Value To Retrieve With Specific XML Element Path

Feb 16, 2010

I have only recently discovered the world of fetching online data using XML functions in VB.NET and it has been working well so far. Unfortunately I have hit a hurdle and am unsure as to how I should proceed. Until now I have been working with simple XML files where there was only 1 value to retrieve with a specific XML element path. Now I have an XML which looks like this (apostrophes to represent indentation):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<eveapi version="1">
''<currentTime>2007-12-12 11:48:50</currentTime>
''''<rowset name="characters" key="characterID" columns="name,characterID,corporationName,corporationID">
[Code] .....

I need to have the program assign the first row's name attribute to one combo box, the second to another combo box and the same with the last.

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How To Retrieve HTML Element Names

Sep 21, 2011

How would I generate a list of html element names from a website/document that is being displayed in WebBrowser1?

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How To Retrieve The Absolute Position Of An HTML Element

Apr 3, 2008

How to retrieve the absolute coordinates of an HTML or CSS element from the webbrowser control using Visual Basic? I am using VB 2008 Express Edition. I would like to be able to display the control in my application and then using the HTML Document Object Model (I guess?!) get the X and Y coordinates (top, left, bottom, right) of a DIV or other HTML tag.

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Using Xpath To Retrieve The Text Content Of An Element?

Feb 15, 2011

I have been at it for few weeks now and just learning XML and VB but seems like I hit a road block. I tried a few different attempts at doing this and I have no problem displaying the XML file on a webpage using the xpathnavigator class. But then i needed to format into an html table so i took another route and just added the xmldatasource with a formview. So here is my code for that

<oriondata station='GiftShop'>
<meas name="GiftShopTime">2011/02/08 16:39:01</meas>
<meas name="GiftShopItemNumber">6</meas>


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How To Add Element To Specific Position

Oct 8, 2009

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no"?>
<document version="1.1" guid="{5BB6C5FF-FDA4-4FC5-99A2-20CFDF5651FE}" date="20060928"


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Writing To Specific Element In XML?

May 28, 2009

i have a xml file thats looks like this:

<Item xmlns="Element1">


And then i want to add 1 SubItem for every item in my listbox to one specific element without touching the other code. I already have the code for saving listview items to xml.

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Search For A Specific XML Element And Read It's Value?

Jun 20, 2011

My XML document is setup like this:

<Parent Name="A">


I've been trying to figure out how to select Parent B's Child1 node so I may extract it's value. I have looked into SelectSingleNode and SelectNodes

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Insert A New Node After An Element Which Contains Specific Text?

Jul 29, 2009

I have an xml document [code]...

but the node to insert after will be selected in a listbox.

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Save Image To Application Path And Retrieve From Application Path?

Nov 25, 2009

I have one project and in this project I want to save picture to application path and save the path to database as string and retrieve the image from the application path.Can u give me some idea about it..i am using as frontend and ms access database

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Find A Specific HTML Element In A Webbrowser.document?

May 19, 2009

How can you find a specific HTML element in a webbrowser.document? I'm making a program that will go to a specified address on the internet and find a html element and get the src link from the element then return the src to the imagelocation of a picturebox. Is this at least possible?

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HTML Parsing - Check If Element Has Specific Attribute?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm using HtmlAgilityPack to parse HTML. I want to check if an element has a specific attribute. I want to check whether an <a> tag has the href attribute.

Dim doc As HtmlDocument = New HtmlDocument()
doc.Load(New StringReader(content))
Dim root As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode
Dim anchorTags As New List(Of String)
For Each link As HtmlNode In root.SelectNodes("//a")
If link.HasAttributes("href") Then doSomething() 'this doesn't work because hasAttributes only checks whether an element has attributes or not

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Retrieve The Full Path For Outlook.exe?

May 10, 2011

I have been searching for a way to retrieve the full path for Outlook.exe and have managed to do it like this: Public Function GetOutlookPath() As String

Return My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp PathsOUTLOOK.EXE", "Path", Nothing)
End Function

On my current computer (Windows 7 64bit) it works just fine. On our Windows Server (also 64bit) it only works when it is building to "any CPU". When I change it to x86 it will return nothing

Our application needs to be run built as x86 on our 64bit computers to work correctly

Does anybody have any idea on how to solve this problem?

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Retrieve The Path Name For A File Or Database?

Mar 17, 2009

Is there a way to use vb .net code to retrieve the path name for a file or database?And then use that path name for the connection of a database, so that way when I put my application on a different computer it will be able to still have access to the database.I'm using Visual Basic .net 2008 express.

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How To Retrieve Full Path Of File Uploaded

Aug 24, 2009

I am having the problem of retrieving the fullpath of the file uploaded in the file upload option is there any syntax for the retrieval..

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Retrieve The Path From The Filedialogopen And Show It In A Textbox?

Sep 29, 2011

I am trying to retrieve the path from the filedialogopen and show it in a textbox so far all I am able to do is to show the "1" (true) result from the .ok in the filedialog.

Private Sub DB_Set_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DB_Set.Click
If DB_PATH.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
DB_Path_Text.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(DB_PATH.FileName)
Catch fileException As Exception


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Ribbon XML Browse To Retrieve File Path

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to write a word-add in with ribbon xml, I need a way to retrieve the path to a file specified by the user, through browsing, how would I do it. I am currently trying to use System.Windows.Forms.FileDialog but I am not sure how to use it.

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Store The Path And Retrieve Image In Mysql Database?

Jun 12, 2011

code on storing path image and retrieve path into image using mysql database and 2008. I only know how to make a browse button and get the image into hard disk and display it in picturebox. I'm done with the the problem is how to store the path and retrieve the path into image.

