Html - Android: Retrieve Data From A Specific Webpage?

Dec 8, 2010

I have used .NET and ShDocVw for years to grab data off webpages without any issues I couldn't overcome. This website has me beat though. It seems like such as easy task to grab the titles and other information off a library search page, but I can't see the data to be able to grab it. Usually, I just look in the DOM, but the data wasn't there. I did a view source, but the data wasn't there.

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VS 2008 - Possible To Retrieve Data From Webpage?

Aug 17, 2009

I wanted to create an event that when I hit a button, it will check if the webbrowser has reached THISPAGE.html.

If webbrower1.Url.toString = "thispage.html" then 'this line may have been webbrowser.Url.toString("thispage.html") cant remember I tried both ways neither worked.
do something
End If
But I get a null exception error.

My other question is , is it possible to pull data or text from a website like through the webbrowser control thing and place it inside a textbox or label or something like that?

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Separate Data From A HTML WebPage?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a full source code of a webpage. The following code on richtextbox1 from a webpage that is relevant to what we need.


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How To Find Specific Data Within Webpage Source

Jun 27, 2009

I'm building a vb project using vb 2008 and I am trying to get a specific data from the source of a webpage. I am now trying to have the vb project access the below source of the webpage [URL] and retrieve the word "Dublin" from the code from the following line:
</tr><tr><td class="s7 li ou"><a href="dorf1.php?newdid=106467">Dublin</a></td>

The word "Dublin" should be stored in the string villagename1 (I will use that string several times later in the project) and it should at NO time open a IE page as to make it as invisible as possible.

Webpage Source:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html><head> <title>Travian uk5</title>
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0" />
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
[Code] .....

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How To Retrieve And Parse HTML Data

Oct 19, 2005

In VB.NET 2005, what is the best way to retrieve and parse HTML data from a URL, a bit like a search engine crawler?I am building an app, where I need to parse a website, and collate data from it (the website uses some tags that I could pull out to get the appropriate bits of data). I want to be able to do this in a thread, and just update a DB with the data, and give the client app a status update of the progress.

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Pullling HTML Data Off A Internal Webpage Using The .downloadstring Method

Oct 30, 2008

I'm pullling HTML data off a internal webpage using the .downloadstring method. Here is the code i'm using:


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Retrieve Data From A Specific Place In Text?

Jan 24, 2011

I need to know how to retrieve data from a specific place in a .txt file.[code]...

Also, how would I write to Jim and not Name, or how would I write to 52 and not Age?

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Retrieve The Data From A Specific Row And Column From A DataSet?

Aug 19, 2009

I know this has to be a very simple answer but I seem to be overlooking it. I have an Access database that I have conected to and have created a DataSet. The DataSet consists of one table with several rows and a bunch of columns. What I am trying to do is get the data for one specific row and column so that I can use this data is some calculations. I can position the row if I need to but I can't figure out how to get the data in the specific column I need.

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Using SQL String With Date Between To Retrieve Specific Data?

Dec 26, 2011

I do encounter interest problem when I am using VBNet2008 and SQL Server 2000. I am developing Window Application and one of the form I am using SQL String with Date between to retrieve specific data from SQL SERVER 2000 Table and it's not working and generated this error message:
Invalid column name strFromDate
Invalid column name strToDate

Here are the overall coding:
Dim sqlconn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlcmd As SqlCommand
Dim DA As SqlDataAdapter
Dim DR As SqlDataReader
[Code] .....

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Html - Grab Webpage Table Data (using Span Class Element) Into Listview Control In App?

Feb 20, 2012

I need to grab some data from a webpage but for me the main problem is I can't grab the data the way I want. I want to grab the data in a listview control but my code is fetching all data within any span tag (span class "inputFieldLabel" which is not required) in a single column of a listview control. I am giving the format (source) of the webpage below and my coding in (2008),

<span class="inputFieldLabel">Following Are ...</span>
<span class="inputFieldLabel">01/02/2011</span>
<span class="inputFieldLabel">And</span>


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Make .NET Extract Specific Data From HTML?

Jun 15, 2012

I know how to extract an entire page source into VB.NET, but once I do that how do I make VB.NET search the text and return a specific vlaue that is not constant?

Take this line from the page source for example:

<td id="actualPriceContent"><span id="actualPriceValue"><b class="priceLarge">$4.30</b></span>

the text is always constant but the price is not - how do I make VB.NET return the price?

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Visual Basic 2008 Retrieve Specific Data From Ms Acces To Eliminate Duplicate Records?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm doing a simple database thru VS2008 and Msaccess without using any builtin relationship between records, now i need to know how i can retrieve specific data from access using the oledbadapter or any, example seek if the value from the textbox1.text is already existing in msaccess table then msgbox "Record already exists.", note that the code is in keypress event of the textbox1.

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Code For Sending Data From Android To VB Through Wifi?

Sep 23, 2011

I want to create a food order system at the restaurant using the android and VB. so the waiter will use Android to transmit data to the cashier who use VB.Is it possible to connect Android to VB?

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Android - C#.Net Fails To Read Some EXIF Data From JPG Image

Apr 25, 2012

I have written simple module in C#.Net which reads image property (i.e EXIF Data) and to do the same i have used below code:


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Retrieve Information From A WebPage?

