Best Option To Store Database Connection String?

Apr 1, 2009

I just want to know what is your suggestion about storing database connection strings in .NET? I am using My.Setting usually, but now I am facing with versioning of my application. When I upgrade my application to higher version the value in My.Setting has been changed, it didn't remain as user has set before, but changed base on my machine's setting. eg. the value in My.Settings Version (User's computer) is 'ABC' When I develop again some new feature on my machine and set its version to, of course the connection string in my computer's My.Setting file is different with User's computer's My.Setting. So when I copied my recent updated file to use's computer, then run the application, the application read the new My.Setting file from my computer but not from their computer. the value in My.Settings Version (Developer's computer) is 'DEF' Therefore I have to reset and reset their connection strings onve I updated their application, that's too annoying?

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VS 2008 - Store The Connection String In A Settings Table In The Database?

Apr 20, 2010

I am storing my connection string in my app.config file. I am using sql server express 2005. The connection string on my dev machine is different from the ones at the clients. so each time I update I open the config file and edit the connection string setting. This is quite a pain.also I have now published my app to an ftp folder so that the clients can get the updates each time I make changes. saves me the hassle of going to them each time i update. so now i need it to be so that I won't have to change the setting all the time.Would the best way be to store the connection string in a settings table in the database?

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Store & Get Connection String From App.config

Mar 11, 2010

I'm stuck regarding to grab connection from app.config file...i'm surf many type and kind to do it..but still can',t.....i need to connect into two database (oracle n firebird).

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Store Connection String In Registry Key

Nov 12, 2010

I am working on a winform application which makes extensive us of a mssql database. For the most part (almost exclusively), I have used the Visual Studio dataset for accessing the data. This means that the connection string was created as a program setting, and is saved in the app.config file. The problem that I have, is that I need to move this connection string to the system registry because it has been deemed by the powers that be that a config file is not secure enough.

I think that I can figure out how to access a registry key, and I know that I can save the string to a registry key, but the problem that I am running into is that I don't access the connection key in the code anywhere to easily swap out the registry key for the existing program setting. When VS creates the connection and dataset, where is the connection string referenced? Is there a simple way to swap these out? is it possible even to just reference the registry key in the setting so that I don't have to find where the setting is used and switch it out?

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WinForms - Where To Store Connection String

Feb 17, 2010

I am working for a few years. In, database connection string is stored at web.config file. All page can share this connection string. Now, I need to learn how to create windows app. Where to store a connection string, e.g. connect to SQL, to Access DB, so that all windows forms can share it?

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How To Store And Retrieve Connection String From Class

Apr 7, 2011

In my application I have many different forms each use 3 different database. And right now I am placing the connection string in each form but when it is need to change I have to change in every form. Now what I want to store all connection string in a vb class and call them in every form. So that if I need to change I can do in that class. I have stored my connection string in database so even I don't want to connect to database again and again. I have some idea in which maybe a public class is used and some how I will call it on other forms.

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Encryption - Securely Store Connection String In App.config?

May 15, 2012

I need to know what is the common way to store a SQL server connection string for an application in VB.NET.How do I read app.config values How to do it in ASP How do I store a connectionstring (unencrypted thus unsafe)It's quite frustrating not to find a decent and full answer on how to store a connection string in VB.NET in app.config (or settings.settings if it's better) safely. At the moment it's hardcoded and so it is immobile and in plain text.

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Store The Connection String In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 15, 2011

i m using Microsoft VS 2008 and in that VB.NET as the language the problem is i m not able to store connection string every time machine changes have to keep on changing the connection string

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VS 2005 Can Store Connection String In Web.config File And Access It

Nov 17, 2009

I want to ask that where to store connection string in VB.Net.AS in we can store connection string in web.config file and access it in the foll. way [code]In where to store conn. string on form_Load or any other place???

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Display Connection Properties Dialog For Connection String Browsing(for Database) In Run Time?

Feb 5, 2010

Is there a way to display the connection properties dialog for connection string browsing(for database) in run time?

As I want the user to be able to connect to various database using the GUI.

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Store The Connection String In The App.config File That Include The Application.startup Path?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm creating window application with VB.NET and flatfiles.the problem is how do i store the connection string in the app.config file that include the application.startup path?

<add name="cn" connectionString="provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "data;Extended Properties=text;" />

i got some error when writing to app.config.

"Missing attribute value on attribute 'Application.StartupPath'."

View 1 Replies - Can't Store A Korean String In Database Using LINQ

Feb 22, 2010

I'm using this code to store korean string in my database:

Dim username As String = Request.QueryString.Get("Some Korean String")
Using dg As New DataContext()
Dim newfriend As New FriendsTable With {.AskingUser = User.Identity.Name, .BeingAskedUser = username, .Pending = True}
end using

Checking my database, the username stored is a string"????"...

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How To Split String Received From Modem And Store Parts In Database

Aug 12, 2010

I am doing a project on Sending/ Recieving SMS through VB.Net 2008. I am getting the following string while recieving a message from the modem
+CMGR: "READ READ", "+919223336661",,"08/10/10,12:45:00+22"THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE

Now I want to break it and store in database as
Sender= +91223336661
Date Time= 08/10/10,12:45:00+22

Where Sender, Date Time and Message are the column name of the database. The maximum length of the Message is 160 characters.

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Assign A My.Settings.Item Connection String To Cmd.Connection Connection String Value?

Aug 25, 2009

How do I assign a My.Settings.Item connection string to cmd.Connection connection string value?

