- Overridable Subroutine Without Default Behavior?

Jan 12, 2010

In a base class object, I have an overridable subroutine that I would like all derived objects to have the ability to include. However, they don't have to, and if it's not necessary for them to use it, I don't want them to be forced to declare it. To enforce this, I've left the default behavior empty. For example, here's my whole sub:

Protected Overridable Sub MySubroutine(ByVal someObject As Object)
End Sub

Is this bad practice? I don't want to declare it as MustOverride, but I don't want default behavior. Is there a "better" way of doing this, or is this perfectly acceptable? I don't want to be that hack programmer...

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.net - Set The 'ServerCertificateValidationCallback' Property Back To Its Default Behavior?

Nov 11, 2010

I use the following line of code within a single method to explicitly check and trust an SSL cert from the following host:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Function(obj As [Object], certificate As X509Certificate, chain As X509Chain, errors As SslPolicyErrors) (certificate.Subject.Contains(""))

No problem with the code -> works perfectly 100%.

The problem is, it is too far reaching. I thought its scope would only be within the method I decalred it, but apparently it is a Shared property on the 'ServicePointManager' object, and must then persist for the entire application, which I do not want.

The problem is later I am calling web services of mine, etc and getting the "Could not establish a trust relationship..." exception. This is because in the line of code above I check for the host name of an SSL cert specefic to that method. I quickly tested Returning 'True' from the callback so all certs would be trusted instead of checking for a specefic name (i.e. MyTrustedCompany) and subsiquent requests worked. This is how I know this callback assignment reaches father than that single method. Sure I could extend the callback to include all other certitificate names, but what I would rather do is set the 'ServerCertificateValidationCallback' back to its default behavior. Like the pseudo code below:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Nothing 'Default checking behavior

How do I remove the custom validation and set it back to its default behavior?

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.net - Disable The Default Enter/Return Key Behavior In A Datagridview?

Dec 11, 2009

In datagridview the default Enter/Return key behavior is to move to the next row is there a quick and easy way to avoid that.

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.net - WPF - Disable The Default EditingCommands Behavior On Custom Richtextbox?

Mar 26, 2010

I want to disable the majority of the built-in functionality of the WPF Richtextbox that is found in "EditingCommands"

How can I go about disabling them?

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VS 2005 Change Close Button Default Behavior?

Sep 17, 2009

I have a form with the FormBorderStyle set to SizeableToolWindow. The close button - 'x' in the upper right corner - sends a DialogResult of 'cancel' to the FormClosing event when clicked. How do I set it so that it will send an 'OK'? I tried setting the form's DialogResult to 'OK' in the New method, but that's not working. I checked my code and I'm not setting it anywhere that I can see.

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Difference Between Overloads, Overridable And Overrides

Oct 28, 2009

Difference between overloads, overridable and overrides .

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PrintDocument / Document Property Is Not Overridable?

Mar 27, 2009

I need to pass a parameter to the event PrintPage of the PrintDocument relative to my PrintPreviewDialog in some way.I tought to inherit PrintDocument class adding to it a property with the parameter I need, creating MyPrintDocument class. Then, I would like to create MyPrintPreviewDialog class, in which I could override the Document property declaring it of MyPrintDocument type.The problem is that the Document property is not overridable and if I declare it Shadows the PrintPageEvent doesn't raise.

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VB Syntax Overridable/Virtual Event?

Oct 26, 2010

Since VB2005 I have been struggling with the limitaion of VB of defining an Overridable Event. This is essential for having a class which implements the NotifyPropertyChanged event (or other events) and needs to be used as an NHibernate proxy class loading). The .NET 2.0 framework itself has no problem with this whatsoever since it is supported in C#. Now I have to always include a C# base class for any VB class that needs to implement events.

Can somebody explain to me why the VB is in this case so incompatible with the C# and .NET language? Was expecting to see this implemented in VB 2008 or 2010 but neither seems to have given this (small?) syntax/compiler change any thought.

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Hiding Non Overridable Property In Inherited Control

Jan 9, 2012

I've removed the properties completely with a controlDesigner class, but I'm getting warnings + trying to do it properly to remove those warnings.

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.net - Declaring A Function Inside A Base Class Non-overridable?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a base class foo that will be used in multiple child classes of similar but slightly different function:

Public MustInherit Class foo
Public Function bar1() as Something
''// Perfectly OK to change what this method does


How do I get the compiler to generate an error when bar2() is overridden by a child class?

