- How To Maintain Connection With Excel With Rapidly Data Fetching

Apr 28, 2011

i am making a website for trading, with trading feeds coming from a source in an excel sheet. I have to show data from the excel sheet in a gridview. When i make connection it will fail due to rapidly changing data; each cell in the sheet changes value 1-3 times per second. I am using an Ajax Timer of interval 100. Here is my code:


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ADVERTISEMENT - Make Connection With Excel Where Data Is Changing Rapidly?

Apr 27, 2011

i making a website for trading in which trading feed coming from a source in excel sheet. i have to show data from excel sheet to gridview. but when i make connection it will lost due to rapidly data( in excel sheet each cell change value 1-3 times in one second).Am using Ajax Timer of interval 1000.

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C# - Fetching Data From A Webpage?

Aug 24, 2011

Suppose the given picture*(consider the picture as a web page)* is a web page...i have saved this web page to my i want to parse/copy data from a specific area from the web page and store it into the database accordingly. Is this possible?? I wanna know if this thing is possible??If yes then how??

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Fetching And Displaying Database Data?

Jul 25, 2009

I recently made a database that saves user information into a MS Access database from a form.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
objDA = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM CDetails",


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Fetching Data From Databinded DropDownList?

Jul 19, 2010

I Have a data table like this:

UserID Username Password Email

an a dropdownlist that is binded to this table

DisplayMember is Username
Value member is UserID

now how can I get forexample Email when an Item is selected?

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Fetching Data From Simulated Model?

Mar 29, 2012

fetching data from simulated model

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Ms Access - One In Fetching A Data From Backend In .net?

Nov 20, 2010

i have two item in form it is---1 is textbox and 2nd is combo i have single value in textbox but there is a multiple value for a combobox with is totally depend on a value of textbox.*i am already add data to the backend files ... in which 1 columns that is called column A it's value is for textbox and 2 column that is called column B it's value for combo box When i write in textbox it's dependent ALL value can be get in the combo box.Can any one solve my problem..

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VS 2005 Fetching Data From The Database?

Aug 15, 2009

In a windows form i want to fetch data for the combobox1,combobox2,combobox3 and combobox4 from the BankAccount table and fetch data for combobox5 from the TransferMoney table and fill the dropdown list of these combobox's at the form load event.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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Database - Fetching Data Between Primary And Foreign Key?

Feb 3, 2012

How do I fetch the loginID and display the student data on the textbox?E.g. I login with loginID of 18 but it only display the data of 12

Private Sub frmLibrary_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'LibraryDataSet.Student' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub

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DB/Reporting :: Fetching And Displaying Database Data?

Jul 25, 2009

I recently made a database that saves user information into a MS Access database from a form.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
objDA = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM CDetails",


Now when they go to the next form, I have labels such as lblFirstName, lblSurName ect. I want to display the information that the user has inputted into these labels. How can I fetch data saved into the database and display it onto these labels? and how can I select rows?

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Inserting,updating,deleting Data From And To Excel Files Using Oled Or Odbc Connection?

Apr 11, 2009

I have tried everything.but im not able to insert updat and delete the excel able to connect the excel sheet.the connection also seems to be s my connection string:

Dim sConnectionString As String
Const kunal = "C:"
sConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


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Datagridview With ComboBoxColumn Fetching Data From Joined Table

Dec 16, 2009

I am using VB 2005 professional and SQL Server 2005 express edition.

For the last two weeks I have been trying to have a datagridview control on a form that will have datasource from a dataset with two tables that are related. I want child the column to be a ComboBoxColumn where userts can select options and update the other data(from the other table).

I have two tables in an sql server 2005 database named computers:-


Table computers looks like thisID is the primary key column)
ID Location


With the location column being a ComboBoxColumn so that when a user enters a new ID say Computer5,they have a choice of a dropdownmenu for the Location column. In the database table computers the item should be saved as well as the index value(to correspond to the LocationID).

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Scheduler Program Fetching Data From MS Access Database

Oct 9, 2011

I need some clarification. I'm planning to make a Scheduler program where it will fetch data from a MS Access Database, and I also want it to upload the data to a web server (MySQL Database) in JSON Format.

