- Retrieve All Comments For A Specific Post?

Sep 30, 2011

Having a bit of block trying to get comments for a specific post. Working with MVC 3 and VBNET. A post url looks like /Blog/Post/1. I can display the post without problem but need to get the comments for PostId=1 from the Comments table. I tried a Linq inner join statement

Dim results = From P In _rdsqlconn.Posts Where P.PostId = id Join c In _rdsqlconn.Comments On P.PostId Equals c.PostId Select P
Public Class RDSQLConn


However a SQL query such as the one below works just fine. Can i just pass in this sql statement to my EF?

Select * From Posts INNER JOIN Comments on dbo.Posts.PostId = Comments.PostId where dbo.Posts.PostId = 1

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How To Post And Retrieve Values From API

Oct 18, 2009

I am trying to use eBay API and I have already signed up and connected to their API, now I don't know the VB.NET code needed to retrieve the information, such as "GeteBayOfficialTime" is a command I can use for their API, but how do I go about connecting and requesting "GeteBayOfficialTime"?

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Submit A POST Form And Retrieve Result Page In A String?

May 30, 2011

I am trying to create a program that is able to submit post data for the page [URL] where it submits the request fields and then the resulting page is receiving in a string.

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Web Services - POST A JSON To A Specific Url Using .NET?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm a newbie about web services in VB.NET. I'm making a desktop application that will talk to JIRA[URL]..They provided a REST api that I decided to use. The first step is to login which they say that...

"To log in to JIRA, you need to POST a username and password in JSON format..."
{"username" : "admin", "password" : "admin"}
to this url...
https://addressgoeshere (we are using https)

Can someone provide me a sample code to do this so I can have a guide and a good start?

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System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser - Retrieve Post Data After Navigating?

Mar 3, 2009

I'm instantiating a WebBrowser object and programmatically clicking a button to navigate. Is there a way (property, method, or voodoo ritual) for me to check the browser after it lands on the new page to see 1) the form method that was used and 2) the post data?

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Doing A POST Request To Server And Getting Specific Cookie From Response

May 24, 2012

I'm trying to port an old VB.NET application to an Android application, but due to my lack of Java experience I am unable to find this one out. I have tried multiple solutions but to no avail.The idea is basically to do a POST request to 'url...' and getting the response cookies.[code]

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C# - Different Color For Code Comments And XML Comments?

Sep 26, 2011

I've noticed that in C# XML comments and code comments can have different colors by changing the settings in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Display Items:

- Comment: controls code comments XML comment: controls XML comments

This works well in C# <summary>This XML comment is green</summary>


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Retrieve A Specific Lines Number?

Aug 12, 2011

Anyone knows how to get the line number of a specific line in a .txt file?[code]...

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Retrieve A Specific Record From A Database?

Jan 10, 2010

how do you retrieve a specific record from a database. i have a database with records of stock an i need to be able to check the stock for specific items on the database. The collumn is quantity and im trying to retrieve the integer value based on oledb querry "SELECT Quantity FROM Stock WHERE ItemID=ITemID"

btw i have tried oledb data reader but don't seem to understand it .

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Retrieve A Specific Value In Text File?

Feb 18, 2009

I have an Intel Hex file with multi-line hex values -


I need to retrieve specific values in some addresses. E.g. If I want to read the 8th byte of the first line, 0x0A and the 9th byte of the second line, 0xF1, how to read them by opening this file?

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Value To Retrieve With Specific XML Element Path

Feb 16, 2010

I have only recently discovered the world of fetching online data using XML functions in VB.NET and it has been working well so far. Unfortunately I have hit a hurdle and am unsure as to how I should proceed. Until now I have been working with simple XML files where there was only 1 value to retrieve with a specific XML element path. Now I have an XML which looks like this (apostrophes to represent indentation):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<eveapi version="1">
''<currentTime>2007-12-12 11:48:50</currentTime>
''''<rowset name="characters" key="characterID" columns="name,characterID,corporationName,corporationID">
[Code] .....

I need to have the program assign the first row's name attribute to one combo box, the second to another combo box and the same with the last.

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Retrieve Data From A Specific Place In Text?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to know how to retrieve data from a specific place in a .txt file.[code]...

Also, how would I write to Jim and not Name, or how would I write to 52 and not Age?

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Retrieve The Data From A Specific Row And Column From A DataSet?

Aug 19, 2009

I know this has to be a very simple answer but I seem to be overlooking it. I have an Access database that I have conected to and have created a DataSet. The DataSet consists of one table with several rows and a bunch of columns. What I am trying to do is get the data for one specific row and column so that I can use this data is some calculations. I can position the row if I need to but I can't figure out how to get the data in the specific column I need.

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Using SQL String With Date Between To Retrieve Specific Data?

Dec 26, 2011

I do encounter interest problem when I am using VBNet2008 and SQL Server 2000. I am developing Window Application and one of the form I am using SQL String with Date between to retrieve specific data from SQL SERVER 2000 Table and it's not working and generated this error message:
Invalid column name strFromDate
Invalid column name strToDate

Here are the overall coding:
Dim sqlconn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlcmd As SqlCommand
Dim DA As SqlDataAdapter
Dim DR As SqlDataReader
[Code] .....

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Extract - Retrieve Mail From Only A Specific Person Through Outlook?

