connection between a PDA (codebar lector) and an server with ORACLE 9i. The PDA connected via WIFI. But in my vb project I don't find OLEDB or ODBC elements.

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Published Application - Connect To An Oracle Database On The PC

Dec 2, 2009

I have a application that will not connect to an oracle database on the PC that I publish the app too. It works fine under my pc both in design and when I publish it to myself. But it will not connect under the pc I publish it too. I do have oracle installed on the pc and have the connection setup exactly as I have on my own pc. I am sure it is a file path issue, or at least I believe it to be that.

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Change Application Database From Access .accdb To Oracle?

Nov 22, 2011

i have an application with access .accdb as backend.How can i convert the backend to OracleBL (Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)

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Bulk Insert From Datatable In To Oracle Using Oracle.DataAccess

Mar 4, 2010

I am reading a csv file in to a datatable in and making a few checks and appending an extra column. I then want to perform a bulk insert using microsofts Oracle.DataAccess (no choice in this) to an Oracle database. what would be the best way to perform this as there is no bulkImport like in SQLserver.

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Visual Basic With Oracle Provider Oledb For Oracle?

Dec 29, 2009

can you tell me,how can i add a provider for oracle(Microsoft Provider oledb for oracle).Actually i had Microsoft ODBC for oracle but i want to add a provider above mention.

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DB/Reporting :: .Net/Oracle Application Best Design When Building Sql Command Parameters

Oct 2, 2009

Currently working on a web-service with Oracle10g as back-end. Here is my problem.

1. The table I need to populate has 100 columns. I have no control over the design of the table.

2. I wanted to use the "deriveparameters" method of OracleCommandBuilder, but found out that this is "costly" in terms of performance. What I initially planned to do was to derive the parameters from an open connection, close the connection, then maybe cache the parameters obtained but I don't know if this is possible.

I am unsure how big of a hit the performance will get if I continue using the "deriveparameters" method WITHOUT caching the parameters driven. The environment is as follows

-around 2000 users
-users spread out in different parts of the country

I am not familiar where they will put the web pages of the application, the web service and the database. I don't know if they'll be putting it in different servers or on one server, but that's something we cannot control too, that's why I am looking for the best approach.

I just don't want to hard-code all that parameters and if, for instance, we need to change some properties/parameters, it will be a pain to maintain the code. It would be nice if someone here can point a way to automate the whole thing w/o the performance of the system taking a hit.

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