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Implements Statement Should Be Able To Be Declared As Overridable, Overrides, And Shadows?

Jan 18, 2010

when we have a method of a derived class implementing a method of an interface which is already implemented in the base class, the compiler throws a warning (by default). when i see a warning i will try to erase it and the only way to erase this warning is to mess with the settings of the compiler hence i hope that there is a way to declare "how" a method implements an interface's method. by this i meant that we should be able to declare overridable, overrides and shadows for the implements keyword. hence if we declare overridable-implement for a method of a base class implementing an interface's method, the compiler should give no warnings when we override this implementation (re-implementing in a derived class). Similarly, if the method of the base class implementing an itnerface's method was not declared as ovveridable-implement, the derived class should be able to Shadow the implementation example code which flags unnecessary warning:


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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'url' Of 'Public Overridable Sub LoadMovie(layer As Integer, Url As String)

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to load a movie from openfiledialog.filename, but i keep on getting an error. Here are the 2 things ive tried

1) AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)

2) Call AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)

Both of the codes get the same error that looks like this

Argument not specified for parameter 'url' of 'Public Overridable Sub LoadMovie(layer As Integer, url As String)And here is the URL it goes to when you click "Show Error Help" http:msdn.microsof...f0a(VS.85).aspx

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VS 2008 : Error : Too Many Arguments To 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Queryname() As Integer'

Jun 2, 2009

i'm accessing an access database and want to execute the following query

INSERT INTO sometable
(date, field1, field2)
SELECT ( ? AS Expr1, field1, field2)
FROM othertable

? is a date i generate in code and field1,field2 belong to othertable i put it in a tableadapter and execute it by me.tableadapter.queryname(calculated date) but i get the error : Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function queryname() As Integer' Also if i try to generate the date in the query builder in the form dateserial(year(now),month(now),1-1)the query builder does not accept it?

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VS 2008 Too Many Arguments To 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Fill(dataTable As TetrisDataSet.tblTransactionDataTable) As Integer

May 14, 2009

I'm following this tutorial: [URL]..except I'm connecting to my own data source - a MS Access database.This is the query I have setup with the dataset:

SELECT Terminal_ID, SUM(Transaction_Quantity) AS Total
FROM tblTransaction
WHERE TransactionType_ID=3 and Transaction_DateTime>[@fromdate]
GROUP BY Terminal_ID

The debug fails immediately because it needs the extra parameter so I change the code from:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'tetrisDataSet.tblTransaction' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


The error I get on build is:Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Fill(dataTable As tetrisDataSet.tblTransactionDataTable) As Integer

...I gave it the extra parameter, so what gives? Something special I need to do as it's a datetime field?

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User To Select Just Straight To Default Printer With Its Default Settings

Dec 3, 2011

I need to print the contents of 3 textboxs to default printer. what examples I have found dont seem to work. I was trying the documentprint1 component as i thought it would be easy but cant figure out how to tell it what to print the second part is to print a variable (string) to the printer as need for user to select just straight to default printer with its default settings

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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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Own Browser Becoming Default/Editing Internet Default Options?

Jun 9, 2012

I am creating my own browser. I want to make an set as the browser to default.To do that I have to:Write a code which opens html(generally internet) file through my browser(form load event) DoneChange the "open with..." of the .html,.xml.... files Problem I want to change the open with event from my web browser. Actually i want an options form which will ask the user "Do you want to set /Browser name/ to be your default browser?" If yes then it will change the default options of the internet files.

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Use A .Net 3.5 Behavior In WPF .Net 4?

Jun 14, 2011

How to use a .Net 3.5 Behavior in WPF .Net 4?

I get this error when I use .Net 3.5 in .Net 4:

Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly

I can solve problem with double click on that warning but it doesn't work in design view (It works for building well).

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Where Has The Subroutine Gone

May 9, 2010

I am trying to get the hang of this stupid, but it won't even let me create a subroutine or function, it use to be in the tools menu in VB6. I have spent £50 on 2 books that rabbit on about objects, property's classes etc: but tell me nothing of what I want/need to know, what a waste of money.

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ASP.NET: Backspace Key Behavior?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm writing an in-house intranet application in ASP.NET and VB.NET. My 'customers' are beginner to medium-level users. All of our browsers are IE8 and above, standard.The application works great, except for one thing. The backspace key. When a user types an invalid number into a textbox, a RegularExpressionValidator and ValidatorCalloutExtender fire off and notify the user. Perfect. Except that, when the user closes the popup warning and notices the cursor is still flashing in the textbox, he/she feels it's time to hit the backspace key and delete that pesky field value.

