Insert A New Node After An Element Which Contains Specific Text?

Jul 29, 2009

I have an xml document [code]...

but the node to insert after will be selected in a listbox.

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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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[2008] Use The Treeview To Display The Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked?

Aug 30, 2009

Hi, i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated.This is the code im using right now:

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Select Case e.Node.Index
Case 0


Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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Use Treeview To Display Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked

Feb 28, 2009

i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated. [code] Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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Add A Child Node To Specific Node In Treeview?

Apr 1, 2012

How to add a child node to a specific node in treeview?

Say i have "Item1" in treeview already, How do i add "SubItem1" to "Item1" as it's child node?

I know its probably really simple, but i tried lots of stuff, i just cant get it working.

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How To Insert Text After Specific Line

Aug 13, 2009

I have a lines of text that need to be enter in different file after the specific line. This is the file that I need to insert the particular lines.

AGILENT 3070 FIXTURE WIRING REPORT Sat Mar 07, 2009 06:43:05 PM

Fixture Type : Agilent SimPlate Express
Fixture Size : Bank 2
Fixture Part Number : 44200S
Top Probes Allowed : Enabled
Autofile : 28
Units : English
Wiring Method : Automatic
[Code] .....

This code insert the new lines but at the beginning of the file, not at the place that I want?

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Insert A Text In A Specific Location In A Textfile?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm writing a small program where i need to insert a small piece of text in an existing text-file ( .txt).

Let's assume that I have a text-file with the following text in it:

123; train; 1234;
144; train; 1554;
124; train; 125;


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XPath When A Root Node And Element Have Different Name Space Attributes?

Jun 8, 2010

I got struck with a problem in VB.Net getting Xpath for an XML element as shown below:

<Parent xmlns:"">
<Child xmlns:"">


I need Xpath of the "element" in above XML using VB.Net NameSpace Manager For the "body" node i have done and its working but i couldnt do the same to "element":

dim bodynode as XMLNode=XML.SelectSingleNode(//ns:body,nsmngr)

where "nsmngr" is the namespacemanger created by me and "ns" is the name space of the "parent node" (which the "body" node inherits) added to the namespace manager as "ns"

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How To Add A Node In A Specific Node

Nov 15, 2009

I am using a form with 2 buttons and one treeview in the first button , I can add a node with this code [code]in the second button i can add a node but only in the last node c.nodes.add("World")My question is how to add a node in the third node or a specific node of the treeView

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Get The Value From A Specific Node In An XML File?

May 23, 2012

From this XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

how to edit that snippet to work with what I need it to do now.(The above code works perfectly for where it's used.)

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How To Add Element To Specific Position

Oct 8, 2009

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no"?>
<document version="1.1" guid="{5BB6C5FF-FDA4-4FC5-99A2-20CFDF5651FE}" date="20060928"


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Writing To Specific Element In XML?

May 28, 2009

i have a xml file thats looks like this:

<Item xmlns="Element1">


And then i want to add 1 SubItem for every item in my listbox to one specific element without touching the other code. I already have the code for saving listview items to xml.

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Can't Add Or Insert Element

Oct 13, 2009

So I have this code, which is supposed to add all those items in separate columns to ListView1 from WebBrowser in a "For Each" loop as you see - items with attribute "c4" go to one column, with "c5" to second etc.. Seems easy to do, but this crap is just driving me mad. What I get is ArgumentException error and message saying "You can't add or insert element "" in more than one place...". [code]

View 8 Replies - Add XML Nodes To Specific Node In XmlDocument?

Jun 19, 2012

I have two XmlDocuments that both have a namespace attribute specified. Both documents have the same structure, but contain different data. I can't seem to get a specific node tree from one document added to the end of the same node tree in a second document. Here is an example of my two documents:

Document #1:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rootnode xmlns="">


I certainly know this is wrong... I've tried serveral different approaches. This particular approach adds all <Item> nodes to the destination document, but it adds them to the very bottom of the document instead of after the last <Item>. how to add a specific node tree an XmlDocument to a specific position in another document? Again, there is a namespace involved and the <Item> nodes have nested nodes/elements under each one.

NOTE: The <Id> nodes have example data to show uniqueness only. I can never count on any kind of numbering. The order of each <Item> node is totally unimportant. I'm just assuming it will be easiest to add additional <Item> nodes after the last one in the destination document.

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C# - Inserting XML Node At Specific Position?

May 14, 2012

I have an XML file and I am loading it in Xmldocument. This document has a node with some child nodes like this

<xml here>
<child> </child>


here somenode has some children where first and last children node names are same where as other nodes except the first and last node has some diffrent name ( identical to each other ). I am creating a function to insert a node at specific position, I am not sure about the criteria but may be in the mid.

how can I insert node in specific position. I am using XMLnode.appendChild method for insertion Do I need to rearrange/sort nodes after insertion. How can I determine what is structure and how should I find where the new node should be added according to current document structure.

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Select A Specific Node From A DTD XML File?

Aug 12, 2009

The following is a sample order[code]...

I bring this file into a dataset in visual Studio. The problem ixs that I cannot associate a particular set of options with a particular line item - I can't distinguish Item num="0" from Item num="1" and so forth, because the element 'Item' presents itself as a table withing the dataset, and the element 'Option' also presents itself as a table within the dataset. I don't know how to connect the two.

