- Using The Value Of A Textbox As A Parameter For A Datasource For A Chklistbox?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a login panel with a textbox for the userloginID. When the login button is clicked, the datasource is supposed to pick up the valkue in the textbox and provide filtered data to the chklistbox dependent of the value in the userloginID textbox.I only connect the datasource to the chklistbox when the login button is clicked, but the app still fal;ls over wit the folowing message:

The Type property of parameter 'UserLogin' cannot be set when the DbType property is set. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review thestack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.


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C# :: DataSource Select Parameter From GET Value?

May 19, 2010

How can I use the value of a GET form value as a SelectParameter?

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Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Jun 4, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused? What are the possible solutions to this error?

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C# - Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column Site On The DataSource.{10}Parameter Name: DataMember

Sep 18, 2010

When I try to use the following line of code:

cboSite.DataBindings.Add("Text", _dtSite.Select("Site <> 'ALL'"), "Site")

I get the following exception:

EXCEPTION : Cannot bind to the property or column Site on the DataSource.{10}Parameter name: dataMember

details I am connecting to an Access database and using .net 3.5 and writing the code in VB. In this database I have a table named Sites with a column named Site and when I try to use the line of code above I get the exception noted. I was under the impression that I could explicitly name the column that I need to use in my control (combo box).

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Error : Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Feb 5, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box in to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused?

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Shared DataSource Between ComboBox And TextBox

Sep 23, 2011

I have this controls
ComboBox: list of myobject
TextBox: view a description
DataSource: list(of MyObject)

property id as int
property combodesctription as string
property description as string

What I want: I set the datasource of combobox with list of MyObject when I select a value on combobox, I would like see description in TextBox is it possible bound text property of TextBox to same datasource of combobox or it is possible change description of TextBox only with changedEvent of ComboBox?

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Read A Data From Textbox Which Is Binded To Datasource

Apr 30, 2009

EMP_IDTextBox is from datasource on a form, and I tried to show messagebox to see what the value is

Whenn I try case 2, the messagebox shows me correct value, but not for case 1. It shows me no value even though there is a value.

How do I do it and what is the diffrence between case 1 and case 2?

I tried with a textbox which is not binded to datasource on case 1, then that shows me the value.

Case 1
Public Sub Save_Data()
Dim L_EMP_ID As String = Me.EMP_IDTextBox.SelectedText


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Filter DataSource For DataGridView Control With Textbox String

Dec 29, 2011

I have a list of customers (over 50k) that I am trying to change the way my users search and interact. Presently, they fill in parts of a first name, last name, home phone field(s) and then click a button and it searches and presents a listview list to the user for selection of the one they are trying to find. Fairly straight forward behind the scenes with a customers object making the call to the sql server on the network and returning customer objects as indicated. I want to add a datagridview control and display all customers and then have a textbox for the user to type their selection into and have the datagridview update accordingly.

I want the filter to be dynamic as the user is typing. What I have so far is the datagrid loaded with data and the text box. I also have a stored procedure that takes a string(the text box) and returns the customers collection object as the "new" datasource. But as you are guessing, that is to many calls to the database over the network. Just not very efficient. Once I have the original collection object, how can I filter it dynamically in memory as the user inputs characters into the textbox.

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Forms :: Sum Of Last Column In Text File As DataSource Of TextBox

Mar 1, 2010

I have a text file that looks like this:
How I would sum the last column, all of the numbers in bold, of this text file and then make the result as the DataSource of a Textbox?

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Change Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Datasource To ODBC Datasource?

Jan 30, 2011

I use and windows form and sqlserver

I added Data Source(Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)) to my project. and now I need to change it to ODBC Data Source .

