Obtain Physical Path Of Specific Website

Sep 18, 2009

I have a web application (built as a product) that contains an XSL stylesheet that I'd like to use in a console application I've written in VB.Net in support of that web application. Is there a way to automatically determine the physical path to where the web application is installed? I know that the IIS Metabase holds this information, I just don't know how to access it.

What I have is the path to the web site. For example: [URL]. I'd like to look up in the IIS Metabase (on a specific server) to find the physical path
(For example: c:inetpubwwwrootmyapplicationfolder)
Is this possible from a console application running on either that server or even another server? (assume the account running the process has full admin rights).

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Windows - Have The Physical Path By Giving The Network Path?

Nov 29, 2010

Well now i have an issue which is pointing in the use of "path's" physical and network.I have a SQL server on a Server machine and i have a desktop machine used as client.I'm runing from my client machine a stored procedure in order to add a streaming data base.But also before i run this procedure i run another one which prepare the desired "path", this procedure takes:


in order to run the first procedure i have to turn myPath in each physical name:


Now my Issue is how i will have the physical path, which is build it on the server and which it's from very difficult (to imposible) to know it? Basically i need a function which will return me the physical path, which the implementation it's not knowing to me. My developing environment is vb.net 2010?

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Get The Physical Location Of Root Directory Of Website?

Oct 26, 2011

How can I get the location of the physical root directory of my website in VB.Net?

I am using visual studio 2008 and vb.net

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Getting Physical Path Of File In Project Directory?

Dec 15, 2011

I am using Environment.CurrentDirectory to get the current directory, i.e. "D:ChuttuProjectsLICinDebug"

But, I want to remove "inDebug"

How can I do that? Or is there any way so that I can get the directory up to "LIC"?

Actually this is my connection string:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|LIC.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

But when I use this and try to insert data into the DB, the data is not inserted. When I use the connection string with a physical path it starts working:

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Chuttu VBProjectsLICLIC.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

I am trying to get the physical path of the mdf file and use it in the connection string.


This piece of code works fine:
Private Sub save()
Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Chuttu VBProjectsLICLIC.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True")


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Display Image In Crystal Report Using Physical Path

Jul 3, 2010

I am using vb.net and access. In which I have one field in which I have saved only the path of that image. Now I want to display that image in crystal report dynamic. I want to fetch the image path in crystal report and display in it.

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C# - Print A Specific Physical Size?

May 5, 2011

I'm sure this is a common problem, but I haven't been able to find it.

I have a website and I want the user to be able to print a rectangle on their printer that is 3.5 inches x 2 inches. Exactly (within reason).

EDIT: To clarify - I'm looking to print a bunch of multicolored Text within a rectangle that needs to be a specific physical size. I also need to print specific shapes around some of the letters.

I'd looked into some of the .NET Printing stuff and found examples of measuring/drawing strings and shapes; but I didn't see anything that would let me specify a specific size.

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Obtain The Mac Address Of A Specific Computer?

Jan 29, 2009

I've searched and seen alot of posts about obtaining the mac address of computers but I'm not sure if I understand completely or if those are the ones I need.

I am needing to obtain the mac address of a specific computer via an ip address. Most of what I've seen returns to me an array or list of items.

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WMI To Get Drive Letter Association With Physical Drive Path Misses CDROMs?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm running the following WMI script to get the associations between drive letters and physical drives on the system, but for some reason it omits CDROMs/DVD-ROMs. Can someone tell me how to get those as well?

ComputerName = "."
Set wmiServices = GetObject _
("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!//" & ComputerName)
Set wmiDiskDrives = wmiServices.ExecQuery _
("SELECT DeviceID FROM Win32_DiskDrive")


View 12 Replies

Upload Control - TextFile Path From PC To Website?

Sep 8, 2010

I need to get a text file path from a pc to a website I'm developing to read the content of the file.

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Download Entire Website To Start Path Of Application?

Jun 14, 2010

Is there any code to download entire website to my start path of application?

