- Multiple CheckBoxLists Using Autopostback?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a project where I am taking multiple checkboxlists and totaling up points based on which boxes are checked in a certain list. I then display the sum of these points to a text-box. I do this for every checkboxlist.

The problem is this: when one checkboxlist gets changed, the other sums get removed from their respective text boxes. I have attempted this both with read-only set to True (which is the ideal setting in my case) as well as set to False (as per Problem in using AutoPostback in c#)

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Autopostback Propery For A Combobox In VB?

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to use something like a "state" combobox that when selecting a state only certain "cities" will be dispalyed in a second combobox.

I know this is possible in with autopostback, but vb I have no idea.

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ASP Checkbox Value Incorrect When AutoPostBack Is Set To False

Sep 1, 2010

I have an asp:checkbox control on an aspx page I am working on. This checkbox is within a custom control and previously was posting back every time it was clicked. I am in the process of ajaxifying the page and have come across a problem. When I remove the attribute AutoPostBack="True" from the asp:checkbox, the vb code returns False when I check myCheckbox.checked (this is on a postback else where on the page what has not be ajaxified), even though I can see the box is indeed checked.

I am assuming that because the checkbox no longer posts back, for some reason the VB code (or the view state maybe) doesn't see it as having been checked. Is this correct, and if so, how to I correct it?

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DropDownList SelectedIndex Value Not Updating On AutoPostback?

Mar 3, 2009

It looks like this question was addressed here, but his solution did not work for me. I am creating a dynamic dropdown menu system that populates a secondary dropdownlist with the results of a query based on the selected item in the first dropdown.

First dropdown getting populated:
Dim db As New linqclassesDataContext
Dim categories = (From c In db.faq_cats)


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ASP.NET - MultiSelect On ListBox Or CheckBoxList W/ AutoPostback Enabled?

Apr 12, 2011

Background: I have a winForm app that registers a user in the database based on the user input provided in the form, auto-generates a random password and username for the user, and e-mails the user a link to take an application based on the marketing company selected.

Problem: I got the bundles listbox to populate w/ autopostback set to true but the bundles listbox populates as soon as you click on an lbcarrier and it doesn't allow you select more than one to allow multiselect with the postback feature on? Here's a screenshot of the interface:

code on default.aspx:
<td class="style1">

View 2 Replies - OutofMemory Exception Dropdownlist When Autopostback=true

Apr 19, 2010

I have a master page than contains my ScriptManager. On a child page i have an updated panel. Inside the update panel there is a dropdowlist. When i set the autopostback=true i get OutofMemory Exceptions. All the time. also note that I have AjaxControlToolkit set on my web.config.

Here is parts of my Code.

<ajax:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ></ajax:ToolkitScriptManager>
Child Page


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ASP.NET Textbox: OnTextChange Jumps To Top Of Page Because Of Autopostback

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using the OnTextChange event on a textbox on an ASP.NET page. To have this working I have to put 'AutoPostBack=true'.

The problem is that the textbox is on the bottom of the page, and when the text changes it has to fill another textbox. This is working fine but when the event triggers the page refreshes and jumps to the top of the page, so I always have to scroll down again to see it. (Due to the autopostback)

Is there anything I can do to prevent it to jump to the top of the page?

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Determine What Element Of A Form Is The One Responsible For An Autopostback In ASP.NET?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a number of dropdown lists that I'm trying to chain together and they all have autopostback. How can I tell which one of the dropdown lists was the one responsibe for the autopostback?

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Insert Checkbox Checked Value To Textbox Without Autopostback?

Nov 27, 2010

When i take 55 checkboxes inside updatepanel then ..after selecting first checkbox the whole whole checkboxes will be refreshed and instead of showing images, it displays the checkboxes only in TFT monitors ... in wave form !!

how to insert checkbox checked value to textbox without autopostback

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Jquery - Delay A ASP.NET AutoPostBack So JavaScript Fires First?