Feb 4, 2010

I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to collect a piece of information from a web page. Here is the web page I want to retrieve the information from:

RuneScape - The Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game

I would like to retrieve the first "Price" of the item and collect the price every time I execute the code. I understand how to retrieve the source code of the webpage and split strings but how would I retrieve that price?

View 1 Replies - Retrieve Image From Access DB And Display In Webpage?

Nov 10, 2011

I found an old article of an example of what I am trying to do (retrieve an image stored in a ms access Db and display on my aspx page). Does anyone have a good example of this for

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VS 2010 : Retrieve All Of The Visible Text On A Webpage?

Mar 29, 2011

I know if I use


it retrieves all of the text on the document. But I want to retireve all of the visible text from a webpage. Like for Google would be: Screen reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant.



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Grabbing HTML Value From Webpage

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to make a program where when you click a button it will retrieve each value of certain things on a webpage. I.E; [URL] On that webpage it shows Clan,Kills,Etc. I want to make it to where a Label will Say "Kills:" And another label next to it will have the value of kills retrieved from that webpage, and each time the button is clicked the stats will update if they are changed..I think it's simple to do, but I don't know how..

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Navigate To A Specific Webpage?

Jun 25, 2009

I need to navigate to a specific webpage like webbrowser1.navigate("") This wegpage is somehow password protected. I know the password and the username. With a normal httprequest and response I could easily create the network credentials and get the code.

I need a way to display this page within the webbrowser with the credentials: Username and Password. The user should not enter the password and the username because somehow they are entered before and stored. Do you know any way to do so?

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Automate A Webpage (e.g. Retrieve Page Text & Hyperlink) Via WebBrowser?

Aug 15, 2009

I have seen several threads about automating several aspects of html elements (buttons, textboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons etc...) but I didn't see any specific codes to auto-click "Hyperlinks". How would I invoke a click on any hyperlink located on any given webpage if I needed to?

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Access HTML Webpage Using IE Controls?

Jun 8, 2009

I'm trying to fill a web ASPX form thru a VB.NET desktop program using the IE control SHDocVw.InternetExplorerSo far i can set all the textfields that i have to set and click the send button, but i have a small problem: i have to execute a "validation" java script code that is on the ASPX page before clicking the SUBMIT button.

Here's my code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Find A Word In The HTML From A Webpage?

Jun 22, 2009

I just went from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic .NET 2008 Express Edition.

And now I am planning to make a program, using the Web Browser function, but there it stops The program is supposed to navigate to an site, then check for some text from the site.

In Visual Basic 6 I used this code:

If InStr(1, WebBrowser1.document.body.parentelement.InnerHtml, "texthere") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Found the text"


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Forms :: Download A Webpage As HTML

Mar 26, 2010

Probably a simple question but I cant figure it out. I have a webbrowser control, which navigates to a URL where it logs in, then a different URL where theres some information I need. I would like to save this page as an HTML document. I can navigate to the page easily, so is there any way to tell the webbrowser to save the current page as an HTML document?

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Get Source/HTML Code Of The Webpage?

Oct 24, 2009

How to get source/HTML code of the web page that is shown in WebBrowser1 when I click a button? I would like it to be written in Notepad or eventually in new form..

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Display Specific Part Of A Webpage?

Jun 15, 2012

How to show a specific part of web page in visual basic form or in webbrowser?

this is problem for someone but like my problem.I am creating a application,at present my application is in development stage My app has a web browser control and a button the web browser will load you tube videos in the web page.i need to do display the video but i like to skip the other parts of the web page.this means showing video player on the web page and skipping the other parts

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Extracting Specific Information From A Webpage

Feb 25, 2009

I want to extract a specific information from a webpage.For example:url...So can I make the software see what's between "<h1>Your IP address is<BR>", to "</h1>"?And doing all this by using the webbrowser form in Visual basic studio 2008.

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Selecting A Specific Area Of A WebPage?

Oct 24, 2010

I was wonder how, if you can, can I create a WebBrowser control or something similar to this, that will contain a selected area of information, and that information only. So it doesn't load and show the whole web page, only the part I choose.

For example, I would only want to show the weather portion of this webpage: [URL]

How can I get a specific area of a webpage, loaded into a form, that is able to be reloaded/refreshed later on?

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Read HTML From A Webpage And Interact With It As Own In A WPF Application?

Apr 24, 2011

I've search numerous hours, but I haven't been able to find the appropriate solution. What I want to do: Get the html of a certain webpage (Lets say in this case url...this html within my wpf application, so that you can see the content of the page you requested. Then I want to be able to trigger events on the html that has been loaded from the URL. Like I want you to be able to click on a certain node in the HTML and I want to be able to link this node to a certain value. Basically a crawler application that let's you request a page, see the page in a control and allows you to click in the loaded HTML and link values to predefined values you set. So basically I want to be able to get a webpage displayed within my application and be able to trigger events on the html (For example a click on the html which would need me to know on what node you clicked in the html, or for example be able to edit the html by clicking in it).

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Get Html Elements From A Webpage Source Code?

Jun 20, 2008

I want to get the links and images from an html code using the htmlDocument class available through webBrowser.So I retrieved and assigned the html code to the webBrowser trying each one of this 3


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HTML - How To Embed Game Built In VB On Webpage

Aug 28, 2011

I have a built a hangman game in Visual Basic. How can I embed this in a html page so that people visiting my website can play the game.

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