Assign A Color.fromargb Value To A Constant?

May 5, 2009

Is there a way to assign a color.fromargb value to a constant?

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Color - "FromArgb Is Not Member Of Fbc_soft.Color" ?

Jan 19, 2012

I write a code below:



Dim stFromBackColour


It was still working. but today when i open my project it's say "FromArgb is not member of Fbc_soft.Color". I didn't do nothing. what happand. it reinstal my visual studio but not solve

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Make Constant Color Vars?

Aug 3, 2011

I need to put a color as a constant or readonly variable that the entire application can access but not edit. Currently I have a public variable in a module assigned to a color, is it possible to make it a constant variable?

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.net - Show Constant String For The Color In Form Designer

Dec 16, 2010

I am working in .Net 2010 framework 2.0 I want to place the constant string for a color property in form designer like GradientBeginColor = MyColor in form designer.

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Assign A Different Color To Datagrid Row?

Aug 10, 2007

I have developed an applcation using, its a windows based or Desktop Application. In one of the Form i am displaying the new complaints in a DataGrid With Employee Names.

Now, Each employee has a prority set for him, so depending upon the priority I want to assign a different color to Datagrid row.

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SSRS Expression To Assign Color Using Multiple Parameter?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a table, the color of the whole row depends on one of the two columns. Table: | ID | Name | Date | Ext Date |

Where Date color depend on the value, <15 is green, <30 is yellow and >30 is red. While Ext Date depends on value, >-14 is red, >-30 is yellow, <-29 is green and without Ext Date value will follow Date value.

I tried to put Switch in IIf but returns no color at all.

=IIf(Fields!countexten.Value="-",Switch(Fields!countdate.Value < 15, "Green", Fields!countdate.Value <30, "Yellow", Fields!countdate.Value > 29, "Red"),Switch(Fields!countexten.Value>-14, "Red", Fields!countexten.Value>-30, "Yellow", Fields!countexten.Value<-29, "Green"))

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Pass An Optional Parameter To A Function Of Type System.Drawing.Color - Error "Constant Expression Is Required"

Mar 22, 2012

I want to pass an optional parameter to a function of type System.Drawing.Color. The problem I am having is that when I declare the function it says "Constant expression is required" but I have tried variations of the following, including integers, full qualified indentifiers, even old vbWhite constants to no avail.


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Public Constant Versus Private Constant?

Aug 13, 2011

When building a class library which contains many classes, all classes uses a lot of common constants and functions, what is the best to do:

1- Declare these constants and functions as public in a module.

2- In each class declare constants and functions used by individual class as private.

The first choice is good for easy and fast implementation, but re-using a class in a different project will require importing the module to the other project.The second choice require a lot of copy/paste for code snippet but a class can be re-used in different project easily.

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Using A Dataset To Fill Datagrid In Form - Assign A Color To The Forum "where =open/closed"?

Aug 4, 2009

Im using a dataset to display data in a datagrid from a sql server DB. One of the colums I have in my datagrid is "Status" the table adapter sql statment selects certain items based on whether there open or closed e.g "where = Open ". I want to remove this row entirely and instead of displaying open or closed for status column, display the open/ closed results in colour on the datagrid. Im really not sure how to go about this whether i need to do it in the table adapter or some sort of property. I presume i need to write a sql statement and selct the identity of the row where x= open etc , is there a way of assigning a colour in sql statement so it displays on my vb form ?

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Assign The Authority And Get A New Form To The New Assign With .net?

Mar 9, 2010

Admin assigns the authority and get a new form to the new assign in with & access. I am not sure about this,I need a way to do the new form assigned? How?Actually, this project is the admin will assign the authority to a manager, and the manager will get the password to log in. Then, the manager once log in and will get a form to set the rooms who is going to use and date, etc, this is multi-manager to handle the room setting jobs.But, I think, I got stuck, I am not sure how to do the new form, HOW DO YOU ASSIGN THIS NEW FORM FOR EACH NEW MANAGER?????? THIS IS VB.NET WITH ACCESS.

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Change A Forms Background System Color Schemes To Windows Default Color?

May 9, 2011

How to change a forms background system color schemes to windows default color schemes in

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VB - Pops Up A Color Picker Dialog And Let User To Change The Background Color Of The Label

Feb 15, 2012

I have a question of VB event handler and color picker. Now I have a label, and I want when user click it, it pops up a color picker dialog and let user to change the background color of the label. Not sure how to implement this, can anyone give me a direction?

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VB 2008 - List Of Colors - To Change The Background Color Of The Combo Box To The Selected Color

Mar 3, 2010

Alright inside of a combo box I have a list of colors and I want to change the background color of the combo box to the selected color...basically this... but im not sure what the problem is here anyone have some advice or is this not possible?

CBLinerColor.BackColor() = CBLinerColor.Items.Item(0)

Basically i want dynamic code that will change the color depending on the items in the box.

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VS 2008 Background Of Form To Be The Same Color As The Window Frame Color That The User Selects

Jun 19, 2009

I want the background of my form to be the same color as the window frame color that the user selects, even if that changes. I selected System->WindowFrame as my background color, but it always remains a dark grey, regardless of what I have my window color set to. How else would I achieve what I want? I assumed I was doing it the correct way. Do I actually need code that gets the system window color and then apply it?

