- Grey Out A Dropdown, Dynamically Activate When Option Is Selected

Oct 21, 2011

I have three dropdowns, which are all loaded in the same function. How do I grey out dropdown 2 & 3? I want them to activate if a certain choice is made on dropdown 1.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Control Dynamically Appear (after Choosing A Dropdown Option)?

Mar 4, 2010

So say I have a dropdown control, and after the user uses the drop down, I want a checkbox and label to appear, AJAX style, without a full postback.

How can I implement something like this? Examples of code (or links to them) would be great.

I played around with this some using updatepanels but I can't get it working right...

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Update Table, Where Column Name Is Selected Dynamically - DropDown.SelectedValue, C#, .NET?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to Update Column of a Table where ColumnName will be DropDown.SelectedValue.Example: A set of RECORDS will be displayed from a Customer Table where CUstNo ='1234' and City= 'Chicago' and Grade ='B' Once displayed I want to Update the grade to 'A' of all those customers from the above criteria. In My case I have like 100 Columns, so in where Clause Column Names will be selected from a DaropDown.In My Query, Update Customer SET ColumnName= 'some value' where ColumnName ='ActualValue'So how can I pass the ColumnName which is Dropdown Selected Value. I believe I can't give as Update Customer SET DropDown.SelectedValue = 'some value' where DropDown.SelectedValue ='ActualValue'

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Remove DotNET Menu Dropdown Grey Area For Icons?

Oct 5, 2009

How do I remove the area in a dropdown menu where the menu item icons are typically displayed?

I just need to remove the grey area in this particular dropdown, other dropdowns of menu items in the same menu bar need to retain this area because they do have icons.

Edit: This is WinForms.

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Add Optgroup Option Into Dropdown List?

Mar 26, 2009

add optgroup option to dropdown list, The dropdown source is getting from sqlserver.

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Dropdown ComboBox With Predictive Text Option

Jul 21, 2010

I have a combobox and have 10 items in it (Name of countries). I want to make the users life easy so that when they click inside the combobox and start writing then the text box will start predicting the rest of the text in the combo box. i.e. if i start writing "U" then the textbox will start predicting "UK" as "UK" is already a pre-populated item in the combobox.

How can I restrict the user from selecting only values within the pre-populated items of the combobox. Bearing in mind the combobox allows the user to write inside it (for the benefit of predictive text). But lets say there are values of UK, USA then I dont want the combobox to accept the value of "Ukraine" when the user clicks away from the combobox.

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Forms :: SELECT Dropdown Has No OPTION Tags (WebBrowser Control)?

Aug 27, 2010

I created a Windows Form application that used a Webrowser control to automate the process of entering data into a website. One of the tasks included selecting a server name from a dropdown menu (SELECT tag). I was able to get a collection of all of the OPTION tags and use HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexVal ue") to select the server I needed.The website recently went through a redesign and now there are no OPTION tags. It appears that the values for the SELECT tags are added by JavaScript dynamically. I have tried using HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexVal ue") directly, but I am unable to select what I need.

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Pixel Counter - Count The Black Pixels The Grey Pixels The More Grey Pixels

Jul 27, 2009

I'm trying to make a -what i thought would be simple app.My intention was to build program that:1) i'd provide a grayscale image2) the program would count the black pixels the grey pixels the more grey pixels etc. (the hue) and the white3) would make the percentage sum of all pixels, that is: 300.000 black pixels (rgb 0 0 0) etc. given that 0 is the black, 100 the white. e.g a simple grayscale image is 55.2 white

This was my way and i don't think that is useful:

First of a button to convert the image to greyscale:

Dim bm as new Bitmap(source.Width,source.Height)

Dim x

Dim y


Secondly, -and that's the stupid way- i did -or better i wanted to do- this: i put the code to dynamically create labels, each label having the colour of a pixel as background colour and as text the colour converted to rgb

The third step which i intended to do (i couldn't get pas two) was to sum up the labels etc.

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Change Contents Of A Dropdown List Dynamically?

May 12, 2011

I have a pair of dropdown lists, they are linked in the sense that in it is basically a 2-d array. I have a list of accounts, and a list of domains for each account. So based on which account the user selects from the dropdown, I need to populate the domain list with the appropriate selections. Is there a way I can do this without [code]...

View 2 Replies - Dynamically Populating A DropDown Template Control In A Gridview?

May 3, 2012

I have a GRIDVIEW with columns, one of which contains a CSV of possible values for the dropdown that must appear on each row.

Private Sub GridViewParameters_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridViewParameters.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then[code].....

Depending on whether the type of control is a dropdown, textbox, or check box (feined in the table) it hides or shows the relevant control type. If it is a dropdown it needs to get its values from a CSV in a corresponding column. I have a SP that returns a these in table form if passed the id of the relevant row.How do I get that is from the gridview to pass to the drop down and load it correctly?