In the first process which is the fetching, I'll use System.Data.Ole.db namespace. This namespace mostly worked in MS Access. In the 2nd process which is the uploading, I am planning to use FTP protocol and should be JSON Format.

I was just confused with the second step, is FTP protocol applicable for this process?

I will make an Android apps to view all the data that will be saved on the web server.

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Set The Selected Item Of Combobox While Fetching The Data From Backend?

Jan 15, 2012

I used a class MyList and with the Help of this MyList the combo box named cboCity was filled with City Code(like 1001,1002,etc..) as Value member and City Name (like Canada,California etc...) as display member.

Public Class MyList
Private _dispName As String
Private _valMember As Integer
Public Sub New()


The value members 1001,1002,1003,1004 get inserted as per cbocity(combo box)display name selection , into the database and during the retrieval of the record the value member is obtained and based on that for eg:when i get 1001 the selected item should be Canada.I tried many ways while fetching the record and set the selected item but all fails .

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Date - Time Format When Fetching Data From SQL Express To Datagridview

May 26, 2010

I fetch data from an SQL Express database table named ALARMLOG to a datagridview1. One of the columns of ALARMLOG is "TheTime" which has datetime data type values. This values are in the following format "22/04/2010 13:23:45 PM".When I fetch the data to the datagridview1 I get "22/04/2010 13:23 PM".The problem is that I can't display the seconds in datagridview1. I tried the CORVERT command of SQL in order to convert from datatime to varchar but nothing...


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VS 2008 Fetching Data By Getelementbyid Using Httpwebresponse And Httpwebrequest Method?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been used getelmentbyid in past in vb6 using webbrowser control and internetexplorer instance But in i tried to fetch webpge using the httpwebresponse Which gives the html / source in the form of sting Is it possible to fetching data by getelementbyid using httpwebresponse and httpwebrequest method ?

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Maintain InventoryRecord Table To Get Data From The Two Tables PurchaseTable And SalesTable And To Update The Quantity Record?

Sep 30, 2009

I am working on an application for Point of Sale system in .Net 2008,vb with MsAccess as database and now i am on the final part of this application which is inventory module. Where in that module i have created Stock table and I have two tables related to stock.


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Fetching Data From A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table Into A Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building a VB 2008 Express Edition application.I have built a database (with a single table) using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and have connected it to the project. I am able to view and edit the data using a DataGridView on a second form (tutorial made this very easy). I need to work with the data in the table within the application. how to easily load the entire table into an array or even read the table a row or cell at a time so that I can make all of the data available for manipulation within the application (the tutorials only seem to show how to display the data).

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C# - Use LINQ And Build A .Net App Rapidly?

Jul 22, 2010

I am looking for a tool that would allow me to use LINQ and build a .Net app rapidly.

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How To Connect Socket To Server Rapidly

Jan 23, 2011

I'm using sockets to connect to servers and for some strange reason I can't identify, the socket is taking several seconds (5 maybe 6) seconds to connect when using an IP whereas is instant when using a hostname. Here is my code to connect:[code...]

In the above code, server of course is a string. I've tested this with a friend and she's experiencing the same issue and I'd like to get around it as it's sort of annoying..While debugging GetHostEntry is the line that seems to take forever when using an IP.

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[2008] Error - Unable To Read Data From The Transport Connection: The Connection Was Closed

Mar 15, 2009

I have a simple scraper. It works on some websites, but on some there is this Error:


IOException was unhandled Unable to read data from the transport connection: The connection was closed

It is occuring at "Dim htmlresults As String = Urlcontents.ReadToEnd()".

'Create the HttpWebRequest object
Dim req As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(URL)
'Set the timeout to 1 second (or 1,000 milliseconds)
req.Timeout = 10000


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Import Excel Data Into SQL Server - ERROR: "ODBC --Connection To {SQL Server} Servernamesqlservername Failed"

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to do something fairly simple.. allow my user to import thier data from Excel into SQL Server, where it can be used by the application.To do this, I'm using the fairly simple code that is common everywhere I look:

strFilePath = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fdlgFileOpen.FileName + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"
connExcel = New OleDbConnection(strFilePath)


Now, on my development computer this code works perfectly. The data imports, and I can go on my merry way.

