: Open A Textbox When Pressing On?

Mar 13, 2012

I made a form that gets send to my there is a a droplist box in which there is an options of afew, lets say colors, and at the end there is the option "Other" in which I want a textbox to apear beanth so the client can write the "color" he wants.Im using VBcode with ASP.NET.

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Open Folder By Pressing Button?

Jul 1, 2009

Button pressed. and a Folder then opens so you can see the contents

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Open Default Email Program (Outlook, For Example) When Pressing A Link?

Aug 26, 2006

My app has some labels with email adresses, what i want to do is some kind of linklabel but instad of oppening an internet adress, i want it to open, for example, outlook, with the adress in the destination field (many programs does so), also, it would be fine if i can personalize a default email subject and text, but if i can open the program and put the adress i am already happy enough

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Pressing Enter Key With A Textbox?

Sep 21, 2010

im struggling to get my form to work properly, when the user enter the details into the textbox and they press enter i want a button to activate. Ive tried

sendkeys.send(Enter) cant remeber the exact code

then some event handler on the Send.keys help section on windows.

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Cursor In Textbox Freezes On Pressing F10?

Jan 12, 2009

I am checking if one of the function keys is pressed in the KeyDown event of a TextBox using the following
If e.KeyCode >= Keys.F1 And e.KeyCode <= Keys.F12 Then
'do something here
End If
This works fine, except when I press F10 the cursor in the textbox freezes (ie. stops blinking) & doesn't free up until another key is pressed. Does Windows use this key for some other functionality that causes this behavior?

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Automatically Add The Result To A Textbox, Without Pressing A Button?

Jun 3, 2011

I have three textboxes on a form.The first two are for entering numbers for addition.And the third is for displaying the result of addition.I want the result of addition to appear in the third textbox as soon as I enterthe numbers in the first two textboxes, without pressing any buttons.

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Make The Textbox Work By Pressing Enter?

Feb 4, 2010

how can i make the textbox work by pressing enter as when iwant ot make a search i type in the textbox then press enter i'm using vb2008

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Textbox Without Pressing The Reset Button Then The Label Appears?

Sep 24, 2009

I am trying to write a program where I have to create a Reset Button.On the form are two buttons a textbox and a label.I have to put some information in the textbox and if the information is wrong I get an error message, I have finished that part of the program.My problem is creating the Reset button.When I get an error I need to press the reset button to clear the data in the textbox and replace it with the words Reset Button in the textbox. Also I have to create a label that doesn't appear unless I don't press the Reset button to start over. So if I have an error and try to type something else in the textbox without pressing the Reset button then the label appears and say YOU NEED TO PRESS THE RESET BUTTON. That is the only time that the label will appear is when I don't press the reset button.

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Move To Next Textbox.text By Pressing The Return Key In A Windows Form?

Jun 7, 2010

How do move to next textbox.text by pressing the return Key in a windows Form . I am using VB 2010 express edition?

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Send Textbox Content To Email By Pressing A Button In 2008?

Aug 15, 2009

it would work something like that:

-I type some text into few textboxes

-I press a send button

-Everything i typed into textboxes is sent to my email

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VS 2008 Text From Textbox Inserted In Listview By Pressing A Button

May 28, 2009

I got a textbox, listview and button. i need to get text from textbox inserted in listview by pressing a button every time i press the button i need the text in textbox getting removed. and start a new line in listview. i searched for it on the forums. could only find a few results for other versions of Vb

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Does Pressing "Enter" Activate The LostFocus Event Of A Textbox

Jun 28, 2009

how to capture the text that a user enters in a textbox when they press the enter key? I thought there was an event that handles this but I can't quite seem to get anything to work.

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VS 2008 Stop "Beep" Sound When Pressing "Enter" Key In TextBox?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a method in place to capture the "Enter" button when pressed and then move to the next control in the tab order. I do this to mimic Access (my users are spoiled).The problem arises when the current control is TextBox. I changed all my TextBoxes to multi-line and it got rid of the beep. However, it also added a "carriage return" and entered it as such in the DataBase.

Private Sub HandleEnterAsTab(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) _


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Add Open Windowtitle Into Textbox?

Feb 20, 2011

So today while trying to develop my knowledge in VB a little further. I bumped into a problem. The problem occurs with this code:

Dim process1() As Process = Process.GetProcesses()
Dim p As Integer = 0
Dim k As Integer = process1.Length


Getting the mainwindowtitle works just fine, but when I try to add all the windows to a textbox instead of a listbox I get an error. how I could add the mainwindows to a textbox and separate them with a " " ???