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Color Array Quantizer - Custom Colors And Are Not A Standard 256 Color Palette

Mar 23, 2012

I have a array of pixels. And I would like to Quantize them.

For Example

FF00FF,00FFFF stuff like that, but most are custom colors and are not a standard 256 color palette. So I need code to convert a color to a 256 color. I dont have any idea on how to do this, but thats why I came here. I do not want to use System.Graphics.Image.Palette or anything like that as this project uses arrays for images. I would like to if at all possible be able to convert a R, G, B color to 8bit, 16bit, 256bit and possibly use the HSL or NeuQuant method or something close to that, or maybe even some other methods of doing it. I do need to be able to do this for a single pixel, but I will also need a method for a array of them.

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ContextMenuStrip Color Properties - Set The Background Color Of A Selected Menu Item?

Oct 15, 2009

Right Click drop down menu using ContextMenuStrip. The background color of an unselected menu item is set with "BackColor".The color of the text of a selected menu item is set with "ForeColor".How to set the background color of a selected menu item? Default appears as a dark grey and I would like to change it.

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VS 2005 How Change Data Grid View Button Back Color And Fore Color

Dec 31, 2009

How to change the Data Gridview Button Back Color and Fore Color Based on Condition in Vb.net2005. i'm Attaching the gif toooo

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C# - Declaring Hex Constant In .net?

Apr 20, 2012

How can I convert the following code into VB.Net?

private const UInt32 temp = 0xE6359A60;

I tried the following but it doesn't work.

Public Const temp As System.UInt32 = 0xE6359A60

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Declaring Pi As A Constant?

Apr 12, 2011

visual basic 2008 express

' the following lines declare the variables and constants
Dim intDiameter As Integer
Const dblPI As Double = 3.14159
Const dblAREA As Double = 140125
Dim intLabel As Integer

Private Sub PizaSliceCalculator_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


I made a working program to calculate piza slices, i was told i needed to declare pi and the areas as constants. when i rewrote the program it no longer works. the result keeps coming back as 0.

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Getting A Constant From A Form

Mar 13, 2010

I am looping through all of the forms in my app, and I am needing to get a value from the form somehow.Example, say if I have the form named "This Form" and somewhere in that form, dont know if you can use the tag property for this or not, but I need to put a word like "Tall" for an external reference to the form.[code]"How do I get another value like the forms tag or something else".

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Gravitational Constant ?

Jan 10, 2010

Explain or send me in the right direction.

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Use String As A VB Constant?

May 17, 2012

I have strMyColor = "Red".I would like to make lblMyLabel.BackColor to be red.Without using a variable the code would be this:


I tried using the variable like this: lblMyLabel.backcolor="Color." & strMyColor

But the error is that a string can't be converted to System.Draw.Color. I understand that, as the string "Color.Red" is not the same as the VB constant Color.Red.Is there a way I can construct a valid vbConstant from a string?

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Change Item Text Color Or Background Color In ListBox In .NET 1.1

Jun 17, 2009

I am using .NET 1.1, so I don't have the access to listitem object. I would like to change the text color or the background color of certain items in a listbox. can it do it in .NET 1.1?

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Color Picker Luke Office 2007 Color Chooser?

Feb 13, 2010

I need to a color picker luke office 2007 color chooser this must be as "toolstripItem" for adding to toolbar!

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Vb.2010 - Load All Known Color Names From Color.xxxxxxx In A ComboBox

Jan 28, 2012

I am trying to write code to load all nown color names from color.xxxxxxx in a ComboBox, but can not get it right. I can not find the Color Enum member. What I had in mind was something like this:


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Color.FromName To Return A Solid Black Color When The Function Doesn't Recognize Any Text In The String Passed To It?

Jan 29, 2012

[URL] That way if the string that is not recognised that is passed to Color.FromName it returns a SolidColor of

Color.Black = Color.FromARGB(255,0,0,0)

That way, Forms and controls that only support SolidColors are supported.Installing VB6 on Windows 7?

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Can't Declare Constant In Namespace?

Dec 25, 2009

I mean why? I mean to organize things I often turn modules into classes where all the methods are share.But then I thought, why not organize them into namespace?But then we can't declare constant in namespace.

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Constant Cannot Be Target Of An Assignment

Jun 12, 2011

i am making a program on visual basic 2010 and part of my objective is to calculate the tax, i am trying to calculate the TAX so this is part of my code and this is the only part which gives me errors:[code]

1. Constant cannot be target of an assignment

2. value of type 'string' cannot be converted to ''.

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Constant Expression Is Required

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to make following subroutine work. The problem is this part of the statement.[code]I've tried everything and can't seem to come up with a constant to use here.[code]

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Constant Expression Is Required?

Apr 27, 2010

I have created a program that creates a blank database in a users account (each user has a seperate folder when registered) by pressing a command button, i have got it to create the database but when i try to populate it with a table to go to the correct folder i get an error

Constant expression is required
the code im using for this is:
Const strConnection As String = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


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