- Repeater Won't Access Controls Like Buttons, Dropdown, Etc

May 20, 2011

I'm using a repeater ListOfArticles and have controls inside it like ddlSizes and btnSelectArticle. Normally you can just double click the control and in the aspx.vb page you can specify an action. I have heard something about Findcontrol, but can't figure out or find much information that I understand. I don't want to sound like an ass, but I would really prefer help for the aspx.vb page and not in C# or Javascript.

An example of what I'm trying to do is, once you've clicked btnSelectArticle the label lblSelection receives the following values Amount: txtAmount - Size: ddlSizes.SelectedValue.

<asp:Repeater ID="rptListOfArticles" runat="server" DataSourceID="objdsArticleList">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlSizes" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"


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Rebind Repeater Using Next / Previous Buttons In The ItemTemplate Of The Same Repeater?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a parent repeater with nested repeaters.My problem is I am trying to use 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to rebind my repeater (rptTabContent) and thus the inner repeaters also, but when I try to manipulate the state of these links during the ItemCommand event they are overwritten by the bind.

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Access Usb Playstation Controller Buttons And Controls?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a PlayStation USB controller and want to discover how to test the buttons and controls on the device from Is there documentation anywhere on how to get info from a usb controller? I'm not even sure which department or category this falls

View 5 Replies - Access A Gridview Inside A Repeater Which Is Inside A Repeater (Nested Repeater)?

Apr 11, 2012

How can I access rep_DataSimilarToBacthid ? I need to bind the GridView and call GridView RowDataBound or InitializeRow


I am using VB.Net with Framework Version 2.0.

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ASP.NET Find DropDown Value Inside Repeater Control?

May 31, 2009

I want to find the values from a number of dropdown controls inside a repeater control. I eventually want to build a multidimensional array, so I can loop through each item and add them to a database table.

<asp:Repeater ID="myRepeater" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="AdTitle" runat="server">[code].....

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ASP.NET Find DropDown Value Inside Repeater Control Part II?

May 31, 2009

I want to find the values from a number of dropdown and textbox controls inside a repeater control.

db.ConnectionString = SystemConnString
Dim selectedAdTitle As String = ""[code].....

AdTitle and AdFullName dont seem to be bringing across the values. There is no error so they have found the control ok. Below is the ASPX file code.

<asp:Repeater ID="myRepeater" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="AdTitle" runat="server">[code]......

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C# - Update User's Role From A Dropdown List Within A Repeater

Jul 5, 2010

I have repeater which shows a list of users and there roles. There is also a dropdown list to chnage there role see below

<td><asp:DropDownList ID="ddlChangeType" class="controlwidth100" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="change" /></td>

the change event works but what I need is the ID of the row so the user can be updated.

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Dropdown List To Attach To Repeater That Will Filter Gridview?

Oct 28, 2011

This post is similar to one I have posted before about a dropdown filtering results in a gridview. Well now I need this dropdown to attach itself to a repeater that will filter results into a gridview. I have tried rptLetters.DataBind() in the code behind of the dropdown list, but that doesn't seem to be changing any of the letters at the top of the page when I click on different items in the dropdown list.The screenshot doesn't show enough of the products, but in this case it skips from G to L, and in the repeater the letters between G and L are still shown. I need to be able to get that repeater to recognize the letters that start each of the products associated with the company chosen.

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="body" Runat="Server"><br /><br />
<asp:linkbutton id="btnAll" runat="server" text="ALL" onclick="btnAll_Click" />
<asp:repeater id="rptLetters" runat="server" datasourceid="dsLetters">


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ASP.NET Change Dropdown Control ID Inside Repeater Item Dynamically?

May 31, 2009

how I can get this to work. I want to distinguish dropdown controls inside a repeater control. I understand now about the lifecyle and how the buffer is already writen, but what are my alternatives? Here is what happens

Code File

Dim repeatTimes((TotalAdInsured - 1)) As Integer
myRepeater.DataSource = repeatTimes


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Get Values From HTML Radio Buttons Inside A Repeater?