Mar 16, 2011

I got the following code from

Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objFolder As Outlook.Folders


Now, I got as far as making the default folder the Inbox. What I would like to do is to extend the functionality by retrieving only a specific person's emails and extracting and saving whatever attachments he/she sends. Also, I get the following error when the code reaches the Dim Atmt as Outlook.Attachment part: Public member 'Attachment' on type 'Object' not found. I need this function to retrieve the attachments. I've tried different things, but nothing's worked.

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Html - Android: Retrieve Data From A Specific Webpage?

Dec 8, 2010

I have used .NET and ShDocVw for years to grab data off webpages without any issues I couldn't overcome. This website has me beat though. It seems like such as easy task to grab the titles and other information off a library search page, but I can't see the data to be able to grab it. Usually, I just look in the DOM, but the data wasn't there. I did a view source, but the data wasn't there.

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Make The Http "POST" Request To The Specific Spot?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to write this program that logs into this website. Now I figured out how to make the http "POST" request to the specific spot on the page which returns a "Successfully logged in" afterwards but once I make a request to another part of the page, it asks me to login (I look at the source code). I have been messing with Fiddler and I compared the a POST from my webbrowser to a POST from my program. I found the following lines to be in my browser POST and not in my program post:


I am assuming this has something to do with the cookie that I am suppose to get to be able to tell the website that I am logged in. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I dont use XMLHTTPREQUEST in my program. I found it earlier on the msdn website but now I cant find a reference to it.I am also not good with term names and I just started learning VB and don't know much about cookies/HTTP requests and such, but that is why I am trying to learn.

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Visual Basic 2008 Retrieve Specific Data From Ms Acces To Eliminate Duplicate Records?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm doing a simple database thru VS2008 and Msaccess without using any builtin relationship between records, now i need to know how i can retrieve specific data from access using the oledbadapter or any, example seek if the value from the textbox1.text is already existing in msaccess table then msgbox "Record already exists.", note that the code is in keypress event of the textbox1.

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Lookup For A Specific Computer Given Ip Or Computer Name ... Retrieve The User Logged On

May 21, 2010

how can i look up for a specific computer given ip or computer name ...retrieve the user logged on..

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How To Post A File Via HTTP Post

Jun 11, 2009

Having a problem with sending a file via HTTP post in I am trying to mimic the following HTML so the does the same thing.[code]

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Insert A PICTURE Into A Forum Post - Inserting Code Into A Forum Post?

Nov 25, 2008

<edit on 10th March 2010.>

Changed thread type to QUESTION. I was then able to mark AS ANSWER the relevent post which now also immediately follows this post and so it is easier to find as suggested by forum user j2associates .

<edit> It is also my 3rd post in this thread, the 8th one up, of my posts, from the bottom ( for now ), as the forum format has changed yet again.I will leave the rest of this post( as is ) purely for historical reasons. I have been on these forums long enough to see 3 forum changes. <edit> 19th May, 2010> Link added to a video on the next line of text.


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.net - Checking For Comments?

Jun 2, 2011

i am writing a program which gets a c program as an input and checks it for errors,now i want my program to skip the comments in the c program,i have written some code but its not working

For Each line In TextBox1.Lines
sample = TextBox1.Lines(k)
Dim len As String
len = sample.Length


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.net - Put Comments On Each Line?

Mar 2, 2012

I used to be a C# developer so this commenting style was very easy in C#. This is driving me crazy but how do you do this in VB.NET without getting a syntax error?: Private ReadOnly Property AcceptableDataFormat(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) As Boolean


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VB Comments In Completion Box?

Dec 30, 2010

I do not understand vb comments. I read that it is possible to give a hint in the code completion box when someone (or myself?) is using my code. But I do not find something in visual studio.

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.net - Using Method Summary XML Comments?

Feb 9, 2011

I have been using the method summary XML Comments at the top of my procedures lately and am wondering if there are any logical or good practices related to this.I never put anything in the remarks because I put the description of the method in the summary tag. What belongs in the summary and what belongs in remarks?I seldom put anything in the returns tag because it seems like it would be redundant as I usually explain what is being returned in the summary. Should I simply keep the type of object returned in the returns tag?

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.net-checking For Nesting Of Comments?

Jun 7, 2011

i am writing a program which takes a c program as input and it has to check whether there is a nesting of comments in that c program and gives an output based on that,how do i go about that

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Add Comments To An Array Initialization?

Feb 24, 2012

Is there a way to add comments to an array initialization? For example:

Dim test As UShort() = { _
1, _
2, _
3, _
4 _

I'd like to add a comment on each line, but the obvious syntaxes fail (for obvious reasons)

1, 'test _
1 'test, _
So, am I out of luck?

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Automatically Add Necessary Spaces To Comments?

Jul 5, 2010

When I'm writing comments in my code, I often forget to add the initial space after the comment identifier.

'this is a comment

when really it is supposed to be

' this is a comment

I realize this is quite trivial, and you could simply say "just add the damn space you idiot", but I'd really like to automate this so that I just don't have to worry about it. add the comment space?note I do realize that a catch all string replace or regex replace could screw up other things ... IE:

Dim something As String = "I'm a nerd"

would actually come out

Dim something As String = "I' m a nerd"

if it's only on a line by it's self and is not followed by a second single quote... IE: '' would not trigger the replacement.

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Comments Are Not Stored To The Table?

Jul 16, 2010

I am working with a datagridview on my form and have a CellContent Click event as shown below;

Now, when I check the checkbox Yes and type in the comments textbox, the Comments are not stored to the table. However, the checkbox is set to a true value.

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Compile Code Without Comments?

Nov 6, 2010

Is it possible to compile the code without the comments? Or are the comments not compiled as default?

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