- ASPX If Statement Not Loading My Content?
Dec 20, 2011
So I have something like this:
<%If (Request.Url.ToString = "default.aspx") Then %>
<li><a href="url">Link</a></li>
<li><a href="url">Link</a></li>[code]......
But for some odd reason it isn't bringing up the links for that certain URL. But when I put a breakpoint on my vb page it works. Think that the IF statement is causing a css problem?
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Jul 7, 2011
I'm trying to include an external aspx page on my aspx (VB) page. If it were php i would have done it with a line of code like <? include ""; ?> what would be the equivalent of include statement for aspx? Isn't there a VERY SIMPLE way of doing this?
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Jun 12, 2009
I need to load the contents of a text file (itemInfo.txt) into a list box
Public Class MainForm
Private path As String = "L:Visual BasicSequentialHW"
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
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Oct 4, 2005
WebBrowser IntroductionBecause the WebBrowser control that we use in .NET is a COM control, not all of its uses are straightforward and some of them (even those which seem like they should be easy) require that we dip into our Interop toolbox in order to properly implement them.
A perfect example of this is loading HTML content into the WebBrowser from memory, rather than a file or a URL. Anyone who's ever used the WebBrowser control before is familiar with the Navigate2 method, which tells the control to load content from a URL (or path to a file). Loading HTML content from memory, however, is a rather elusive practice because of the many steps involved in making it work.
MSHTML.HTMLDocumentYou might notice that the WebBrowser control exposes a "document" property. The object returned by this property can be coerced to the type of "mshtml.HTMLDocument" (you must add a reference to MSHTML to your project in order to make this work) as follows:
Code:Dim clsDocument As mshtml.HTMLDocument = CType(WebBrowser.Document, mshtml.HTMLDocument)
(NOTE: You will have to add a reference to the COM library MSHTML to your project to make this compile)
Once we create an instance of HTMLDocument, a whole new world opens up to us, providing all sorts of DOM access to the content of any given Web page.
If we were to create our own HTMLDocument object from memory, we could use the "write" method to write HTML content to the document from a string variable, like this:
Code:'initialize the document object within the HTMLDocument class... clsDocument.close()"about:blank")
'write the HTML to the document using the MSHTML "write" method... Dim clsHTML() As Object = {sHTML} m_clsDocument.write(clsHTML) clsHTML= Nothing
WebBrowser Control ImplementationUsing the HTMLDocument returned by the "document" property of the WebBrowser control, however, is not as straight-forward. Because of the way that this object is created and initialized in memory (by the COM WebBrowser control), the "write" method fails when called as above. In order to write content to the HTMLDocument exposed by the WebBrowser control, we must first marshal the string value to a memory space that is compatible with COM. Once the string is properly marshalled, the COM interface IPersistStreamInit (implemented by the HTMLDocument class) must be used to pass the value into the object.
Interop DeclarationsIn order to pull all of this off, we must declare several Interop pieces, including an enumeration, a function, and two interfaces. The declarations for these pieces are as follows:
View 10 Replies
Jul 19, 2009
I have a label in a master page (sample.master) called lblHeading.I want to dynamically change the text of the label when I load the content page.I need to do this because I want to change the heading to something meaningful but only after I know about the content of the page.
View 4 Replies
Feb 6, 2011
Is it possible to load the content of a text file (.txt) into a listbox or combobox if the text file is located in a webpage?let's suppose that the file is located at would i load the content of the text file into my listbox/combobox?
View 15 Replies
May 31, 2011
I don't know whether it is simple or not because i am new to programming. my requirement is : In my winform application, the filenames of the files present in "D:Project" willbe displayed in DataGridView1 control. Now I want to load these files one after another into memory stream buffer and add the headers("ID","Name","Class") to the content in the file. Then I want to save these files in "C:" with "_de" as suufix to the filename i.e.,sample_de.csv.
View 1 Replies
May 2, 2011
Im trying to pass a value bounded with a button in form1.aspx to form2.aspx
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" CommandArgument = '<%#Eval("Parking_ID")%>' />
View 2 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
I have two aspx pages. I need to send a textbox(record_id) value as a parameter from page1.aspx to page2.aspx to be utilized within a SqlCommand query in the VB code behind page. I would like to pass this parameter using the session. Page1 is a gridview which displays records from a sql datasource and on the edit button click the user is redirected to page2 which populates several textboxes and drop down lists and allows the user to edit the record.
<div id="header">
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Feb 22, 2012
If Page1.aspx opens Page2.aspx in a window, how can I have Page1.aspx refresh once Page2.aspx is closed?I have a page with data on it and I have a LinkButton set up so the user can edit that data. The LinkButton launches another windowed page with some text fields and a "Save" & "Cancel" button. Once one of those clicks I execute a save and close the window OR just disregard the information and close the window. I was hoping to have the initial window with the data on it refresh once the 2nd window is closed.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have an web application of 200 web pages and all has a single master page. Most of the content pages use AJAX controls so most of content pages has its own ScriptManager. Now I have a requirement to add a link with HoverMenuExtender control and for that I need to put ScriptManager in the Master page, but it is working only in the content pages where there is not ScriptManager.