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Fill Textbox From Sql Database Using A Parameter?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to populate my textboxs with data from my database when the user name i

users (there is a textbox for each of these fields)


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Passing Value To SQL Query Parameter From Textbox

Sep 9, 2011

I am using following code to connect to my database.
Dim conStr As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; ![enter image description here][1]
Integrated Security=True;
User Instance=True"
Dim sqlQry As String = "SELECT * FROM [tblTest] WHERE ([Name] = @Name)"
Dim dAdt As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlQry, conStr)
Dim dSet As New DataSet()

Then filling adapter with
dAdt.Fill(dSet, "tblTest")
And then I can use the data the way I want.

My question is: How to pass the value of parameter that user will give through a text box on my webform.
Dim sqlQry As String = "SELECT * FROM [tblTest] <b>WHERE ([Name] = @Name)
I mean how to pass the parameter value to my query?

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VS 2010 - Using Textbox Value As Parameter In SQL Query

Apr 10, 2010

I am now able to add a row to Table1 in my database and and to populate some text boxes with that data. of those text boxes has a piece of data I wish to use as a variable/parameter in a SQL query to then populate several other text boxes. The piece of data in question is the Primary Key in a Table2. I have tried several methods I've discovered online...but nothing is working so far. So far I'm leaning towards the CommandBuilder but am unable to make it work.

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IDE :: Unable To Use TextBox With Wildcard LIKE Parameter Queries?

Jul 3, 2011

I have a form which takes input from the user in a TextBox to display ("contains") record/data on a grid. However, I am unable to achieve the input data thing. I have been trying to solve this for a while now. Dtatbase is MS Access.

Here is my code: I don't get any values in the form grid whatsoever for this query.



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Visual Studio 2010 - Wild Card Parameter For Textbox Input?

Jun 3, 2011

I have the following code. I would like to perform a if then check via a button click before the user processes the information.

Private Sub TestBTN_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestBTN.Click
If TBSearch.Text = "" & ".exe" Or TBSearch.Text = "" & "" Or TBSearch.Text =


I would like it to just check to see if the text box info has been entered in one of three formats.




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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


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Call The Stored Procedure Which Has One Input Parameter And One Output Parameter?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm Trying to Call the Stored Procedure which has one input Parameter and one output parameter . code is below


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VS 2008 Template Function That Can Receive Different Parameter And A Type Parameter

Mar 9, 2011

I want to have a "template" function that can receive different parameter and a type parameter, like:[code]But Vb told me that tupeList is not defined... is there a way I can do that?

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A Procedure With A Single Parameter But The Input Values For That Parameter Are More Than One?

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to make a procedure have a single parameter but the values for that parameter are more than one? I have this procedure:

Public Sub autoComplete(ByVal cboCombo As ComboBox)
With cboCombo
.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Append[code]....

Now I was wondering if there is a way to use it like this:

autoComplete(myCombobox1, myCombobox2, myCombobox3)

Or can I use a procedure like this with 'With...End With'?

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AddressOf With Parameter - Method Which Requires A Parameter To Be Passed In

Mar 1, 2009

I have a method which requires a parameter to be passed in. I would like to use the Addhandler to call the method through a dynamically created button control's click event.

When I include () in the AddressOf, VS complains: 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses).

When I exclude the brackets, VS complains: Method '...' does not have a signature compatible with delegate...

My code:


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ToolTips, Parameter Options, And Parameter Groups For New Code?

Dec 10, 2008

One of the things that I think is really cool about VB.NET is how built-in functions and subs have extra help text in their ToolTips like "Expression: String expression to search for replace string." as well as the usual "Replace(...parameters...) as string" text. So are the pop up boxes with things like "CompareMethod.Binary" or "CompareMethod.Text." And finally I like how some functions and subs have different sets of parameters for the same routine. For example, New FileStream() starts with either a path (string) parameter or handle parameter, but none of the 15 sets of parameters contain both path and handle parameters. Is there a way that I can set up the classes and functions I write to use these things or do they only work with built in classes and functions? If there is a way, what are the proper names for them so I can look them up in the VS/VB documentation? I would be happy enough if someone would give me an example of them, but it would be nicer if I could go through the documentation and find out if there are other cool things that are related or near by.