Mar 2, 2010

I've got an odd situation with a text box and an autocomplete setup on my page. I'm using a JQuery based autocomplete on a text box that has AutoPostBack="True". This works perfect if I use the keyboard to select an autocomplete item, which then fires Jquery to fill in the text box, and then when I tab out of the box the AutoPostBack fires. If, however, I click on an autocomplete item, my text box loses focus first and the AutoPostBack fires before the Jquery has a chance to change the text in my text box. Is there a way to delay either the PostBack or the Jquery so that they don't fight each other? I'm thinking it may have to be the PostBack that gets changed, since the JQuery would lose it's state on the PostBack.

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Prevent AutoPostback From Clearing Entered Data From Forms

Jul 6, 2011

Background: I have an web form that autpostbacks a list of bundles to a listbox based on the carriers selected. When Postback happens, all user entered data is cleared. How do I prevent the AutoPostback function from clearing entered data from the forms? [code]

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.net - One Dataset With Multiple Results Sets (multiple Select Statements) SQL Reporting Service?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a question regarding the dataset usage in Reporting Services. I have a stored procedure which returns multiple select statements (result tables), and I created a Dataset in Reporting Services 2005 with this stored procedure. The problem is that I can not reference the second or third result table, and I can only use the first select statement fields. Is this the limitation on Reporting Services Dataset or is there a way to use multiple table results in one dataset?

View 1 Replies - Implement Security Trimming With A Website With Multiple Folders And Multiple Web.config Files?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a website that has highly granulised access and hence requires many web.config files. The problem is I would like to trim the menu so that only certain users will have access to certain folders. I have enabled trimming and setup roles in the sitemap, however when I access the page the menu is not show, as I am authorized to view the default page which is not in a subfolder. When I type the url of a page in sub folder's I have access.

How should I handle this:

A site map for each web.config file - don't know how this will work Removing the sub web.config file to only use a single one

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Communicate From Client To Server From Multiple Clients On Multiple Requests In Socket Programming?

Jan 8, 2010

I have been struggling to find a solution for this problem. What I need to do is build a server application that accepts tcp client requests from different clients running on same port say:1003. I experimented by using asynchronous mode call backs etc. but it disconnects once connection is established and does not respond for further requests from the same client.

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Call Sendinput In .net For Multiple Mouse Down Events For Multiple Emulated Mice?

Sep 13, 2011

Iam wanting touse sendinput in a dos or background type app (can be a regular app thats hidden) that emulates mouse clicks and sends mouse moves to another multimouse application. an project that im working on for my school i work at and i need to send the input to it. The overview of the project is i need to have this code be in a service that runs in the background that when a person does a gesture with my kinect code then it clicks the left mouse or sythesis it with sendinput (need mouse up and down sent for this to work). The end programs that receive input are: a program written in the multipoint sdk and mouse mischief. I though about using the default usb mouse driver as an emulated mouse driver to handle the part about creating a usb mouse device that works
since most newer computers are using usb.

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SQL Performance Timeouts - Adding Multiple Rows In Multiple Tables In The Database

Sep 12, 2011

I have a web application and when a particular function runs , i get data timeouts in the rest of the application..(ie..row not found errors or column does not belong to table but it does) The function is adding multiple rows in multiple tables in the database and is running in a for loop. It seems to be all SQL related but I am not seeing anything in the error logs in SQL or in the application Right now I am assuming it is memory related where to start note..the for loop will be replaced with a bulk insert but right now I jest need to resolve the issue of the timeouts

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VS 2008 Return Multiple Table Rows To Multiple Text Boxes

Feb 27, 2011

visual basic 2008 express
access 2007 db

I am attempting to fill a form with multiple rows from an access table based off of a parameterized query. My query works fine but I don't want to return one row at a time, I want to return all rows that match my query in multiple text boxes. I know that I can use a datagrid view to accomplish this, but I would prefer the look of a textboxes on a form. I have read through many books and searched the internet forums but think I may just not know what to search for as nothing has worked yet. Can anyone point me in the right direction. So far I have tried setting the text box value to the row().item(), creating a different dataset for each row, and even setting variables for the results of the query to then be passed to the text boxes. Since none of this work, I don't really have any starting code to post. If I could just get a starting point I could work from there, so don't feel the need to code anything for me, just set me in the right direction.

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File I/O And Registry :: Listing Multiple Regkeys Under Multiple Keys?

