- Gridview Row Having Multiple Record?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a stored procedure that retrieves employee information - I don't want to edit this stored proc because it is globally use with in the website. Here is now my dilemma, how can I put multiple row records in a column in the grid view. Is Gridview powerful enough to my scenario below or I really need to edit the store proc or my copy of it.

Record Retrieve by stored proc

Employe_ID Purchase ID Amount
1 0123456 100
1 012356 560
1 012446 560


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Display Record From Table To Gridview On Page Load And Also Search Record For Particular Fields Using Textbox.

Jan 23, 2011

My database : table1

1 Sumit 22
2 Sanjeev 23

i have gridview 1 and textbox1 and button1 i want when pages load the gridview displays the all records from table1 and also ...i i wanna search record for firstname by typing sumit in textbox1 and click on button1 then in gridview the record of sumit will be shown default gridview display alll records from table1 How to do this My Selct Query is below : but it doesnot display all record ...but it can display record if you search for a particular record .


View 1 Replies - How To Enable / Disable Any Record In Gridview

Nov 23, 2010

How to enable / disable any record in gridview ?


when i click on enable then record will be displayed in gridview and the enable button will convert into text disable... and when i click on disable then the record will be disable in gridview and enable button will appear ... I want to use, (vb) to do that ...

View 1 Replies - How To Display Record In Gridview Using Pageload Event

Jan 23, 2011

How to display record in gridview using pageload event in ?

i wanna use two SqlDatasource1 and sqldatasource 2 to display record in single gridview1

SqlDatasource1 will display all records from tabel where as SqlDatasource will be used to display particuar record search in table 1 but how to do this ?

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Search Record In Database Using Gridview And Two Textboxes?

Dec 3, 2010

I have two textboxes Textbox1 and Textbox2 and 1 gridviewi want my site users may search record either by entering the city name in textbox1 or by entering the country name on textbox2 via gridview

View 1 Replies - Identity Of Recently Added Record And Insert From Gridview?

Jun 24, 2012

I am developing an ASP.Net VB Web Application

The application contains a GridView which displays the records of a user table from my created datable. The database is an Sql server database.

The code below inserts data into one table and through the built in function @@Identity to insert the most recently added record id (tt_id) from the trainingTbl table and inserting that record id into the userAssessmentTbl. Adding the identity to the second userAssessmentTbl table works fine.


The issue I'm having seems to be centered on how I insert a uniqueidenifier from a GridView into a userAssessmentTbl database!

And how, I guess using a loop I can insert the UserId records from that Gridview (GridView1) into the userAssessmentTbl table along with the looped id from the @@Identity.

This part of the insert parameter seems to be incorrect:


And the error I'm met with is: 'Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.'

I've also tried it like this:


And im met with the error: 'Operand type clash: int is incompatible with uniqueidentifier'

The qusetion has slightly changed to how do I Insert a String into SQL DB Where DataType Is Uniqueidentifier?

View 1 Replies - Remove The Record From Gridview When Click On Delete Button?

Dec 14, 2010

how to remove the record from gridview when i click on delete button in ?

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Data Gridview - Edit Selected Record In Datagrid

Jun 15, 2011

i have a problem with my data gridview i want to edit selected record in datagrid but i am facing some problem here is the code


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Display Record In Gridview According To From Date Textbox To Todate?

Mar 5, 2011

I have two textboxes 1 button and 1 gridview and 1 button

database structure [code]....

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Javascript - GridView ImageButton Confirm And Delete Record

Sep 13, 2011

I've got a huge problem here. I've managed to add javascript to my server side, but the problem it is not deleting. It doesnt have produce any errors so I don't know where to start:


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Pass The Data From The Gridview To Detailview To Update A Record?

Feb 24, 2011

how will i pass the data from the gridview to detailview to update a record?

im using (VB code) and the entity data model as my data access layer.

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VS 2010 Insert New Record In Gridview Coming From Textbox?

Mar 28, 2011

how do you insert new record in the datagridview coming from what the user insert in the textbox?

I tried to used the INSERT INTO -- sql query, but it didn't work..

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Display All Records From Database In Gridview / If I Search For Particular Record Then Also Performs

Dec 3, 2010

I want to display all records from database in gridview when pageload and also i wanna search for particular record using textbox appear in my webform...Means by default all records from the table will appear in gridview using sqldatasource and i also wanna search for a particular record by enter ID in text box...