On the TEST computer, this code throws the error: "ODBC -- Connection to {SQL Server} servernamesqlservername failed." This seems very odd to me, because I'm using exactly the same SQL Server and database to interact with the application, and all the other screens in the application work perfectly. The test computer CAN connect to this SQL Server, but it keeps throwing this error whenever I try import data from Excel.I've tried everything I can think of - using the server's IP address instead of the server name, sending the SQL Server administrator data along with the request, taking out the Trusted_Connection=Yes... nothing works. What is going on here? How can this code work fine on my computer, and hiccup on another?

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Program That Is Rapidly Growing After The Login Screen?

Feb 19, 2010

I am working on a program that is rapidly growing. After the login screen, I have to wait about 10 seconds before the main form shows up. I want to add a loading or splash screen in that time, but I am having a lot of trouble having two forms launch at once.

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Rapidly Changing Labels To Random Numbers

Feb 18, 2011

As a brief summary, I have an issue writing a program. A part of the program has a While loop that is supposed to change some labels to random numbers every iteration of the loop. But, instead of all that, the labels just turn blank until the end of the loop is achieved, and only then is the random number written.

While (o < 3000)
r1 = Rnd()
str1 = CStr(r1)
Label1.Text = str1
o = o + 1
End While

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Dont Get Any Data From Socket When Data Should Be There And No Exeptions Raised, Connection Is Open. Using DataAvailable To Wait For Data

Mar 24, 2011

I have a problem reading data from an RFID-reader. I connect to the reader by tcp and wait for DataAvailable to be true, then reading the data until I got a end of data character. Then I just go back and waiting for a new DataAvailable. This is done in a own thread for the function.

There seems to be some kind of timeout, If I don't got any data in a couple of minutes, then it just sits there in the do/loop waiting for DataAvailable. I hold the card to the RFID reader, it beeps, but there is no data available. I don't get any exeptions, and the information says that the clientsocket is still connected. Are there anything more I can check?

If I put the card to the reader in a minute-interval it seems as this will never occur. So 2-3 minutes idle:ing seems to do this.

Here are my code to read data from the socket, I have taken away some irrelevant code:

Sub test(ByVal ip As String, ByVal port As Integer)
' this sub is meant to run forever


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Sends Data On A Networkstream Through A Tcp Connection - Error "An Established Connection Was Aborted By The Software In Your Host Machine"

Aug 18, 2009

I have a program that sends some data on a networkstream through a tcp connection.


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Change Excel Odbc Connection?

Oct 6, 2009

I have an excel with 10 sheets, each sheet has a connection stored in it because i am using the ms query to read data from access database. when I code the below, both line are accepted by (with new or without)

Dim wb1 As Excel.Workbook
Dim wb2 As New Excel.Workbook

Now when I code

Dim wb_cnn1 As Excel.ODBCConnection ' Works Fine
Dim wb_cnn2 As new Excel.ODBCConnection ' Error 'New' cannot be used on an interface.

Q1: Why I cannot create New Excel.ODBCConnection? I have this

Dim xlsApp As New Excel.Application
Dim wb_cnn As Excel.ODBCConnection
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook


Maybe because it is read only. I want that because the ms query is hardcoding the path of the access db even if i choose DSN so, if I change the location of the access file the query in the excel will not work, Q2: How I can change the connection in the Excel sheet?

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Connection String For Excel Without Using Oledb?

Jun 7, 2012

How can we read an excel file without using Oledb?

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Excel Oledb Connection Error?

Jun 6, 2011

For my current Project I need to fetch the data from an excel file.Each second the data in the excel file is changing... What I want to do is, copy it from the excel and Validate it in every second.So I use an Oledb connection to get the data from Excel file... s working excellent for two hours... After 2 hours I am getting an error that"the connection for viewing your linked microsoft excel worksheet was lost......"

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OLEDB Excel Connection With VB 2008 Or .Net?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to connect excel sheet with VB 2008 in my project, but it show a error message: A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll


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