Auto-hide A Program?

Oct 14, 2011

how to auto hide programs when windows start up n put its icon in the hidden icon box? i know the codes to make it hide, but not auto hide. im using a check box. when i tick it, i hope it wont prompt when i enter windows environment. iv already make it auto run. now i wish to do it auto hide, and an icon will show up in the hidden icon box

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Make My Keylogger Auto-run And Auto-hide?

Oct 12, 2011

All functions done, but the main function, the autorun and auto hide didnt work like i wish. for this keylogger, im using checkbox to make it autorun when windows startup and another checkbox to autohide. i already placed the codes but nothing happen. when i tick those checkboxes n restart my pc, nothing happen. is it because im using checkbox?

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Auto-hide Label After 10 Sec And After Label Hide Redirect

Jan 15, 2011

I have a label and button on label in my webform.i want when i click on button then label1 will be visible with text "Success" and then it will hide automatically after some time say 10 seconds.I M using (VB)How to auto hide label after 10 sec and after label hide redirect to the ~/Default.aspx ?

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IDE :: Auto-hide Toolstrip?

Sep 4, 2006

I am trying to create a beautifull program interface using VS2005.I plan to create autohide toolstrip, but i can't fing how.

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Auto-hide Status Text?

Apr 8, 2011

I am using a label in my form as status label there are may way to save the information in data set for exapmle datagridview cellendedit

Now when it is saved to dataset successfully I show a message to status label "Successful" and else "Failed"

Now my problem is when once successful is visible in status label it is always visible ( of course a silly point from a developer point of view)

I can do it like use a timer cotrol and clear the text after some time but I am already using two timers in my form and more timres can make application slow

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Auto-Hide Panel Like Solution Explorer

Nov 17, 2008

I created a simple usercontrol AutoHidePanel by using toolStrip and a panel, which have to work like Solution Explorer. When the user click's the autohide pin the panel width will slowly minimized up to 3 pixels so that the user can't see that panel. when the mouse moves over to the control, It will appear as before and these functions are working fine.

But I have a prob. with below function. When the mouse leave the control, it should disappear again. so i wrote hide function in to the MouseLeave event of Both controls(Toolstrip and panel) Here the prob. begins, when the cursor moves from Panel to ToolsStrip or ToolStrip to Panel the MouseLeave event minimize the AutoHidePanel Control. I tryed this Hide Function in the MouseLeave event of my control AutoHidePanel but that dosen't even raises the event because the panel is filled in my control.

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ToolBox - Add A Window That Will Auto Hide Or Enable Me To Pin It Down?

May 7, 2010

I want to add a window that will auto hide or enable me to pin it down like these windows on the VB IDE.

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IDE :: Lost Auto Hide Option On The Drop Down And Properties Menus?

Oct 30, 2010

I have lost the auto hide option (greyed out) on the drop down solution and properties menus. The Toolbox still has the auto hide option. I cannot find the pin to set auto hide on the Solutin and Properties menus.

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Get My Toolbox Back To Normal - Can Put It Back On Auto Hide And Such

May 31, 2009

I'm not sure what I did, But I would like to get my toolbox back to normal where I can put it back on auto hide and such.

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How To Hide Program In App

Apr 11, 2009

I just wonder if there is a way to hide a second program in my application and start/save it from my app. What I am looking for is a way to have 2 processes so if you shut the first one(from ctr+alt+del) down the second will still go on

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Create A Program That Will Auto Update Another Program?

Mar 30, 2009

I want to create a program that will auto update another program i have created. I want (this program) to check for updates (from a txt file that i wil have in the first line the previous version and in the second line the present version) and if there will be a new version then start downloading and the progress bar will show the progress. How can i do this?

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Hide A Folder Using Program?

Apr 25, 2010

I want To creat To creat a program that can hide folder ...

Till Now Everything Is done But i need an other code for hiding folders !!

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Hide A Form When You Run The Program

Aug 13, 2010

I was wondering if there is any way to hide a form when you run the program but at the same time still display the contents of what was inside the form. so what I have is a form and a picturebox can I hide the form but still display the picturebox on the screen?

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Hide Program While Using NotifyIcon?