View 14 Replies

Get The Text From A Specific Textbox From A Website?

Dec 9, 2010

what I want to do is get the text from a specific textbox from a website then copy it and paste it into an textbox(into my.exe) .

*With those code i get alway and error that clipboard is not supported ! *

my codes :

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick


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Read A Specific Attribute From A Xml Website?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm tryign to read a specific attribute from a xml website using this code:

'this is the url im trying to read, tmpIn is a string that complete the url:
Dim url As String = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=" & tmpIn & "&output=xml"
Dim reader As New XmlTextReader(url)


The problem is tmpIn takes diferents values (string) when the function is used and sometimes this works, and othertimes it gives an error (Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 9, position 15.), but is not because of the url, is when it tries to read the coordinates...

View 7 Replies

Using Search Specific Information On A Website?

Apr 11, 2009

Not sure if this is possible at all. I was hoping somebody could help point me in the right direction. Right now im not quite sure what to search for or what this would be called. Basicly I was wondering if it is possible to design a application in vb.net 2008 that could search a website for specific information.

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Write A Program To Go To A Specific Website?

Oct 20, 2009

Is there a way to write a program to go to a specific website, enter some things injto textboxes, and then click a button? I want to use this to log into some of my accounts for other sites once a month, Instead of entering the username and password manually.

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Make An Application That Searches A Certain Website For A Specific String?

Nov 1, 2009

I was wondering how I could make an application that searches a certain website for a specific string. Or, if I could, list the search results in a listbox. Reason for: I wan't to make an application that searches serial websites for certain serials. Like 'Craagle'.

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Value To Retrieve With Specific XML Element Path

Feb 16, 2010

I have only recently discovered the world of fetching online data using XML functions in VB.NET and it has been working well so far. Unfortunately I have hit a hurdle and am unsure as to how I should proceed. Until now I have been working with simple XML files where there was only 1 value to retrieve with a specific XML element path. Now I have an XML which looks like this (apostrophes to represent indentation):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<eveapi version="1">
''<currentTime>2007-12-12 11:48:50</currentTime>
''''<rowset name="characters" key="characterID" columns="name,characterID,corporationName,corporationID">
[Code] .....

I need to have the program assign the first row's name attribute to one combo box, the second to another combo box and the same with the last.

View 5 Replies

Changing DWORD Value In Specific Registry Path

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to change the DWORD value in a specific registry path. It starts with the user who is entering the value in decimal into a text box. Then with the click of a button, the application takes that value and change the existing value of the DWORD to the new one typed into the text box. I think I have manage to get it to work with "strings" but I seem to get stuck when it comes to the DWORD key. I have a feeling it have something to do with the hexadecimal value which is set by default. Do I need to create a converter?

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Paste A File From Clipboard To Specific Path?

May 4, 2012

How I can Paste from Clipboard a file to my path? I work in VB .NET. I got filename from clipboard but don't know how to extract file from cliboard and save it to my folder.

Dim data As IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject()
If data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
Dim files As String() = data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
End If

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Use StreamWriter And Save The File To Specific Path?

Oct 30, 2009

So, im using streamwriter and i want to create a folder and then save the text file in that folder.Here is the code im using right now.Imports System Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Dim nr As Integer = 0
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(DateAndTime.Now.ToShortDateString & ".txt")Add some text to the file.


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Automate A Process - Open A Website And Navigate Through It - Enter File Name And Path - Not Populate The Text

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to automate a process I do with a bank with vb.net. Basically I need to open a website and navigate through it (Automatically through the program obviously), enter a batch ID and enter a file path and name. For some reason when I get to the part where I need to enter the file name and path, it simply will not populate the text. I have attached a word document with screenshots and code. The only difference I can see, is that in the bank website's code the the input type for the file text is "FILE" rather than "TEXT" as it is for the batch id...

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Get A File Path In A Specific Project In A Web Application Solution?