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = My.Settings.Item("csStaffHoursWorked")
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "spSaveDeltekImport"

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Received A String From GPRS Modem / Split It Store Parts Of It In Database

Aug 12, 2010

I am doing a project on Sending/ Recieving SMS through VB.Net 2008..I am getting the following string while recieving a message from the modem +CMGR: "READ READ","+91922333666 1",,"08/10/10,12:45:00+22"THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE..Now I want to break it and store in database as [code]where Sender, Date Time and Message are the column name of the database. The Maximum length of the message is 160 characters.

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.net 2005 Database Connection String?

Feb 22, 2011

Between ODBC and OLEDB providers, which one is more flexible at both the application level, and at the report level using crystal report?

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.net Connection String For Ms Access Database?

Oct 20, 2011

What is the connection string for connecting MS Access 2010 (.accdb) database in

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Add A Connection String When Working With SQL DataBase?

Jan 31, 2012

Or there's another way to make it, without adding a Connection String?

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C# - Connection String For Ms Access Database?

Sep 3, 2009

My Ms-Access .mdb file is on my website. It is in the App_Data Folder

The current connection string is:

OleDbDataAdapter Da = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from SerialNo",
new OleDbConnection(@"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;
data source="));

Where am I making a mistake in above connection string?

Note: CRs added in the code for better readability

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Change The Connection String To A Different Database ?

Apr 5, 2009

Is it possible change the connection string to a different database when the user changes the database they are using .i have a working program atm but i want to be able to change the connection with out having to change the code. the databases contain information from different years but all have the same tables queries etc.

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Connection String To Access Database

Sep 10, 2011

My query is not the straightforward connection to MS Access.I am using a third application that places all data in an Access database BUT recently they changed the database so that it doesn't end in '.mdb', instead in another suffix: '.accdb'.The database is still an Access database but I cannot connect to it using the connection strings:[code]Previously I was able to use the second connection when the database name ended in '.mdb' (Database Name.mdb).

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Connection String To Write To The Database?

Sep 21, 2009

I have an application that will be called by a database(this application is called from an access shell that uses SQL Server Tables), my question is do I need to provide a connection string to write to the database or since it is already open I can just pass the insert statement. If I am to provide a connection string do I use OLEDB JET 4.0 or ?

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DB/Reporting :: Rdp Connection String From Database?

Sep 24, 2009

I have just written an application for myself and a few other users to use .rdp to connect to a number of servers, by clicking on the appropriate button. In the full version of the program I have two sets of connections one for when we are inside our vpn, which uses local ip addresses and DNS names; and the other which uses the external IP addresses and DNS names.This works quite well; if the user has stored credentials on their pc for the connection they connect straightaway; and if they don't the .rdp dialogue opens up with the server name/address filled in, ready for them to edit the rest of the required information.The problem for me is that this means I have to code 43 different Private Subs and then link the buttons; and I was hoping that instead of individually coding each connection, I could get the users to:Select by an option button whether the connection was internal or external

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Find Connection String Of Any Database?

Jun 22, 2010

how to find connection string of any database or any server like, access or sql or Oracle?ans:-to find connection string.first open the new notepad.don't write anything it it.just save any side like my document,or Desktop with any name and give it's extension. " UDL ".after there will be one PC type folder will be created. double click on that folder and go to first tab that is your provider like Access, Sql etc. and go to Next tab that is connection. if access then it will tell you enter database name or you can locate your database .mdb file and if it is sql then it will ask you your server name, authentication and database name. select it and click on text connection it will give message connection is OK.then close the file and further open that file with notepad you will get your connection string.

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VS 2010 Database Connection String

Jul 10, 2011

How to use Connection string with VS 2010 during form design? Actually i added database through Data -> Add new Data Sources.And When i publish the project How to publish database too? [code]

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Cannot Send String Into Database - Connection Error

Sep 7, 2009

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = D:\project\login.mdb"
str = "insert into table1 values(" & Text1.text & ",'" & Text2.text & "')"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(str, con)
[Code] .....

If I insert integer value it will be updated in database every thing is ok but when I want to write some string in my textboxes and want to send them I get connection error.

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Change My Connection String Location For My Database?

Nov 22, 2011

I need to change my [code]...

if i change it under settings it is working but i want to be able to change it in my running application, or when the application is opened for the first time i should be able to put in die path for the database.

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Connection String Of Ms Access Database In Sharepoint

Jun 5, 2011

I will be developing a program using visual studio 2008 with ms access 2007 as my database. What I only use is this type of connection string: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:mydatabase.mdb;Jet OLEDB:System Database=system.mdw;" but i was asked if it is possible to put the database in sharepoint and I haven't even tried it before. The case is like this, the program that i will do would be installed on some computer units of different branches of the company then the database should be accessible through sharepoint so that every users can access the most updated database.


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DataGridView - How To Change Connection String Or Database

Mar 14, 2010

I'm trying to add a datagridview in, but it does not allow me to change the connection string or the database that should be imported to connect to it. The only thing that I'm seeing is the previous ms sql database that I connected with datagridview and everytime I click the new connection, the window closes and it leaves me with the datagridview with the previous connection that I have. And its not applicable because, now I want to connect it with mysql. Not ms sql. Its some sort of a cache like feature in, how do I get rid of it. so that I can add the new connection for mysql? Do I need to reinstall visual studio 2008?

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Enter/define Connection String For Each Database?

Mar 14, 2011

I would like to develop a Windows Service in VB.NET to monitor different SQL databases running in different servers. The user will enter/define connection string for each database.Also he/she will define connection interval.

For example, database A needs to be checked in every 5 mins and database B needs to be checked every 24 hours.

What is the best approach for this project?

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