Unfortunately, the browser interprets this action as a desire to go 'back' into the page history. My boss is screaming. His bosses are screaming. I have a headache.So, how can I turn off this behavior? I still need the backspace to eliminate characters in the textbox, but nothing else. Company policy here: Backspace is to delete characters from the screen. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Different .NET Application Behavior?

Jul 8, 2011

Strange vb.NET application behavior/One application e.g. does some recursive operations against a ftp server as it synchronizes a local directory with a remote directory. When this part is finished, recursively I loop through the local directory to compare each individual file with a hash code table file retrieved from remote to be sure the source file and the destination file are identical. The processing speed to me during the coding was really satisfactory, but all over sudden the all over performance has been reduced by factor 3. So what happened was I closed an application named TeamSpeak. As you can guess it took me a while to figure out what was happening. This behavior is reproducible even with other applications like Outlook or Winamp?To make it short: e.g. TeamSpeak is up and running, my application runs 3 times faster than without TeamSpeak up and running ... same code - no changes !!!

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Different Behavior Of The Combobox In .net?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a combobox in a Windows form. I set the properties of the combobox as follow:

AutoCompleteMode: Suggest
AutoCompleteSource: ListIems
DropDownStyle: Simple
DataSource: some binding source

Problem when user enter value to the textbox and open the dropdown and filter out the dropdown list. When user mouse click an item in the dropdown list, it will not select the item and paste it to the textbox. User uses the down arrow to navigate to the item and click on the "enter" key and it will not paste the selected item to the textbox. The only way to select an item is using the down arrow key to navigate to an item and then "Tab" away and it will paste the selected item to the textbox.I want to be able to use mouse click or "enter" key to select an item from teh dropdown list.I want to set the DropDownStyle as "Simple" so user can think it is "textbox" and start entering value to it.

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Get Recordset Behavior In .NET With ADO?

Oct 15, 2009

how to negotiate a dataset via:

For Each dRow In quanDS.Tables(0).Rows
'do something to each row

I now need to figure out now to loop through a subset of the records returned in the dataset - here's a VB6 example I need to convert:

strSQL = "select * from tblDQ order by xid, xcode, xDOS"
rsMaster.Open strSQL, conDB, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic


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Overridable Property Not Same As C# Virtual Property?

Nov 26, 2009

Well its simple here you have my code:

Public Class Class1
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Return Nothing


(It dosent print nothing it just prints an empty line) Why does go for the base class implementation when its overriden?

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Don't Understand What This Subroutine Is Doing

Dec 4, 2011

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim d As Integer
Dim price(20) As Double ' Adjusted close price


What is the for ... next loops in the second subroutine doing? What is the sim() array meaning?

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Get X Value Form Another Subroutine?

Jul 23, 2009

Does anyone know how to get x value form another subroutine?

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Subroutine Triggering Too Soon?

May 1, 2010

I have a form that is bound to a table of data. I have a typical binding navigator. When I go to a different record such as next, previous, first or last I need a subroutine named "LayoutAdjust()" to execute "after" the new next record data is loaded on form. I tried calling the subroutine in the "BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem_Click" action but it executed the procedure before the next record data was loaded

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.net - Maximized MDI Form Behavior?

May 18, 2010

My program shows some browser. From a browser user can open maximized MDI form with some report. When user is closing the report, first MDI form with browser is became maximized.

2 forms have same MDI parent. Can I change this behavior to leave my first browser form without maximizing after second report closed?

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.net - Odd ComboBox Behavior On Resize?

Jan 28, 2010

I have an issue where a ComboBox control will change it's Text value when it is resized. Here is some sample code that I worked up:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class FMain
Private Sub FMain_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
uxComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown


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.net - Silverlight MaxItemsInObjectGraph Behavior?

Jan 27, 2011

I currently have a silverlight application which has silverlight class library. The silverlight class library has a WCF service reference which works as expected for small data. However we have come across a problem which is caused by the default value of maxItemsInObjectGraph. We have tested it with an increased value (called from vb app set in behaviour) and it works however we are unsure how to set the value of maxItemsInObjectGraph when it is in a silverlight class library (as it is only defined in the clientconfig file and no services are added to the client). I have seen posts about adding it to the web.config but this only seems to apply when the service is called directly by the app not by a class library?

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