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Open A Application In A TEXTBOX?

Jun 20, 2012

I was if there is a way to open a application in a texbox or something similar on the form

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Open A YML File In A Textbox

Mar 4, 2012

i have recently been developing a simple text editor designed for YML. i have come across 2 problems. 1. When i open a YML file to a textbox, the text seems rather messed up comparing to what im used to seeing (in wordpad and notepad++) 2. Most compilers and programs for typing code remember the column of the text above them like this:


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Open File To TextBox ?

Oct 30, 2009

I'm looking to, using an OpenFileDialog, open a file to a TextBox, named TextBox1. When you press the Button, Button1, it'll show you an OpenFileDialog

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Please Select a File"
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:temp"


That's the code for my open file dialog, and now I'm confused as how to have the file opened using that file open dialog open up into the TextBox1.Text area.

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How To Allow A Textbox To Open A File On Drag

Jan 28, 2011

how can i make a textbox accept a drag and drop (if i drag and drop a txt file onto it, how can i make it open)Well, If it is not worth it, it is not fun - you say programmers are boring but i say they are worth it.

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Open A Certain Offset And Code In VB Textbox?

Dec 6, 2011

I sm currently trying to open a certain offset and code in VB textbox. For example I want to Open a hex file and have FFFF000F Open in the textbox how would i do this? heres the openfiledialog but i cannot get it to open the save and open a certain hex value into the textbox

OpenFileDialog1.CheckFileExists = True
OpenFileDialog1.CheckPathExists = True
OpenFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "exs"


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Open/Saving Textbox Values?

Jul 8, 2010

My windows form as a bunch of textboxes on it that basically let the user put in different positions/forces that a test cycle then uses. I am trying to let the user save their profile settings/open the settings so they don't have to input the same values every time they want to run the same test. Here is my code so far. basically, when i save my csv file, and open it, all 6 textbox values are plopped in the first textbox instead of being distributed to their original boxes. I just read about a "split" function

Private Sub SaveProfileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveProfileToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim sw As StreamWriter


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VS 2008 Open A Directory From A Textbox?

Feb 2, 2010

How can i open a directory or folder from text displayed in a textbox?

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How To Open A Text File And Display It In A Textbox

Apr 16, 2009

I want to display the test from a text file into a textbox.

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Make A Open File Dialog For A Textbox?

Sep 1, 2009


'Show the Open dialog and if the user clicks the Open button, 'load the file If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Ok Then


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Open A Text File And Display It In A Textbox?

Apr 9, 2009

I want to display the test from a text file into a textbox.

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Open Form With Cursor Blinking On First Textbox?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I get a form to open with the cursor positioned on the lowest-tabbed index textbox (assuming there is no other type of control that is lowest in the tab sequence) and with the cursor blinking (assuming the textbox is emply)? I have tried this

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Open Text File In Textbox From A Listbox?

Apr 15, 2009

This is the code i have so far[code]...

but now i need to load the text file into a text box from the listbox. one thing that confuses me is if a try to load the file from the list box, this code only shows the file names, no path, no extensions.

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Open TextBox Content In A Specific Program?

Dec 7, 2011

I am wondering how to open a specific program with the textbox contents. Here is my situation: I want the text in the textbox to be saved to a html file and then open that html file in a specific browser.

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Form Open Based On Textbox.text Entry

Mar 20, 2012

I just want to open a form based on a users input into the textbox

Public Class MainForm

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TagBox1.Click


I already have it opening the form2 based on a click from the picture, but decided aginst that design. Also any design on form2? (below) I am storing values for tags inside the forms....

Public Class Form2

Private Sub saveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles saveButton.Click
My.Settings.SaveTitle = TextBox1.Text


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Notepad - Open File Dialog In Main Textbox

May 12, 2010

I'm building a simple Notepad where users can open CSS & HTML files & was wondering how I can program it to open the file in the main text box like the regular Windows Notepad does.

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VS 2010 - Open And Read All Files On Folder In Textbox

May 10, 2011

Is it possible, create a button that can start looking for files in a particular folder and open and close each 1 of them.
Eje: Search in c: est (here open and read all files on folder in texbox) test.txt, test2.txt, ...
Open 1 and close to open 2, close and open 3...
I write the folder to search, and program find and open and close all files in the folder.

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