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[2008] Retrieve The Selected Path And Filename From SaveFileDialog

Jan 23, 2009

I would like to use a SaveFileDialog to retrieve a path and filename.

Like for example: You choose a saving location and filename in the SaveFileDialog, and then when you press save the path and filename will be put in to a string as such: C:Folderfilename.txt

View 5 Replies - Retrieve All Comments For A Specific Post?

Sep 30, 2011

Having a bit of block trying to get comments for a specific post. Working with MVC 3 and VBNET. A post url looks like /Blog/Post/1. I can display the post without problem but need to get the comments for PostId=1 from the Comments table. I tried a Linq inner join statement

Dim results = From P In _rdsqlconn.Posts Where P.PostId = id Join c In _rdsqlconn.Comments On P.PostId Equals c.PostId Select P
Public Class RDSQLConn


However a SQL query such as the one below works just fine. Can i just pass in this sql statement to my EF?

Select * From Posts INNER JOIN Comments on dbo.Posts.PostId = Comments.PostId where dbo.Posts.PostId = 1

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Retrieve A Specific Lines Number?

Aug 12, 2011

Anyone knows how to get the line number of a specific line in a .txt file?[code]...

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Retrieve A Specific Record From A Database?

Jan 10, 2010

how do you retrieve a specific record from a database. i have a database with records of stock an i need to be able to check the stock for specific items on the database. The collumn is quantity and im trying to retrieve the integer value based on oledb querry "SELECT Quantity FROM Stock WHERE ItemID=ITemID"

btw i have tried oledb data reader but don't seem to understand it .

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Retrieve A Specific Value In Text File?

Feb 18, 2009

I have an Intel Hex file with multi-line hex values -


I need to retrieve specific values in some addresses. E.g. If I want to read the 8th byte of the first line, 0x0A and the 9th byte of the second line, 0xF1, how to read them by opening this file?

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Retrieve Data From A Specific Place In Text?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to know how to retrieve data from a specific place in a .txt file.[code]...

Also, how would I write to Jim and not Name, or how would I write to 52 and not Age?

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Retrieve The Data From A Specific Row And Column From A DataSet?

Aug 19, 2009

I know this has to be a very simple answer but I seem to be overlooking it. I have an Access database that I have conected to and have created a DataSet. The DataSet consists of one table with several rows and a bunch of columns. What I am trying to do is get the data for one specific row and column so that I can use this data is some calculations. I can position the row if I need to but I can't figure out how to get the data in the specific column I need.

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Using SQL String With Date Between To Retrieve Specific Data?

Dec 26, 2011

I do encounter interest problem when I am using VBNet2008 and SQL Server 2000. I am developing Window Application and one of the form I am using SQL String with Date between to retrieve specific data from SQL SERVER 2000 Table and it's not working and generated this error message:
Invalid column name strFromDate
Invalid column name strToDate

Here are the overall coding:
Dim sqlconn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlcmd As SqlCommand
Dim DA As SqlDataAdapter
Dim DR As SqlDataReader
[Code] .....

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Retrieve Application Path For Associated File Type From Registry For Use With Shell Command?

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2008 in a Vista 64-bit OS. I'm trying to find an easy way (there must be one) to quickly retrieve from the registry the application file name and path to use in a Shell command to open a particular file. Specifically, I want the user in my app to be able to click on a PDF file and have the app open that PDF file using the application associated with PDF file types - Acrobat Reader, for example. Anyone have any suggestions as to proper coding & syntax for the following sequence?:

(1) Get name of .exe file associated with .pdf file type (most likely from the HKey Root Classes hive)

(2) Get path for the .exe file

(3) Shell("[pathname]appname.exe filename.pdf")

I've spent a couple of hours looking through the forums and haven't found what I'm looking for.

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Extract - Retrieve Mail From Only A Specific Person Through Outlook?

Mar 16, 2011

I got the following code from

Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objFolder As Outlook.Folders


Now, I got as far as making the default folder the Inbox. What I would like to do is to extend the functionality by retrieving only a specific person's emails and extracting and saving whatever attachments he/she sends. Also, I get the following error when the code reaches the Dim Atmt as Outlook.Attachment part: Public member 'Attachment' on type 'Object' not found. I need this function to retrieve the attachments. I've tried different things, but nothing's worked.

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Html - Android: Retrieve Data From A Specific Webpage?

Dec 8, 2010

I have used .NET and ShDocVw for years to grab data off webpages without any issues I couldn't overcome. This website has me beat though. It seems like such as easy task to grab the titles and other information off a library search page, but I can't see the data to be able to grab it. Usually, I just look in the DOM, but the data wasn't there. I did a view source, but the data wasn't there.

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Changing DWORD Value In Specific Registry Path

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to change the DWORD value in a specific registry path. It starts with the user who is entering the value in decimal into a text box. Then with the click of a button, the application takes that value and change the existing value of the DWORD to the new one typed into the text box. I think I have manage to get it to work with "strings" but I seem to get stuck when it comes to the DWORD key. I have a feeling it have something to do with the hexadecimal value which is set by default. Do I need to create a converter?

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Obtain Physical Path Of Specific Website

Sep 18, 2009

I have a web application (built as a product) that contains an XSL stylesheet that I'd like to use in a console application I've written in VB.Net in support of that web application. Is there a way to automatically determine the physical path to where the web application is installed? I know that the IIS Metabase holds this information, I just don't know how to access it.

What I have is the path to the web site. For example: [URL]. I'd like to look up in the IIS Metabase (on a specific server) to find the physical path
(For example: c:inetpubwwwrootmyapplicationfolder)
Is this possible from a console application running on either that server or even another server? (assume the account running the process has full admin rights).

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