May 30, 2011

I'm writing a Visual Studio Macro and need to read a XML file in my project and write something. i can't get the correct file path! in my web application solution i have to projects for business and UI files. and my xml file named fa.xml located on UI project in a separate folder. i want to use this macro for many solutions. but the structure is the same. How can I get the Path of a file in a specific project in my solution?

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Webcam Recording - The Video File Not Always Appear In Its Specific Path

Jun 19, 2009

I have problem in recording video from webcam the video file not always appear in its specific path in the running time in addition there is so much delay to appear. 5 sec is the time of the video duration, I want to save the video when it start to load but in the same time it save the video show the video in the background which I have problem in this point too.


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Parse Live HTML From A Website And Extract Specific Information And Store It Into A Database With Visual Basic?

Dec 30, 2011

The info i need extracted is formatted:

<TD><A HREF="http://xxxxx.com/xxxxxx/index.html"><IMG SRC="../xxxxx/thumbnails/xxxxx.jpg"> </A></TD>
<TD>=== <B><A HREF="http://xxxxxxxxx.com/xxxxxxxx/index.html">LINE 0</A></B> ===<BR>
<FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#400080">


how do i extract the info between TD=== and /a and Line 1,2, and 3 and store it into a database from a live website?

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VS 2008 Write A Small Application That Simply Monitors Website Watching For Specific Hyperlink Text To Appear?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to write a small application that simply monitors my web site watching for specific hyperlink text to appear. I have been searching around and trying different approaches for a few days and have to accept defeat on this.Basically I need to be able to type in part of a hyperlink or the actual text of the hyperlink into a textbox to be watched for. When it is seen it opens the link in a new window.

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection
theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection


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Path Of .zip file Has Spaces In It / It's Not Recognizing Path As Valid Path

Aug 22, 2006

I have a Access program and I'm using VBA code in the background to run Winunzip using shell command. Well, the path of the .zip file has spaces in it and it's not recongizing the path as a valid path. Is there a another way to tackle this problem besides the shell?I can't us pkzip either. Has you can see I had to use progra~1 instead of Program Files.[code]

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How To Determine PHYSICAL Key

Feb 14, 2011

I want to hook the keyboard and make some actions (in vb.net) when a specific physical key is pressed.I have found online several excellent keyboard hook dlls, but there is a problem: the hook dlls find the keycode of the pressed keys, not what physical key is pressed.So, for example, in a USA keyboard if I press the key on the left of the Right-Shif key I see the e.keycode: 191 (OemQuestion), in a italian keyboard I see the e.keycode 189 (OemMinus).This means that if I put in My.Settings the code "189", an italian user can see that has to press the key I want, an USA user see another key to press to have the same action because on it keyboard the OemMinus key is not on the left of the Right-Shift key.now the question is: how to determine univocally the keyboard keys? What do I have to put in My.Settings that determinate a specific physical key, the same for all the keyboard languages?

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Get DVD Info From Physical Disk?

Jun 25, 2012

I have seen numerous dvd playing apps that when you insert the dvd into the drive is displays the movie name. Im looking to implement something like this. I want to show a desktop alert showing the movie name when it has been put into the drive so the user can add it to the collection.

I have "googled" around for this and have found nothing on reading DVD info. how to get the dvd info from a drive?

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Get Physical Memory On A Machine?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to pull the total physical memory on a machine and have it show just like it would inside My Computer Properties.

I know I can use My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory which will return it in bytes. This is where I'm getting stuck. I want to be able to divide it and then truncate it to where it would show like My Computer Properties would report it.

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Read From Physical Disks

Mar 28, 2009

how I can Read data from Hard disk or flash card, etc., and save read data in .bin file.

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Storing On Physical Memory?

Oct 26, 2009

I've created an app that calculate calories that the user ate that day. They first enter breakfast, then lunch, then dinner, but the totals all open in one page and if they close that page, they lose their totals. How can i get the totals to stay on the physical memory until the user closes the whole app?

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