Dec 2, 2011

I have a simple questionnaire system which shows a random number of questions to the user out of a certain total in my database.I have 2 separate tables: Questions and Alternatives (which are the options to answer) related by QuestionID field in both tables. I rendered such questionnaire using Nested Repeaters (parentRepeater for questions and childRepeater for the options) and it shows correctly on the page.Each option is a radio button which I had to use it as a HTML instead of the Standard Server Control <asp:RadioButton> because of the Dynamic ID problem inside a repeater.[code]What I don't know is how do I get all the questions answered by the user given that I don't know the QuestionIDs and the Alternative IDs since it's randomly generated and using a HTML input tags?

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Get Checked Status Of Radio Buttons In A Data Repeater Program?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a Data Repeater in a Windows Form, within the data repeater I have a label and either a radio button or combo box, the amount of radio buttons and the text for them is brought in from my database as is the label and combo box.

The label is a question and the radio buttons or combo box allows the user to answer the question.

What I want to do is get the checked status of the radio buttons so I can then reveal the next question if it is needed. e.g. only show question 2 if question 1 is answered No.

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.net /winform DropDown Containing Buttons?

Jan 11, 2011

VB.Net / Winform.Is there a component that will look like a Button but when pressed will open like DropDown, but the DropDown wil contains a list of Buttons? Menu bar won't work for me in this case.

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Accessing Controls On A Data Repeater?

Mar 24, 2011

I have placed a button on data repeater (called datarepeater1) so that it is repeated with other controls. When I click this button, How do I access/reference the text value of a textbox control called TxtAnimalID on the same row? (This would be something like the current row I am on).

View 2 Replies - Displaying Empty Controls In Repeater?

Dec 27, 2010

i need to display some text boxes, and have the ability for the user to "add another row"

i tried a datalist and a repeater, but it does not show anything at all, when the controls are blank.

<asp:DataList id="dlIso" runat="server" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="vertical" >


so in this case "test" does now show at all..

what is the best way to get this accomplished?

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Event Handlers For Controls In An ASP Repeater?

Oct 10, 2011

I need to be able to trigger events when a user clicks on a radio button that is generated within an control on my page.I've added an OnSelectedIndexChanged handler to the RadioButtonList and created a function in my code behind that should handle the selection of the RadioButtonList's ListItems, but I don't know how to pass a value to that function.Here's my code:

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rptQuestions">
<HeaderTemplate><table width="100%"></HeaderTemplate>


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Data Repeater - Anchor Child Controls

Aug 5, 2010

Does datarepeater control has a bug? I tried to anchor a text box control inside the DataRepeater.Item, but it didn't work. At the property window, I set Anchor = Top, Left, Right. Anchor Right doesn't work properly.

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Dynamically Adding Controls To A Panel Within A Data Repeater

Jul 15, 2010

I have a Data Repeater to which I need to add x number of images depending on their existence in the database.I need the images added within hyperlinks for Javascript functionality. In order to dynamically add the hyperlinks and images I have placed them within a panel in the data repeater and am adding them in the ItemDataBound event.The problem is that only the first image is being written to the datarepeater.[code]

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Enabling/Disabling Controls Inside A Repeater Isn't Working?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to enable/disable controls inside a repeater:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" OnItemCommand="RepeaterItemCommand" runat="server">


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VB - Form With Fairly Large Number Of Controls - After Curtain Number Of Buttons - Stops Responding To More Radio Buttons

Jan 17, 2011

My VB application is behaving strangley. I have form with fairly large number of controls. I am using case against radio buttons. after curtain number of buttons, it stops responding to more radio buttons.

Then I tried to split controls in to 2 form but now my form.showdialog() too now working properly. It takes new from names but show the old form when running.

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.net - Step Through Controls Fail To See Second Dropdown?

May 22, 2009

I have an table. In several cells I have two dropdown lists. The item selected in each dropdownlist is supposed to be populated from an SQLServer 2005 database. To do this in my code behind I step through the controls in each table cell. The code sees the first dropdown and populates it and then goes to the next cell.


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C# - Create Controls Dynamically Based On Dropdown Values?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to create a sample question types web form in VB.NET which allow user to the following:he user selects the control type from dropdown (TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc). Generate controls dynamically based on the control type on the webform.It will always show the TextBox (where user writes the question) and (generated control - TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox etc) and save those values to the database.