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Handling RowDataBound Causes Dynamically-bound GridView To Show Only First Record

Jun 28, 2011

I have a GridView control which I am dynamically binding to a DataTable which is populated by a query built based on a set of selected options.What I am trying to do is simply handle the RowDataBound event in order to format specific rows based on the value of a database field. The code in this event handler works fine. My problem is, calling this event causes the GridView to only display the first record in the DataTable, almost as if the Gridview stops after binding to the DataTable after the first row is bound. I have attempted adding the handler dynamically, but I get the same results.I know for a fact that there is sufficient data being returned (the DataTable fills with all of the records, and the GridView shows all the records fine when not touching the RowDataBound event).

I'm adding the handler immediately after generating the query, filling the DataTable, and binding the GridView: [code]I have also determined that, when handling RowDataBound, the GridView's DATABOUND event never gets fired; it seems to stop binding right after binding the first row.

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Point To Record In GridView When Click The Button To Search For Lastname?

Feb 9, 2010

How can i point to record in GridView when i click the button to search for lastname? Im using OLEDB AND VISUAL BASIC 2008.

View 1 Replies - Re-edit This Query To Delete Whole Record From Table1 Using Username From Gridview Cell 4?

Dec 15, 2010

can any one re-edit this query to delete whole record from table1 using username from gridview cell 4 ... ?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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Gridview Multiple Delete?

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to delete multiple rows from a GridView but I am struggling to find out if a check box was checked.At the moment my code isn't attempting to delete anything just check which checkboxes were checked and which weren't. My attempt isn't showing any checkboxes as being checked and also seems to loop though the GridView rows twice!

<asp:GridView ID="gvImages" DataKeyNames="id" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderWidth="0px" GridLines="None">


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GridView With Multiple DataSources?

May 25, 2010

I have a grid view that will display columns from multiple data sources (3)The data sources are stored procedures that contains a variety of columns not identical,How can i select the columns from these datasources and bind them to the Grid programtically (from code behind)?

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Gridview Templatefield With Multiple Items?

Jun 19, 2012

I am creating a web application in and I have an issue with the gridview.Currently, I have the gridview populated with data from the DB and I've also coded the update button to allow the user edit any necessary information through a form that pops up.[URL]...

What I'd like to do, if possible, is add a button to the two right columns(I already put one in the Dock Out Time column) which will be invisible if the column is set or will set the current time to the column. Setting the time for those two columns is already handled through the update form, but my supervisor asked me to try and see if this was possible.

Those two Time columns are Templatefields(since I format the display time from what is actually in the DB) and I added an asp button in the ItemTemplate for that Set Button in the picture.Is this even possible to do and if so, how would I access this button in the code behind so I can add functionality(setting the time and hiding it if the column is not null)If it's not really possible to have two items like this in a templatefield I can just make 2 extra columns for these buttons but I think this would look much cleaner.

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How To Filter Gridview With Multiple Checkboxes

Apr 21, 2012

How do I filter my DataGridView with multiple checkboxes names? I want to filter in which region the suppliers are located. ex. RegionTable.Regionrow. And I have 4 different regions(checkboxes text name) I want to filter with. Compatible to use multiple choices in filtering.

So. Checking 2 of the 4 regions and pushing the filter button should filter the gridview after checked checkboxes. I have tried different methods for 4 hours and search the net but can't find any good method.


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Insert Multiple Rows In Gridview?

Aug 13, 2010

I have the following code to add a new row into a datatable and then bind it to a gridview.I need to add a new row anytime i click the Button2.What do i need to change in the code so i can have multiple rows before i submit them to a database?

Private Sub BindGrid()
Dim DT As New DataTable
Dim Row As DataRow


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Multiple Updates In Gridview Through Textboxes?

May 9, 2009

In grid there r checkboxes for selecting the records to be updated as soon as checkbox is checked textboxes changes to edit mode. when data is modified and update button is clicked updation should be done to the database.But when update button is clicked its not working.when i checked through breakpoints i m not getting the value for the variable strID.

Protected Sub btnupdate_Click( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnupdate.Click
Dim strSql As New StringBuilder( String .Empty)
Dim cmdup As New SqlCommand
For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count - 1


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Add Record In Multiple Table?

Jun 2, 2011

I am having a trouble on how to update my reocrds on my 2 tables. 1 table is sample and the other table is tbl_educ. my sample table which has a pk of emp_id while the tbl_educ has a field of emp_id they are related by one-many relationship.

sample table tbl_educ
emp_id(pk) emp_id
lname school_name


the error that i encounter is emp_id is not a category of the can i add record for my table.