Jan 20, 2011

The program goes and "Hides" itself as the very last step (InitializeNotifyIcon - does a close which triggers the Form1_FormClosing), but for some reason it shows back up right after it hides iteslf.Here is my code:

Public Class Form1
Private contextMenu1 As System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu
Friend WithEvents menuItem As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem


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.net - Hide / Show Program Window?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 for example i have running notepad.exe, can i hide notepad window, and then if i need it to show it again?

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Hide / Show Labels In Program?

Aug 23, 2011

I have this labels in my project[code]...

What's the best way to hide/show them?

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Hide A Column In A Gridview In Program?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to hide a column in gridview..but must be able to access the data from that column.[code]...

the problem is solved only when there ocurs 1 entry in the gridview.[code]...

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Hide A Window From Taskbar Using Program?

Dec 7, 2009

I would be able to hide a window from the taskbar using vb.

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Hide Program From Right Side Of Taskbar?

Jul 13, 2010

How can I hide the program from right side of taskbar and keep only the left side icon, like msn for example does when you "close" it. Here is a explaining picture also.

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Hide Program From Task Manager ?

Jun 8, 2011

How Can i hide my program From Task Manager in Windows 7 ?

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How To Hide Program From Task Manager

Nov 17, 2006

This works for XP, VB.NET 2003/2005/2008. This example does not work on Windows Vista.
Add a ListView, and Timer to a form.
{Timer must have the Elapsed Event}

Public Class Form1
Const WM_COMMAND As Int32 = &H111
Const MF_ENABLED As Int32 = &H0
Const MF_GRAYED As Int32 = &H1
Const LVM_FIRST As Int32 = &H1000
[Code] .....

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Hide Multiple Tabpages Using Program 2003?

Jan 31, 2009

I've tried hiding one tabpage in the form and it was somehow successful. However, it was not the one i'm planning to do with my program. I don't know if there exists any code that could make the tabpages(two actually) automatically hide when the form loads and would only be visible after some passing some conditions.

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Hide Process In Taskmanager Of Windows 7 In Program?

May 18, 2012

How to hide process in the taskmanager of windows 7 in to hide any process in windows 7 using

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Hide Program From The Task Manager In Windows 7?

Mar 7, 2012

How to hide your program from the Task Manager in windows 7?Did you have any answer .how to hide exe form the taskmanager in windows 7?

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Make A Program To Hide/restore Programs

Apr 30, 2009

i just wanted to make a really simple program to hide/restore programs listed in the taskbar. the hiding part is working, but somehow i cant get the window to show up again ? >< here is the code i am using:

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, _


i've also tried this with a button for show and a button for hide aswell incase SW_HIDE and SW_RESTORE are being used too fast after each other, but same issue.

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Making A Program Dock - Hide / Show

Apr 7, 2010

Alright, so what I'm looking to do is make a dock or some other thing that I can hide/show for programs. Kind of like a shortcut holder. how to approach the issue. I'm thinking maybe I could make a new button based on some settings in the VB thing, but that seems rather inconvenient. I was also wondering if anybody knew how to get the icons from shortcuts or the rest to use those as display pictures. "Victory is difficult to see beyond the devestation incurred in its pursuit."

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Show / Hide Desktop Icons In Program?

Jul 24, 2008

Is there a way to Show/Hide the desktop icons in .NET?I tried manually editing the HideIcons subkey in the registry through code, but it didn't take for some reason.I also tried calls to Win API methods FindWindowA but i'm not the best at handling unmanaged code.

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Hide Standard Form Properties In Program Using An Interface?

Jan 16, 2011

In VBA you can have a Userform implement a custom interface and only the properties defined in the interface will show in the VBA Intellisense for the Userform. I tried to duplicate this functionality in VB.Net (2010) and all the base Form properties still show.[code]...

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Hide Taskbar Clock And Close Program Safely

Jul 31, 2009

I've written a simple program to hide the taskbar clock and close upon load and I've read a lot of different articles on how to close a program correctly and read a multitude of different answers so I thought I'd just post the code and see if it is written cleanly. Also, I am in the process of trying to get the taskbar to refresh after the hide code has ran and how to refresh it would be great too but is not the main question of this article. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 using the Visual Basic Development settings and I have vista 64-bit. Here's the code:


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VS2008 Make A Program That Copy An Hide The Files

Sep 2, 2010

I want to make a program to copy files from the directory c:/program files/common files/apple/apple application support to c:/ And hide these files

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