Jun 13, 2012

I am trying to list all printers (PrintersConnections) under all users (HKEY_USERS)

problem is I dont know the user name keys in advance and need to exclude .DEFAULT and *_CLASSES so first I need to list all key names (%usernamekey%) directly under HKEY_USERS then for all keys that lists lsit all keys under HKEY_USERS\%usernamekey%PrintersConnections

Here is the code I have so far but I get errors about object variable not set, I suspect because of the way I doing the for each and listing the key names and then doing it again

Private Sub DetectPrntrs()
Dim RemReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey


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Making An Application That Uses Multiple WebBrowser Controls And Multiple Proxies?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making an application that uses multiple WebBrowser controls, and multiple proxies.The code for changing the proxy settings are as such:

#Region "Proxy"
Public Structure Struct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO
Public dwAccessType As Integer
Public proxy As IntPtr


Note: getRandomProxy gets a random proxy from a list.Problem is that whenever RefreshIESettings(getRandomProxy()) is applied, the proxy will be applied to all of the WebBrowsers, while i would need to have a unique proxy for each WebBrowser. Not having this would just error out the page in the other browsers and so on.

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Insert Multiple Data With Multiple ComboBox In 1 Click?

Jun 9, 2011

i have a big problem here when i want to insert 6 data into 6 different row in 1 click.
in field @ form it have name, staff no.,items, quantity and date. We can select 6 items to insert which i use ComboBox for save the data in form. In this case, each name can choose 6 items in one time and i want to save it in database just in 1 click. that mean it will put a same name in 6 rows in a table. the look like this but it not complete...


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Multithreading - Multiple SyncLocks If Want To Lock Multiple Things?

Jan 26, 2011

My question is, imagine I have two List(Of T) objects and a subroutine in a multithreaded environment that modifies both of these objects. I don't understand locks very well, so I'm unsure whether I can just do:

SyncLock CType(List1, IList).SyncRoot


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Open Multiple Socket Connects To Multiple Servers

Apr 4, 2012

i have a form where i wanted to open multiple socket connects to multiple servers. i defined "clientsocket" as a socket array


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Select Multiple Objects Like Checking Multiple Checkboxes?

Nov 24, 2010

Is there a tool in the toolbox that i can use that replaces checkboxes. i have limited amount of space and checkboxes just keep taking up room. I need the user to select multiple objects like checking multiple checkboxes.

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Dataset - Multiple Tables - Multiple Columns

Sep 18, 2009

I have a small project i am doing for work to compare our website catalogue to our actual inventory in our financial software. To do this, i have exported the online catalogue as a delimited text file using "^" as the delimiter. I then want to go into our Accpac data a find out if all the items are still active, the current price and the stock on hand.


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Display Multiple Records In Multiple Textboxes?

Apr 23, 2010

I would like to display the multiple records in multiple textboxes Following is my tables and data:

tblJan with these data:
col id
col January

now i want to display the value 10 in one textbox and the value 20 in another textbox and so with the value 30 in another textbox..

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Insert Multiple Data Into Multiple Table Of Sql

Jan 16, 2012

How to insert multiple data into mssql without using loop?

i'm developing a clinic management system, while doctor may give few medicines to patient,therefore i hope inside my database,the data will look like


this is my 2 tables, i hope when storing data ,the recordID will not increase based on how many ItemID inserted.

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Loading Multiple Pics To Multiple Pictureboxs?

Oct 20, 2010

I have the following html code for some pictures:

<table cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#ffffff' cellspacing='0' style='border: solid 3px #470506;padding-right:1px;'><tr><td><img src='./images/counter/b.gif'></td>
<td><img src="./images/counter/3.gif" border="0"/></td>


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Multiple Textboxes To Multiple List Boxes?

Mar 13, 2012

Okay this is the simple thing I'm trying to accomplish. I can get richtextbox1 to add to listbox 1. but i cant get both to add. the compare works fine. I'm stumped.

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Pass Multiple Parameters To Multiple Threads?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a loop that creates several threads as such[code]...

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Printing Multiple Images On Multiple Pages?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to print 2 pages of business cards with different images on each card. When I use the code below it overprints both pages on top of each other.

Private Sub PrintDocument1_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.BeginPrint
mPage = 0
End Sub

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