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C# - Create Controls Dynamically Based On Dropdown Values?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to create a sample question types web form in VB.NET which allow user to the following:he user selects the control type from dropdown (TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc). Generate controls dynamically based on the control type on the webform.It will always show the TextBox (where user writes the question) and (generated control - TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc) and save those values to the database.

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Chart Setup - Dynamically Changing Values Via Dropdown

Mar 7, 2011

How to set up a Chart using the new MS Chart control. I want to be able to populate the data via SQL because the user will be able to dynamically change the values via drop downs. The format of the data will be the same (Qty, Time Period) but the Focus of that data will change. I'm honestly not sure where to start, I can draw the chart but I have no idea how to populate it with data via code so it can be changed dynamically.
VBE 2010, and I'm hitting an AccessDB

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Selecting A Value From Dropdown Based On Its Index Dynamically In Selenium

May 25, 2011

Is it possible to select a value of a drop down by its dynamic index that is returning from another function whereas selectindex = 2 (generated dynamically)

selenium.Select(Id, "index = SelectIndex")

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ASP.NET Change Dropdown Control ID Inside Repeater Item Dynamically?

May 31, 2009

how I can get this to work. I want to distinguish dropdown controls inside a repeater control. I understand now about the lifecyle and how the buffer is already writen, but what are my alternatives? Here is what happens

Code File

Dim repeatTimes((TotalAdInsured - 1)) As Integer
myRepeater.DataSource = repeatTimes


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How To Get Volumenames Selected In Dropdown

Apr 22, 2009

Check this code. Here I populated Dropdown with volumenames from webconfig file. Here I am getting volumename from webconfig file and in page load event I want to show this volumename selected.

'page load
Dim volumeName As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("VolumeName")
Dim index As String
If Me.ddlVolume.Items.Count > 0 Then
'DropDownListName.Items(DropDownListName.SelectedIn dex).Value
[Code] .....

Here I am getting the error: Conversion from string "TEST" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

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VS 2008 Dynamically Creating And Adding Dropdown Controls To DevExpress XtraGrid?

May 6, 2011

I am dynamically creating and adding dropdown controls to DevExpress XtraGrid.That works fine and I can add a dropdown control to any column I wish.My main problem is that I need to have the first element in the dropdown control displayed. But after I dynamically add 3 dropdown controls to the grid, only the last one has the element displayed. The previous two do not.Although, I add the elements

this is what the code looks like:
Dim column as DevExpress.XtraGrid.RepositoryItem.GridLookupEdit
For i as Integer = 0 to dsSometing.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
column = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.RepositoryItem.GridLookUp


The code will go tru and add lets say 3 dropdown controls, set their .DataSource to datasets I need, but it will only show .NullText of the last added control.

View 1 Replies - If No Value Selected From Dropdown, Allow Textbox To Add To Database?

Sep 26, 2011

I have a dropdown list that will add new titles to my database, however I would like to add a textbox that will allow the user to type in a new title if there is nothing in the dropdown that makes any sense for what they are trying to add.

I have the dropdown dynamically getting titles from the database. Unfortunately, this means that the first value in the dropdown list is not a default that says "Select an option." I don't know how to get the dropdown to have the first option listed as "Select" when the values are being pulled from the database. I can't add Select an option to the database so how would this even work?

What can I add to my codebehind that will allow the textbox to insert into the database if the dropdown list is not inserting anything? Right now I don't have any codebehind for the textbox but I do have the dropdown list inserting the correct information.

<li class="alternatingItem">
<asp:LinkButton ID="DescButton" runat="server">Description</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:Panel ID="DescPanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup" Style="display:none">
<div class="PopupHeader">Add a Description</div>


View 2 Replies Dropdown Always No Selected Value On Server Side?

Feb 3, 2012

I have an dropdown like this

<asp:DropDownList width="95%" ID="RessourceComposantes" runat="server"
DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="ComposanteID">


Is it normal that when I do dd_ressource_composante.selectedvalue on the server side I have no value. It's always "". the source looks like this :

<select name="ctl00$Tab$dd_ressource_composante" id="ctl00_Tab_dd_ressource_composante" style="width:95%;">
<option value="1">Composante</option>
<option value="3">DGAG</option>


I just tried to fill my dropdown in and I have the same result. The dropdown is full but when I do a postback I have no selected value Actually on the server side when I put a breakpoint on the dropdown, the item count is 0. I don't understand why... It's like the 8th dropdown list in this project and everything is the same but this one doesn't work.

I don't do any binding on the page load. it's all in the aspx file well it works ONLY when I add autopostback="true" SelectedIndexChanged="dd_ressource_composante_SelectedIndexChanged" for the dropdown.And theres no code in dd_ressource_composante_SelectedIndexChanged It's for the server side?

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Dropdown List Selected Index Changed?

