Array List And Multiple Listboxes?

May 27, 2012

I am pretty sure that I understand what needs to be done here but I'm not 100% sure on how to go about this.I have a list box that contains a list of url's for websites. 100 to be exact.I have a web request defined in a private sub.What I need to do is to loop through the listbox1, grab one url, place it into the variable of the request and then save that entire web request (with link) to string.In the end I will have all 100 url's put into their own web requests and feed back into an array which I can then put into some sort of multi-threading method.

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User Selects From Multiple Listboxes To Get A Price From A Price Array

Nov 25, 2011

I am new to vb and I am having so much trouble with this. What I need to do is this: I have a form application for winter sports equipment rental.I have a listbox filled with the equipment for the user to choose from then I have a combobox for the user to select the duration they would like to rent it. The book that I am using has no examples I can refrence and i have had no luck online either. I am posting what I have so far. However, i think I am going in the wrong direction. I have been working on this for so long that I think I have over thought it and made a mess of it. I am thinking that I need to add a new class for rentalRates then use enum of durationType and equipmentType but I am unsure how to move that way. That is using a enum, a 2d array and a parallel array? [code]

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Multiple Listboxes Not Working

Jan 30, 2012

I have four list boxes, side by side. I've got a huge list of files that the program scans through and if (file insides) = (this) then; else if and etc. I know that part is working. The problem is actually the list boxes themselves. The reason I know this is:

I have four listboxes side by side, only the first one shows data, but if I delete the first one from the form, only the second will show data, if I delete first and second, the third one displays data, and if I delete the first three, the last one shows data. The problem is they wont display data at the same time. I was talking with someone else and they said I needed to change the IDs and I should see that option somewhere near the "Name" section. I use Visual Studio 2010... I don't see any IDs option to change. on how I can change this ID or maybe something I have to do to get these listboxes working?

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Saving Multiple Listboxes Into Csv File?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm writing an application in 2008. It's basically a randomised image quiz. I have saved questions, answers and time taken to answer questions into 3 listboxes: listboz1, listbox2 and listbox3. I'm trying to add the content of all into a csv file. This is my code below which only saves the contents of one listbox to a txt file. How do I get a combination of all listboxes in the file with format (L1,L2,L3)? I alos want to add the user name and the date the test/ quiz was taken.


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Saving Multiple Listboxes To Txt File?

Jan 13, 2012

I am compiling a quiz, so the question number, user response and time taken to answer questions are sent to 3 listboxes. I wanted to save the file name (from the login form, date and listbox contents to a text file. I have scoured numerous codws...none of them work..all with errors. I have tried to look at Streamwriting listboxes. But can not find a way to add multiple listboxes to one text box. Actually none of the codes (including the Sub SaveToKnownFileWithDelimiter (below) I have looked at work.

This is my quiz code so far....

Public Class Form1
Dim intPic As Integer
Dim pickedImg As New List(Of Integer)


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Insert Multiple Items Into List Or Array (no Linq And Not Quite CodeGolf)?

Sep 10, 2010

No matter how I try, I can't seem to create a nice and clean algorithm for doing the following:

System.Array (or generic List) data of System.Object
System.Array (or generic List) xval of System.Object
System.Array (or generic List) idxs of System.Int32


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Way To Select From A List - Aren't The Two Listboxes Getting A Little Old?

Dec 22, 2009

How many times have we seen this type of selector:

I was just about to start creating this in a WinForms app, when I thought that others may have some ideas for doing this better. We need it to sort - so the right hand list will need up/down buttons. But this seems so old school. I love devexpress components, and was thinking of asking them if they would consider adding a component that handles this functionality with a slick UI.

I am thinking that a graphical representation of the objects, and a graphical representation of the listboxes - that would be a more intuitive way to move items around. Has anyone seen an open source project like this?

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VS 2008 Scroll Multiple Listboxes Simultaneously?

Apr 16, 2009

I have three listboxes with vertical scroll bars. I'd like it so that when one is scrolled, so are the others. However, I can't seem to find a "scroll" event. I tried this:
Public Scrolling As Boolean
Private Sub ListBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MouseDown
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then


It works when you click and drag on the listbox area where the items are, but not when you click on the scroll bar!