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Sort Only A Specific Node In A Treeview?

Mar 1, 2008

I've A treeview with parent nodes and all parents have also childrens. i need to sort only the childrens in one of the parent nodes without sorting the parent nodes in the treeview because i want to keep the order of the can i do this?

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Search For A Specific XML Element And Read It's Value?

Jun 20, 2011

My XML document is setup like this:

<Parent Name="A">


I've been trying to figure out how to select Parent B's Child1 node so I may extract it's value. I have looked into SelectSingleNode and SelectNodes

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Value To Retrieve With Specific XML Element Path

Feb 16, 2010

I have only recently discovered the world of fetching online data using XML functions in VB.NET and it has been working well so far. Unfortunately I have hit a hurdle and am unsure as to how I should proceed. Until now I have been working with simple XML files where there was only 1 value to retrieve with a specific XML element path. Now I have an XML which looks like this (apostrophes to represent indentation):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<eveapi version="1">
''<currentTime>2007-12-12 11:48:50</currentTime>
''''<rowset name="characters" key="characterID" columns="name,characterID,corporationName,corporationID">
[Code] .....

I need to have the program assign the first row's name attribute to one combo box, the second to another combo box and the same with the last.

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Enter New Information In A Specific Node In A Xml File?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to enter new information in a specific node in a xml file. This is the structure of the xml file:

<Root><Title 1><Title 2></Title 2></Title 1></Root>

How would I update <Title 2></Title 2> field?

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Target A Specific Node In An Xml Document Using XSLT?

Oct 24, 2011

Below is a condensed version of a XML file provided by a different business unit. What I need to get the value of is DriverInputSetGoodStudent.

This is how I am approaching this:


That gets me the first vehicle in the XML, so then I will know the ID of the driver of that vehicle based on the GoverningDriverIdInfo/ItemId. Then I need to match that ID with the id property of the driver node. Then get the value of the DriverInputSetGoodStudent node.



I see that the code didn't paste in the quite correctly, there is an "end session" tag that isn't appearing in the code block.

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INSERT A Node Using The TreeView Control?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a TreeView control in VS 2010 that I need to be able to INSERT (not add) nodes to. I have stored a unique key in the TAG for each node and know how to find the value of the tag in the tree. However, I can't figure out how to INSERT a NEW node BEFORE or AFTER the node I have found with this tag.

For example, suppose I have the following tree . . .

Item 1
... Item 2
... Item 3
... Item 4


I need to be able to do this for any particlular level of the tree (not just the third level where Item 6 is located). Also, Item 6 could have CHILD NODES associated with it but I need to leave those child nodes assoicated with Item 6 and INSERT Item 6.1 below (or above) Item 6 at the same level as Item 6.

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Insert XML Child Node Programmatically?

Aug 11, 2009

I have what seems to be a simple problem for which I can't find a simple answer. I have an XML file something like this:


I would like to write a small visual basic .net 2008 snippet that will allow me to insert a new child node as the first node in the parent (or maybe insert it at any point within the parent) so that I now have


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Treeview Hangs On Node Insert?

Oct 30, 2009

why my program hangs up on the following line? I am inserting a node into a treeview.

loc_node.Nodes.Insert(index, temp_node)

I get no error, no exception, it just sits there running for ever.

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Find A Specific HTML Element In A Webbrowser.document?

May 19, 2009

How can you find a specific HTML element in a webbrowser.document? I'm making a program that will go to a specified address on the internet and find a html element and get the src link from the element then return the src to the imagelocation of a picturebox. Is this at least possible?

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HTML Parsing - Check If Element Has Specific Attribute?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm using HtmlAgilityPack to parse HTML. I want to check if an element has a specific attribute. I want to check whether an <a> tag has the href attribute.

Dim doc As HtmlDocument = New HtmlDocument()
doc.Load(New StringReader(content))
Dim root As HtmlNode = doc.DocumentNode
Dim anchorTags As New List(Of String)
For Each link As HtmlNode In root.SelectNodes("//a")
If link.HasAttributes("href") Then doSomething() 'this doesn't work because hasAttributes only checks whether an element has attributes or not

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Making A Specific Node Expand Based On The Navigate URLs Of Its Children?

Nov 8, 2009

So I have a TreeView and it has about 7 parent nodes that have 3-5 children each. All of these children nodes when click navigate to a URL. What I would like to do is have one parent node auto-expand based on the URL and the other parent nodes to collapse.


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Can't Delete The Attribute When Delete The Element On Another Node?

May 19, 2009

In the following code when the Element ("title2") is deleted the Attribute(("TEST") on another node doesn't get delete. If you remove the xnode1.RemoveChild(xNode2) (that deletes the element) the attribute does gets deleted. why I can't delete the attribute when I delete the element on another node?

Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Forms :: Insert Spaces Between Images And Check Boxes On A Treeview Node

Jan 9, 2012

I am trying to insert spaces between Images and check boxes on a treeview node, in a windows form app i.e. checkbox (spaces) image (spaces) node text rather than default format checkbox Image node text

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Count Occurance Of A Specific Number & Specific String In Text File Using Vb8?

Dec 13, 2010

i am a beginner in vb8 i have a text file named alarm.txt,sample alarm.txt file is shown below

can someone help me to read the alarm.txt file and extract data.for eg


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