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter '<parameter>' Of 'Public Sub New?

Apr 26, 2009

have an idea on what i am doing wrong here:

Compiler Error Message: BC30455: Argument not specified for parameter 'dteRDate' of 'Public Sub New(strOName As String, strOAdd As String, intOPhone As Integer, strVer As String, dteRDate As Date, dteWDate As Date, strONote As String, strOrName As


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Call Storedprocecure With Parameter(0), Parameter(1) Etc?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a vbscript that runs under asp page. I need convert the code to VB.NET

SET objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCommand.ActiveConnection = Application(DB)
With objCommand


What is the VB.Net that will do exactly the vbscript does? I like paramer(0) and 1 and 2 etc since I don't need to define the parameter(0) as integer or varchar etc. I remembered I have discuss this before and it is possible to do in VB.NET?

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Error "The Parameter 'address' Cannot Be An Empty String. Parameter Name: Address"

Jan 30, 2010

where i put the *'s i get the error "The parameter 'address' cannot be an empty string. Parameter name: address".

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient


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Add A New Datasource?

May 19, 2010

Create a membership database that has fields for title, first name, surname, address, subs renewal date and membership type (active, social, honorary or life). Make an interface that allows a user to display, sort and create records. Consider the use of drop down boxes to aid error free input.

When i add a new datasource i get to "Select database objects" page and then i get an error message. "Could not load "Microsoft.etc"", im using an access database with pre-created fields.

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Cannot Add DataSource In .Net

Jun 4, 2011

I cannot add data source in my window applciation;...There is no menu for me to add a new datasource.

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.net DetailsView To Use More Than One Datasource?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a DetailsView that looks just about perfect. The only thing is, there is one field that actually gets its information from another table. It is an ID field that is linked to another table in the database and I was hoping that there was some way to get that one field in the DetailsView to pull the information from the other table.

Is there a way to maybe add a + (plus sign) next to the PicklistID and then have it show the results of the other query? (SELECT TEXT FROM PICKLIST WHERE PicklistID = @PicklistID???)

UPDATE 1/11/12: The PICKLISTID in the table PICKLIST is not unique or a primary key so I cannot reference it from the SURVEY table. Is there a way to give these 2 columns a relationship so that I can just change my SELECT statement in my DetailsView to include the PICKLISTID?

UPDATE 1/23/12: I'm still stuck on this. I am not getting how to make this work at all.


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.net Dropdownlist Datasource?

May 17, 2011

have 3 dropdown list one has pre set values and my post back works the other 2 has the data from the db when i try using post back on them i don't get anything in my grid view.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlname" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="Venue_Name" DataValueField="Venue_Name" AppendDataBoundItems="True" AutoPostBack="True"> <asp:ListItem Text="All" Value="All" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"


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Add Information From Another Datasource?

Jun 1, 2011

how do you add information from another datasource into a cell in a data grid which has the relevant information i.e order_bindingsource grid which has the information order id, item id, quantity and cost per item.

The item id I have linked to the Productbindingsource but I also need the information to be shown cost per item which is in data source products.The item id is a drop down box with the items displayed what I need is when an item is selected I need the price to show up in the cost per item box.

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ArrayList To A Datasource

Nov 19, 2011

I am trying to create an arrayList of people. The variables, or arrays are; first name, last name, age, DOB. I am wanting to load all that into one arrayList and dataBind it so it would look like [code] Loading it into an ASP DataList. SO Fname + Lname + age + DOB are loaded on the same line/index. Not sure how to go about this. I'm sure it's an index issue..but not sure the thought process to even begin to load these elements into the "0" element, then the "1" and so on. Not puling the information from a database, just preset arrays/arrayList. ANY suggestions? ( I have it so it is dataBound to one arrayList entry as in [code] This works fine. But if I wanted to add the last name to the first name on the same line...that's were I am not seeing the connection.

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