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Copying Array Contents To Listboxes?

Feb 26, 2009

I am having a hell of a time figuring out where I am going wrong in copying the contents of arrays to listboxes.

I am using textboxes to input team numbers and team names.

The code for that is as follows (used in a button after the data has been entered in the text boxes:

Teamname, Teamnumber and numteams have been previously declared as public variables (string,integer and integer) in a module as they are used throughout the project. Numteams has had a value ascribed to it in a previous form

ReDim Teamname(Numteams)
ReDim Teamnumber(Numteams)
Dim thisteam As Integer


I have had to put in the "" for the Teamname variable as otherwise I was getting an error saying "Value cannot be null". I am also not sure what is causing that.

When I do that, I get 0 in the listboxes for all the teamnumbers except the last one which is right and blank strings for the team names except for the last one which is also right.

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.net - WinForms - Passing Same List As DataSource For Two Different Listboxes?

Dec 30, 2009

Check out the simple code below :


What happens is that when the Item2 is selected in the first listbox, the second listbox automatically changes its selected item to the Item2. This happens just the same with the other listbox.

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Find A List Of Items Between 2 Listboxes Program?

Sep 15, 2011

I want to check for each item in list box if item exist then add it to listbox3[code]...

but it is very slow if there is way to search for list of items in listbox at once?

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Move Items From Inbetween Multiple Listboxes (4 Boxes)?

May 19, 2011

I'm having a problem with moving items between list boxes, i'm fine with moving an item from 1 list box to another but thats 2 boxes and i have 4. I basically want to know the code to move 1 item from a list box to any of my other 3 list boxes.

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Program That Will Compare Array Of Grocery List Items Glist And Array Of Coupon Item List

May 27, 2012

I have a program that will compare an array of grocery list items glist and an array of coupon item clist.When I compare the two and if there is a match somewhere in the array I want to have a picturebox visible.When there is no match, I want the picture box not to be visible. [code] The code seems to work great until I come to the else statement.When the code finds a match it displays the picture box and the msgbox without error, but as soon as the message box is cleared, even though i've input it as an ELSE statement, the picturebox goes false again.Does anyone have any idea of how I can "hold" the picturebox to stay visible while the match between the arrays exists?

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Listboxes In Array: Move To Next Item, And Move To Next Listbox Command?

Dec 26, 2009

I have three listboxes in an array and on form_load the listboxes initially select the fifth item in each listbox:

Private Sub frmSample_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i As Integer = 1 To 3

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Create A List Of List In That Would Like To Work On Multiple Accounts At Same Time

Oct 24, 2011

i am trying to create a list of list in that i would like to work on multiple accounts at the same time. lets say i have 5 accounts. every account has a seperate name. each account has a few fields. so i though of having a list of bookkeeping (with 5 accounts) and a list of accounts (with expense, income, tax, status, etc as fields). [code] and if the idea of using list of list works how do i loop through both lists.

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Search For Multiple Values In Array Then Return Array Line?

Sep 8, 2010

;W910 RF3500AA ;Increase volume by 40 db ;(c) summer ;(p) horse +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

;W910 RF350011 ;Increase backlight by 50% ;(c) winter ;(p) vistar +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

;W910 RF350022 ;Increase backlight by 100% ;(c) spring ;(p) spaceman +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

Row4 (Duplicate of Row3)
;W910 RF350022 ;Increase backlight by 100% ;(c) spring ;(p) spaceman +1000000 F5 000000 5555 44 555555 904938291 8676859 00

if label1 = RF350022
label2 = Increase
label3 = spring
label4 = 100%

only if it contains all of these words it should return the first instance (row3) then end or null the rest (row4).how can i get row 3 to show in message box now it has been found?

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.net - Returning A List Using Entity Framework, 'System.Collections.Generic.List Cannot Be Converted To '1-dimensional Array

May 3, 2012

i have issue returning a list in a web method. here is the code

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function getTags(para_parents As String) As List(Of getTypeDetailsByParentName_Result)()
Dim context As New PPEntities


the error is

Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of SaftyonRoad.getTypeDetailsByParentName_Result)' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of System.Collections.Generic.List(Of SaftyonRoad.getTypeDetailsByParentName_Result)'

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C# - Count Occurences In Byte List/array Using Another Byte List/array?