Oct 13, 2009

doing dropdown list selected index changed. I wan to select an item in dropdown list and display in textbox but I got more than 1 textboxes. Is the style sheet (.css) going to hard code by our own. how do I go about starting with it as I am a beginnner using visual studio.

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Use The Selected Dropdown Values To Determine A Query?

Apr 2, 2012

I am having trouble using the values that were selected from the dropdown list. How would you reccommend passing the selected values from the view?Ideally, we want to use the selected dropdown values to determine a query.

View 1 Replies - Get Selected Row Index Of Dynamic Dropdown List Selection?

May 29, 2009

I know the question is a little choppy and perhaps misleading,but I have a gridview with dropdownlists on the rows. I created an AddHandler and a Delegate for the SelectedIndexChanged and it gets to the sub. Here is the code for that:

AddHandler ddlmgr.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf ddlmgr_SelectedIndexChanged
Public Delegate Sub DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged)

Protected Sub ddlmgr_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

End Sub How can i get the row's Id if GridView_RowCommand is not called?

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Edit The Selected Item Of The ComboBox's DropDown List?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a comboBox that is populated with a dataset. The values are:

KG - Kilograms
LB - Pounds
and so on.
So when the user clicks the comboBox in the DropDown the user will see:
KG - Kilograms
LB - Pounds
and so on.


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Shorten Selected Value In ComboBox DropDown List For Display

Feb 21, 2010

I have a combo box that has a drop down list with long values in the drop down

LB - Pounds
GR - Grams

When the user selects on of the values I want to just show the Abreviaqtions and not the descriptions. So when the drop down is shown it shows

LB - Pounds
GR - Grams

When the user selects "GR - Grams" from the drop down list "GR" is the only this shown in the combobox. I've tried TextChange,SelectedIndexChange and SelectedValueChange but I can't get them to work.

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Mouse Cursor Is Hiding Until Item Selected From Dropdown List

Jun 8, 2012

VB.NET Winforms Application... When a user starts typing in the search box of the application it automatically populates the name list dropdown box with the valid results and sets the droppeddown value to true... Everything is working fine except the fact that the user is forced to select a value from the name list or press the esc key because without doing so the mouse cursor just disappears and you have to move the mouse all the way outside the application for it to come back and it will only do so while outside the applicaiton.. Below is the code that I am using for this and it should be noted that I am using the droppeddown value else where in the application and none of those instances have an issue its only this one..

Private Sub u_lastName_Box_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles u_lastName_Box.TextChanged


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Retrieve Selected Value From The Dropdown List In And Store It In Session Variable?

May 15, 2010

the dropdown list is showing data from database, but how to retrieve the selected value and store it in a session variable??

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Deactivate A Combo Box Once User Has Selected An Option?

Jan 20, 2009

Is it possible to deactivate a combo box once a user has selected an option?

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Checking If Option Selected And Radio Button Checked?

Mar 29, 2010

How do I make an if statement that would check if the user has selected an option from the select list named cboGrade and also to check if the user has selected a radio button from the group named gbCalcType? I have an action that is carried out when a button is clicked, but before that action is carried out, I need to check the above.

I have this so far:

If rbPlus.Checked Or rbMinus.Checked Or rbMultiply.Checked Or rbDivide.Checked Then
instructions are here
End If

This checks that one of the radio buttons are selected. How do i check that an option is selected from the option list? There are three options: 3rd, 4th, and 5th. And the text starts out saying Select One and it locks the control once they choose one.

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Select From A ComboBox - Option Selected Is Shown, But Not Activated?

Apr 1, 2011

basically i'm making a webbrowser, and i want it to select and option from a dropdown ComboBox, on a certain button click. I use this code which i found it on these forums as well:

For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("select")
If element.GetAttribute("id") = "wrapper_opacity"
element.SetAttribute("value", "51")[code].....

The problem with this code is that it just inputs the selected value, but it doesn't really SELECT it.The option selected is shown, but not activated.

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Clear The Contents Of The Datagridview So That When Each Option Is Selected Only That Data Is In The Grid?

Jun 22, 2009

Class LoanCalc
Private Sub butCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butCalc.Click

'This procedure executes when the user clicks the Calculate

'button to produce a loan payment based on the requirements

'as stated in the service request.

'Variable Declarations

Dim douPrincipal As Double = Me.txtPrincipal.Text

Dim douInterest() As Double = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75}[CODE]......

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How To Change Selected Option Of Textbox Based On Datareader Result Vb

Feb 6, 2012

I have this code:

Private Sub EditPage_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'InventorySysDataSet.tb_master_products' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
sqlCnn = New SqlConnection("Data Source=ZEREYSQLEXPRESS2008;Initial Catalog=InventorySys;Integrated Security=SSPI")


what i want to do is to automatically change the selected option of the cboProductCode on page load depending on the result of a query executed onload also.

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