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Get Multiple Record From Datalist?

Jan 13, 2010

Dim z As Label = DataList1.Items(0).FindControl("ProdIdLabel")

this is what i've..but unfortuantely it'll only retreive a single record is there any other way to get data from datalist?

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Multiple Instances Of Forms, Same Record?

Jun 22, 2009

Good Day. Kinda banging my head against the wall on this one. I have a Mdi application with the start form(mdiparent) and form1(mdichild). On the start form, there is a textbox and a button. Heres how I want it to work:

1. value is entered into textbox and button is clicked

2. if form1 is open with that value, Bring it to the front if not, create a new instance of form1

If Not IsNothing(frmForm) Then 'If it is something
If Not frmForm.IsDisposed Then 'it's not disposed
'loop through the open form1s and compare the form1s property to the startform textbox
'if its the same, bring the form1 to the front


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Sql - Create Table With Multiple Rows With Popupcontrolextender In Gridview

May 16, 2012

I have the following function that returns only the 1st row of data and puts it in a nice table. My knowledge in this area is limited in that I don't know how to create the table to return multiple rows. Can you show me how to change this to return all rows, no matter how many there are? my sql select statement may return 0 rows or many rows.

<System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()> _
Public Shared Function GetDynamicContent(contextKey As String) As String


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Sql Server - Using Multiple DropDownLists To Filter Each Other And Then GridView Items - VB

Feb 7, 2012

I have an web page with VB code behind linking to an MS SQL DB. On the web page I have 4 DropDownLists and 1 GridView. Each DDL is populated with a SELECT DISTINCT query on 4 corresponding columns from 1 table in the DB. What I would like to be able to do is: when any of the DDLs have their selected item changed the other DDLs are updated. Crude example:


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Finding A Record Across Multiple Access Databases?

May 3, 2010

At my company, product is boxed and then placed on a scale/label printer set up in order to be weighed and labeled. The application running on the PC also records a record of each box in an MS Access Database which is then transferred to the main server. There is a separate access database for each scale PC and currently the only way our shipping department can print out a manifest for each pallet (which contains a list of all the boxes and their weights) is to open the correct access database and print out the report by entering the pallet number. Since there are six printer scales and the shipping person has no idea which scale it will be on just by looking at the number, she has to find the correct database through trial-and-error.

What I've been asked to do is create an application where she can simply type in the pallet number, and it will search each individual database for the number, then open the correct one where she can then print out the report without having to guess where it is. I've already figured out how to make the application open the database and report, but I don't know how to make it find which database the pallet record is contained in.Basically I want it to search a number of databases for a particular number in a field, and the return a value when it finds it of which database it is so that I can plug that in later. I have no idea how to do this and my searches online have proven fruitless.

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Devexpress Gridview Delete Event Is Firing Multiple Times

Jul 21, 2010

I have a Devexpress Gridview that is linked to a delete, fetch and update stored procedure. The problem I am having is that when I run my program, select a row in the grid and press delete it fires the event multiple times. Specifically it deletes the selected row and then I re-fetch the data so the focus returns to the first row. Which is what I want.

Unfortunately it starts at the beginning of my list and goes down it row by row deleting each row it comes to. It then continues several more times after the rows are deleted. I know this because for each deleted row it asks me if I want to delete it. If I say no then the rows appear to disappear until I manually refresh it after the deleting is done. To make this even more random the second row always reappears after I manually refresh the grid.


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ASP.NET - Persist A GridView's Dynamically Chosen DataSourceID Over Multiple Button Clicks?

Nov 11, 2009

I have an app where I need to dynamically choose an SQLDataSource for a GridView so I can use 1 of 2 stored procedures, depending on who is logged into the system. My problem is that I am using logic like this, in the button click...

If Session("SiteType") = "Type1" Then
GridView1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource2"


This happens when you click the button that reveals the panel with the gridview in it. The user then makes changes (basically adjusting a text box on one or more liens of the grid) and then clicks "save". However, the gridview no longer knows its DataSourceID once this happens, so when I try to go through the gridview's rows - there are none.

If, in the save button's click, I put the same code, it (of course) blanks out any of the data changes I made in the form. So, simply put - how do I dynamically choose the SqlDataSource, but only one time, so that the program then keeps that SqlDataSourceID associated with the gridview until the end of the cycle? Is this a ViewState thing? I don't totally understand ViewState...

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