Jun 20, 2011

I am trying to get a count of all the times a byte sequences occurs in another byte sequences. It cannot however re-use a bytes if it already counted them. For example given the string let's assume the byte sequence was k.k it would then find only 3 occurrences rather than 5 because they would be broke down like: [k.k].[k.k].[k.k]. and not like [k.[k].[k].[k].[k].k] where they over lap and essentially just shift 2 to the right.

Ideally the idea is to get an idea how a compression dictionary or run time encoding might look. so the goal would be to get down to just 2 parts, as (k.k.k.) is the biggest and best symbol you can have.

Here is source so far:


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Multiple Textboxes To Multiple List Boxes?

Mar 13, 2012

Okay this is the simple thing I'm trying to accomplish. I can get richtextbox1 to add to listbox 1. but i cant get both to add. the compare works fine. I'm stumped.

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Copy Multiple Elements Of One Array Into A New Array

Jun 5, 2011

I have a one-dimensional array that has one number per element. I also have a variable number, var. I need to take the number of elements from the first array that equals the var and put it into a second array with commas between the numbers. I would also like to have a title element in the second array. [Code]

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.Net List To A SOAP Array And Back To A .Net List?

May 20, 2009

I have a class called Car. Car has a bunch of properties i.e. Car.Color. CarService has a method called GetCars(). Within GetCar, I have a loop that appends a List of, you guessed it.. Cars.[code].....

I get: Value of type '1-dimensional array of Namespace.Car' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Namespace.Car)'. What would be the best way to convert this 1-dimensional array' back into a List of Cars?

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Create An Array Of List (not Arraylist) From A List?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a variable declared as...

Dim MyList as List(Of String)
I would like to create an array of these lists of string.
Something like....


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Combobox List Using Combobox.List =Array, Item Is Too Long?

Aug 19, 2011

I'm trying to create a Combobox List and I created the following my first try:

Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
ComboBox1.List = Array("LI-3:comparing and contrasting two or more print sources based on


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.net - Function To Accept List(Of String), Array & String And Similarly Return List(Of String)?

Jul 29, 2011

I want the Function to accept List(Of String), Array & String and similarly return List(Of String), Array & String respectively. The Function simply adds a string (month) to the input collection. I just want to use it for string, array and list with needing to think of conversions.


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Multiple Sorts On List<Of T>?

Apr 1, 2011

I am using VB.NET and .NET framework 3.0I am currently sorting a list like this: lstPeople.Sort(Function(p1, p2) p1.LName.CompareTo(p2.LName))However, now I want to sort by FName as well after the LName. So it sorts first by last name and then by first name.

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Add Multiple Items To A Dynamic List?

Apr 19, 2010

How would I add multiple items to a dynamic list without having to use the .Add method for each one?[code]...

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How To Create Multiple List (of String)

May 13, 2010

VB 2010 express. I have a situation where I want to create multiple list(of string), in a sub routine during run-time, where the list is available to other subs and functions in the same module, either to populate, edit or delete. The quantity of lists, names of the lists and their capacity will not be known until run-time. What would be the method and syntax for doing this?

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How To Filter List Of(t) By Multiple Criteria

May 14, 2012

I am trying to filter a list of (t) by multiple criteria. here is what i have:


I now want to filter this list by myObject's various properties. Heres the problem:

1. A user should be able to either filter on one specific custName or remove the filter for this property AND

2. A user should be able to either filter on one specific notificationDate or remove the filter for this propertyl AND

3. A user should be able to either filter on one specific materialType or remove the filter for this property

I know I can just write a lot of if..then but i'm looking for a more elegant solution.

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How To Find Like Integers In Multiple List

May 27, 2010

In a application I have a set of integers currently stored in multiple Arraylist (But this could be something different if required)

al1 = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9}
al2 = {2, 3, 4, 9}
al3 = {2, 3, 19}


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How To Have One Scroll Bar For Multiple List Boxes

Jul 30, 2009

I have five list boxes showing a field from a row in a dataset in each of the list boxes.When the list gets beyond the size of the list box a scroll bar is auto generated However, I would like to have just one scroll bar for the five boxes be shown if possible so when I scroll with that, all of them scroll

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