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Oct 27, 2010
I've had the same problem a couple of times with different ASPX pages after renaming them and I am surprised that I can't find someone else with the same problem on stackoverflow.When I run my ASP.NET C# project, the debugger gives me a message like this one.
Error 5 The name 'txtTitle' does not exist in the current context
It seems that the aspx and aspx.cs files at no longer bound. The only fix I have found for this is to recreate the page and copy/paste my code. how to fix this without recreating the whole thing?
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Jan 16, 2009
I have two asp pages. a.aspx is layout and b.aspx is content. I want to display the contents of b.aspx inside a <div> on a.aspx. I know with PHP you can do it like so:
View 5 Replies
Mar 2, 2011
I have two webpage in my website namely Default.aspx and Default2.aspx
I have textbox1 and button1 inside Form tag in Default.aspx page
and i have textbox1 inside form tag in Default2.aspx page
i want when i wanna transfer the textbox1 text of default.aspx page into default2.aspx textbox1 text hidden parameters ... which will not show query string in address bar and transfer value from one page to another..
View 2 Replies
Dec 27, 2011
I have following abc.aspx file:
When i try to use this it gives error: txtSearch is not accesible? what am i doing wrong here? This is not complete code just a snippet. But i think it gives an idea what am i trying to do.
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Mar 18, 2011
how to redirect to another .aspx page on clicking on a rectangle on a .aspx page? mention the whole program including headers, preferably in vb
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a sample app here I could use a hand with Basically I'm trying to update the TextBlock on the main page using MVVM when the content the frame updates the the property. Please find the code attached below:[URL]..How do i get the button inside the frame to change the variable and update the TextBlock on the parent control?
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Jun 20, 2009
loop through a textbox control content and extract specific content from it
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Nov 25, 2010
1)This is my code.. (below)what i am trying to do here is to insert username and confirmed password into a sql table called login via a pre created form.I have 1 textbox, 2 Maskedtextboxes and a button.
what i would like is if the passwords do not match in both maskedtextboxes for the system to throw out a message saying passwords do not match please try again..which then clears previous content and requires the user to enter details again. once details are correct and system commits the new user details to the table and throws up a confirmation message.
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Jun 27, 2012
I have 2 pages. parent.aspx and child.aspx. In parent.aspx, i use colorbox and send some value for the child.aspx to popup.
child.aspx will popup and shows ASPxGridView base on the value passing from parent.aspx. User will select the data from ASPxGridView. the selected data need to send back to the parent page. I code it in child.aspx.vb page.My problem is how can i get the value from child.aspx.vb and pass it to parent.aspx ?
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Jan 11, 2011
How do I pass a variable difined in .aspx.vb to .aspx. I've tried this in the .aspx.vb:
'postcode' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. What am I doing wrong?
View 1 Replies
Mar 15, 2012
I have following code in aspx page:
<div id="a" runat="server" style="display:block;">
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Jun 17, 2010
i have my first aspx page that has data thatthe user fills in. it is in format of textbox's and at the end of it all the user clicks submit and all data goes in the database. In the database each record gets an ID field. Now when the users clicks submit and goes to the next page, i want the ID's (they could be 1 to 1000+) from the DB that he just inserted and have them available on the second page. how can i take all the id's from page 1 to page 2? can i do it in session?
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Jul 13, 2009
I have a window application develpoed in vs 2008, framework 3.5, in which i have put a button.. Now where i click that button the other text boxes are filled up with the data from database thru web service.. what i want is while all text boxes are being filled i want to show an animated loading gif image till data loading is completed in all the text boxes.. i have tried to use image picture box but while data is loading gif image is displyes but in static mode.. cant see animation... i think this is because data loading and animation both are done thru one UI thread..
View 8 Replies
Oct 14, 2009
Public Class Form1
Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
The problem, The INSERT statement works fine in the form load but not in the button click event?
View 29 Replies
Jan 1, 2010
I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this
If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?
View 13 Replies
Jun 8, 2009
y friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code.
For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1
lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*"
View 6 Replies
Jun 24, 2011
I have the following SQL:
I want to put it (the select count statement) in this LINQ statement so I can get the sales count in my linq statement: Dim TheLeads = (From L In DB.Leads Where L.IsDeleted = False Select L).ToList() Is this possible to do in LINQ?
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Jun 2, 2011
an application i developed using vb 2008 express, to fill a web form with data from an access database, one after another when a button is clicked hasn't given me what i expected. the loop was suposed to stop after filling web form with the first data on clicking a button and continue to fill the webform with the next(2nd) data from the database on clicking the button again. Below is the code i wrote
Sub STARTButton_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
View 2 Replies
Feb 23, 2009
add an if statement and an exit statement to my do loop that exits when my future value (FV) is greater than 1000, then to change the exit statement to a continue statement so my loop will continue even though my fv is greater then 1000, point is to get this to run even though my if statement doesnt do anything. problem something wrong in my code and an exception error (xception of type 'System.OverflowException' occurred in mscorlib.dll)
so can someone show me where or why I have an error is, what am I overthinking now! I could use a hint, OMG i could use a tutor for that matter
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