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Access Objects I've Assigned To Repeater.DataSource?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a Repeater Control which I bind to a list of Products

Repeater.DataSource = ProductRepository.GetProducts();

Later (in another module), I need to retrieve the products from the Repeater, but it seems not to work with Repeater.Item.DataItem (which is then null).

My question is, is there any reference to the products in the Repeater-Items? Or do I have to set it myself via id field etc. What would be the easiest way to get the "underlying" product objects?

View 4 Replies - Arraylist As Repeater Datasource (access From .aspx)?

Apr 16, 2010

I have an arraylist:


I know how to use <%#Container.DataItem%> to dump everything but I need to get at the items in the array individually, not have them all ditched out to the page in one go. For example, item 1 contains a link, item 2 contains an image path, item 3 contains a description. I need to have them kick out in the correct order to build the link and icon correctly.

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VS 2008 Dynamically Creating And Adding Dropdown Controls To DevExpress XtraGrid?

May 6, 2011

I am dynamically creating and adding dropdown controls to DevExpress XtraGrid.That works fine and I can add a dropdown control to any column I wish.My main problem is that I need to have the first element in the dropdown control displayed. But after I dynamically add 3 dropdown controls to the grid, only the last one has the element displayed. The previous two do not.Although, I add the elements

this is what the code looks like:
Dim column as DevExpress.XtraGrid.RepositoryItem.GridLookupEdit
For i as Integer = 0 to dsSometing.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
column = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.RepositoryItem.GridLookUp


The code will go tru and add lets say 3 dropdown controls, set their .DataSource to datasets I need, but it will only show .NullText of the last added control.

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VS 2010 : Dropdown In Property Grid Listing Other Controls In The Form Or Container?

May 16, 2010

I have a custom control of type MyListControl with a Property called NotifiedList. I would like that when selecting that property in the Property Grid at runtime, that a dropdown list is populated with all the instances of type MyListControl that shared the same container as the original control.

View 3 Replies - Nested Repeater Show Data That Matches Parent Repeater

Mar 15, 2011

I am using a repeater to build a custom table. However, I can't figure out how to make the table show subtotal if the next rows tour does not match the previous rows.

Something similar to that.

row1 tour1
row2 tour 1
tour1 subtotal


but this shows all the data in the nested repeater not the ones that match the parentrepeater fields for example tour,theme,dep7 should match in the child repeater

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Access A Data Repeater's Item By Index Instead Of Explicit Name?

May 21, 2010

Right now I'm using the following code in my markup[cod]e...

I would like to be able to call it by index instead of explicitly by "SpeakerName". Is there a way to do this in ASP.NET 4.0?

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Hypothetical Controls - Options Checked As Enabled In FrmConfig Effects - Controls (like Buttons/menu Options) Are Enabled In FrmMain

Nov 26, 2010

As i'm learning more and more about developing ive just got my head around creating classes and modules, i started wondering about something to do with configuration of applications where deployment is in a more diverse environment say in a company where different branches dont need access to all parts of a program, so i thought id throw the question out there in a basic sense and get some feedback. so i can go off and do some more reading and learning.

So the scenario in my head is like this.

So we have for arguments sake FrmConfig which is the master configuration form, then we have FrmMain which is the root menu our application general user interfaces with. So here based on what options are checked as enabled in FrmConfig effects what controls (like buttons/menu options) are enabled in FrmMain.

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Container Controls Access Controls At Design Time?

May 13, 2009

I've been building controls for many years professionally and personally, but even back in VB6 days I just could not work this out. After all this time I remembered about it again.If I create a usercontrol/containercontrol and add one or more controls to the controls surface, I just cannot figure out how to access the controls at design time.

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.net - Removing Controls - Lot Of Buttons On A Form (144) That Need To Be Removed

Mar 11, 2012

I have a lot of buttons on a form (144) that need to be removed. All their names begin with "R". So I used this piece of code.

Sub RemoveBookingButtons()
Dim cntrl As Control


However whenever I run this sub function, it deletes every other button starting with "R". better code or point out if the flaw is in that piece of code or it is hidden somewhere else in my program?

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